feathersoarblades · 8 days
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feathersoarblades · 8 days
“Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.”
— Susan Sontag (via fawksianfella)
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feathersoarblades · 11 days
Sorry to break it to you but you literally have to face your fears and slaughter them. Otherwise you will live a small life that you do not want. You literally have to view your biggest fears and attack them head on. You have to fall into the abyss to find your way out. The easy path does not exist. There is no get out of jail free card. You have to allow yourself to die a spiritual death over and over again in order to reinvent yourself into the person you are actually supposed to be. And you have to be painfully honest with yourself and the people around you. It’s horrible but it’s truly the only way.
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feathersoarblades · 11 days
“We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.”
— T. S. Eliot, from “Little Gidding”, in Four Quartets
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feathersoarblades · 14 days
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something I very much needed to read today
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feathersoarblades · 1 month
tactics to remain intact ❔
keep a part of yourself reserved for yourself alone and build a relationship with the silence at the heart of your solitude. who you are before that silence is the closest thing you can get to an unobstructed view of yourself. the noisier it is in your head, the further away you are from the middle. take medication if it helps keep the volume down. remain in your body and listen to it. whatever the day disintegrates within you, make some attempt to reintegrate it each night. whatever emotion is shaking you like a rabbit in the jaws of a dog, go limp and wait for the dog to finish before you take action or speak rashly. keep all promises to yourself. eat and sleep and drink as well as you can. figure out what makes the integity of your self worse and quit doing it. show up every day to the job of taking care of yourself. forge close personal bonds with your peers, if you can locate some peers. dance.
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feathersoarblades · 1 month
i dont see why i cant start a trend, so here goes. lets try to build back our attention spans. lets try to focus on just one thing for as long as possible. lets not watch those "asmr for people with adhd" videos where they fuck up adhd folks even worse. lets resist the urge to reach for our phones when watching a movie. lets read the articles we reblog, even when theyre boring. i know its hard, i have adhd too, but its worth it. i also know that this hard work doesnt always seem super impressive to other people, so id love for yall to tell me in the tags or replies if youve done something, no matter how small, for your attention span. you deserve to feel like youve taken back some of what social media has ripped from you
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feathersoarblades · 1 month
and is your shame helpful? is it inspiring goodness and change? or is it keeping you frozen in time unable to move on and be everything you have expanded to be?
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feathersoarblades · 1 month
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Jenny Holzer.
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feathersoarblades · 1 month
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Coming to Writing, Hélène Cixous
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feathersoarblades · 1 month
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Coming to Writing, Hélène Cixous
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feathersoarblades · 2 months
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I thought it would be an hour of listening to screaming and looking at pictures of draculas, but it was so much for frightening than fathomed
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feathersoarblades · 2 months
Escape screen time, rearrange furniture, open all the windows even if it’s cold, drop the baggage, drop the stuff piled up in the closet, drop the clothes I haven’t worn since 2019, go outside every day, breathe fresh air, stay out until it gets dark, feel the sun on my face
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feathersoarblades · 3 months
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“never too late to be who you might have been” by sara yukiko mon | still from i saw the tv glow, “there is still time”
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feathersoarblades · 3 months
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gonna start living like this
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feathersoarblades · 3 months
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feathersoarblades · 3 months
the assurance "nobody is judging you" is straight up false... people ARE judging you and you have to find a way to be ok w it
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