“Boy Hair”
Dear grocery checker who attempted to gender-shame Noah with “you know, boys look much better with short hair;”
You have NO IDEA who you’re dealing with.
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How feminist are you?
Want to know how feminist you are? Take Noah's quiz here: https://www.onlineassessmenttool.com/are-you-a-feminist/assessment-38214  
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How to know if you’re a feminist
Here are some questions that will help you know if you’re a feminist.
Question one: Do you believe women and men should be equal?
If you answered yes, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re a feminist!
If you answered no, you are not a feminist.
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When Noah was 4 years old, he could not speak. He couldn’t understand language (didn’t even know that there was SUCH A THING as language), couldn’t express himself, couldn’t communicate with the world. Then he met Miss Amy.
Miss Amy had followed her heart halfway across the world to China to help kids learn to talk. Without Miss Amy, there would be no Feminist Adventures of Noah M. She arrived in his life at a crisis point, and with her help, Noah literally found his voice. 
And today Noah got to see Miss Amy again! Thank you, thank you, Miss Amy and all the other Miss Amys of the world who dedicate their lives to bringing children out of silence and loneliness into the light. We love you.
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Last night Noah got to meet one of his heroes--McArthur Krishna, one of the authors of Girls Who Chose God. This wonderful picture book tells the stories of girls and women in the bible who had big choices to make, and is one of Noah’s very favorite books. So you can imagine his delight when McArthur not only signed his book (”to the super-feminist Noah”) but came out to spend more time talking to him and to get a photo. (And to allow Noah to love on her gorgeous baby, his favorite activity in the world.)
Noah strongly recommends you get Girls Who Chose God for the Christian kids in your life, “especially if they are feminists.”
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Schooling the Librarian
#ThrowbackSunday #ForgotToPostThisInMarch
Sitting here at the library with Noah's cub scout troop. They are supposed to find a book about "people who make our world a better place." Leader was mostly pushing environmental books (we are totally on board) and books about the history of the boy scouts. They went out of sight around the stacks for a few minutes and then I heard "Well that's a great idea Noah! Let’s go find some books on feminism too!"
So now, three eight-year-old boys are learning about feminism at the library.
And now he's asking for a book on Intersectionality. The Children’s Librarian clearly had no idea what Intersectionality meant. So before his former-children’s-librarian mom could jump in to help, Noah showed her, with one of his favorite books.
Aaaaand now he's reading out loud from his favorite illustrated UN Declaration of Human Rights. I love this day so hard.
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#‎Socktober‬ is here! It's time to donate to your local domestic violence shelter to make sure the people there are warm and safe!  Our personal favorites are the Cedar Valley Friends of the Family and the Safehouse Progressive Alliance in Boulder, CO, but you should help out where you are!  
It's a feminist thing to do! (And, also, just a human being thing to do.)
Don't know what Socktober is? Check it out here www.happysocktober.com with Noah's personal hero, Kid President.
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Misty Copeland
“"Mom, today at school we watched a video about Follow Your Dreams that had that ballerina who was the first Black main ballerina in America!”
“"Cool! Was she dancing?”
“"Yes! It was so amazing! I raised my hand and told the teacher about how that was Intersectionality.” 
(And if you don't know who he's talking about, do yourself a favor and go watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T-n9Ti0V8mI)
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Long time no see! Sorry we’ve been gone so long, Noah’s mom is going back to grad school and has been pretty busy.
But here’s a little update on what Noah’s up to--tonight he’s making meatballs for dinner wearing his Votes for Women apron. Feminism! Delicious, delicious feminism.
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A few months ago, Noah’s class was learning to write poetry. This was his first try.
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Yeah, so self-awareness isn’t going to be a problem, apparently.
Randomly, from the back seat of the car after an extended period of silence on the way to violin:
“Mom? Can you think of some ways that I have privilege? Because I’m trying to think of them, and I know it’s hard for people to know their own ways they have privilege. And I don’t want to miss any.“
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This was the project that started our involvement with the Cedar Valley Friends of the Family!  Our annual Socktober drive (inspired by the amazing Kid President) to collect supplies for a shelter was coming around, and this time we chose our wonderful local domestic violence shelter. We collected all these supplies from our generous neighbors and Noah got to meet the amazing people who run the shelter when we dropped them off. It was one of his proudest moments. 
(And seriously, y’all, our people came through in an incredible way. A dozen brand-new coats, huge bags of clothes, new blankets and comforters, tons of food, three full boxes of toiletries, a posh stroller, new dishes, shoes . . . it was amazing. Thank you again.)
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Noah came home from the bus a few days ago in tears of frustration. 
“Mom, those MEAN KIDS on the bus won’t let me sit in the back! They say the back is only for 6th graders! And they are SO MEAN!!! And every time I try to sit back there, they push me and yell at me, and they even tell the bus driver on me. And even the BUS DRIVER makes me move to another seat! It’s SO UNFAIR!!!!”
We talk about this problem (which has indeed been recurring) for a long time and I try to convince him to just stay away from the bullies and sit with his friends.
“Noah, I just don’t understand WHY you keep trying to sit back there?!? You don’t even LIKE those kids! Why do you want to sit with people who keep being mean to you? Why don’t you just ignore them and stay away?”
(tears start up again) “But MOM!! It’s totally UNFAIR! And I want to be BRAVE like Martin Luther King!!”
Oh, my heart.
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Hello, fellow feminists! This is Noah’s mom. According to our calculations, through poster and t-shirt sales Noah has already raised over $200 for our local domestic violence shelter! Thank you so much to those who have donated or bought FANM products! How else can you help? Well, Iowa fans can attend Chefs Take A Stand on April 23rd to raise even more to help abused and homeless women and children and the rest of you can make a donation to your own local DV shelter. Together we can "be a caring friend" and make the world a better place!
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Noah recently sat down with Ben Brustkern, Executive Director of the Cedar Valley Friends of the Family, to talk about feminism, patriarchy, and why people should support their local domestic violence shelter. Noah also introduces the newest dance sensation, the Stomp Out Patriarchy!
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We’ve been getting some emails asking how to get this poster for your very own--just a reminder that with a $5 donation to the Cedar Valley Friends of the Family Domestic Violence Shelter, it can be yours! It will probably make you more brave and powered hanging on your wall.
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Noah created these motivational posters to help you all remember how to be Feminists (and not Patriarchies).
If you would like one of these posters for your very own, make a $5 donation to the Cedar Valley Friends of the Family, a domestic violence shelter Noah’s family supports. Then PM Noah’s mom at his facebook page and she will email you the high quality file so you can print your own poster. Make sure you tell her which poster you would like!
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Today is my BIRTHDAY! Now I am an 8-year-old Feminist! I used to be a little smaller.
Thanks everybody for being great Feminists. Please make sure you do something feminist today for my birthday!!
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