luminosity09 · 4 months
Alastor's Powers
Alastor's Powers is something we see in the show consistently. His powers is unique because of all the unexpected things he can do with it. He is mostly known for his radio projections and shadows. What I do notice though is that he emits a red or green aura around them when he uses it. It's not for all, but mostly. We don't know what Alastor's deal with this unknown being. Is is power or is it something else? Maybe he was strong already, but then again it's still a mystery. So I am going to break down every scene he uses his power. I am not going use the pilot, because it doesn't feel consistent with the show.
These images are from the wiki.
When Alastor uses his radio projection powers, he emits a red aura around him. This includes when he puts on a intimidating face and red veves appear around him, having a glitching effect when there is a camera is on him, and changing the size of his antlers. About the size changing his antlers, I've heard from couple of people that size of his antlers projects his radio waves from a long distance. This power set makes sense as it connects to his human life as a radio host.
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Now the vévés around Alastor interested me. They always appear whenever he uses emits a red and green aura. I want to make this clear is that Vodou in real life has nothing to do with dark magic. It is mostly used on improving their daily lives. There is an article that explains this in great detail if you want to check it out. Basically, it summarized that we should remember that this is fiction and Vodou is not evil. The veves are used as symbol on summoning a particular Iwa or spirit. To add more info, in Catherine Bayer Article " Vodou Symbol for their Gods", states, " lwa, or spirits, and inviting them to temporarily take possession of (or "ride") human bodies so that they may communicate directly with believers." An example of of these reves is Met Kalfou . He has the ability to manifest magic through crossroads. Maybe Alastor uses them at a sort of guide. Like he can hear what they're saying, but not anyone else. The veves only appear when he shows an intimidating smile or conjure something like when he shown singing. I haven't seeing them as destruction quite yet.
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Alastor has another power set that deals with shadows and other unpredictable things. Every time he uses those abilities, he emits a green electric aura and sometimes ghostly figures. When his staff broke, you can partially see some green and red electricity. I found that strange, because he doesn't wear any green. The only green thing that appears on him is the green stitches around his mouth when he makes a deal with Charlie. Interestingly, the overlords wear a color that represent their power. Vox has a red and blue scheme that represents his blue electric powers and red hypnotic powers. Then there is Valentino wears a pinkish red color that is found in his smoke and saliva. The last is Carmilla that wears a white and black color scheme. Those colors connects with angelic weapons. I don't know if this coincidence or is intentional, but if it's intentional then this could explain Alastor's mystery powers.
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With Alastor's shadow powers, he can summon tentacles, an army of monsters, transform in his full demon form, conjure items, making deals and more. He always have his microphone when he uses his powers. But during his Battle with Adam, his microphone was sliced in half and all that power that contained green had was gone. Except for his shadow and his radio filter. This is only a speculation that Alastor made a deal with someone to gain more power. His powers that contain green aura is not his own. It's more of an enhancement. So with his microphone broken, we only seen his radio and his shadow. The radio powers connects his life as radio host and his shadow could represent his alter ego. There are many different symbolisms for shadows. One could fear and threat, alter ego, illusions, dark magic or duality. Alastor's shadow thought the series has like a mind of its own. Its shown laughing in the background, upset, and having a sinister smile. I think this would be a imagery of Alastor's alter ego. Alastor is shown to be always be always smiling and have a maintained persona. Alastor was never shown to have an angry face, because it will tell him that he doesn't have control of the situtation. His shadow has the most natural look of evil.
Still, I am excited to see more of Alastor in season 2 and how he will fix his staff situation.
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luminosity09 · 5 months
What's with Alastor's personality shift?
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As someone who watched the pilot and series of Hazbin Hotel, I am obsessed about knowing who Alastor is. Alastor became a instant favorite of mine due to his visually appealing appearance, radio like voice, and complex personality. We haven't seen such an interesting character in a while. What's even more interesting is that he's sort of anti villain character that's helping the main protagonist, Charlie Morningstar, with her goals of redeeming sinners. I've heard so many people comment how Alastor seems different from the pilot and to the series.The more I watch scenes of Alastor in the pilot and series, the more I notice a lot of differences. In this post, I'll analyze and identify his traits and mannerism in the comic book, pilot, and series. (Major Spoiler if haven't watched it)
(These sources and images are from the Hazbin Hotel Wiki)
Warning: Violence, Cannabalism
In the wiki, it described Alastor for having a "maintained amiable persona. " He talks like a radio hotel with a transatlantic accent. He has a playful demeanor and a darker side to him. He is described as sadistic and narcissistic. He lacked any remorse when committing acts of violence. In his past life, he was a successful radio host and serial killer. As for his narcissism, the wiki states, "his love for himself being stated that no one else can measure up to it, and he does not see many people quite up to his level." He expects manners, intelligence, and affability. If they do not follow this, then they are looked down upon. Also his odd sense of morality which will be seen in the comic.
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In the Vizziepop's comic, A day in the Afterlife, Alastor is humming while walking in the streets of Pentagram City. The sinners who take notice in this instantly fear him. He is shown to go to many places that might interest him. The first being in a cafe ordering a cup of coffee and some devil eggs. He read the newspaper with delight while feeding the demonic ravens. The raven attacks the waiter while Alastor pays no intention in mind. He then walks in a garden of roses. He picks one up and smile when he made the rose wither. When there is a pair of demons passing by, Alastor greets them, but then they instantly ran without him saying hello. He takes a stroll in Cannibal town where he says hello to the ladies who were eating a demon. He throws a hat to them telling them to give Rosie a hello from him. On the walk in the city, he give change to a cat playing jazz on a saxophone. He walks closer to a pile of TVs and said there is nothing good these days. The pair next to Alastor left him as he saw the overlord Vox, smiling at him. Alastor acts unbothered when he departs, but curses under his breath. He finds himself in front of the butcher where there was a commotion. Alastor pops into the store and the butcher drops his client. Alastor said he likes to visit every meat shop to see if he might have a new favorite. He then asks the butcher for any venison, because it reminds him of his past life on earth.The butcher slowly grabs the knife while Alastor is distracted. But Alastor notices this and threatens him not to do it for he knows what he's capable of. The butcher backs out and starts working. Alastor adds a joke when the butcher. After Alastor receives his purchase, he opens the door to a demonic sheep lady. Alastor hears the lady cry for help from the aggressive butcher. Alastor opens the door to the meat shop again, saying in a disappointed voice of the butcher not showing respect to the fairer needs. He then eats him while commenting that the meat is sufficient.
As you can see, this comic shows the different sides of his character. He has good mannerisms, but likes people suffering. When someone doesn't follow what his expectations are, he kills them with amusement. This Alastor feels to me the creepiest of the other sources. Every time he smiles, it feels unsettling. Like when he showed himself at the butcher. One moment you think he's normal and the other that he's not. Everyone that encounters him has this terrified expression, which says a lot about his character. It doesn't say which timeline this comic is, but I like to think this was before he met Charlie and the others. This is what we see on the surface.
The next I will be analyzing is Alastor in the pilot. When he is first introduced, he is looking ominous when Charlie announces her plan of redemption. He appears at the hotel after Charlie calling her mom. He gives out an enthusiastic greeting and lets himself in naturally. He introduces himself and states that he wants to help Charlie for his own entertainment. Charlie agrees and Alastor offer her a deal, but she refuses. Charlie instead uses her authority that he may help the hotel whenever he likes. He thinks about it and tells her it's enough. He starts to ask the other members what they can do. He realizes that there is not enough people. He summons Nifty and Husk. Husk is not happy to see him, but Alastor bribes him with some cheap booze. He asked Charlie what she thinks. Charlie is more than satisfied, but Veggie thinks it's okay. He then burst out into song. Sir Pentious destroyed the wall and the hotel members looked outside. Sir Pentious recognized Alastor, but Alastor doesn't remember him. Alastor then uses his magic to summon tentacles and Sir Pentious's battle ship exploded. Alastor smiles with sadistic grin while the hotel cast look at him shocked. He then asks them if they want Jambalaya.
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Alastor is one of the highlights of the pilot. He more extroverted than the the webcomic and series. I guess because he's selling his services to Charlie. He talks fast and in a theater like manner. Alastor has a bubbly personality, but also scary side sometimes. When Vaggie pointed a spear fearing that he will hurt them. Alastor says ,"Dear, if I want to hurt anyone here, I would have done so already." Then his radio effects made the effect more him intimidating. I felt a bit frightened when I first watch the pilot. There's also when Charlie looks like she is going to turn down his offer, his eyes squint and red vodou veves appear around her, indicating he might do something bad. Alastor also have that slight creep factor. He smiles creepily as he tilts his head to the side. I could imagine him just being on the other side of the room and doing that mannerism. Alastor appears be very touchy with people. He rest his arm on Vaggie without a care and side hug Husk forcibly without his permission. He likes getting a reaction from them. The way he acts is like an opportunistic salesperson. It's hard to tell if he wants to destroy the hotel.
The last medium I am going to analyze is the series. This is going to be a long one. I assume the person reading this has watched the series, because I am too lazy to write the whole summary of Hazbin Hotel. Alastor appears bits in pieces throughout the show.
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Episode 1
Alastor shows a commercial to the members about the Hazbin Hotel, but more in a mocking way. Charlie tries not to offend him, but Vaggie says it's bad and mentions that it doesn't explain their purpose for the hotel. Angel raises his hand and suggests the best way to bring in more people to the hotel is by flirting with Alastor. Alastor laughs irritably saying that it will never happen. When Charlie leaves for her meeting with the angels, Vaggie tries to make a brand new commercial. It doesn't go well, and Alastor steps in. He comments that she's not succeeding and he's enjoying every bit of it. Vaggie had enough and said if he wants to have entertainment then he needs to help bring in more people. Alastor agrees and makes a deal with her. Vaggie is not buying it, so he switches his wording as a deal without any soul binding. He used his power to have a movie crew and the cast members to film the commercial.
Episode 2
Alastor is having fun torturing Sir Pentious. Sir Pentious falls and rips his coat. Alastor get mad and blast him away. He mentions he needs to go to a tailor and fixes the wall. Meanwhile, Vox found out that Alastor is back. Vox tries to ruin his reputation, and Alastor does the same and beats him in a roasting battle. Vox loses control and Alastor is in control of the situation. Sir Pentious arrives as a guest, Alastor finally recognizes him, he compliments that no one got this much on him, and proceeds to burn with the ripped coat of victory. When Sir Pentious did suspicious stuff, Charlie forgave him and everyone walked to bed. Alastor appears in the shadow and activate one of Vox tech and mocking him that Vox failed once again.
Episode 3
Alastor goes to an Overlord meeting. He encounters Zestial and the two have a little chat. Zestial asks him questions about his disappearance and Alastor dodges the question. When Carmilla is surprised, Alastor is expecting if they have been wondering about him. Carmilla shrugs and Alastor is a bit irritated. After meeting, Zestial and Carmilla walk to another room and Alastor orders an Egg Boy to spy on them. The egg boy talks anyhow Carmilla killed an angel and she does whatever it takes. Alastor, having no patience, asks what he said again. Now Alastor knows the angels' secret.
Episode 4
Alastor appears his Husk's backstory. Husk was successful overlord, but then slowly started losing souls. He made a deal with Alastor to save his power.
Episode 5
Charlie's Dad Lucifer visits. Alastor is annoyed by his presence. He tries to find his weakness. It was Charlie. Alastor says that he's more capable than Lucifer. He also says he is proud of Charlie just to get under Lucifer's skin. Mimzy interrupts Alastor and Lucifer's dad battle. Alastor is happy to see her, but still wants to make sure Lucifer doesn't ruin his plans. Husk secretly called him over. Husk knows that he and Alastor know Mimzy comes over if she needs something. Alastor laughs it off and confidently believes no can harm him. Husk doesn't like Alastor treating him like a pet. So Husk mentions Alastor also got a leash on him. Alastor is pissed and threatens Husk not to say that Again. Husk agrees while cowering in fear. A group of Loan Shark are destroying, because of what Mimzy did. Alastor said he will handle it and wants to remind everyone not to mess with him. He turns into his demon form and kill with delight. He tells Mimzy to leave, because her actions can harm the hotel. She shocked to see this side of him, but doesn't believe he actually cares. Alastor doesn't mind if she tag along, but only if she serious about redeeming herself. Mimzy doesn't care and leaves.
Episode 7.
Charlie is crying in her room. She didn't convince a stop to the extermination and Vaggie was a former exorcist. Alastor shows up and mocks that she looks like a mess. Charlie tells him to go away, but he surprises her by appearing next to her. Charlie doesn't understand why he smiles in this kind of situation. Alastor said that a smile can make people think that they are in control. Charlie knows she's not in control and she doesn't know how to defeat Adam's Army. Alastor smiles and offers her a deal. The deal is if Charlie does a favor for him then he will offer her information. Charlie feels reluctant and Alastor impatiently says no one would get hurt and offer his hand. Charlie took it. Alastor helps her find an army. They go to Cannibal Town and meet Rosie. Rosie is happy to see Alastor and agrees in Charlie's favor. To convince the cannibals, Charlie must convince everyone including Susan. Alastor is visibly annoyed with Susan. Charlie tries to convince the Cannibals, but couldn't focus. After Rosie and Charlie talk, Alastor gave her his microphone and knew the potential Charlie has that he can guide.
Episode 8.
Alastor summons a shield, but it later gets broken by Adam. Alastor and Adam have a one to one battle. Alastor shows the mass of his power, but Adam is more powerful than him. Adam breaks Alastor's microphone. He then gets slashed and retreats. When the battle is over, Alastor retreats in his radio studio and he mocks himself to be an Altruist. He doesn't want people to see him like that. He wants to break from his deal and be the one pulling the strings. He appears in front of the hotel members, reminding them he's still alive.
The show made Alastor's personality a bit different and gave him a conflict he must face. This is also because of his new voice actor that changes the personality too. He's not the bubbly salesman from the pilot. His personality is more of an arrogant bully. He clearly enjoys people suffering and doing things that he's on top of them. He was able to get under Lucifer, Husk, and Vox's skin. It was a fresh take when he interacted with girls. He's more respectful and is willing to help them. What I notice about Alastor is his eyes are very expressive. That can help us know what he might be thinking. When his eyes twitch, it means he is impatient. Now that I mention it, he felt impatient throughout the show. When something occurs that is related to his disappearance, Alastor avoids the topic and is also in need to make a deal with Charlie. I start to question how Alastor even convinces Charlie to let him help her in the pilot with that personality. Vox and Alastor seem to mirror each other. They don't seem interested when someone is venting, the iconic "What did you say?" , the fear of control, and cares about their reputation. I am excited to see what Alastor and Vox are in the past for season 2.
Overall, all three personalities give off different vibes. Comics show that he's a respectable person with a questionable morality. Pilot gives off salesman vibes with a hint of wickedness. Series shows he is always scheming something and has a mystery to him. Personally, I like all three. The comic I imagine to what he usually acts if he was a side character. The pilot version is fun and I don't mind seeing more of it. The series gave him more character depth and feels the most human to me. 
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What do you guys think? Which Personality of Alastor do you like?
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luminosity09 · 5 months
Please free to leave any comments. I wanna hear your thoughts.
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luminosity09 · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Rant
This is going to be me ranting, because I have no one to rant to.
First off, the character interactions with the main cast are not good in my opinion. The only interactions I like with the main cast are Niffty/Alastor, Husk/Alastor, Vaggie/Alastor, Husk/ Angel. etc. (That's all I can think of)
The character I feel who had the weakest interaction in the hotel is Charlie. It's such a surprise. She's the main character and she's has a bubbly personality that I like. She's so much into the plot than her own girlfriend, Vaggie. Vaggie always says things like "You can do this Charlie, I believe in you." That's all. Charlie doesn't talk about anything except the extermination and the team bonding exercises. She remains passive in most of the episodes until the very end. She tried to help Angel, but she failed. When Alastor and Charlie interact, they have these weird interactions. The first where Charlie and Alastor interact is that the commercial he made. He mocked her about her having daddy issues and her hotel. Charlie being the nice girl that she is said that the tone is off. Vaggie had the backbone to say the commercial sucks. In the episode Dad beats Dad, he barely talks to Charlie. In the song, Hell's Greatest Dad, he mentions "I care for you, just like a daughter I spawned." What is going on? In their previous interaction, where did they talk like they had a father-and-daughter dynamic? The best interaction that showed the father and daughter dynamic is Alastor and Niffty. When Alastor was complimenting how hardworking and proud he is for Charlie, it wasn't as sincere because he just doing that to annoy Lucifer. I got so irritated when Alastor turned into his full demon form because some sharks were attacking the hotel and he wanted to make his reputation known again. Charlie said, Stop, he's defending the hotel. It may be a little more sadistic than I hoped. But he's doing this for me." Charlie, what did the writers do to you? Didn't you see the commercial he made? He clearly stated why he's choosing violence. I just feel like we are missing scenes where Charlie thinks Alastor is doing it for her. I see none. In the episode Hello Rosie, I was hoping to see a Charlie and Alastor interaction, but Alastor needs to make a deal with Charlie. From Charlie who cared for Alastor supporting her, her personality changes and tells him to go away. I guess she doesn't want to talk because Vaggie was a former exorcist. Charlie makes a deal with Alastor, and then we focus on stopping the extermination. Not the interaction that I hope. He helps her, but it is not the same as Charlie reasons. In the song, Ready for This, he reveals, "She has potential that I could guide." This means he wants to use her as some sort of backup when the situation calls for it.
I have a theory that Alastor doesn't even care for the hotel. He feels to me like a background character who has stuff outside the hotel. When he is with the rest of the cast in an episode, he sits there and just smiles. This is not bad, but I feel like what's the point of being part of the main cast. He doesn't talk to hotel members except Vaggie, Husk, Charlie, and Niffty so far. What they have in common that they talked to Alastor only one time. I felt like I missed something when he said he might be accustomed to the cast to Niffty. My guess is he doesn't mind the company and they're interesting to watch. He's an interesting character by himself. Even if you put him as a side character, people will still love him.
This rant made me realize that I was expecting Alastor to be something else. In the pilot, he was enthusiastic and wanted to help Charlie for his own amusement. He doesn't have any real intention revealed yet because it's one episode. I imagine their dynamic like the song Heaven 2 Hell. Those two have different ideas on how to run the hotel, but they respect each other differences. I am kind of disappointed that we don't see that.
In my opinion, Hazbin Hotel should be something like Helluva Boss. Each episode is like a filler episode and a conflict on its own. We get to worry about the bigger conflict later. If they go on that route, we get to develop characters better. I am worried about season 2 because we will be introducing more characters like Baxter. Since there were few interactions within the main cast, adding more characters will throw off the balance of screen time. I hope Niffty gets more screen time because she's one of my favorite characters. She's cute, but a little crazy. She also is a victim of not having screen time and feels like a background character.
Yeah, that's all. Hope everyone have a good day.
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers Op Rankings
It’s been a while since I did a ranking for this blog. So, I’m thinking of ranking Diabolik lovers opening(game versions only) This ranking does not include the anime ones. I will rank the music by how good it sounds, and not by how the opening looks. These videos don’t belong to me as it belongs to its rightful owner. Huge thanks to Asyiqin98 Creator.
7. Unlimited Blood (Diabolik Lovers More Blood)
I had to rank this on the bottom of my list, because of personal reasons. First, it was a long intro where there was laughing and the piano in the background. This type of intro is awkward if you listen for the first time. Another reason is that the song is not catchy. It didn’t give a great impression compared to the first game. So the song will sound mediocre.
6. Blood-Sucking Labyrinth (Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival)
Another opening that almost is forgettable. I do like it tries to add a new instrument to get that laidback feeling, but the whole saxophone sounds like I’m in a bar or something. It didn’t match the theme of a carnival or gives DL vibes.
5. GuiltyXGuilty (Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate)
Now we’re are getting to the part where the opening will sound like DL. This opening song definitely sound sadistic like midnight pleasure. But if you look at Dark Fate, most of the boys are not that Sadistic except for the Tsukinami. Dark Fate is more drama added with some bit of fluff. So, having this type of opening would be better for the early games.
4. Known Underskin (Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden)
I love songs feature the Sakamaki. It’s my favorite family after all. The opening sounds grand, and it sounds like they are in the middle of a crisis. Every boy is able to sing a part, but I think sometimes they don’t have equal parts to share.
3. Fanatic of Night (Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade)
Another opening with the Sakamaki appeared again. I am so happy that they made another. This opening feels upbeat, and makes your body want to move. This type of feeling fit with the whole parade type of thing. I do think the voice actors are having fun with this. Also, my favorite part of the song was that short piano solo that gave out DL vibes.
2. Bad Howling (Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage)
Oh no, Subaru is not part of the trio. And is now is replaced by Kou. I am a bit disappointed, but the dynamic still works. The way the guitar makes its way catches the audience's attention. My head is banging with this music. It do like they added off voice to give it a cool effect.
1. Midnight Pleasure (Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal)
I am going to put this opening on top of my ranking. This song is like a masterpiece to me. First is the catchy melody that appears at the beginning. You just know that this will be a good song. Everything is so catchy, and I think might be one of the reasons why people want to view the game. Add bonus points, if you’re favorite is Shu, Ayato, or Subaru. Then you are here for a good treat. They have their solos, which you can fangirl all the time.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and tell me which one it your favorite.
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Things I noticed in Diabolik Lovers Op
I am going to review the Diabolok Lovers opening 1. Despite it being a short anime, it going to give some clues about the show. I am going to find what it means and how it plays out. These picture do not belong to me. It belong to the original owners.
We first see a gate in front of a field of pink roses. I suspect the pink roses has to be Yui, because she’s the first character we meet in the Anime.
The camera then starts to levitate to show two bats flying in the sky towards us. The title of the anime appears. I got a feeling the creators add the bats to give vampire vibes. Also the Diabolik Lovers anime title is slightly different from the game title.
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The purpose of changing the logo is that it’s telling us this is a different approach than it is the game. The anime title has a bat wings design to make it look like a heart. There is also a cross or sword that is pierced in the middle. Making it known that Yui will have some sort of affect to the Sakamaki Brothers’s lives.
After we see the title, it then show us a red chandelier, and six chairs in a unknown room to us.
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Chandelier symbolizes luxury and high society status. The six chairs is obviously where the Sakamaki brothers sit. The chairs are lined up oldest to youngest. The reason why Shu’s chair is in a different position than the others is because there in not a lot of room to put that chair in that small room or he is the eldest. In the middle of the room, you see a table of candle lights and six chalices. The chalice can mean that the brothers are competing who gets the throne. By throne, it means who will be king of the the vampires. I suspect that Yui’s blood is each of the chalice. Since her demon lord blood aka Cordelia’s blood is the key on making them powerful and stronger.
The next shot is Yui sleeping on a comfy and luxurious couch.
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She looks dazed, and doesn’t know what the future plans for her. Yui walks down the stairs with scattered pink roses.
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Our favorite boys get to appear, and you can’t see their eyes. I guess not seeing their eyes mean that they are mysterious. Of course, Ayato, Kanato, and Laito are smiling at you/Yui ready to have some fun while Shu, Reiji, and Subaru looks with disinterest. A hand reaches out for Yui implying that is Ayato. This type of action can mean he interested in her while also being possessive. One of the chalice tumbles and it spills blood or cranberry juice on Yui’s rosary. Can her rosary( Yui’s faith) overcome her life at the Sakamakis while having Cordelia’s blood?
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Yui looks scared or shocked to know what’s happening. She falls to her knees while still completely looking shocked. This could inference what the Sakamaki identities are or the reason why she was brought here in the first place. Ayato says motto Hoshi daro/you want more, don’t you? He could be saying this to us or Yui implying we are masochistic. The pink roses started to fly everywhere.
One by one we are introduced to the Sakamaki brothers
When we see him have blood on his mouth with a smile, it overflows. This could mean he is enjoying Yui’s blood.
An interesting take on this Kanato appears to not have blood on his face. It appears on Teddy. It could mean his love for Teddy is the same for thirst for his mother's blood.
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The blood on Laito appears on the tongue, but it looks like it has been overflowed. He licks the blood off his face as a sign that he is satisfied with it. His facial expression give us a lustful feel to it.
When we see Shu with blood, he doesn’t look sadistic. Instead he looks emotionless. The blood is not close to his mouth. I think the blood could be the blood of his former childhood friend.
The blood is showing on his hand and his mouth. Having blood on your hands can mean he had killed someone before like his mother. Another interpretation of it is him showing his true sadist nature.
The last one we see is Subaru. Compared to his brothers, he is shown holding out a silver knife. This is one of the main themes of the series. While holding the knife, blood is coming down from his eye to his cheek. This doesn’t mean he got stabbed in the eye. It is hinted of his sadness and the connection with the silver knife that was given by his mother.
The candles’ lights are blown out as each as each boy starts bite Yui
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It then reveal our antagonists. Cordelia and Richter. Cordelia is shown sitting on a king like throne while Richter is beside her. Cordelia sitting on the throne can mean she’s the daughter of the demon lord, or she want to seek out Karlheinz. You can see Richter right next to her showing that he’s like a personal servant to her, but one of his leg is one the same level as Cordelia. This hints that’s he pretending to serve Cordelia in order to obtain the throne.
Yui has her iconic faint scene. She is on a field of pink roses while carrying her rosary. Luckily, her rosary is not stain with blood. This show that Yui’s faith was still strong all along.
These things are what introduced us about the mothers
Cordelia dress, but the white rose accessory is stained with blood
Beatrix laying down while being stabbed
Silver Knife
I also want to think this is how Yui can be saved during the Awakening. Yui end her life as a human when she stabs herself with a silver knife. All the other Sacrificial Bride couldn’t survive the awakening. The reason why Yui can survives because she has Cordelia’s blood within her. The problem is that destroying Yui’s humanity means a possibility that Cordelia awakening within her. So when Reiji killed his mother, Beatrix said she was satisfied. This made Reiji not accepting his mother’s death, and make a potion to revive her. The potion he made cannot revive dead, but can get rid of Cordelia so Yui can awaken instead. This awakens Yui as a vampire at the end of the series.
The Sakamaki brothers are sitting in their respective chair. We then see their well drawn seductive eyes, and the last scene show the lunar eclipse which symbolize the Awakening.
Thanks for reading!
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Summer Break is beginning for me. I am excited to do all sorts of projects. I’ll probably do more fashion art, or write reviews. Hope all of you enjoy your summer!
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Psychological Analysis of Reiji Sakamaki
This is going to be a massive analysis of Reiji Sakamaki’s character - focusing on his mental and emotional patterns, as well as his behavioural habits and where they stemmed from. I shall split this analysis into sections for easier reading and as a way to organise the points I will be making throughout this post. 
I often find Reiji to be an overlooked character, or one who’s considered boring in comparison to the other brothers and their respective routes; and so, my analysis was born, as his route reminds me of Laito’s quite a bit, due to them both being quite manipulative towards Yui.
All the transcripts used were translated and created by the lovely @dialovers-translations 
Note: This analysis will focus on just Haunted Dark Bridal and everything in it, from the route itself to his character song. However, I may make analyses on his routes in the later games depending on how this turns out, but I hope you enjoy reading this nonetheless.
Trigger Warning: Abuse, Manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, Co-Dependency, Narcissism, Dehumanisation and Depression
Word Count: 40,473 words
To begin with, I’ll point out that Reiji is an extremely complex and complicated individual; I believe the main issue that people take with this character is that his actions seem incomprehensible and unrelatable if you’ve never been in a similar situation. His words can often contradict his emotions, he’s also incredibly harsh and a person who lives and strives for perfection. In addition, his personality can often become unbearably obstinate at times, such as when he lectures Yui in relation to her manners, which brings me to my first point:
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers Analysis: Why is Reiji Associated with the Colour Blue ?
This is going to be a small analysis since this question has just popped into my head, but why blue ? Why is Reiji’s colour blue ?
Within any official Rejet art, Reiji is always surrounded by the colour blue, which to me seemed odd. Ayato’s colour is red - the colour of his hair -, Laito’s is green - the colour of his eyes -, Kanato’s is purple - the colour of his hair and eyes -, Shuu’s is yellow to match his blonde hair and Subaru’s is grey to blend his outfit together (black and white). But Reiji’s is blue, it doesn’t match his eyes, hair or even outfit. So why make this design choice…? Well, first we need to establish that colours are symbolic, and with that, we can dive into the colour theory of the correlation between Reiji and the colour blue.
So, shall we begin ?
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Am I the only one who thinks Azusa and Orlok have some similarities? You know, they're both cinnamon rolls, with sad childhoods and always seem to be depressed/melancholy.
Also, they both treat the MC as if they are some sort of supreme being; Azusa ADORES Yui, she's like his Goddess. And Orlok sees Lilly as if she were an angel or a virgin he should worship...
I totally see what you mean 👍 they're both soft spoken and have slightly similar dispositions, but Azusa is a bit more of a yandere. It's kind of like that 'looks like a cinnamon roll meme' 😂 both look and act like cinnamon rolls but would kill people for their s/o. Azusa is just a bit more... Extreme with his affection, bless him.
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Oh sorry about that can it be Kanato and Laito
Ask: They can’t manipulate their SO at all no matter how many times they try.
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❖ While Kanato appears to be completely out of control in his emotions, he knows very well what he’s doing with them. It’s his way to control and manipulate you. If you do not submit to him that way, there is little stoping him from trying other techniques. Most of which will be incredibly painful.
❖ He doesn’t understand why you won’t bend to his will like others do. He develops a strong fear that you will leave him because he isn’t able to make you come running with his tears. He isn’t sure how else to keep you at his side.
❖ Kanato is paranoid in general, and this lack of reaction to his manipulation tactics only make him feel more pitiful. If he can’t make you feel the way he does, he becomes incredibly angry.
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❖ Without Laito being able to manipulate you in some way he won’t be able to get close to you. His lack of manipulation leaves him feeling incredibly vulnerable and out of control. Laito hates feeling out of control.
❖ It is likely he will end up using brute force on you rather than buttering you up a bit before biting you. He would become frustrated that you continue to ‘lie’ to him.
❖ Though there is a side of Laito that is perceptive and empathetic. While sometimes he’ll apologize for trying to manipulate you to such an extreme degree he only hurts you, others he’ll continue until he becomes bored of it.
❖ Laito has to be in control at all times for him to be able to be vulnerable and open up to a partner. He wouldn’t be able to keep up with all of his rampant emotions that have driven him into a corner.
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Hey Lore! I'm asking you this question for fun, but please I know you are busy and have a lot of asks so take as much time as you want to answer this ask :) We often (well VERY often) talk about the Sakamakis' flaws in the Dialover fandom, but what do you think is each one's biggest quality? Love you and love your tumblr
Thank you very much! I actually started typing up a response to this a few days ago but then Chrome messed up and I lost like 500 words worth of stuff………. It really pissed me off so I had to put this away for a bit. XD;
Shu: Though he might not always show it, I think he cares a lot for his brothers and eventually for Yui, as well. He’s not the type to run to their side whenever they need help, but he generally has their best interests in mind and gives them space to do what they want to do. ie: him telling Subaru “don’t die” in his first ending, him not wanting to make Yui a vampire in his own first ending.
Reiji: He works extremely hard, even when he doesn’t get any thanks for it. Reiji worked his whole life to get his mother’s attention and after her death, he works very hard to keep the family together. He arranges his younger brothers’ birthday celebrations, he keeps tabs on their school performance, and he makes sure that everyone’s fed and generally comfortable. (except Shu, of course) All this despite being called names and his actions being completely unappreciated.
Laito: This guy is all about freedom and lack of judgment. He doesn’t judge his brothers for any of the things they do and all he asks is for the same consideration in return. Laito’s very perceptive and I think he knows what other people want before they themselves even realize it.
Kanato: He is extremely loyal. Once he has decided that he cares about you, he will always care about you. He may have twisted ways of showing that care sometimes, but I think it’s amazing how steadfast he is. I think back to the way he described how much he loves (and simultaneously hates) Laito and Ayato… No matter what they’ve done, he still cares about them as brothers.
Ayato: Ayato’s best quality is, I think, his capacity for change. He’s not as stuck in his ways as some of his older brothers, so I think he opens up to Yui faster than they do even if he is slow to actually admit it. He listens to what Yui says and does act on it later, once he’s started internalizing everything. Before loving Yui, I think he has to trust her first and while it’s hard for him to do it, he is capable of it.
Subaru: Well, of course Subaru’s best quality is his kind heart. Cordelia said as much, too. Subaru is soft. While he may act tough and do some very awful things, I think that afterwards he regrets it. He’s so used to being called a monster that I think he’s trying to live up to it—to be the same as his brothers. He is not really that prominent in the game sometime because of how far removed he is from the plot surrounding Cordelia, but I think he cares about his brothers, too, though he doesn’t really understand them.
Re: caring about their brothers… It’s notable that Subaru and Reiji’s endings (in the original game, idk about MORE,BLOOD) are the only ones in which none of the other brothers are killed.
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luminosity09 · 2 years
i totally agree on the key maiden plot being bs!! it absolutely ruined dante's route for me :/
now i'm wondering about your opinion on orlok? bc i personally couldn't really see how his route was supposed to be romantic. and oh man that bad end left an impression... but i also found the good end unsettling, somehow.
anyways, have a good day/ night <3
I feel bad for Orlok as a character, I think if the writing for him was better he could’ve been okay, but as it is he got the shaft a lot. They made him very sympathetic, what with his backstory and upbringing, but his father is never held accountable and is even kinda framed as a good guy? No thanks bruh, because of you, Orlok thinks it's okay to go through life eating only bread and drinking water - basically having crumbs for life. Boy is malnourished on both love and food. Mostly I just want nice things for him but I did personally find him a bit boring. He’s not as bad as the Falzones though, its just that cinnamon rolls aren’t my thing. And as a love interest? Gonna pass on that. Orlok felt like one of Lili’s missing children from the church orphanage. He just fits right in:
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She read him bedtime stories and tucked him in FFS, their whole deal was very mothering.  I have some issues with how Orlok sees Lili too, as if she’s some sort of flawless creature from the heavens. He’s not as bad as Henri on the judgey mc judgerson scale- the latter basically shaming Lili in the Finale whenever he sees her for hanging out with the Mafia (something she can't really help.) Still though Orlok said some stuff in the game that’s very…virtue guarding that I don’t vibe with. 
 Liliana is also extremely unlikable in Orlok’s route, as with most MCs she changes a bit based on who she’s with. Lili in Orloks route doubles down on the religious aspect of her character and is hella judgy. She calls the Lao Shu Heathens, much like how Orlok calls Yang the Devil (lol) and while yes, they’re not good people- I think them not believing in God should be the last thing on your priority list to point them out as ‘bad guys.’ Also the whole Luka thing was awful. Dying orphan is dying but OH WE MUST BAPTISE HIM. Yes because that’s what’s most important here.
While I’m here and on a rant, let me just say - I don’t like the portrayal of any of the mafia bosses in Orloks route too. It feels like a different writer handled them. Some people complain about Dante being OOC but I have less of a problem with him here, it tracks that he’d go unstable. Dude is very fragile and weak without Nicola and the memory of his dad’s killer getting unlocked makes him snap- reasons are given for it that we can follow.
Gil and Yang though? Nah they got screwed over here.
Gilbert in every other route is pretty amiable to the public. He’ll kill the innocent without hesitation but only if the circumstances call for it (i.e: Lili being Yang’s woman makes it okay for Gil to shoot her/ the boat incident where he sinks the ship and kills the human trafficking victims) Otherwise though, he’s a ‘for the people’ guy. He didn’t get his leadership through heritage (Dante) or by being strong (Yang) he got it because of his people skills, his charisma. In his route, he’s clearly got some interest in what’s going on with Lili but he protects her and takes in Luka largely because he cares about the citizens. What does he do in Orlok’s route? Well fuck all that stuff, Lili and Orlok interrupted his business deal!!! …Because they were fleeing for their lives from the Falzones and the Falzone’s were shooting loudly! So it’s all Orlok’s fault Gil's deal went south and now Gil must kill him! 
Yeah that…makes sense. 
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With Yang, I think a lot of people won’t notice how different his writing is. They’ll dismiss him as ‘well he’s Yang, he’s crazy.’ True, but Yang has certain things that make him tick. In his route and others, its established he values survival. He will do anything to get entertainment yes, but also survive- because he wants to keep playing. He wants to have fun. Yang specifically values Wisdom in his route, because wisdom = survival. He likes it when Lili cleverly fights back to survive. What does Yang do in Orlok’s route? He sets up this plan for everyone to chase Orlok and try to kill him, just because, and then fights Orlok- while saying:
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Like wow. Way to miss the point of his character. He’s also very a cartoony villain here.
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Seriously who tf is this guy. Why the hell would Yang care about that. 
I won’t touch on Orloks bad end because there's not much to say. It's your standard 'lets now horrifically torture these characters.' I hear some of the bad ends in 1926 go in that direction too.
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Azusa Mukami Analysis
In this Analysis will be discussing over Azusa Mukami’s ethnicity background. This Analysis may contain spoilers! Beware!
Important: This analysis is not absolute or canon. This is simply my personal perspective over Azusa Mukami ^^”
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luminosity09 · 2 years
My Reviews
Mirror mirror twisted tales
D4DJ First Mix Anime
Diabolik Lovers English Dub
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luminosity09 · 2 years
a sakamaki reiji manifesto: character study through relationships
Disclaimer the first: Reiji’s backstory and development do not excuse his harmful and abusive actions, they only explain them and help you to understand why he is the way that he is. This essay is not an attempt to justify Reiji, just to bring some of his ignored qualities to light and give another perspective.
Disclaimer the second: Take all of my opinions and analyses with a grain of salt, as you should with any review/translation/etc. It would be best for you to play Diabolik Lovers for yourself and form your own opinions—these are just mine. Also, I edited all the screencaps myself in Photoshop; the game is not available in English. I use images from the Prequel/Sequel manga because those are adaptations of scenes from the actual game, so I consider them to still be canon. In some cases, the manga is much easier to read than a row of screencaps, so… The Shu and Reiji prequels and sequels were done by Maria and Mitsu, respectively.
This essay is going to comprise of a few different and disconnected parts, so it probably won’t flow as well as my Ayato essay did. I have a lot more ground to cover this time around, so just bear with me. If you need a crash course in canon Reiji, my good friend Ili has summarized every scene in his game route as well as translated both his original CD and his Versus CD with Kanato.
What you are about to read is ~5,500 words in length. Good luck to you and please enjoy!
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luminosity09 · 2 years
Even though I like Piofiore, I can't help but think the plot is a bit stupid, the whole Key Maiden thing is so absurd... Maybe that's why Dante and Nicola's routes are so boring.
Piofiore has one of the worst plot-lines I've come across in media. I think what's worse is that the Key Maiden thing just did not need to exist. Like just hearing it summarised sounds like a scrapped plotline for the Da Vinci Code.
So get this - when Jesus died the Italian church hid the remains inside a tomb, and the tomb can only be opened by a randomly selected (oh no I'm sorry, using the stars) church girl or 'Key Maiden' losing her virginity to a Grave Keeper (a Falzone.) This then magically opens the tomb. Also after a Key maiden dies with her duty left unfulfilled, a new one is automatically chosen.
Like wow...where to start with all....that. First off, this is just another way of controlling whatever poor woman ends up as the Key Maiden. She has no autonomy over her body. The game tries to frame the Falzones as good guys but nah fam, Dante's father 'took in' one of these Key Maidens into the manor and it drove her mad. The destiny shit messes with people's heads. Their solution to this is to keep the new Key Maiden, Lili, completely in the dark about her duty but this just keeps her ignorant and placid.
Dante himself claims he fell in love with Lili at first sight when he was 6 *gag* and adding the Key Maiden stuff into the mix with him keeping her under house arrest in his route or chasing her through the others, only serves to make Dante look creepily entitled to Lili and her 'fated love.' I do love exploring Liliana breaking away from those preconceived notions and taking control of her autonomy but I can never see that happening while she's with Dante and Nicola.
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This isn't even getting into Dante raping Lili in Orlok's bad end.
What the heck else do Dante and Lili even have outside of their 'destined love?' nothing. Their scenes in his route are dry and 'cute' I guess...if you want to watch a guy poorly try to imitate a mafia boss.
Piofiore is at its best when away from the Key Maiden stuff. Gilbert and Yang's route barely touches it and they're all the better for it. The whole game should've just been about mafia turf wars, the way it was advertised.
Side note but: I do find it pretty hilarious in Yang's route where after they've had sex a few times, Yang casually notices her mark has faded. This means she's 'lost' her sacred duty. And Yang knows that. Imagine knowing you banged a woman who could've opened Jesus' Grave and your reaction is:
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Me too Yang, me too.
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