fermeldahyde · 2 days
What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless
Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food
grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread
different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.
some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit
Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment
sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it
Some churches offer short term residence
Find your nearest homeless shelter
Look for places that are open to the public
A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry
A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.
Public libraries have bathrooms you can use
Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.
Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver
Local beaches, go for a quick swim
Some truck stops have showers you can pay for
Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet
Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket
first aid kit
 a travel alarm clock or watch
 mylar emergency blanket
 a backpack is a must
 downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards
 sleeping bag
 travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror
 swiss army knife
 can opener
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fermeldahyde · 13 days
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fermeldahyde · 19 days
I posted a new Chapter for the Carlvard Collection!
Sorry for late post, I literally forgot lmao
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fermeldahyde · 19 days
Carlvard angst fic where Harvard fucking dies (sorry I'm in an angst mood 😔)
Alternatively: Pls someone make a Carlvard cuddle fic that's more than just 700 words I'm BEGGING
Does anyone have any Carlvard or any other Decapolice ship fic ideas please? I really want some nice moments!
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fermeldahyde · 1 month
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fermeldahyde · 1 month
You know what time it is... Carlvard headcanon time!!
I had to do Carlvard next, they're taking over my brain. Living rent free in my mind (ignore the fact it took long to post this I forgor).
They met at college because they were in the same class. Carl was intrigued by Harvard in a sense. One day he saw him in the hallway and started staring unknowingly. Harvard noticed this and called him out. Carl got incredibly flustered, especially with Harvard's intimidating stare. However, as soon as Harvard saw him, he realized Carl wasn't a threat.
They eventually became study mates, going to cafes together and visiting each other's dorms.
They rented an apartment together after college cause Broadstone be expensive as hell (just like NYC irl frfr).
Carl developed feelings first while Harvard developed them later.
Carl calls Harvard "Harvey" as a nickname (only Carl is allowed to call her that, if anyone else does, she will glare at you).
Harvard will call Carl pet names in Spanish and Italian like "bonito" and "bello."
The matching pendants are actually friendship charms Carl bought for them in college! As their relationship develops, it becomes more like wedding rings lmao.
Carl worries about Harvard a lot and is afraid that she'll let her truama consume her.
Harvard also worries about Carl and his lack of self-confidence, he's just bad at expressing it openly.
Surprisingly Harvard likes being the little spoon while cuddling.
Harvard's love language is physical affection (giving) and acts of service (both giving and receiving). Carl's is also physical affection (giving) and words of affirmation (receiving).
Harvard is extremely touch starved while Carl is the most cuddly person ever.
Sometimes Carl will do Harvard's makeup if Harvard feels too tired to do it. He also fixes her hair sometimes.
Harvard's first relationship was with Carl while Carl has dated other people in the past.
When grocery shopping, sometimes Harvard would wordlessly put a six pack of beer into the shopping cart and Carl would have to pay with his ID (for context, the drinking age in America is 21, so Carl can legally drink, but not Harvard lol).
Speaking of alcohol, Harvard would get very touchy when drunk and be a lot more emotionally vulnerable. Carl tries not to get too drunk that often because when he does he gets wired asf and does stupid shit.
Carl would sometimes make Harvard breakfast in bed to practice his culinary skills (when they actually have the time off to sleep in late.)
Carl often comforts Harvard after nightmares. Harvard tried to play it off at first, but Carl wasn't having it cause empath brain sensed something was wrong.
Harvard likes when Carl scratches behind his ear and pets his hair (like a cat!)
They compliment each other's flaws. Harvard reminds Carl to have more confidence while Carl reminds Harvard that it's ok to be vulnerable about your feelings.
They didn't really have a confession per say. Their relationship just kinda slow burned into romantic one.
They didn't really confirm they were dating until after their first kiss.
Carl: "Does this mean we're dating now?"
Harvard: "Carl, I think we've been dating."
Due to Carl's jealousy issues, he would sometimes get a little possessive— NOT TO A TOXIC DEGREE THOUGH!!! If he senses someone trying to flirt with Harvard he'd come by quickly and interrupt join the conversation or subtly grab Harvard by the waist and pull him closer while side-eyeing the other person. Harvard never says anything about it though because he kinda likes it.
Harvard would sometimes jokingly call Carl his "sugar daddy" cause he's rich. Carl hates when he does this (I only now just had this headcanon cause of fanfiction. Thanks fanfiction!!👍)
That's it's for now! Again, sorry this took a while to post, I can't remember shit for the life of me lol. If I remember I might do Zhang or Manimani headcanons next.
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fermeldahyde · 1 month
He'd probably hate it at first and only use it as means to fuel his revenge, but after the story (when he gets therapy) he'll begin to celebrate in her honor.
I like to think Carl would be the one to help him accept her death and make Mothers Day a day worth celebrating rather than resenting.
how do yall think harvard celebrates mothers day
does he js live like its any other day or would he honor his mother’s memory/visit her grave?
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fermeldahyde · 2 months
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fermeldahyde · 2 months
Updated my Carlvard collection!
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fermeldahyde · 2 months
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@/folkoftheshelf on Twitter has made a thread of fundraising links for Gazans. I’ve transferred the links here, please boost them as the conflict is worsening:
Help Ahmad Hassan and his family escape Gaza
Help Halla Morshed’d family escape Gaza
Help Dr. Yousef Alsweisi and his family escape Gaza
Evacuate Sohad’s family out of Gaza
Help Donia Tanani and her family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help Zinh and her family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help this Gazan family rebuild their lives (they are not close to their goal as of writing)
Help the Zack Family
Help Hala Jad and her family (they are at a 1/3 of their goal)
Help Walid and his family escape Gaza (they are close to reaching their goal!!)
Help Mariam Radi and her family (as of right now they are not close to reaching their goal)
Help Maha Abu Shammala evacuate the family from Gaza (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Ronza Alaa and her family (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Noor and her family evacuate to safety (they haven't met their goal as of writing)
Help Manar Abuqata get his family out of Gaza (goal hasn't been met as of writing)
Help Farah save her family
Help Ahmad’s family escape from Gaza to Egypt
Help evacuate Mohammed Harara’s family out of Gaza (they are halfway through their goal!!)
Help Dana and her family escape (they have almost met their goal!!)
Help Anas’ family escape from Gaza (goal has not been met as of writing, note that the money is in krona, 1 usd=11 krona)
Help Ibrahem Ra’fat Daher and his family evacuate Gaza
Help Hakam Albalawi save his family (goal had not been met as of writing)
Help Tabseem AbuJamie’s family evacuate (goal hasn't been met and only has two donations as of writing)
Rafah Masterpost
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fermeldahyde · 2 months
it is so incredibly sad to constantly see kids on instagram and tiktok who are younger than my brother have to literally beg for shelter, food, water, medicine, and their right to exist as human beings
i mean, this young girl is only ten years old, yet she is essentially responsible for convincing random people scrolling through instagram that her and her family’s life are worth fighting for
on top of that, their gofundme is not even 10% funded and time is running out, please if you can’t donate, just share
please don’t let this little girl die begging
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fermeldahyde · 2 months
So I finally decided to post my Decapolice fics of the Carlvard variety (they've been sitting in my drafts for months). This is a collection of drabbles, I'll post the other chapters later!!!
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fermeldahyde · 2 months
I think this solidifies it, imma just write Decapolice myself I'm not even joking. I'm gonna make a whole ass fanfic and imma just see if I predicted anything correctly.
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fermeldahyde · 2 months
If the time loop theory is true, he'd probably still be made of blood because the Decasim coded him that way. Also forgot to mention that when he's doing the investigation board, it scans his eye before entering the Thinking Vision, which is just a random blue void. I thought it was a cool visualization at first, but there may be more to it.
Tbh I don't really think the Clown would be Harvard's mom, but it's definitely possible considering it's Level 5.
THAT'S ACTUALLY WHAT I PLANNED!! In the DLC, Harvard would be doing his own investigations into the matter because he's not one to sit there and do nothing. The BPD wonder the whole time if it's actually Harvard, but they cant let the LAPD know cause they think he's dead. At the end Harvard intervened in a climatic moment and everyone is all like "Holy shit, Harvard!!!" And the leader of the LAPD is just standing there confused the whole time.
anyone got any headcanons/ theories?
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fermeldahyde · 2 months
Late to this, but:
Decaism Time Loop Theory
The real world is actually another version of Decaism- like a virtual world in a virtual world. Either that or they're in one Decaism that keeps resetting itself. I think it would be a very fitting parallel to the theme of revenge and they would literally be in a cycle of revenge. Kinda goes along with your theory of the hacker trying to merge the real world and the Decaism as well because the real world would also just made of code.
If you want to add a psychological horror element, you can add a Kagerou Daze level of fuckery and have all the resets end in death and tragedy.
Harvard is an Android
Harvard could be an android (or, if you want to refer to the previous theory, made of code). Harvard Marks is actually a name of one of those old-timey computers which could just be fun reference and refer to how intelligent he is, but it could also be literal.
The Diamond Pendant Is VERY important
I already thought this before because Harvard and Carl, the main characters, are the only two that wear that specific diamond. It's also literally the loading screen icon in the game.
The Clown is Harvard
This sounds crazy, but if we take the time-loop theory into consideration, it's actually possible. Clown could have originally been a different person unrelated to Harvard, but because he seeks revenge, he starts the time loop and invertedly becomes clown in the process.
The Clown is Harvard's Mom
I don't have much for this other than the fact clown has feminine features and that it's very level 5 for a character to fake their death. Also the potential angst of the criminal Harvard was going after being his own mother would be CRAZY.
Harvard Goes Under Witness Protection
This is more of a post-game/DLC idea I have, but I like to think after the whole clown shebang is over, Harvard has to go under witness protection because there's a mysterious entity after him. Haven't figured out all the details, but basically, one day after work he gets shot and he's presumed dead at the hospital. Turns out he is alive but because of witness protection, it's best for everyone to assume he's dead. Only the BPD know this and they have to pretend their friend is dead for like a year. With Harvard out of the picture, Carl becomes the main character and leader of the BPD for the DLC.
On the topic of DLC, the BPD will also be able to travel to LA because one of the cases they're working on also involves the LAPD (yes they're just a bunch of OCs I made up 😭).
Small headcanons/ideas I have:
There's a side quest involving a circus and they have to investigate a criminal clown possie. Spoilers: Harvard is not having a good time (he's clown phobic 😭)
There's a famous actress who came to Broadstone for filming. However there was a murder on set and ends up being one of the prime suspects despite. However she insists that she didn't do it. BPD have to solve the case to find the true criminal. On a side note, the BPD likes to comment how she kinda looks like Harvard to tease him and Harvard hates it.
The yellow haired girl is a vigilante (I know it's not likely, but I really want her to be a vigilante). She's against the police and wants to find Clown for killing her father. Her name is either Standford or Yale. She's ideologically opposed to Harvard but I'd similar to him at the same time. They have a rival dynamic going on and she agrees to help the BPD with the clown case later in the story.
I want there to be these flashbacks scenes in the game of Harvard's child hood that end up being these mini psychological horror segments where everything seems fine, but something is off (think of Omori or DDLC).
anyone got any headcanons/ theories?
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fermeldahyde · 4 months
Palestine Masterlist 
Introduction to Palestine: 
Decolonize Palestine:
Palestine 101
Rainbow washing 
Frequently asked questions 
IMEU (Institute for Middle East Understanding):
Quick Facts - The Palestinian Nakba 
The Nakba and Palestinian Refugees 
The Gaza Strip
The Palestinian catastrophe (Al-Nakba)
Al-Nakba (documentary)
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 (book)
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (book)
Nakba Day: What happened in Palestine in 1948? (Article)
The Nakba did not start or end in 1948 (Article)
Donations and charities: 
Electronic Intifada 
Adalah Justice Project 
IMEU Fundraiser 
Medical Aid for Palestinians 
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund 
Muslim Aid
Palestine Red Crescent
Gaza Mutual Aid Patreon
A New Critical Approach to the History of Palestine
The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge
Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean
The Balfour Declaration: Empire, the Mandate and Resistance in Palestine
Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique
From Haven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine Problem until 1948
Captive Revolution - Palestinian Women’s Anti-Colonial Struggle within the Israeli Prison System
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History
Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics
Before Their Diaspora: A Photographic History of The Palestinians 1876-1948
The Battle for Justice in Palestine Paperback
Uncivil Rites: Palestine and the Limits of Academic Freedom
Palestine Rising: How I survived the 1948 Deir Yasin Massacre
The Transformation of Palestine: Essays on the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
A Land Without a People: Israel, Transfer, and the Palestinians 1949-1996
The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood
A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
Where Now for Palestine?: The Demise of the Two-State Solution
Terrorist Assemblages - Homonationalism in Queer Times
Militarization and Violence against Women in Conflict Zones in the Middle East
The one-state solution: A breakthrough for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock
The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians
Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians
The False Prophets of Peace: Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine
Ten myths about Israel
Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question
Israel and its Palestinian Citizens - Ethnic Privileges in the Jewish State
Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy
Greater than the Sum of Our Parts: Feminism, Inter/Nationalism, and Palestine
Palestine Hijacked 
Palestinian Culture:
Mountain against the Sea: Essays on Palestinian Society and Culture
Palestinian Costume
Traditional Palestinian Costume: Origins and Evolution
Tatreez & Tea: Embroidery and Storytelling in the Palestinian Diaspora
Embroidering Identities: A Century of Palestinian Clothing (Oriental Institute Museum Publications)
The Palestinian Table (Authentic Palestinian Recipes)
Falastin: A Cookbook
Palestine on a Plate: Memories from My Mother’s Kitchen
Palestinian Social Customs and Traditions
Palestinian Culture before the Nakba
Tatreez & Tea (Website)
The Traditional Clothing of Palestine
The Palestinian thobe: A creative expression of national identity
Embroidering Identities:A Century of Palestinian Clothing
Palestine Traditional Costumes
Palestine Family 
Palestinian Costume
Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, v5: Volume 5: Central and Southwest Asia
Tent Work in Palestine: A Record of Discovery and Adventure
Documentaries, Films, and Video Essays:
Jenin, Jenin
Born in Gaza
Wedding in Galilee 
5 Broken Cameras
Indigeneity, Indigenous Liberation, and Settler Colonialism (not entirely about Palestine, but an important watch for indigenous struggles worldwide - including Palestine)
Edward Said - Reflections on Exile and Other Essays
Palestine Remix: 
Gaza Lives On
Gaza we are coming
Lost cities of Palestine 
Stories from the Intifada 
Last Shepherds of the Valley
Voices from Gaza
Muhammad Smiry
Najla Shawa
Nour Naim
Wael Al dahdouh
Motaz Azaiza
Ghassan Abu Sitta
Refaat Alareer (murdered by Israel - 12/7/2023. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un)
Plestia Alaqad
Bisan Owda
Ebrahem Ateef
Mohammed Zaanoun
Doaa Mohammad
Hind Khoudary
Palestinian Voices, Organizations, and News 
Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS)
Defense for Children in Palestine
Palestine Legal 
Palestine Action
Palestine Action US
United Nations relief and works for Palestinian refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA)
National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
Times of Gaza
Middle East Eye
Middle East Monitor
Mohammed El-Kurd
Muna El-Kurd 
Electronic Intifada 
Dr. Yara Hawari 
Mariam Barghouti
Omar Ghraieb
Steven Salaita
Noura Erakat
The Palestinian Museum N.G.
Palestine Museum US
Artists for Palestine UK 
Eye on Palestine 
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fermeldahyde · 4 months
Ok ok, I'm NOT defending their use of AI art, BUT I did wanna clarify some things and go into specifics.
Very important: THE PORTRAITS OF KEITA/NATE ARE ONLY USED AS EXAMPLES!!! This was done as a presentation at Cdec Kyushu, a gaming/entertainment conference. They were only showing off how AI could help them develop art style concepts. They are NOT using any of these portraits!
A lot of the assets are place holders. Example: the they are using AI voices, WITH PERMISSION OF THE VOICE ACTORS, as placeholders in battle dialogue until the can get the ACTUAL voice actors to record the final lines.
The stabilized diffusion model... I'm not defending that... There is an example of them using this for the background of this drawing:
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They could've just made a bunch of blobs honestly... :/
Similarly, they use AI as planning for concept art. This... I don't really know how to feel about this cause the artist job is to you know. Thumbnail. Maybe this is to just get over art block, but I will say, the title screen for Megaton Musashi X and W don't even compare to the first one.
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In order: MegaMusa X, W, and then original title screen.
Now for the MOST concerning out of all of these is using Chat GBT for side quest ideas. Presumably, this is for Decapolice. Granted, they aren't using it to create the script or anything, just to get names and stats, but it's still concerning as hell. The whole advertising of Decapolice was that it's an open world where you can go around and solve a bunch of mysteries, but it kinda shows you don't care about the side quests when you use Chat GBT to generate a concept. If they're doing this, I really hope they only use it when they're running out of ideas rather than using this for ALL the quests by default. I don't wanna wait till 2026 just to play AI slob.
So overall, there are definitely some valid concerns with this. I'm not trying to defend them, but I wanted to clarify things at least to avoid unnecessary fear mongering.
Again I'm NOT defending AI art- it makes me sad to see them doing this with concept art and side quests, but I just wanted to talk about the specifics.
Honestly I don't get why they even need to do AI art? They LITERALLY have a freelance artist program and they could just like idk. Hire more artists. Heck, they even had a program back in the day for Fantasy Life where they let stay at home moms create 3D models for them. Like come on bro, you can do better!
Darts does a pretty good job of breaking this information down on his Twitter:
And here's the original website with all the information:
chat, is this real? (god i wish it wasn't.)
so uh. according to this thread its very possible that Level-5 is using ai art. thats fucking fantastic. thanks guys. definitely not a spit in the face to your fans who've loved you for years for your unique art direction. no. not at all :) /VERY SAR
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it doesn't matter if they're "just using it for concept art" or whatever. they're still using it and its fucking gross. As a Yo-Kai Watch fan of almost 10 years now, I am truly disgusted. I hope they recall this decision and go back to using exclusively real artists, or they'll lose a lot of fans (including myself, which would break my heart. I love Level-5 games to death.)
I'm still most likely going to buy Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road and Decapolice when they come out, because most likely if the use of AI in scriptwriting/sidequests is real those will be rewritten in the English localization by actual people. Still doesn't change the concept art thing but i've been hyped for these games for too long to let that ruin it. If it goes any further than that tho, i'm probably going to tap out. Which sucks so much.
This is lazy at best and downright harmful to real artists at worst.
also why would you want it to look more like the anime bro the yo-kai watch anime was ass. thats just me tho askjfhakjhfkjafk
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