felucidarius-wra · 6 years
Welcome to the Violet Tap!
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Managed by the Half-Orc, Olyviane Haldstan, the Violet Tap is a grand tavern located in the jewel of the Duchy of Fairhaven - Violet Pointe. In the far eastern Hinterlands, this tap serves as the tavern of choice for many in the region. From Dukes and Duchesses to average city folk, all are welcome!
Open every day from 6am-12am, the Tap hosts a wide variety of drinks and foods, many imported from various spots across Azeroth, many more crafted right here in Fairhaven, or by Miss Haldstan herself!
So come on by! Enjoy a drink, enjoy twelve! And gather around the warm hearth in a setting of comradarie and revelry!
Olyviane Haldstan
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felucidarius-wra · 6 years
Tavern Night Attendees!
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Most people I’ve had come so far! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
@northhaven-wra @auroryn-dawnsworn @darienturilson @starlight-wra @felucidarius-wra @meadows-duchess @littleduchess
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felucidarius-wra · 6 years
Violet Tap Drinks Menu (WIP)
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Violet Fire - A newly minted whiskey infused with cinnamon and notes of red apple, purple in colour
Dwarven Scotch-Whiskey - Traditional Scotch imported from Khaz Modan
Westfall Whiskey - Whiskey hailing from eastern Westfall. Hints of sea salt topped off with a smoky finish.
Malt Whiskey
Badlands Bourbon - Goblin brewed bourbon. Smells faintly of oil and tastes sweet, with a smooth, oakey finish
Gnomish Whiskey - Crafted by the finest Gnomish Brewmasters. Smells faintly of oil and sour apples.
Violet Vodka - Brewed specifically for the Violet Tap. Tastes faintly of lavender and vanilla
Violet Vermouth - Tasting faintly of lavender and peaches
Tequila - Imported from Northern Stranglethorn
Rum - Imported from Booty Bay
Hinterlands Mezcal - Originally crafted by the Trolls of the Hinterlands, this strong, cheap smelling liquor appears to have a live worm wriggling inside the bottle.
Beers and Ales
Lordaeron Lambic - Imported from Stormwind
Thunder Ale - Imported from the Twin Peaks
Violet Porter - A porter with notes of lavender, vanilla and cherries
Violet Lambic - A fresh lambic, dark purple in colour with hints of apples and vanilla
Violet Ale - A bright, golden ale ripe with hints of peaches
Dalaran Red
Violet Zinfandel - A delectable concoction brewed right from Fairhaven’s own winery! Peach and grape notes with a light, smoky finish!
Violet Moscato - A delicious moscato brewed directly from Fairhaven’s own winery! Sour-sweet notes with a mixture of grape and pineapple!
Cherry Soda
Club Soda
Lemon-Lime Soda
Cherry Limeade
Apple Juice
Pear Juice
Peach Juice
(Please note that everything above is subject to change!)
Want to visit? Drop on by! Every Thursday at 6pm Server time! That’s PST!
Want to RP with me in the tavern on a day other than thursday? Just let me know!
Interested in having your own drinks sold at the Violet Tap? Please send IC mail to Olyviane Haldstan via tumblr or in-game via Olyviane!
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felucidarius-wra · 6 years
Felucidarius had kept to himself as the deaths increased. He must have already been exposed, as he fell ill with the strange sickness. After that, he wouldn’t leave the infirmary. He tried to sleep through it, silently praying each day for a cure to be found. Use of the Light only caused excruciating pain, so he and the other infected had to wait it out.
He was never too keen on prayer, nevertheless, his were answered. Light was the cure, and the pain it caused was the infection being burned away. Felucidarius vaguely recalled hearing how many did not survive the procedure. It didn’t phase him that he might not make it. He had begged the Light for a cure and it was being offered to him.
The curing process was all a blur in his memory. He spent the entire time- he wasn’t sure if it was minutes or hours- teetering on the edge of consciousness.
Three days later, he was still exhausted. Despite being able to actually sleep, a full night’s rest did not feel enough. But Felucidarius was eager to be out and about again. He found happiness in Fairhaven that he’d not felt in years. The young Duchess Loala inspired him to have purpose. His new friends- Darien, Ollie, and many others in Fairhaven- brought him out of his recent lone wolf mentality. And he’d met his dear Grayson, with whom he felt confident and whole. That night at the Violet Tap, surrounded by good company, he leaned his head on Grayson’s shoulder and thought- not thought, prayed- 
Let me do right by my new family.
((mentions: @littlelady-lo @graysonaddington @olliehaldstan @darienturilson @addington-wra))
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felucidarius-wra · 6 years
Trigger warning - Transphobia. Screenshots of messages my guildie received after posting a recruitment ad.
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
It was unthinkable.How could such a thing, such a terrible tragedy, happen? Grayson felt…he didn’t know how he felt. He didn’t have words to describe it. Vaguely he recalled Felucidarius trying to call to him through the bathroom door. Words didn’t reach his ears. Only sounds. His lover’s soothing voice, the dripping of the faucet, and the thrumming of his heart. Reaching his hand to his cheek, shaking fingers investigated the hot, wet sensation that trailed from his eyes.  Tears. He found himself crying. A flood of emotion and pain pouring forth from his eyes. He shattered. Curling in on himself on the bathroom floor, he let forth all of the feeling he hid from everyone when he found out. The sobbing, the panicked breaths, all of it.He would never see her again. He would never see his mother again.Someone had taken her from him, and his siblings, and now he would never see her again.  I can’t breath.   
           I can’t fucking breath.
It felt like the very walls were closing in around him, threatening the strangle the life from his wracking body. Pulling himself up by the locked door handle, the grieving man moved to the window, and threw it open with reckless abandon. Chilly night air poured in to the bathroom, like a breath of fresh air. Deeply he inhaled, relishing in the way it stung his wet eyes and licked at his exposed skin. Climbing out of the window, he fled in to the frosty night air, uncaring of everything behind him. He ran from the pain, tearing his shirt open, wanting as much of air to touch him and purge the hurt from his being. @felucidarius-wra @silken-steel @meadows-duchess @littlelady-lo @nocturne-in-silk 
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
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((Just a drawing of Felucidarius))
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
Things Said At Family Dinners:
“I was gonna leave, but I guess [NAME] needs affection.”
“I’m trying to cut back on my vodka intake.”
“Does this look like octopus hentai to you?” 
“You haven’t seen me in like two weeks, so just come over here and let me look at your veins!!”
“Why are you so bad at surfing?”
“I kill everything I touch.”
“Obviously I like breasts the best.”
“Don’t grow up, it’s a trap!”
“Are you alive?”  
“They’re really concerned about if this is yogurt or not.”
“Cardboard works for everything.”
“They don’t know I don’t know how to do this.”
“Would you eat it even if it didn’t have chocolate?”  
“What is this, an IQ contest?”
“If he/she can make 50 bucks drawing shitty My Little Pony fan art, why can’t I?” 
“Give it some attention after you locked it in the closet all these years.”
“Is that called ‘stealing’?” “If you mention that one more fucking time I’ll knock you unconscious.” 
“I would hope you have enough morals not to steal from a five year old.”  
“You better run, you sushi bitch!”
“See how  the junior high kids are? They’re so sensitive.”
“Let them sacrifice a different virgin, okay?”
“Do I need to buy you three cartons of socks?”
“What a boring adult gift.”
“Damn, [NAME], why did you break his fireplace?”  
“I wanna climb rocks..”
“Suck your gut in, big boy.”
“By some miracle, I passed my math class.” 
“Just focus on school, being happy, and being gay.” 
“I kinda feel bad for [NAME] with the way he’s/she’s fucking up his/her own life.” 
“I challenge you to a game.. Unless you’ve had enough.” 
“Hello, 911? Yes, this is an emergency. [NAME]’s being a little bitch.”  
“See, it’s perfectly safe. They have relationships with the gang members.”
“Umm excuse me can I please hold your hand?”
[NAME] said I look like the little boy from the Shining.” 
“My IQ is if you multiply all three of their IQs together.” 
"If I get cut, I’m gonna be dead before the week is done.”
“Kids are naturally afraid of you.”
“Damn, that’s some shit.”
“I am not going to tolerate this kind of abuse.” 
“Your veins are so great, I just wanna stab them with a needle!”
“What kind of rash do you think this is?”
“Hey, you know a lot about feet, right?
"No, just feel it!”
“Can we stop talking about this please?”
“When did Brittany Spears get here?”
“This provides you with hours of entertainment, doesn’t it?” 
“You couldn’t be any gayer even if you tried.” 
“How is it I turned out so normal when I have a mother/father like that?”
“Today a kindergartener corrected me when I was solving a math problem.”
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
Whisper in my Muses ear.
It could be something calming, threatening, sexy. Whatever it is, my Muse will react to this.
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
Tell me a headcanon you have for my muse.
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
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Clearly I haven't been trying hard enough.
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tagged by: @eveshadows
tagging: everyyyyone!
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
world of warcraft zone asks — kalimdor edition!
ahn'qiraj: what are your muse‘s beliefs about fate? can it be avoided?
ashenvale: what lengths would your muse go in order to protect what they love?
azshara: is your muse an opportunist, or do they stick to their morals?
azuremyst isle: is your muse a survivor? what would they do to survive?
bloodmyst isle: is your muse easily manipulated? what would it take to corrupt them?
darkshore: is your muse keeping a secret? how drastically would their lives change if this secret was exposed?
desolace: does your muse hold grudges? how do they handle ongoing conflict?
durotar: is your muse honourable? what makes them honourable?
dustwallow marsh: how does your muse cope with tragedy? do they allow themselves to grieve, or are they extremely guarded?
felwood: is your muse cursed / does your muse feel cursed?
feralas: how does your muse regard tradition?
moonglade: what are your muse’s thoughts on nature?
mount hyjal: what is your muse’s weapon of choice?
mulgore: is there something that makes your muse feel free?
northern barrens: does your muse seek glory? what is their definition of glorious?
silithus: what are your muse’s fears? why do they fear what they do?
southern barrens: is your muse an explorer type or a homebody?
stonetalon mountains: how does your muse define evil?
tanaris: is your muse reckless, or do they think before they act?
teldrassil: is your muse immortal? would your muse want to live forever?
thousand needles: is your muse stubborn? what would move your character to change their ways?
uldum: is your muse honest? are they above using deceit to gain an advantage?
un'goro crater: how exotic are your muse’s tastes? are they simpler, or will they accept nothing less than luxury?
winterspring: is your muse loyal? to what or whom is your muse loyal to?
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
🔔 - Loala!
But, my lady... I’m a rogue! How do I sneak with this bell??
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
💬 - Loala!
Lady Addington! I must inform you that you are the most capable noblewoman I’ve had the pleasure of meeting! From my short time pledged to your house, I have found a compassionate, brave, and honorable woman whom I’m happy to regard as a friend.
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
Send "🔔" to put a bell around my muse's neck
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
Send 💬 and my muse will say what they really think about yours.
No holding back!
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felucidarius-wra · 7 years
Ever the Pessimist
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Felucidarius was not comforted by the news of Lena’s arrest. His gut feeling told him she wasn’t the culprit. However, he didn’t know the woman, and couldn’t even recalled a formal introduction with her. It must have been his usual paranoia. It’s not over yet, the far corners of his mind insisted. That was too convenient, too easy. He reminded himself of the tragedies that already occurred, and that his suspicion should not downplay them. So much happened, and perhaps now we’ll get to the bottom of it.
But it was hard for Felucidarius to not be so paranoid. You were right though, he thought. The others believed it was over before. A memorial and a feast were held, and you stayed back because you knew it would get worse. You knew better than to hope, and you still know better.
He passed a hand over his face, trying not to give in to pessimism. Maybe if he shared his thoughts with the others, he wouldn’t feel so helpless. These were his friends, and the family he pledged his banner to. He shouldn’t keep to himself so much. If his paranoia proved irrational, they could perhaps teach him to have hope. And if his instincts were correct, he could at least be the word of caution.
(mentions: @littlelady-lo, @nicolaos-wra)
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