feelsvoid · 4 years
@villainsquirk​ said: "I'm on your side."   from sanghoon
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Despite his otherwise neutral expression, you could still see the surprise in his eyes at the words. ‘I’m on your side.’ He’s heard those words before, mainly from his parents, desperate to save their unraveling son. Or doctors, thinking maybe an ounce of trust was all it might take. But this was different. This was Sanghoon, friend turned enemy, now turned whatever this was.
It was different because he was the only other person who’d ever said that to him. 
It felt like grasping at straws, trying to fully understand the other and his intentions. The salvaging of the crumbled remains of whatever good was once there, that lightness that used to exist between them. They were kids and things were good and fine until they weren’t, until they turned sour. And he feels stupid, like a kid again, hearing those words. ❝I’ve heard that before,❞ he says. 
His gaze falls on Sanghoon’s face, almost as if he’s searching for some kind of fault, a hint of insincerity. He comes up short, he wishes he hadn’t. He sighs, offers a half smile, ( he still feels childish. ) ❝I guess we’ll see if you stick with it this time.❞     
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feelsvoid · 4 years
I miss this blog / chara --- I liked him a lot so I kind of wanna come back. would anyone like to plot ??
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feelsvoid · 4 years
@misfitsmenagerie​ said: "Is there anything else you want to say to me?" (for Sanghoon)
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He lets out a laugh, looking over at him. ❝ Are you trying to pick a fight with me right now? ❞  He sounds more amused at the idea than anything else. ❝No, I don’t actually. Not at the moment at least.❞ For now, he had said all he had meant to. He never did like to give too much away. He leans against the wall, almost casually.  ❝You know...❞ He lets out a sigh, ❝it’s pretty bold of you, picking a fight. Since that went so well for you last time, right? ❞ It’s not really meant to be a threat, or even a low blow. In fact, it was more of a ploy to see how just how much more he could irritate the other.  
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feelsvoid · 4 years
Who am I when I feel? What dies in me when I am me?
Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet (tr. by  Margaret Jull Costa)
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feelsvoid · 4 years
hyunwoo is proving to be an interesting character to write cuz even idk what tf is going on with him half the time <3
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feelsvoid · 4 years
@dissolvedshadows​ said: “i  find  you  very  difficult  to  read.”
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He huffs out a laugh, ❝I’ve been told that before---that I’m hard to read.❞ As a child---his parents, teachers, and psychiatrists alike, had all tried their hardest to understand him. Even now, people couldn’t always get an accurate read on him. It was like everyone could see him but no one could quite see through him. And if he was honest? Sometimes he couldn’t see through himself either. ❝It’s fine though,❞ he says lightly.  ❝A bit of mystery is good, right? ❞ 
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feelsvoid · 4 years
   Lexx laughed, just a little. She’d been wanting to say something about him, express her- it wasn’t quite concern, she was far too capable of handling herself to be concerned over someone like him overpowering her, Call it- curiosity, she supposed. Hyunwoo was curious, in ways she couldn’t quite narrow in on.    “Well- Sometimes you get that look in your eye. One that thrives on trouble. I don’t see it very often. Maybe I’m misreading things? I doubt it though, very good instincts on this one.” She tapped her head, to accentuate the point. Her eyes suddenly brightened and widened a little as she walked towards the other, one arm resting on her hip while the other lay lax at her side.    “Or maybe it’s- how does that saying go? Birds of a feather flock together? Yes, that. I don’t know about you, but I feel I haven’t hid my inclinations very well. It just oozes out of me, like blood oozes from a slashed artery.” With a flash of silver and a flick of the wrist, there was a dagger from the sleeve of her dress. Lexx played with it, setting off an unprecedented air of experience. This was far from her first time wielding a knife. She glanced to Hyunwoo to gauge his response, a slight smile on her painted lips.
���Let’s be honest,❞ he says, eyes meeting her gaze. ❝Who doesn’t like a little bit of trouble every now and then? ❞ He grins. She was an interesting one, that was for certain. Not many people took note of anything beneath Hyunwoo’s charms, then again, most people had the tendency to only see what they wanted to see. 
But he had a hunch that Lexx wasn’t quite the type to get caught up in illusions or false pretenses. He found it interesting. And while he should probably proceed with caution, Hyunwoo has always liked to push boundaries. It was almost too often that he liked to believe he could turn any situation in his favor. 
He’ll watch as she brings out the dagger, he couldn’t say it doesn’t peak his curiosity at least a little bit. He’ll tilt his head a bit, eyeing her as she toys with the knife. ❝You seem to think we have similar inclinations.❞ He glances at the dagger in her hand, raising a brow, ❝but I’m not too sure about that yet.❞
He wasn’t yet sure what her motives were, didn’t quite yet know where the line should be drawn in the sand. How much to give in order to take. ❝What I do know---is that some things are better kept to yourself.❞
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feelsvoid · 4 years
TWILIGHT SENTENCE STARTERS  :   quotes taken from the 2005 novel ‘twilight’. the first installment of the twilight saga by stephenie meyer. 
“i’d  never  given  much  thought  to  how  i  would  die.”
“a  few  months  of  this  and  i’d  forget  how  to  use  sarcasm.”
“i  find  you  very  difficult  to  read.”
“i  like  the  night.  without  the  dark,  we’d  never  see  the  stars.”
“and  so  the  lion  fell  in  love  with  the  lamb.”
“i  decided  as  long  as  i  was  going  to  hell,  i  might  as  well  do  it  thoroughly.”
“i  was  unconditionally  and  irrevocably  in  love  with  him.”
“i  said  it  would  be  better  if  we  weren’t  friends,  not  that  i  didn’t  want  to  be.”
“what  if  i’m  not  a  superhero?  what  if  i’m  the  bad  guy?”
“do  i  dazzle  you?”
“you  are  the  most  important  thing  to  me  now.”
“the  right  thing  isn’t  always  real  obvious.”
“sometimes  the  right  thing  for  one  person  is  the  wrong  thing  for  someone  else.”
“i  thought  we  were  past  all  the  evasiveness.”
“i  hear  voices  in  my  mind  and  you’re  worried  that  you’re  the  freak.”
“tell  me  why  you  hunt  animals  instead  of  people.”
“you  were  going  to  fight  them?  didn’t  you  think  about  running?”
“i  fall  down  a  lot  when  i  run”
“there’s  nothing  like  an  unsolved  mystery  to  keep  you  up  at  night.”
“please  just  do  this  my  way,  just  this  once.”
“at  what  point  exactly  are  you  going  to  tell  me  what’s  going  on?”
“i’m  shocked  that  you  haven’t  figured  it  out  yet.”
“this  looks  like  a  horror  movie  waiting  to  happen.”
“i  fell.”
“you  can’t  really  believe  that  i  would  give  in  so  easily.”
“is  that  what  you  dream  about?  being  a  monster?”
“mostly  i  dream  about  being  with  you  forever.”
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feelsvoid · 4 years
It is simply your Brand™
Me: sends Gabbi gifs of shinwon
Gabbi: good to see your shinwon sexy agenda is alive and well // @feelsvoid
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feelsvoid · 4 years
@misfitsmenagerie​ said: "Why do you still hate me?" (for Sanghoon)
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He sighs, ❝I don’t understand why you’re doing this, why are you doing this? It’s been ten years, why does it have to matter now? ❞ Hyunwoo doesn’t get it, doesn’t think he ever will. If things had gone worse, he could’ve KILLED Sanghoon---he can hardly comprehend why he’d care for making amends with him now. Or maybe, Hyunwoo had simply just never understood the concept of forgiveness, or even regret at all. Maybe---he just couldn’t see it, the genuine remorse that someone could feel. Especially towards himself.
 ❝You hated me back then...Why do you care what I think about you now? ❞ He looks at him seriously, like he’s trying to poke holes in what he’s been telling him all this time. ❝I’m not any different now,❞ he says. ❝I’m still that same freak I was before, so just---back off.❞
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feelsvoid · 4 years
send me questions you have about my character!
anything and everything. favorites. thoughts on people, on events. what they would do in a certain situation. how things would be different if something had/hadn’t happened. simple questions, complex questions. have at it!
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feelsvoid · 4 years
@gothlexxbian​ said: "Why do you act so weirdly?"
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Hyunwoo looks at her questioningly, raising a brow, ❝ hm, do I act weird? ❞ The question is genuine, but posed almost jokingly. He wonders what he’s done to strike her as odd, though it’s not something that particularly bothers him. At least not yet. After all, even with as good with people as he could be, Hyunwoo was still very aware that sometimes he could still come off as weird. It was an inherent disconnect with others that would simply always be there. ❝What exactly is it about me that you find strange? ❞ he asks, amused. ❝I’m curious now.❞  
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feelsvoid · 4 years
I’m bored aaa pls plot with me y’all…or send memes??
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feelsvoid · 4 years
@dissolvedshadows​ said: “  it’s better to expect disappointment.  ”
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❝I don’t typically carry a lot of expectations to begin with.❞ He shrugs, ❝ even if you expect disappointment---you’re still let down, right? ❞ It’s not a sentiment he relates to, not really, but more of an observation. He’s seen the way things played out when people cared too much, when they expect more than they’re given---more than they could ever be given. He’s never felt that, has never truly hoped for more than what he knew he could reach for. He simply hasn’t had a reason to, even if his words gave the implications that he had in the past. He’s come to find that the implications behind his words were often better.  ❝So---why even bother? ❞ 
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feelsvoid · 4 years
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hello!! finally doing a little mini promo here~ if you’d like your muse to interact with a chaotic yet charming serial killer lawyer---maybe give this a like or a rb to spread the word ( pretty pls!! )
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feelsvoid · 4 years
I’m bored aaa pls plot with me y’all...or send memes??
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feelsvoid · 4 years
1.What makes you the most emotional about your muse? 19. If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
1. What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
Honestly? the relationship between him and his parents. They love him very much, but he’s not sure what he feels at all, if and when he feels it. He supposes at least some of what he shows on the surface is real, but he doesn’t know the extent of his own feelings most of the time. Sometimes his parents don’t even know if what he feels towards them is genuine either, but they love him dearly anyway, and that’s always been a fact.
19. If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
For Hyunwoo, he’s definitely not a good person and in reality? He’d definitely deserve punishment for the things he’s done and the people he’s hurt. Prison for his ass. And probably hellfire too ajslkdfg
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