feederfiction · 4 years
George’s Gorge’s | 4
It was inevitable that someone like Carlos would be difficult to fatten up how Steve wanted. It was also frustrating that he had to start working out more to prove to Carlos that they were bulking up properly. Steve dusted off his unused basement gym and spent 4 mornings a week with Carlos lifting weights. There was to be no cardio, Steve explained, as it would ruin the bulk.
“All you gotta do is lift and eat”. Steve said, almost like a mantra to Carlos.
The effects were evident even after a few weeks. Already no stranger to weights, Carlos caught on quick. Steve might have been out of shape, but he was still a jock under all that flab, and the muscle memory came back to him quickly, as he displayed different forms and exercises that Carlos had not seen before, cementing his image that he was helping Carlos to add more muscle to his tight frame. At first the cuff of his shirt on his bicep seemed to get tighter, a fact Carlos was very excited about. Steve caught him flexing after the workouts and made sure to always comment on how muscular the young delivery boy was getting. What Carlos had failed to notice, however, was that he was growing in other places too, but Steve had seen it starting to take shape.
Steve’s meal plan for Carlos involved massive portions and constant snacking. The poor boy was almost constantly stuffed, or in a state of fullness. After two weeks of workouts and a new diet, there was already a softening to his abs that seemed to fill in the cracks, giving him a flat stomach, and a small roll as he sat down. Carlos was quite comfortable working out with Steve and after a week of the summer heat, he had shed his shirt and elected to workout in his small athletic shorts. Whenever the Mexican would sit to lift, Steve could barely stop looking at the new pudge that had accumulated around his friend’s stomach.
“6, 7, 8. And done.” said Steve, gripping the heavy weighted bar and racking it, as Carlos panted below him on the bench.
“Damn… I didn’t think I could make those last two reps but I’ve definitely gotten stronger” he replied.
“Definitely. Wont be long until you’re as strong as me” Steve said, flexing his thick arms. The gesture was less impressive considering they were coated in a heavy layer of fat, though there was no denying that Steve was a beefy guy.
“I know I can’t wait until I can get as big as you! Those guns are huge. But I gotta eat to grow right!” The delivery boy said, standing up and heading to Steve’s kitchen as had become their ritual.
10 minutes later, the smell of frying bacon and eggs was permeating the humble space, as one pan, absolutely sopping with grease, cooked up the fried food. The one beside it was a veritable sea of melted butter, bubbling away as the viscous pancake mix was poured over it, staining the usually pale breakfast food with its yellow tinge. And as Steve stood there, expertly flipping and cooking the food, Carlos was already starting on the huge pitcher of gainer shake he was drinking. Very similar to the ones Steve had been feeding the boy before. These were also made with a base of appetite stimulant and mass gainer, blended up with ice cream, oil, lard, and a double thickened chocolate custard which masked the taste, turning the shakes into a deliciously addictive ritual for Carlos. About halfway through the pitcher, Steve served up mountains of the food as the two of them dug in, Steve working on his own pitcher.
If anyone were to observe the two men in Steve’s kitchen right now, they would probably feel sick. They resembled pigs, chugging down huge jugs of gelatinous slop, as small rivulets of thick shake snaked their way down their chins. Carlos was looking very strange, as his post workout pump accentuated his veins as the sugary mix made them pop. At the same time though, his pregnant looking shirtless belly swelled with the mixture of greasy, sopping food and shake. His sweat had dried after working out but already there were beads forming all over him as he exuded a manly musk from the overexertion of stuffing. There were rivers of sweat and grease intermingling across his body, tracing down his pumped chest and down his stressed belly, collecting in his bellybutton and absorbing into his athletic shorts.
Steve on the other hand, was even more shocking to look at. His already tight white shirt had been revealing a good couple inches of hair belly before, which Carlos had watched jiggle from under him all morning on the bench press. Now though, his shirt was stained with brown shake mix, splashes of butter, syrup and flecks of egg. But this shirt had already experienced plenty of feasts before, bearing many other marks. Steve’s thick neck seemed to quiver with every massive gulp he forced down his maw, his thick stubble undulating like a wave. The ex-jock’s furred belly pushed further and further out of his too small tee, and he took the opportunity to rub it with one hand, as he picked up the bloated, sopping pancakes with his other, rolling them up and gulping them down in two bites flat, syrup and ice cream oozing out of them, down his hands and dribbling onto his exposed belly.
Both men now monumentally stuffed, they slowly waddled to the living room cradling their taxed bellies, streams of wet belches emerging with each step. Steve carried in a 2L bottle of chocolate milk, and as he rubbed his belly and released more burps, he sipped on it. Not wanting to be outdone, Carlos grabbed it from him and guzzled half of it down in one go, before showing his own bloated belly with milky spittle from his maw.
“Now this is the life” said Steve, taking another sip, and rubbing his almost completely exposed gut in small circles.
“Yeah man. I feel myself getting bigger every day” replied Carlos lazily, his eyes drooping and he too rubbed his belly.
“You want to get even bigger? Have an even better time?” Steve asked him.
“Why not move in? We can really bulk up when we motivate each other on the daily” Steve continued. “Plus, it would save me some on rent that we can put into food.”
“You had me at ‘get even bigger’”. Carlos answered, slapping Steve’s overstuffed belly with a deep thump.
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feederfiction · 5 years
George’s Gorge’s | 3
Thanks for baring with me guys. New job has me working overtime, and I’ve had a lot going on. Anyway you don’t wanna hear any of that! This is an exposition/setup chapter for the next one, so apologies if it’s not a total horny mess :P
Every night as the dinner rush approached, Carlos would strut in George’s, greeting the servers, cooks and George himself. His model-like looks and easy going personality had everyone swooning over him, Steve included. The ex-jock had known he was bi ever since he saw the other boys changing in the locker room, admiring the thick football players above all else, but he had never actually done anything with a guy. He was too nervous to try using an app to hook up, afraid that some of his gay friends would recognize him. He had no idea if Carlos swung his way or not, but his undeniable attraction was shared by most of the staff at George’s. Besides, his flabby body wasn’t exactly what a stud like Carlos would be interested in. Regardless, the two became fast friends, bonding over women, sports, and most importantly, food. Carlos as it turned out, was quite the foodie himself. He came from a large Mexican family who each looked to be bigger than Steve from the photo Carlos showed him one day. The hunky delivery driver explained that he loved working out though, and despite his family trying to fatten him up, he was more focussed on maintaining his physique. Steve was grateful for both the apron and his overhang in concealing his boner during this conversation.
 Steve decided he would make it his mission to fatten Carlos up. He started off easy, building up his confidence with healthier options, vege burgers, salads and variations on grilled chicken. Carlos responded well and so Steve started giving him a shake too “for the road!” he would joke, and the Mexican delivery boy would happily accept it. What Carlos didn’t realise is that Steve��s shakes were nothing more than a sugary mass gainer, an appetite stimulant, heavy cream, and chocolate sauce. It was a slurry of pure fat but Carlos, unaware of this and believing that a small transgression of his diet would have no effect, finally started to succumb to his genetic disposition for fat.
“Hey man u busy today?”
Steve unlocked his phone to the text from Carlos and felt his heart skip a beat. Replying with a quick “Nah, day off today so just chilling, you?” he anxiously awaited a reply. After a few minutes Steve went downstairs and began amassing his usual “day off breakfast”; a stack of pancakes, a gallon of chocolate milk and a pan of fried eggs and bacon. After completely glutting himself on the immense amount of food, Steve flipped on the TV and noticed he had missed a reply from Carlos:
“Big game on at 5, wanna hang out?”
Steve could barely believe it. At this point most of his interactions with the hot young delivery guy had been at work, or texting about the people they worked with. They had never hung out together, alone, before. He hoped his reply wasn’t too keen:
“Totally dude, come to mine! I have the food, you bring the beer?”
“I’m in bro” came the reply a few minutes later.
Steve spent most of the day cleaning his apartment for Carlos’ arrival. He hadn’t had someone around in months, and the last girl who had come over had complained about the messy state of the place and that Steve had used photos from his slimmer, high school days on Tinder. Steve then sat down on the couch and began to snack, after rushing around trying to make his home look hospitable. He then realised that he was still in the sweaty, too small clothes that held the remnants of his earlier gorging. Rushing into the bathroom he took a look at himself. The large white t-shirt he wore was a size or two too small, leaving the bottom of his hairy belly was exposed, along with a sliver of flesh around his meaty sides. While it showed off his thick arms, it also did little to hide the moobs he had acquired through his hedonistic gorging. Other than work pants, Steve had nothing that fit anymore, so he usually rocked boxer briefs around the house. At least they were XXXL and were only just starting to get tight around his bulkier ass and tree trunk thighs. Ever since his double chin had settled as a puddle under his jaw, Steve kept up a stubbled beard, though it still revealed the fold at his neck that grew with every kilo. He quickly threw himself into the shower and realised he had little to wear.
He settled on a pair of jeans that barely fit, and did little more than cause the thick fat to bubble up and over the straining waistband of them. He couldn’t do up the top button, but he put on a belt and hoped it would distract from that fact. He also managed to extract a button up shirt he had bought for a family function several months ago. While struggling to get all the buttons done up, he managed to do so successfully, though he hadn’t managed to notice that two of the gaps between the buttons at the crest of his belly were already displaying the flesh beneath the shirt. Hearing the doorbell, Steve sauntered over to let Carlos in.
 “Oh hey man! I hope you like a nice IPA.” said Carlos, with his signature smile that had melted the hearts of everyone at George’s.
“Sure do! And I hope you brought an appetite, cause I have plenty to eat.” replied Steve, opening the door and grabbing the beer to put in the fridge.
“This is a nice place man, I’m fucking jealous you get to live alone though bro.” said the delivery guy, shrugging off his jacket.
“Yeah well, I need my own space, and honestly, I don’t think many roommates can handle a guy like me!”
“Well I imagine someone who eats as much as you would need their own fridge and pantry!” the beefy Mexican said, his bicep flexing as he took the top off of his beer. “And I’m getting that way too myself!”
“Oh yeah? Finally gonna join me in the mans club?” Steve said, now extremely interested in Carlos’ statement.
“Yeah man. I’m trying to bulk up right now. We’re going into winter, so not like I need abs when no one’s gonna see ‘em. Thought I’d try and go up a few weight classes.”
“Well you know I got your back on the food front Carlos, and if you need any tips, before I let myself go, I bulked up every football season. This gut is a recent development, but I know my stuff!”
Carlos took a big swig of his beer and looked at Steve with an intense look for a moment.
“Okay bro. I’m in. Teach me the ways of bulking”
“First things first.” said Steve, clicking his bottle against Carlos’. “You gotta eat, and you gotta eat big.”
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feederfiction · 5 years
George’s Gorge’s | 2
For months he continued to gorge himself, understanding now the tenuous connection between his dick and his stomach. The changes were sudden and did not go unnoticed. Steve would squeeze himself into whatever stressed clothes he was wearing that day, and show up to serve customers at George’s. His thicker frame helped with his sex appeal for a time but as his love handles blossomed and his gut really started to strain the buttons, it became clear that he was turning into a fatass. Suddenly the girls dried up, his tips got smaller and so it was one day that George sauntered over after the cash had been counted for the night shift.
“Steve, my boy” he grinned. “How did you fare tonight, any digits from the ladies?”
It was well known that Steve would brag about the girls who would slide him their napkins or cheque’s with their numbers written on it.
“Nah, I guess it’s getting harder the more food I eat here!” Steve replied, slapping his belly and making his cock twitch in response.
“Have you considered the kitchens? I’ve seen you cook and the pay is better, you don’t rely on tips”
Steve pondered this, feeling his cock now pulsing slightly, engorging with blood, before boldly asking, “Would I get to eat more?”
George laughed heartily and clapped the ex-jock on his softer bicep.
Steve now served on the weekends and cooked in the week, when it was less busy, and the deliveries were more in demand. George would turn a blind eye to any food prepared for a break and if there were unclaimed or leftover meals at the end of the night, he would divvy them up to the chefs. Steve was unaware, however, that he was receiving the kings share of food compared to his coworkers. After each shift he’d take home containers and boxes filled to bursting with all sorts of food. Anything near it’s expiry would be shifted to Steve too. His schedule often involved him eating on his trip home, then rehearing everything that had cooled on the journey. He would repeat his adventures from in front of the fridge that fateful night on an almost daily basis. He was seeing food and sex as the same thing and it was getting harder for him to even be sexual unless he was stuffed to bursting.
There he’d sit in his shrinking clothes, gorging on the greasy, addictive food. One day when Steve showed up for his shift as a server with a half inch of his belly hanging out from a shirt with more than a few stains on it, George had to send him to the kitchens. He was becoming obsessed with his newfound kink. Eating as much as he could, getting horny from the smell of the lard and grease in the kitchens, it was becoming a problem. He now had a permanent stubble and let his body hair grow out some, covering his belly in a sparse coat that seemed to stretch over his expanding form.
It wasn’t long until the pants he wore became unbearably tight and with his recent permanent status as a cook he just started to wear whatever he wanted to work. Which more often than not was a stained tank top that was a size too small and stressed gym shorts that barely held back his basketball sized ass globes as his form swelled from the sheer volume of food he devoured. After 3 years at George’s, he was now 120 kilos of ex-jock. A 20 year old lardass who was either found making or eating the food, and at this point there was some crossover too.
However things changed when Steve came into work one evening and placed a pizza and shake on the pickup window. A few minutes later, he heard an accented voice asking “Hello, I have a pizza and shake combo for Dan?”
Steve looked up and was floored by the handsome young man talking to him. Donning a leather biker jacket, tight jeans and Doc Martens he exuded a natural bad boy attitude. He looked Mexican and had an accent to boot. His muscular form was shown off in his outfit, his quads and ass looking like they were about to burst from the pants, while his tight white undershirt cling to his cut midsection. Steve could almost make out the cobblestone abs.
Clearing his mind for a moment he showed the delivery guy where the orders were placed and asked his name.
“Carlos” he replied with a crooked smile. “You?”
“Well Steve, I think we’ll get to know each other well. George hired me yesterday and I can’t wait to use my staff discount”
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feederfiction · 5 years
George’s Gorges | 1
“Order up” bellowed Steve, wiping his sweat-slicked forehead with a meaty arm. At 26 years old and tipping the scales at 170 kilos, the large man cut an imposing figure in the small pizza kitchen. The chefs apron he wore resembled a tent when it wasn’t wrapped around his massive body. If it weren’t for his trimmed beard, the fat mans neck would be indistinguishable from his jaw, his many chins had softened that up long ago. His thick, exposed arms were a testament of commitment to exercise in a past life, and his massive thighs were no different. His sheer breadth mean that Steve had an entire counter to himself, and it had to be raised up so that it was above the crest of his belly, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to reach around the mountain of fat that resembled a belly. Scratching the underside of his hairy belly and fulfilling a rather complicated pizza order, Steve releases a deep belch and chuckles to himself.
In high school he had been a jock, athletic, healthy, and to most of the other students, handsome as hell. It was especially unfortunate then that a twisted ankle right before the football season had him watch from the sideline as his teammates were set up for sports scholarships while he was left in the dust. Desperate for a job, he joined “George’s Gorges” right out of school. The rather small, family owned diner did a roaring trade in the local area, and people from all over the city came to George’s for the food. In the day it was a proper diner with gingham tablecloths and milkshakes, but at night it became a bar that served calorie rich food, like pizza, burgers and wings, all dripping in grease and sauces.
Of course being in this environment day in and day out had a profound effect on Steve’s waistline. At first he found the time to work out before or after work and maintained his diet when away from the diner. Eventually though the late nights and constant pace kept the poor football player exhausted. It was then that the stud took advantage of the benefits of the job. The free food. George ensured all his staff were trained in the kitchen as well as service. So while Steve normally used his good looks and natural charisma to woo the patrons, he also got to experience the kitchen. Having free reign to cook his own meals for his breaks allowed him to experiment, and it became almost a game, to see what kind of calorific concoctions he could whip up. And his natural talent did not go overlooked.
Several weeks after joining the George’s family, Steve pulled on his work shirt, a slimfit white button down shirt that hugged his large biceps and accentuated his toned chest. The shirt felt small at first but it wasn’t until he pulled his medium, tight skinny jeans on that he noticed it.
He had gotten fat.
Not far per se, but definitely gained a few pounds. His shirt was tight over his midsection and the jeans he was struggling with took quite a lot of effort to pull over his already large bubble butt. After several more weeks, his uniform was unwearable and he resigned himself to buying larges. After a long shift at work one Tuesday night, Steve stripped down and tossed his clothes in the hamper and really looked at himself in the mirror.
He was shocked at what two months at the diner had done to his physique. His square jaw was a touch softer, enough that he noticed it himself, but no one else would. Gazing downward, unable to meet his own eyes, Steve spied his thicker chest with his nipples looking puffier than ever. It looked like the aftermath of a chest day pump, except the hapless ex jock knew the only pump he had going on was due to fat. His arms looked bigger and still as strong as ever, though the veins and slight striations he had when he played ball were fading. Most noticeable were the changes to his midsection. The abs were completely gone, replaced with a slight layer of pudge that seemed to stick to his formerly flat stomach like a living membrane. Turning to the side it jiggled slightly and he got a good look at his ass. It was a sight alright, stretching his tight white briefs to the limit, the crack swallowing a decent portion of soft cotton between its hungry cheeks. Steve processed all this slowly, in awe. The rumbling of his unsatisfied belly roused him though, and like a zombie he made his way to the fridge and proceeded to stuff himself with everything he could find. Leftovers from George’s were devoured, a container of ice cream was licked clean, a 2L milk carton went down the bloated jocks throat, and anything vaguely edible was consumed as though Steve had never eaten before.
And in the shadow of his empty fridge, his packed belly about to burst, Steve came buckets in his overstressed briefs with an ear splitting belch, before passing out in a stupor, surrounded by the debris of his pig out and the steadily spreading pool of cum.
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feederfiction · 6 years
Build-a-Butt | 1
Matt gazed around the packed club and stirred his drink slowly. He didn’t particularly feel like being there but his friends had convinced him to come out to drinks after work, and then clubbing. Watching them dance and flirt with each other, he now realised that he had been an excuse for Jayce to subtly get Richard into bed with him. Matt’s belly growled and he realised he hadn’t eaten since lunchtime. Finishing the rest of his beer, he walked out of the club and into the cold night air.
Exiting the club, Matt felt self-conscious once again. His 100 kilo frame seemed massive in comparison to the line of twinks and muscleheaded gym gays waiting in line. Pulling his sweater on after escaping the stifling club heat, he felt his shirt untuck and reveal the bottom of a  pale, flabby belly. Hearing giggles from next to him, he turned to see a group of bleach-blonde skinny guys laughing and filming him. Blushing brightly, he hurried away, one arm and his head still trapped in his sweater. Rounding the corner into the laneway next to the club, he finally got his arm in, only to thrust it out and into someone next to him.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, are you alright?” He asked.
Concerned for the stranger who was now coughing on the ground, he offered his hand to the man, who eventually looked up at Matt and took his help. Matt was stunned at the attractive stranger who was now nose to nose with him. His bright blue eyes shone in the dark alleyway, a pained smile on his face. He was the polar opposite of Matt in appearance. Tight chinos and an XS button up, showing off his trim waist and toned arms, the top three buttons undone to show off his trimmed chest hair. His sharp jawline punctuated by perfect stubble, and a trendy blonde undercut pulled off a very metrosexual, attractive guy.
Matt, on the other hand was on the border of “chubby”, leaning more towards “fat”. His belly pushed out against his shirts and he had gone up 2 sizes in as many years. Ever since leaving university and getting a job as an accountant, he had found it impossible to stop the weight piling on. His polo shirt, sweater and jeans made him feel self-conscious before this well dressed stranger. It took him several seconds to register that the man had introduced himself.
“Are you alright? I thought I was the one that took a punch” The stranger laughed.
“Sorry, I was just…worried. I’m fine, are you Matt?” He said, shakily, then winced, realising his minced words.
“I’m all good, you don’t need to worry.” He said kindly. “And I’m Lucas.”
“Nice…” Matt trailed off.
“I was just about to grab a snack and head off, my friends bailed early tonight. Wanna join?” Lucas offered.
“Same here actually, what do you feel like?” Matt asked tentatively, half expecting him to reply with-
“Pizza! I need carbs bad after tonight.” Lucas replied.
“Sounds like a plan, I’m starved” Matt exclaimed, unable to believe he was about to eat with a guy as hot as Lucas.
After making their way to the closest Pizza Place, they each picked out an extra large deep dish. 3 slices in, Lucas passed his over to Matt, who promptly finished both. Groaning with the weight of both meals in his gut, Matt belched loudly.
“Sounds like you needed all that” Lucas smiled, offering his hand to the bloated accountant. “At least now I have a chance to help you up”.
“Thanks, I appreciate it! I think it’s about time I head off though, I can barely walk” Matt said sheepishly.
“I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t help you home after you so gallantly finished my meal.” Lucas said in a posh accent.
“That was the worst British accent I’ve ever heard but I won’t say no to some help” Matt agreed.
After an uncomfortable Uber ride, in which every bump and pothole made Matts bloated belly bounce, they eventually reached his apartment building, and with some help from Lucas, he managed to make it to his door. Matt kept expecting Lucas to leave him, after the Uber ride, after they got to his building’s lobby, the front door, but his handsome friend kept his arm around Matt’s waist, guiding him into his room and onto his bed.
“Well… I should probably leave you be…” Lucas said, staring at Matt.
“You don’t have to!” He replied, a little too quickly. “You could uh, take the couch, or I could?”
Smiling, Lucas began unbuttoning his shirt, before tossing it aside, to reveal his toned, hairy chest, and sidling up to Matt on the bed. Moving his hand up under the polo, he began to rub Matt’s belly in circles, causing him to moan softly. After some time, Lucas pulled off Matt’s shirt and sweater, and released his belt, eliciting a grateful sigh from the stuffed man. Shimmying closer to Matt, Lucas smiled sadly.
“What?” Matt frowned.
“I have a confession to make, and it’s kind of awkward. I should have been more forward but I was nervous.” Lucas admitted shyly.
“Um, well… What is it?” Matt asked cautiously.
“I have a thing for uh… Fat guys.” He said slowly, then started to panic. “I know it sounds weird and like I think you’re gorgeous but I don’t want you to think I’m a creep or-“
Matt leaned over and kissed Lucas passionately. Lucas hesitating before leaning into the intimate act, their tongues dancing, hands groping and bodies grinding. A minute later, the two were fully naked, Matt’s pale, jiggly body a direct contrast to Lucas’ toned, tanned and hairy one. The two stayed locked like that for some time, occasionally kissing each other’s necks, their cocks rubbing together. Lucas broke away and smiled devilishly before making his way south. Once he was positioned over Matt’s manhood, he began to pleasure the larger man in ways he’d never experienced. Working the shaft, Lucas felt Matt was already close, and pulled off, making his big man whine slightly.
“Don’t worry, I have something better planned.” Lucas reassured.
Flipping Matt onto his stomach like a beached whale, Lucas licked his lips and whispered “Fuck” under his breath at the sight of Matt’s wide ass. Parting his cheeks, Lucas dived in, his tongue exploring Matt’s tight pucker. Matt had never been eaten out in his life, and it was the most amazing feeling he’d ever experienced. His eyes crossed and he felt his hole relax under Lucas’ trained mouth. Matt then felt Lucas go even further and moaned loudly, unable to believe how good it felt. Lucas then started to grab Matt’s love handles and slap his ass randomly, which prompted Matt to grind his erection into the bed below.
A few moments later he felt Lucas go deeper again, and his hole stretch. At this point Lucas was grabbing his meaty thighs and squeezing, adding to the pleasure of the act, and making Matt’s whole body jiggle wildly on the bed. It wasn’t until he felt his stomach begin to push down into the bed too that he looked back and saw Lucas’ ass and legs twitching from out of his ass. Stifling a scream, Matt tried to reach back to help him out, but the shift of weight only pulled Lucas in further, his bubble butt slipping down, quickly followed by his legs moments later. Feeling Lucas struggling in his belly, Matt tried to pull himself up, but the extra 80 kilos now settling in his gut threw his balance off and it took some time for him to turn himself over, his massively engorged belly now preventing him from reaching his own ass to try and help Lucas. In a state of shock, Matt didn’t know what else to do but cry. He sobbed as the struggling in his boulder sized stomach slowed and eventually stopped. Matt eventually fell asleep from the combination exhaustion of devouring another human, and that person having been someone who cared for him.
As the first rays of light shone through the blinds in Matt’s bedroom, it was evident he had gone through some changes during his sleep. Matt snored on though until past midday, his digestion requiring more energy. As he groggily woke, he slowly remembered last night and looked down at his belly in shock. What he saw confused him, however, as his midsection looked much fatter, but nowhere near as big as it was last night. Assuming it had all been a very confusing nightmare, he was suddenly shocked into reality by the sight of Lucas’ clothes on the floor. Pulling his much heavier body up with some difficulty, he lumbered over to his full length mirror and was stunned at what he saw.
Where before Matt had been a slightly overweight late 20’s desk jockey, he now looked positively obese. His whole body had thickened up, from his arms to his love handles. His slightly fleshy chest had rounded out into two soft moobs, with bottle cap sized nipples topping them, hard and pink. His belly had truly fattened up, now much larger and softer, jiggling crazily at the bottom of his overhang, his now smaller cock almost obscured from view. His pelvis too had grown to fat that his previously 4” flaccid penis was now barely 3” long, buried as it was. His love handles now resembled small bellies on his side, each bowing out half a foot from his ribs and sagging down to his thighs, which were like huge hams that supported his torso with ease, despite their softness. Turning slowly he noticed the biggest change of all though. His previously flat ass was now massively inflated. In fact it was obscene just how huge his rear had grown. Each cheek was the size of a soccer ball. Huge and bouncy, but somehow still tight and resembling a bubble butt, much like the one Lucas had, Matt mused.
After the initial shock of how fat he had gotten, Matt noticed other changes. He was now several shades darker than his previously pale skin tone. On top of that, he saw that he was hairier all over. His legs were covered in a thicker layer, while his belly and chest had a short but full layer over them, making his body more masculine in appearance. Matt had never been able to grow much more than patchy stubble, but now he had a five o’clock shadow across his jaw and cheeks, both of which had filled in more with the absorption of Lucas. Matt grabbed his ass with both hands and shook it, his sadness pierced with a thought. Something horrible and yet right at the same time.
He wanted more.
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