fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
haha im in danger Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ćƒ½ Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ą¶žĀ 
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
this let me feel some kind fo wayĀ šŸ¦‹Ā  šŸ¦‹
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
New Screencaps for ā€œLetā€™s Get Dangerous!ā€
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
A bit of help donā€™t kill and heā€™s so cute šŸ˜­šŸ’•
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
Iā€™m so gonna use that omgĀ 
the human stress response seems so maladaptive!
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
You look PERFECT !! So cool !
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Honest John from Disneyā€™s Pinocchio : Julie.wilk96
Ā I watched Pinocchio for the first time in 15 years back in 2018. I had forgotten how funny some characters were. Honest John and Gideon caught my eye. They were very entertaining and Iā€™m sad Disney didnā€™t do more with them! As a resultā€“ not only did it inspire me to make my Honest John cosplay, but I was inspired to create my own script about the backstory of these two characters.
I write scripts I hope to one day present to Disney with my manager and agent and this one is called ā€œFoulfellow and companyā€. I have also created a lot of fun original characters and I intend to cosplay one from the story in the future!
I get so many great responses at cons! Sometimes people stand in shock when they see me because its not a character people typically cosplay. It is also a character that appeals to all generations old and young.
I have 2 notable interactions that were very fun:
1. A man in his mid 50s started singing ā€œHi diddle dee deeā€ behind meā€¦. I donā€™t think he expected me to burst out into song, but when i did we went skipping down the hall singing the song and people recorded us and applauded. It was a lot of fun!
2. A small boy came up to me and asked to take a photo. After the photo, I gave him an ace of spades card and told him it was his ā€œticket to pleasure islandā€. He handed it back to me saying ā€œIā€™m a good boy who goes to school, but you can send my little brother to pleasure island if you want!ā€
I couldnā€™t contain my laughter. The child was about 8 and it was so funny I high five him and gave him a big hug. His parents were so happy. Overall. I believe I get the best interactions with this character because he is very rare. Whenever I cosplay him, i go all out with my impressions and mannerisms. So much so, my boyfriend tells me that I intimidate people! But itā€™s all in good fun
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(Photo by @oceania1618)
I had never worked with fur before this point so learning how to sew with fur was a bit of a challenge. The costume itself was pretty simple in my opinion (I have been sewing for years). I made the entire thing from scratch. My favorite prop is probably the top hat he has which I made from foam. Sometimes I put Jimmy Cricket on top of the hat like in the scene where Honest John sings ā€œhi diddle dee deeā€. The cloak I made for him is fun to wear and there is a little space in between where the tail fits perfectly. To make the tail, I had to use wiring and foam to give it the shape I wanted but overall I was satisfied with how the cosplay turned out!
The quote I associate most with cosplay is ā€œIf you want something done right, you have to do it yourselfā€ You have so much room to be creative with cosplays. A lot of people donā€™t know how to sew and prefer their own cosplays which is completely awesome and valid, but I like to have the freedom for creativity in cosplay which is why I make my own. I like being able to design costumes from scratch and then show off the outcome! Iā€™ve learned a lot of patience in cosplay. If you want something to look the way you want, itā€™s not a good idea to rush it! Take your time and make it yours!
Cosplay is for everyone! It doesnā€™t matter who you are, what your race is, your your gender, your ethnic background etcā€¦ if you love a character and youā€™re scared to cosplay them because you donā€™t ā€œlookā€ like themā€¦. DO IT ANYWAY. The one rule I have is do not alter your skin if you are white/white passing and you wish to cosplay a character of a different race. Do your research and be respectful. I have cosplayed out of my race for characters without the need to alter my skin, and I do this simply because I love the characters! Never be afraid to express your love for a character regardless of who they are. And of course, make it yours and own it! As long as you are respectful, do your research and do not appropriate any culture, your options are limitless
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
itā€™s gonna be so epic
Some images from THAT amazing trailerā€¦
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First up, this place looks like some kind of throne room, seemingly with clones of Yugo bowing down to the guy sat up there (the one we donā€™t yet know, but given Yugo isnā€™t anywhere else to be seen in the trailer, itā€™s gotta be him, right?).
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Whatā€™s this big red destruction thing? Either way, this picture of Amalia HURTS.
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Flopin and Elely have ascended and I am here for it
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And, like a bad smell, Qilby is back. But for real, or is this another memory/image?
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This is the most interesting part for me. Whoever the guy with the Wakfu and Stasis swords is, heā€™s attacking the big Ruby of Doom - so is he on the side of our heroes? Weā€™ll find outā€¦
What theories do all of you have?
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
Wakfu season 4 project
IF ANYONE wants to see the adventures of yugo and his friends in the world of wakfu and see all the characters tristepin evangelyne amalia ruel and Adamai then suport Ankama with their kickstarterĀ  the trailer of the season 4 itā€™s too great please support these projectĀ 
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
IF YOU ARE A FAN OF BEAUTIFUL 2D ANIMATION AND STORY YOU NEED TO BE AWARE OF THIS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs1Sst4f3yU&feature=youtu.be Ankama, a french studio, is starting a kickstarter to finance the season 4 of Wakfu after their contract were put aside by french TV. there is only 3 season and the 4th one is the conclusion to everything !Ā  Honestly if you never heard of this serie you TOTALLY need to watch it !! Incredible plot, amazing character development, WONDERFUL ANIMATION AND FX !Ā 
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Here is the link to the kickstarter for ANYONE who want to help the studio and see some amazing 2D animation be made again. please reblog to help !! WE CAN DO THIS !! WE CAN MAKE SEASON 4 HAPPENS !Ā  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ankamaanimations/wakfu-the-animated-series-season-4
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
Iā€™m not into this ship really but THATā€™S SOME QUALITY CONTENT RIGHT HERE I LOVE IT TATĀ 
fethry/steelbeak // stand by you (some masks by @gladstonegaynder thank u <3)
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fearynnacross Ā· 4 years
Ohhhhhhh thatā€™s so nice ?! can I wear a pastel space shirt ? šŸ˜­šŸ’•
anyone who reblogs this before may 2020 will get a drawing of them as a cartoon
and you can request any additions youā€™d like, whether it be demon horns, angel wings, mermaid tail, doesnā€™t matter. im bored
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fearynnacross Ā· 5 years
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Hereā€™s a comic that I never finished, back from when I started watching both DT17 and DWD. Also a bonus Gyro:
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fearynnacross Ā· 5 years
296K notes Ā· View notes
fearynnacross Ā· 5 years
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fearynnacross Ā· 5 years
Honestly, I have SO much to ramble about this episode, and Iā€™ll probably get to it later. But can we talk about Launchpadā€™s relationship with Jim? Itā€™s just something so interesting, and yet so foreboding, to me.
First of all, thereā€™s the knowledge that Jim never had a Gosalyn, or a Launchpad, to keep him grounded like OG Darkwing. Heā€™s been without that kind of moral support for who knows how long. Heā€™s a deadbeat movie star that no one remembers, and it turned him bitter and resentful. Itā€™s what contributed to Jim snapping. All this is his desperate cry for recognition.
Then thereā€™s Launchpad; this guy walks into your life, supposedly your biggest fan. Jim initially takes him for granted, and it doesnā€™t really click how much he values what Launchpad thinks of him until the episodeā€™s climax. Heā€™s thought of so fondly and heroic, when he knows that, especially after all this mess, that he really isnā€™t. Heā€™s failed Launchpad; failed to live up to the few set of expectations that he has, which heā€™s been dead set on showing to the world since the episodeā€™s start. Jim screwed up the one thing he didnā€™t want to.
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Jimā€™s complex relationship with Drake means that LP was really the only way of reaching out to him; heā€™s so infuriated because he feels like Drake is replacing him. You can see this bitterness towards hisĀ ā€˜replacementā€™ throughout the episode, and honestly a lot of lines hint at it, and how heā€™s trying to take back the heroic title that used to be his. Heā€™s possessive of it; he is Darkwing Duck. He deserves the limelight. Heā€™s the hero. Except in those moments, he really wasnā€™t. This aggressive one-sided rivalry between him and Drake meant Launchpad was ALWAYS going to be the one that snapped him out of it.
Itā€™s hard to tell what might have been going through his head in this scene, given the episodeā€™s ending and his Face Heel Turn. But my interpretation of it is that he not only realized he messed up, but in a way, accepted it? Maybe heā€™ll never be anything like Launchpad described ever again; maybe this is the point of no return. Who is he kidding? Heā€™s no champion of right. Is this what the new generation would look up to? Is this what anyone would look up to? To subvert LPā€™s words, heā€™s a villain; heā€™s not a hero. And he knows that better than anyone.
Launchpadā€™s words were meant to be uplifting and motivating, but all they did was make Jim realize he wasnā€™t cut out for the hero gig anymore. It doesnā€™t work anymore. He failed. But, maybe there was one last thing he couldnā€™t mess up. One last thing he could actually succeed at. One last thing he could make up for. Maybe, despite all his screw-ups, there was one last thing he could do before he threw in the towel for good. One last thing he NEEDED to do.
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Itā€™s here that Jim Starlingā€™s hero identity died; this was his last good deed as Darkwing Duck. The fact Drakeā€™s hat slips off before they both try to save Launchpad is poetic in a way; the captain goes down with the ship, just like Jim goes down with the hat. In his last moments, he was committed. Heā€™d repaid Launchpad; if there was one last thing he could do before he sullied his biggest fanā€™s idolisation of him any further, it was save him. He went out a hero, something heā€™d been trying to prove this entire time, and this time permanently.
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Now, honestly? Thereā€™s no telling where this development will lead. But even after making up to Launchpad for the terrible role model heā€™d been, Jim is still thinking of him. The fact he thinks itā€™s a set-up involving putting his ā€˜fanā€™ in danger means it was always going to lead to helping LP. He reminded him of the one trace of humanity and heroism that he had under all that resentfulness and bitterness. He was a hero; thatā€™s what heroes do. Even Launchpad says to ā€˜do it for Jimā€™; he regards his actions quite fondly. I think Jim most likely has a soft spot for him.
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But as Iā€™ve said, Jim isnā€™t for this gig anymore. It really makes me wonder about the dynamic between these two now. Their relationship is so intriguing to me because of Launchpadā€™s optimistic views of heroism and Jimā€™s cynical change of alignment. Launchpad wanted him to be a hero, but he feels that he canā€™t be that anymore; heā€™s more suited to take the role of a villain. But thereā€™s one scene in particular that stands out for me.
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Launchpad getting through to him could actually be such a critical part of their dynamic; I canā€™t help but think this wonā€™t be the first discussion between them, and that when they do meet up again, thereā€™s going to be a lot of emotional turmoil between them both. Launchpad appeals to Jimā€™s better nature. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if he does so again, if heā€™s the link between Jim and Darkwing being one in the same again. But whether that happens? Whether or not Jim would be too far gone to listen to his fan? Who knows.
This episode was wild and so well written; thereā€™s really too much I want to talk about. But Iā€™m really invested in what the DT crew do with these guys. Iā€™m not ready to have my heart broken, but Iā€™m invested.
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fearynnacross Ā· 5 years
Same... I have the same feeling, heā€™s just interacting so much with this ship and itā€™s giving me hope ! But I donā€™t wanna have my heart crushed another time ( hi voltron, I hate you ) but omg if it DOES become canon I think Iā€™ll cry for real. Like not only bcz I love these two together but omg that will be such a good representation of the lgbt+ community and I never saw anything like this yet and I need it in my life. They are such a good family with Gosā€™ ā¤ļøšŸ’•
I donā€˜t see many people talk about this so can i just bring up Frankā€˜s replies to these two bingo posts where Drakepad is mentioned in both of them?
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I mean, he really didnā€™t have to respond to these at all (especially considering the second one is more of a shitpost) but he did, and with that he also acknowledged this ship.
Sometimes i just think about him interacting with Drakepad stuff and Iā€˜m very sure that Frank knows exactly how fans react whenever he does it. This ship is genuinely so important to many people, mostly because of their future family dynamic (that is inevitable), their amazing chemistry and even potential LGBT-Representation. Seeing him do this gives me way too much hope than i probably should have for a mlm relationship in a fricking disney show, but the fact that it just MIGHT have the chance to be canon makes me so happy..
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fearynnacross Ā· 5 years
"if something were to happen to you i don't think i could take it" launchpad to drake? ; O ;
Suddenly a Genius, Suddenly a Fool
The stars shine especially bright in Drakeā€™s eyes as he lies on the shoreline, gasping for breath.Ā 
He shivers hard in the cold sand, the icy waves of Audubon Bay lapping at his waist, but he doesnā€™t have the energy to pull himself further onto shore. His muscles ache and burn with ice-cold fire and his vision swims, making the handful of stars peeking through the clouds and smog ripple like a disturbed reflection in a puddle of water.Ā 
Pressure builds in his chest, and he forces himself onto his side to hack up a lungful of salt water onto the sand, scraping his throat raw. The smell makes his nose burn, but the tightness in his chest eases.
Though his ears are ringing, he hears a sound over the dull crashing of waves that steadily grows louder.Ā 
ā€œDrake? Drake, is that you?ā€Ā 
He opens his beak to answer, but what comes out of his mouth is a harsh, rattling cough rather than words. All the same, it seems to do the trick.Ā 
Footsteps in the form of crunching sand rush nearer, and soon the stars are blotted out by a far more beloved sight.Ā 
Afficher davantage
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