#manimani is also in this
fermeldahyde · 5 months
Updated my Carlvard collection!
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gearbit · 1 year
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Catch the Wave by Kz (livetune) - 16th Anniversary Fan Film
Art/Animation - Omutatsu Movie - Eneki Remix - Guiano Vocaloid Edit - Bibi
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lunalunawillow · 8 months
Today... (WxS's Version)
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quillirio · 1 year
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i made this image bc i am not normal
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
i forgot i uninstalled en project sekai and got so confused when yugioh duel links icon had moved
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undergoing a heart attack as they call it. might be lung collapse to be forthcoming with you guys gals pals. organ failure in some capacity, some might say even.
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plasticsandwich · 1 year
over 10 years and unhappy refrain is still one of the best vocaloid albums ever made
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adhdtsukasa · 6 days
totally not what i intended to post today but also whatever, we ball. pinocchiop is my favorite vocap and i'm very autistic about both him and wxs, so, to honor the song campaign clues that we got today, allow me to present to you the reincarnation apple wxs cover line distribution i did some time ago — and why, in my humble opinion, it fits wxs much more than it fits niigo,
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(the lyrics where the color changes each word are where the characters both sing at the same time but my notes app doesn't have the option to do a gradient)
i'm in no way expecting it to be an official line distribution because i did it based on my personal interpretation of the lyrics — and i feel like dedicating almost a whole big part of the song to each member might mess up with the game cut, but i also really would like to see them have solos of those parts — but they're here to help me explain my point better my point. so!
what i like about wandasho covers is that they are performers — and it should give them more creative liberty when it comes to their covers. that's why the reincarnation in this song could be simply treated as them getting into roles, reliving countless lives as actors. even though the accuracy of the lines sung is always nicely welcomed, the covers don't have to always be 100% fitting. and that's fine. especially in wxs' case, because that is a yet another story that they want to tell us.
people often say that the storyline fits niigo but i... don't see it at all? i mean, yeah, ena as the artist and kanade as the savior, that much is obvious (and i guess you could also say that mizuki as a revolutionary, but that is kind of a reach?). but what about the part describing the inventor that matches rui's backstory so well? what if you put main story tsukasa in the artist's place and draw the similiarities? what if you think about emu as the savior, comparing the savior's unconditional love to her wanting to save wonder stage and make everyone smile? the only match that doesn't fit quite well is nene and the revolutionary, but you can't have anything i guess. and then the adventurer part, which is a call back to the our happy ending set (i set out in search of an ideal — emu deciding to go with wxs in order to expand her knowledge and horizons) (and then you know, the end has come with the reincarnation apple)... and then lines like i'm not smart enough and i don't have a great cause could resonate with how people viewed emu and rui in the past.
"oh but isn't the start of the song a bit too dark and depressing for it to be a wxs cover?" kami no manimani starts in a similiar way and yet it still is a wxs cover.
and, putting lyrics aside, it just doesn't feel like a niigo song from the instrumental alone. i'm not a music expert so i don't have strong arguments for it, but for me it sounds absolutely like a wxs song. it even reminds me of sekahaji in a way.
does that mean you're in the wrong for wanting niigo to cover it? nope! i just simply want to explain why it fits. and i don't want people to complain that it doesn't make sense for it to end up as a wxs cover. because i will cry.
tldr: reincarnation as a metaphore for acting save me
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acsisz · 5 months
Real DecaP DARK Fanfic.
Warning: contains quite a bit of violence, blood, some swearing.
This isn't DecaP fluff fanfic (there's a bit at the end tho), I wrote this while imagining a DARK DecaP game. Harvard is an actual merciless bastard, and his teammates don't have a good time.
Writing this caused me some emotional pain, so be prepared.
(Also I'm so tired, this is like 5,500 words long... I didn't beta read it, no energy left 😅 I'm sorry if there're any wording mistakes)
Plot: The team experiences Harvard's darkness firsthand.
*Huff puff*
Carl was running alone in an abandoned building.
'Where is everyone?' Carl thought as he went around a corner.
'What was that?!' Carl heard a loud sound coming not far from where he is.
'Are the others in trouble?!' He tried to once again contact his teammates through his special police assigned phone, but it still didn't work.
'Damn it... I guess there's no other choice...' Carl began to turn the other way and started running to the source of the loud sound he had heard.
'Everyone... please be okay...!'
"Hm? That was..." Zhang muttered to himself as he checked his laptop for any contacts from his teammates.
"It was quite loud, but still far off from where we are," said his partner, Manimani.
Her tone of voice signaled worry, yet still radiates a strong calmness.
"Any news from the others?" Manimani asked her partner.
"No, not yet..." Zhang shaked his head and began typing on his laptop.
"We've been separated from them for quite some time now... Did Mikey contact you?" asked Manimani again.
"Nope... This is just speculation on my part, but I think this old building is jamming our signals," Zhang begins to explain.
"Mikey just went in to search for Carl and Harvard, so maybe he hasn't had any new info to tell us," he continued.
"...but it's weird that Carl or Harvard hasn't contacted us at all, is what you're saying right?" Manimani said.
"Exactly," said Zhang as he finally tears his sight away from his laptop screen to face Manimani.
"Especially Carl," Manimani emphasized.
"Especially Carl... he's the biggest worrywart of this team," Zhang agreed.
"So, what should we do know? Me going in after them won't solve any problem," Manimani puts her hands on her hips, slightly annoyed.
"Right..." Zhang begins to think.
"Honestly we were so lucky to be regrouped with Mikey, only for him to immediately went off in search of those two," Manimani briefly remembers when they managed to accidentally find Mikey in this labyrinth of a building.
"Mikey!" Manimani shouted a bit to get her teammate's attention.
Mikey was running, about to turn around a corner when he heard Manimani's voice calling him.
"Goodness! What a coincidence! Good to see you two!" Mikey, noticing Manimani and Zhang, began to ran over to them whilst shouting a bit.
"A coincidence of great effort, this place is like a maze!" Zhang said, "Why didn't you contact us?"
"Oh! Yes, contact! Sorry, I forgot!" Mikey admitted, an embarrassed smile began to form on his face.
Zhang and Manimani sighed at the revelation, 'Knew it,' they both thought at the same time.
"Putting that aside for a moment, did you find anything? Where are our leader and his partner?" Manimani asked.
"Very weird. I found nothing, not a single person. And no Harvard or Carl either," Mikey said, perplexed.
"Wait, not a single person? But you came from the other way. We also didn't find anyone, so thinking logically, you should've had more chance in encountering those members!" the news shook Manimani.
"Yes, very weird. This is hideout of a big crime organization, correct?"
"Right, but we also didn't find a single person..." Manimani looked to Zhang for correction, and he only nods.
"Could it be that they already fleed?" Zhang raised a possibility.
"No way, Harvard clearly told us they'd be here. He was sure of it," And Harvard was rarely wrong when he's that sure, Manimani added in her mind.
"Damn it, this is turning into a mess. I thought we'd be able to instantly raise our achievements if we're able to caught a big crime organization by ourselves," Zhang sighed.
"I told you so," Manimani said perturbed.
'What a mess... This is what happens when you don't listen to Carl and me, we're like the only functioning brains with common sense in this team...!' Manimani swallowed her words, making the situation worse is the last thing she wants to do right now. Scolding Zhang can come after they're all together and safe.
"How about we search for leader and Carl together?" Mikey asked, sensing the disturbance in the air.
"Can't do, I wanna try contacting headquarters," Zhang said, rejecting Mikey's offer.
"I see, what about you Manimani?" Mikey turns his focus to Manimani.
"I want to, but Zhang's horrible at fights. Can't risk him getting jumped by the enemies while he's working on contacting headquarters," Manimani shook her head, a bit disappointed she couldn't go searching for her teammates.
"That's okay I understand, Zhang's the worse at fights in our team. I would also be worried if I were to left him alone in the middle of enemy territory," Mikey agrees.
Zhang didn't mind being spoken off like a deadweight at fights, he's good at other things after all. And he's about to demonstrate that other things right now as he opens his laptop and begins working.
"Alright, then see you guys later!" Mikey said as he began to run off to find Harvard and Carl.
"Ah, don't forget to contact us with updates!" Manimani shouted at Mikey's running figure that's getting farther and father away from them in just a few seconds.
She could see him making an 'OK' sign with his hand, and lets him leave, hoping he wouldn't forget again.
"Maybe we shouldn't have let him leave after all..." Manimani said a bit dejected.
"Don't say stupid things like that, if that happens then we three'll be sitting ducks here when there might be something happening to our two missing teammates," Zhang debated, he's already working on his laptop again.
"Right, Mikey's strong anyway, he'd be able to handle himself just fine. You say some pretty good stuff sometimes too, huh?"
"Yep, glad you understand," Zhang answer as he types on his laptop.
"How's the progress with contacting the headquarters?" asked Manimani.
"No luck, we're sitting ducks," Zhang answered, his typing stopped.
"Figures," Manimani sighed, "Still, what was that noise anyway?" she asked.
"Don't know, but it seems to be coming from the way Mikey ran off to, so he may be close to it. We're definitely far off though," Zhang said.
"Should we go there?" suggested Manimani.
Zhang closed his laptop with a clicked, "Sure, it's not like we're making progress here," and stood up.
*Huff puff*
Carl could hear himself breathing.
The building he's in is old and so very quiet.
He could only hear his footsteps and rapid breathing.
'That source of that noise should be close... Damn it!'
Carl thought about how it all came to this, and almost swore to himself to give Harvard a good beating when he sees him next.
'Harvard, you stupid...!'
He remembers when Harvard came to them with surefire proofs on a crime organization and a plan to catch them all by themselves.
He and Manimani tried to convince him otherwise and to at least tell their higher-ups, but Harvard wouldn't listen.
Not only that, he managed to gain Zhang's support by luring him in with talks of achievements and promotions or whatnot.
With Mikey not really supporting one or the other, they were at a tie.
But Harvard was reckless enough to tell them that he would even go by himself, so there's no use stopping him.
Carl has been friends with Harvard for at least 3 years and he had an ability to understand other people's hearts and, through them, their thoughts and personalities.
He understands his friend and partner's personality very well.
So he knew he couldn't stop him, but, "Okay, we'll come with," Manimani gasped, shocked at his decision.
"But, let me contact our instructors first. At the very least, they should know if we're about to attempt this. Things may go south after all, we may need their help," Manimani's relieved sigh reached his ears.
Harvard gave him a look, indicating 'not bad', then smirked and shook his head, "If they know, they would first stop us from going, then issue a formal request to their higher-ups to be allowed to catch them. It could take DAYS. There could be an information leak, and the entire organization could be gone from that building by the time that venerable permission comes out."
Carl couldn't say anything, especially when he thought about what's going on inside the force currently.
There were talks about traitors inside Broadstone Police Force.
"We're going, NOW," was what Harvard said last before he left the room.
Carl wasn't about to let that kill them all though, so he whipped up his phone and was about to call one of their instructors, Misae or Granger.
But just then, a message came in. From Harvard. Carl pales and closed his phone, he then followed the others and left the room, chasing after Harvard.
'It's that noise again, I'm getting close!' Carl thought as he fasten his pace.
'It's increasing?! What are they from? Gunshots? It's so loud, like metal...'
'What in the-?! I need to hurry up, someone's life could be in danger!'
Carl slowed his pace as he gets closer to the source of the loud metal noises and screams.
He very carefully peeked inside the room where the noises originated from.
'What is... ugh-!' Carl held his breath.
"Agh! Spare me!" pleaded a bloody man covered his head with his hands.
"Sure, once you tell me what I want to know!" a voice resembling his partner's, Harvard's, told him.
"I already told you, I don't know anything- UGH!" the man's words were cut short by a metal pipe hitting his side.
"Harvard...?" Carl stood shocked, unable to let a single word out.
"I'll give you another chance!"
"I don't know, please-"
Carl reflexively turned his face away and closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, he took a glance at the room they were in.
There was a lot of red splattered on the floor and the wall, and...people. Unmoving people. Dead people.
Carl felt nauseous.
"C'mon, spill it!" Harvard demanded.
No, if this goes on...!
"Harvard stop...!" Carl heard himself scream.
Harvard seemed to hear him, his hand holding the steel pipe froze and he turned around to face him.
"...Carl," was all that Harvard said in this situation. Carl could hear the annoyance in his tone of voice.
"What were you doing?!" Carl asked, terrified.
"I was just beating information out of our suspect here," answered Harvard, his hand still holding the steel pipe.
"Oh goodness..." Carl could feel himself dizzier by the second, his partner was showing absolutely no signs of guilt.
"Look at all these people Harvard! Y-you... What did you do to them?! They couldn't be...dead?" Carl asked in disbelief.
"Don't worry, I made sure they're still alive," Harvard said, his patience getting thinner.
"That's not the problem you-"
"It was self-defense. They attacked me first with steel pipes, I just returned the favor," his voice exasperated.
Carl felt that Harvard is saying, 'Are you done yet?' with his body language.
"Harvard, j-just put down that steel pipe first," Carl begged.
Harvard sneered, "Or what? You'll beat me up?"
There was no way Carl could win against Harvard, his fighting prowess is second only to Mikey in their team, while Carl is only as strong as Manimani.
Beating Harvard in a hand-to-hand combat is like asking for broken bones and pain.
Yet, he can't use any of his official police assigned weapons, like his gun, he needs permission from their higher-ups.
And he for sure didn't even tell their direct higher-ups, their instructors, that they would even be here, in this mess.
'Harvard's mess...' thought Carl.
Carl stayed quiet, unable to answer Harvard's provocation.
"Just like I thought," sighed Harvard as he went back to terrorize the bloody man that couldn't even stand up anymore.
"Now, tell me what you know, or I'll bust your head open."
"I-I don't know, I don't know...-"
"UGH!!" the man let out a muffled scream and coughed out some blood.
"HARVARD STOP!!" before Carl realized, he was running to stop his partner.
Carl tackled him from behind.
Harvard's footing wobbled, but he easily pushed Carl away.
Carl landed on his back, "Guh...!"
"Carl, I'm warning you, don't get in my way," Harvard's voice was serious and laced with anger.
"You can't do this! This isn't right!" said Carl as he attemped to get up.
"And who decides on that?" Harvard sneered.
"The law does!" Carl yelled.
"Well, the law is wrong."
Harvard's eyes looked down on him, and Carl trembled from the fear and pressure.
Harvard's eyes were merciless, his eyes now were like the eyes of criminals they've caught together before.
Dark, cold, merciless, cruel...
Carl couldn't bear to look at them.
Harvard turned away from Carl and looked back at the man lying down in his own blood.
"Tell me, what do you know about the Clown case from 10 years ago?"
The man didn't answer and only laid still while covering his head with his hand pitifully.
"Answer me!!" Harvard screamed as he swung the metal pipe once more.
Carl ran over and gripped his partner's hand that's holding the steel pipe tightly, trying to get him to let it go.
"Harvard, please don't do this!" Carl cried.
"Carl, LET. ME. GO!" Harvard's strength outpowered Carl and he swung down the pipe to hit Carl's upper arm.
"Aagh!!" Carl wailed as he fell down.
Harvard sighed annoyingly as he steadied himself, he lifted his hand again to hit the man.
"Harvard no...!" Carl clenched Harvard's leg, pleading for him to stop this madness.
Harvard kicked him back and swung down his metal pipe on the man again.
"Harvard no! This is wrong! Please stop it already!!" Carl could feel tears streaming down his face.
"Is this your justice?! Harvard!!" Carl cried at the top of his lungs.
"That's right, this IS my justice," Harvard coldly answered.
Carl's heart fell.
Why am I so weak? Carl hated himself at this moment.
If only the others were here, any one of them could do a much better job at stopping Harvard than he could...
"Harvard STOP!!!" Carl forced himself to get up, the pain in his upper arm tearing through him mercilessly, but he hold it back.
Carl tackled Harvard from behind again, and he felt a sharp pain stabbing his stomach.
Harvard had elbowed his stomach.
Carl could taste blood in his mouth, but he held his ground.
"Har..vard!!" Carl swung his fist to Harvard's face, but Harvard caught it.
"Stand. Back. Carl."
Harvard kicked his stomach and threw him back.
The impact from hitting the ground made Carl gagged on his blood.
Carl felt pitiful.
If only anyone from his team were here, they could surely stop Harvard.
Carl couldn't, Carl never could. He was too weak, too fragile, too much of a pampered crybaby to do anything.
He was scared, terrified. He couldn't even properly look at his friend without trembling so much.
He wants to go home to his family. He wants to sleep in his soft and large bed, and have his parents and elder siblings tell him that everything will be okay.
He hated this. Why did he even go to Police College for? He should've stayed and continued his family's business. What dreams? Being a hero? Laughable.
"Uhh...uwaaaa..." Carl cried.
He couldn't even lift his arms anymore, one of them hurt too badly and he just has no more energy left to lift the other anymore.
'It hurts...' Carl's whole body was screaming in pain, he was coughing up blood, but most of all, his heart hurt.
His friend and partner is doing something so horrible, yet he couldn't even stop him.
Since he's 2 years older, he always feels like should show Harvard the way, that he should guide him on the right path.
But he failed, miserably.
He is a failure.
*Sniff sniff*
Unbeknownst to Carl, Harvard was silently watching him, his expression contorting slightly.
Harvard suppressed the feelings in his heart, and began to interrogate the man again.
"I'll ask again, what do you know about the Clown case from 10 years ago?"
The man curled up and stayed silent.
"I know you know something. I've obtained information that before you founded this criminal organization 8 years ago, you were in contact with Clown. My source even told me that you were sending hit list to them."
The man kept silent.
"Tell me, 10 years ago, were you the one that gave the instruction to kill a woman surnamed Marks?" his voice intensified.
"..." silence.
"Hahaha... is that how you wanna play? Fine."
"You know, maybe you'd be interested to know who's the source of all my information on you," Harvard gave a forced smile.
"Do you have any idea of an old woman and her daughter who's surnamed 'Hart'?"
"...!" the man responded slightly.
Harvard smirked, "The old lady has trouble with her left leg and walks with a cane, while the daughter has burn marks on her right hand. Do you suppose know who they are?"
'...You-" the man's teeth clenched.
"Willing to talk now?"
"What did you do to them?" the man face Harvard with a new fiery determination.
Harvard let out a geniune laugh, "Ahaha, nothing. Yet."
The man lunged at Harvard as if his wounds aren't bothering him.
"Heh!" Harvard easily evaded him, "If you tell me everything you know and did with Clown, nothing would happen to them."
"You...monster!" the man screamed as he lunged forward to attack Harvard.
Harvard just clicked his tongue and kicked him back, "Monster? If I'm a monster, then what the fuck are you huh?"
"You killed people, you terrorized them, you were so evil that you wife and kid left you AND told all of your wrongdoings to the police to get you in jail. You're a fucking PIG in a human society."
"SHUT UP!!" the man yelled and got up again.
"You're the shit of society, the least you could do is own up for being a shit and tell me everything I want to know from you."
The man attempted to tackle Harvard, but Harvard dodged and hit him hard with his metal pipe.
"Feel like talking now?"
*Cough cough* the man coughs up a lot of blood.
"Harvard...stop...he's gonna die...sniff," Carl tried to force himself to stand up again.
He's a failure, sure, but if he and the man were gonna die in his partner's hands, the least he could do is to reduce that kill count from 2 to 1.
He's used to cleaning up after Harvard anyway, one more time wouldn't hurt.
"Stand down Carl. What am I gonna tell your prestigious family if you get hurt any more than this?" Harvard sighed.
Carl clenched his teeth and forced himself to get up again, and, oddly enough, he couldn't quite feel the pain anymore. Is that good or bad? He was supposed to be knowledgeable about this, but he couldn't quite remember. He feels dizzy.
"ZHANG, MANIMANI, MIKEY, HELP!!!" Carl screamed loudly.
Carl couldn't do it alone, so he called for help. After all, that's what teammates are for.
*Huff puff*
"This place is a labyrinth!" Manimani said between breaths.
"Tell me about it," Zhang unenthusiastically replied.
"At least we are together!" Mikey added.
"I'm glad we found you! But why were you still so close to our location?" Manimani asked.
"I got lost! This place is a labyrinth!" Mikey said a bit too enthusiastically.
"Wow," Zhang replied.
"We're already so much closer to the source of those loud noises, just a bit more!" Manimani said.
"I hope Harvard and Carl are already there, I don't think I could manage to run around again to search for them," Zhang said, out of breath.
"Don't worry, I could still go for another run!" Mikey said with a reassuring smile.
"Gee, good for you," said Zhang.
"Another loud noise! It's so close now!" said Manimani.
"C-Can we take a short break?" Zhang pleaded.
"Not now! We're so close..." rejected Manimani.
"B-But I'm so tired...can't go on running...!"
"That's why we always told you to train with us! But you always refused!"
Manimani and Zhang were about to start a scuffle.
"Huh, that was...!" Manimani was suprised for a second, but immediately began to search for the source of the voice.
"Carl...?" Zhang added, surprised and out of breath.
"Here! Let's go!" Mikey acted first, the two then followed behind him.
"Carl!!" Mikey called back.
Carl could feel his heart literally jumped with joy and relieve hearing that voice.
Mikey was the strongest in their team, if anyone could stop Harvard, it's him!
Carl sniffled for one last time before steadying himself, 'That's right, this isn't time for crying. We need to stop Harvard. We need to help him!'
"Mikey! We're here!" Carl called out to Mikey again.
Harvard's expression showed his displease, 'More annoyances...'
"CARL!" Mikey's loud voice was even louder as he got closer.
And he finally managed to find them.
Carl almost cried again out of joy when he saw that Zhang and Manimani were also with him.
"Carl- What in the?!" Manimani spoke first, she scanned the room and immediately formed a hypothesis.
"What the..." Zhang was second, he turned paler as his gaze traced the people lying on the ground in blood.
"Oh goodness..." Mikey was the last as he looked between Harvard and Carl in confusion and horror.
"Carl, what is happening?!" Manimani asked agitated.
"Speak later! Mikey, you need to restrain Harvard!" Carl's orders were straight and sure without a hint of doubt.
That, coupled with Harvard's annoyed expression and his steel pipe, were enough to mobilize the three people who just arrived.
"I don't really get what's happening, but I need you to drop that steel pipe leader!" Manimani demanded.
Harvard sighed, and finally dropped the steel pipe.
"Mikey, go get that man lying beside Harvard!" Carl instructed.
Mikey carefully went over to Harvard's side.
As he bended over to grab the man, Harvard's kick swerved upward aiming right on Mikey's stomach.
Fortunately, Mikey managed to dodge at the last second due to his natural fast reaction and body control.
"Harvard...?" Mikey got into his fighting pose as Harvard picks his steel pipe up again.
"Manimani, Zhang! Help Mikey restrain Harvard. Subdue him if necessary," Carl quietly said.
Manimani and Zhang gave a short nod as they ran over to Harvard.
Harvard was now surrounded by his 3 teammates.
"I don't know what's going on, but I don't want any trouble," Zhang said to Harvard.
"Harvard, drop that steel pipe. I'm warning you," said Manimani.
"..." Mikey stayed quiet, his fighting pose maintained.
After some very long seconds, Harvard finally spoke up, "Try me."
Mikey went first, his fist aiming at Harvard's stomach.
Harvard dodged him as his steel pipe swerved to hit Zhang who's coming from behind him.
"Uugh!" Zhang grunted in pain as the steel pipe hit his side.
"Harvard!" Manimani yelled as she tried to kick Harvard.
Harvard dodged again and was about to hit Manimani's side with his steel pipe as Mikey suddenly came from behind Harvard and restrained him.
With his arms locking Harvard's torso, Mikey pulled him back.
Due to Mikey's height, Harvard was currently lifted a few centimeters off the ground.
Manimani rushed over and quickly tore the steel pipe from Harvard's hand.
She also put handcuffs on him to make sure he can't attack anymore.
"It's over, mister!" she said to Harvard as she turned back to check on Zhang just as quick as she came.
Mikey, relieved, let his guard down for a second.
Just then, Harvard tried to kick Mikey back.
"Mikey focus!" Carl yelled.
Mikey immediately let go of Harvard, swiftly pulled up behind him and, with one fell swoop, knocked him out.
The unconscious Harvard immediately fell, but is caught by Mikey.
Relieve washed over Carl as his legs buckled and he fell down himself.
Looks like his body finally gave up.
The last thing he could hear was Manimani screaming his name.
Carl woke up in a hospital room.
"You're awake?" a familiar voice called out from beside him, it was his eldest brother, Alfred.
"Elder brother...?" Carl called out sluggishly.
Alfred gave a nod, "Do you know why you're here?"
Carl tried to think back and remembered Harvard's madness.
"H-Harvard, what happened to him?" Carl asked, worried.
"Don't worry, he was just knocked out by your other teammate. No other external injuries were found, it's almost a miracle," his brother answered.
"How is he now? Will he be punished...?"
"Hm, it seems like his higher-ups will give him some sentences for going off alone and badly injuring a key person in the case," his brother calmly told him, "but, all of the other people he injured confessed that they attacked first, all of them just lost."
"So, it's really self-defense?" Carl asked.
"Yes, it seems so. The only injuries he caused because of his own agenda, were to the man who was the key suspect and leader of the crime organization that used the building as their base of operation and to his teammates, including you," explained his brother.
"But," Alfred continued, "none of the injuries he caused were life-threatening, case in point, the worst injury you got is a cracked left upper arm, and to the man, quite a bit of cracked and broken bones."
"He also caused injuries on your, the man's, and one of your teammate's stomachs, but none of it was life-threatening," Alfred concluded his explanation.
"I see..." Carl said as he quietly digest all of the information.
"Keeping a lion and disguising it as a cat is quite dangerous, sometimes it causes this sort of unexpected trouble, but the benefits it gives to the Police organization are also immense. It could even be said that this sort of trouble is just a small price to pay for all of its given benefits," Alfred continued, "The city has never been this peaceful in years."
Carl listened quietly.
"He didn't want to hurt you nor your other teammate, Carl. Trust me, I already had the chance to spoke to him for a lengthy while," Alfred puts a hand on Carl's shoulder.
"As for the man though, he was quite fortunate that your partner still wants to be on the side of the law, not against it."
"He still has use for it, you mean?" Carl asked with a painful smile.
"I don't have an answer to that, maybe you should ask your partner about it. Although, I doubt that, at this point in time, he knows the answer himself," Alfred pats Carl's head and gives him a soft smile, "Be there for him, why don't you? I know you could never leave him alone."
Carl clenched the blanket tightly.
"Harvard Marks could be the one to greatly alter Broadstone. As Oxfords, we will continue to be watching over him," Alfred said as he began to get up.
"...for the Oxford's sake?" Carl asked, almost bitterly.
His brother gave a smile and said, "A lion who obediently follows his owner, is nothing more than a cat. Harm his owner though..."
Somehow, in Carl's eyes, his brother's smile seemed terrifying.
The day is turning dark as Carl said farewell to his 3 teammates, Manimani, Zhang, and Mikey who came to visit him in his hospital room.
Zhang's injury was pretty light and had already healed fully, maybe Harvard really held back against them after all.
Carl too, aside from his cracked upper arm bones, all of his other injuries were healing rapidly.
"What did the doctor say?" Manimani asked.
"He said that I'm actually able to be discharged already, but my family wanted me to at least stay for another 3 days, jut to be on the safe side," Carl explained.
"Gee, your people sound great!" Manimani said with a smile.
"Yeah, we're a tight-knit family," Carl gave a wry laugh.
They had a pretty nice converstation.
The 3 were visiting after all of the 'Harvard caused' paperworks were done, and stayed for about an hour.
It seemed like Harvard just acted like his usual self back in their office, much to their chagrin.
Harvard didn't tell them anything, or even if he was sorry.
He did, however, bought Zhang lunch today, which was a very rare occurence.
Maybe that's his way of apologizing, Mikey suggested.
Zhang, reluctant at first, soon maximized Harvard's offer and bought lunch enough for the other 2 as well, much to Harvard's chagrin.
Carl laughed at their story, and briefly wondered when he'll be able to talk to Harvard again, and how'll their conversation flow after this incident.
After the 3 left, Harvard immediately visited him.
"I thought they'd never left," Harvard said.
"You were waiting for them to leave? Why?" Carl asked.
Harvard awkwardly scratched his hair and said, "Explanation, I thought I owe YOU at least that much."
Harvard seated himself on the chair beside Carl's bed.
"So yeah, about your injuries..." Harvard started.
"My bad."
Carl waited to hear Harvard's continuation, but it seemed that there was no continuaton.
"Wait, that's it?" Carl asked baffled, "Where's the explanation?"
"Yeah, maybe I changed my mind," Harvard gave a joking smile.
"Don't joke around!" admonished Carl, still he's kind of happy to see Harvard back to his usual self.
"...10 years ago, my mom was killed by Clown," Harvard began.
Yes, Carl knew about that.
"The man I was trying to get info out of? 10 years ago, he was the one giving out hit lists to Clown."
"Huh? But, Clown was a serial murderer, not a hitman," Carl said confused.
"On the cover that is, I have information that suggested Clown actually took requests from big corporations," Harvard said serious.
"W-wait, are we alright with talking about this stuff here?" Carl looked to the surveillance camera on the corner of the room.
"Don't worry, I talked with your brother. This hospital belongs to the Oxford right? He'll be able to do something about it, besides, it's not really super-secret anymore. I heard the higher-ups plan to release this info to the masses soon, since Clown's long dead," Harvard calmly explained.
"A-alright, then please, continue."
"During the course of my investigation into Clown, I met the 'Hart' mother and daughter. The mother told me about her divorced husband being a possible carrier linking Clown to the bigshots."
"Though she said 'possible', her demeanor showed that she was sure of it," Harvard said while thinking back on the mother-daughter duo.
"Next, I researched into her husband's past and current whereabouts, and, lo and behold, turns out now he's the leader of a crime organization right here in Broadstone," Harvard eyed Carl meaningfully.
Carl doesn't need further explanation, he know that the divorced husband was the man from the building.
"So, it was all connected to your mother?" Carl asked after some time thinking.
"Everything, is connected to my mom. Everything I do is for her," Harvard answered, his eyes directly locking into Carl's.
"I admit, I lost control," Harvard remembered the state Carl was in, coughing up blood and crying on the ground. Something inside him hurted, "So, my bad."
Carl's right hand slowly reached up to the top of Harvard's hair, and he gently pat him.
"Next time, Harvard, we'll handle it together," Carl spoke gently.
Harvard made an expression like a sad and guilty kitty, making Carl smile a bit, "There, there."
As the youngest of the Oxford siblings, Carl only had older siblings, so he had always wanted to have a younger sibling.
When he met Harvard and, subsequently, as they got closer, Harvard's existence felt like the younger brother he had never had but always wanted to have.
Sometimes Harvard made him angry, other times he made him happy.
Sometimes Carl couldn't take his eyes from Harvard lest he'll make trouble, and sometimes Carl couldn't help but to depend on Harvard.
Being with Harvard was as frustrating as it was fun.
Carl both adore and admire Harvard, but deep in his heart, there was a sense of uncertainty and fear as well.
Carl knew Harvard so well, he fears himself getting too close to the darkness inside Harvard.
A deep, black, unending darkness.
It could consume Carl whole if it so wishes to.
He briefly wondered, what he means to Harvard.
And, if the time comes when the darkness inside Harvard is unleashed, would their bond endure?
Author's note: if you read this far, thank you!!
Also, before you ask, "Clown's dead?"
Yes, I headcanon (for this fic) that they're already dead, since at the end of the 'Concept Image Trailer', Harvard said that he wants to meet Clown in DecaSim.
That raises the question: "Why not just meet him in real life?" Unless he CAN'T.
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decapolicemoment · 6 months
Sorry I keep doing asks, I'm starving for content. But what do u think about a possible Carl jealously arc? Like I know his whole thing is him being kind and empathetic, but I think it would be interesting if he was kinda a jealous bitch.
Also like the idea of him being passive aggressive sometimes. Like he tries to be as understanding as possible, but if u piss him off too much, he'll mumble something rude about u under his breath.
dw i like getting asks
i feel like he would be the most jealous of harvard, since they’re close and went to college together. he was prob in his shadow a lot during that time, and although harvard was never rude about it, carl still is jealous and occasionally wished that harvard would mess up or fail so that he could get the praise for once and be acknowledged. it made his crush a lot more complicated since he did want him to succeed and do well, but also wished that harvard wasn’t as “perfect” as he seemed
he would also be jealous of manimani, since they seem to have similar roles on their team. she’s a prodigy as well, and i feel like that would make him feel bad (kinda like seeing kids younger than you in articles do big things and wondering why you weren’t like that). he definitely mumbles stuff to himself or finds himself glaring at moments, but he doesn’t want to come off as rude and tries to keep it to himself.
despite having a high communication, he is very passive aggressive, usually on accident. he would roll his eyes or mock you under his breath if he was annoyed, but he would try to keep up a happy front to not cause trouble. they don’t really call him out on it until his jealousy becomes a problem with the team (him making remarks out loud, being more reckless to prove himself, etc), and they remind him of his worth to the team.
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digital-angelz · 3 months
ok manimani brain worms are Back have some headcanons.
-She cut her hair right after graduation and was this close to giving up and getting a buzz cut but liked the pixie cut more. It’s grown out a bit since then.
-She ran track in high school but because of her workload in college, had to give it up. She still runs in her free time though.
-Again with the sports theme, she loves skating. She’s the best at figure skating and is currently learning how to skateboard.
-she and Mikey totally work out together.
-They’re also besties. Inseparable. Tiny ass woman and her giant best friend.
-she doesn’t have a gacha game addiction but she downloads them whenever they come out and gets horribly obsessed with each one for a solid month. (Me fr)
-she’s the youngest out of three kids, her older sister has been no contact for a long time, and she has her older brother who is a lawyer.
-she loves mystery novels and will argue with Harvard over them for hours.
-heck those two will argue for hours over anything.
-lowkey really funny.
-she calls her mom every week and gets updates from her hometown.
-her mom is worried about her but knows that her kid is capable. She raised her after all.
-Manimani’s social media username is some variation of maimai or a rabbit pun
-speaking of rabbits, she loves them
-she had a pet rabbit growing up and she’s loved them ever since.
-her intuition is crazy good, but her luck swings between incredibly great and downright awful a lot.
-like she could win at a casino and then she leaves and it starts pouring, she drops her phone and misses her bus all within 10 minutes.
-she doesn’t mind though.
-chronic Zelda fan
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lacecap · 2 years
personal top vocaloid songs 2022 WAHOO all songs (and more) can be found on my playlist on youtube ^_^
the only songs that are truly ordered by how much i like them are the ones towards the top (around the top 10ish); the rest of them are listed arbitrarily. letter to the black world is hands the best song from this year in my opinion!
letter to the black world by frog96 ft. teto (eng sub | original)
heat abnormal by iyowa ft. adachi rei (original | there is no subbed video but i am Begging you to read the eng trans in time with the song)
lost delusion by frog96 ft. teto
twitterland by steaka ft. miku
sakura no ko by kanzaki iori ft. kafu & sekai (the album original from bukiyou na otoko is also really good :D)
fill me by frog96 ft. kafu
puparium by teikuru ft. miku (teikurus songs... were all taken down/privated this year for reasons i dont know. Its a shame bc i really really love this song. there's still a 2 minute preview of it on their twt but thats all i've been able to find)
the journey of 3 basic needs by picdo ft. adachi rei (eng sub | original)
henshin by jin ft. miku (a vocaloid original from jin in 2022!!)
pip puppet by r-906 ft. miku
nekommunication by daniwell ft. rin
doping dance by steaka ft. miku
iinetteYEAH! by wanopo ft. rin & len
take you to an alien by iyowa ft. sekai
parasite by deco ft. miku (i'm allotting myself a strict quota of One deco song per year to add to these things)
read more has honorable mentions, a small producer corner, and my proseka quarantine (thumbs up)
honorable mentions
okusuri nonde neyo by mochiutsune ft. miku (eng sub | original)
reincarnation apple by pinocchio ft. miku
miseen by balloon & nuyuri ft. flower & kaai yuki
elephant in the room by a4 ft. kafu
paper marbling by namigroove ft. sekai & kafu
hypnotizer by mikomiko ft. una (a tagalog original ^_^)
temple of tempest by world elec. ft. zundamon, nakumo, and merrow
mr. zombie's halloween days by myuu ft. miku
scorpion girl by steaka ft. miku
manimani by r-906 ft. miku
angel wings by a4 ft. kafu & gekiyaku
変身の技法 by se ft. miku
quixote by ahub ft. kafu
hottoite by nanahoshi ft. gumi
春を発つ by kanzaki iori ft. kafu
small producer corner
mistake by EO ft. rin (i really like this one ^_^)
nemuku wa nai kedo onemu mitai by ckwa ft. miku (this song is really cute :"])
愛が迷子 by inu_san ft. miku
へるmp by iri yule ft. kaai yuki
violet by valendar ft. tsuina chan & eleanor forte
tenshi mitai ni by ueil ft. miku
walkie talkie by daraku ft. flower
garou by L!QR ft. flower
海遊路 by zokepo ft. kafu
deepspace by amitai ft. xingchen infinity
project sekai quarantine
moonlight by harumaki gohan & tatsuya kitani ft. rin & miku (hands down my favorite proseka original from this year)
niccori^^ survey team theme by wanopo ft. rin & len
blue paint by kujira ft. miku, luka, & meiko
88☆彡 by marasy & kemu ft. miku & kaito
tera tera by kurage-p ft. una
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xie-xan · 9 months
Angel's voice chapter 2 | The angel's past
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It's been a few days since Venti and (Y/n)'s interaction, and ever since that day, venti would not stop bothering her. Walking in the hallways? venti is there. Eating lunch? he's there. On the rooftop? he's there. Walking home? he offered to walk her home once but ended up getting bonked in the head by her book.
Don't get her wrong, she enjoys his company, I mean, it's kinda of the first time someone willingly talks to her(apart from her cousin kazuha) she just doesn't like it if he follows her 24/7 saying "PLEASE LET ME HEAR YOU SING!" or "MY FRIENDS WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR VOICE" or "YOUR SINGING IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I HAVE EVER HEARD MY ENTIRE LIFE I COULD DIE PEACEFULLY I SWEAR-"
He's an annoying brat(affectionately)
Until she caved in and agreed to sing in front of his friends.
I mean, how could she not? The way he gives her puppy eyes or the face he makes when he pouts, it's hard not to agree.
Like she said he's an annoying brat.
So there she is right now, inside a club room full of (attractive) boys as she hides behind kazuha because he's the only one she can trust in the room so far (apart from venti but he's still an annoying brat. and in her defense, he basically blackmailed her into doing this.)
"So guys, I'd you all to meet my new friend (Y/n)! she's also kazuha's cousin" Venti says as he pulls (Y/n) from behind kazuha.
"uhm..Hello" she said rather awkwardly avoiding their gazes. She didn't know that she'd be singing in front of (attractive) boys since venti never mentioned it(Little shit) So her awkwardness is a lot worse.
"Is she the one you said that has the "voice of an angel"?" Heizou asks venti.
"voice of an angel..?" (Y/n) turns her head to venti with a questioning look.
"what? It's true! her voice is the most enchanting melody I have ever heard! She's like an instrument created by the Gods themselves!"
"Venti..I think you broke her" Xiao points at (Y/n) whose face was right red with steam coming out of her as kazuha tries to snap her back to reality. 
"WAHHHH (Y/N)!!!" venti exclaims taking her away from her cousins arms and shakes her.
"ah- I think you're making it worse.." kazuha mutters.
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After (Y/n) was brought back to life, venti was now convincing her to sing.
"PLEASEEEE!!! even just for a little? we're the only ones in the room anyways!" venti asks practically begging (Y/n).
while she's having a mini panic attack. She knows she promised venti she would but it's been years since she sang in front of people. Not to mention that she'll be singing in front of boys.
Kazuha, who knows what she's been through and understands her reason, tries to help. "Heizou, why don't you sing with her?"
"Yeah! great idea kazuha!"
"hang on- what's my say in this?!-"
and so the rest of the boys were watching (Y/n) in front of Heizou who was forced to sing. (Y/n) was feeling very anxious as she refused to look at anyone in the room only staring the the floor with her hands slightly shaking and her breath getting caught in her throat.
She lifted her head and looked around the room hoping to find Kazuha's comforting smile to help her, but she found herself gazing into Venti's face instead.
He was looking at her with his bright smile and gleaming eyes. His smile was so bright it was rather blinding, but she didn't mind. His eyes gleamed with excitement for her. She would normally get uncomfortable under people's gazes but the way he smiled at her, It was a smile that warmed her heart and it made all her anxiety go away.
She took a deep breath and calmed herself down as she focused on the music.
Heizou = Red
(Y/n) = Purple
Both = Blue
sou sa
神の まにまに
kami no manimani
仰せの ままに
oose no mama ni
誰だって 地球を愛してる
dare datte chikyuu o aishiteru
飲めや 歌えや
nome ya utae ya
どんちゃん 騒ぎ
donchan sawagi
たまにゃ そんなのも
tama nya sonna no mo
ii ne
sou sa
kita mo minami mo
右も 左も
migi mo hidari mo
なんだかんだ 地球を愛してる
nanda kanda chikyuu o aishiteru
泥んこ だけど
doronko dakedo
,歩いて 行ける
aruite yukeru
まだまだ 先は長いさ
madamada saki wa nagai sa
sou sa
kami no manimani
minna arigatou
yappari chikyuu o aishiteru
hana o sakasou
ookina hana o
ten made todoku kurai no
(La La La La La La...)
The entire room was dead silent only staring at the two in front, which got (Y/n) overthinking 'Why are they quiet?!' 'Did I do something wrong? I must have!' 'Did I say the lyrics wrong and have completely ruined the song?!?!' 'Do they not like my voice?!'
Her thoughts were interrupted by a slow clapping of hands. they all turned their head to see wanderer clapping for them which was unusual for him of course. the entire group looked shocked and amazed by her voice. Kazuha was feeling like a proud dad because he had never heard her sing after that incident so he was happy for her.
"see! I knew you could do it!" venti exclaims and jumps behind (Y/n) 's back both his arms wrapping around her neck as she blushed a bit not quite used to physical contact.
"heh, didn't know you could sing" wanderer says mockingly to heizou.
"Oh shut the fuck up you little-"
"Ahem." Xiao coughs to stop the two from starting a fight.
"the two of you will definitely win the competition," kazuha says to venti and (Y/n) with a smile on his face. At the mention of the competition, both (Y/n) and venti froze. "What competition?" (Y/n) asks venti who was sweating with a nervous look on his face.
The others looked at the two in shock.
"I-i was going to! b-but uhm.." venti stuttered trying to make some kind of excuse.
"He was going to ask if you can sing with him for the upcoming competition," Wanderer says rolling his eyes as he speaks for Venti knowing that he'd take a while to explain it to her so Wanderer beat him to it.
"Y-yeah, that.." venti mutters.
"uhm..venti, are you serious?" (Y/n) asks looking a bit unsettled. "Yeah! we can perform a duet together! I've already written a song that would go perfectly with your voice, kazuha even said so himself that we'd be great and-"
"Venti, hold on" (Y/n) stops Venti from talking her expression looking a bit anxious. "Listen, I'm glad that you liked my voice and that you think I'm good enough to sing with you, it's just that performing isn't my thing.." She mutters
"But we'll be great together, don't you think? I can always help you when rehearsing!" venti said trying to convince her.
"Are you ok with this (Y/n)?" Kazuha asked placing a comforting hand on her shoulder with concern written all over his face.
"I'll...think about it.." She mutters. she grabbed her stuff and left the room without saying anything. The room was dead silent when she left. "Well that was..something.." wanderer mutters not enjoying the tension in the room as Venti lets out a disappointed sigh.
"Venti, can we step outside for a second, I need to talk to you about something," Kazuha says leaving the room and Venti follows shortly after. The two of them arrived at the school rooftop when Venti finally spoke. "Does she not want to sing that bad?" He asks no one in particular leaning on the edge of the rooftop and looking at the view.
"No it's not that, I've known (Y/n) since we were kids, she loves to sing very much, it's her passion, she's even written songs," Kazuha said joining Venti leaning at the edge as well.
"Really? What happened then?" Venti asks turning to his friend with his head tilted.
Kazuha let out a sigh.."Well, it all started 4 years ago.."
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"(Y/n) dear, I've signed you up for the talent show in your school, It'll be nice for you to sing." her mother said smiling at (Y/n)
"W-what? But mother, I've never performed for a crowd before! I don't even have time to practice my singing yet!" (Y/n) tried to protest but her mother already made up her mind. "Nonsense dear, I'm sure you'll do lovely, It's just a performance after all, you worry too much" Her mother brushed her off and returned to the kitchen leaving (Y/n) alone with her panicking thoughts. 
time skip
"Kazuha..I'm scared.." (Y/n) said holding on to Kazuha's sleeves with shaky hands. Kazuha decided to stay on backstage with (Y/n) hoping it would comfort her "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be alright" Kazuha gave her a reassuring smile hoping she'd be alright, though he trying to fight back the urge to just take his dear cousin away from this, He can't help but be worried. Her entire figure shaking from nervousness, Her eyes looked like she was on the verge of tears, and the way she kept on taking big breaths man she was probably having trouble breathing.
She was then called to the stage and with shaky steps, she hesitantly walked in front of the stage and stood in the center.
She felt eyes watching her, she felt so small right now, her parents were watching her, her classmates were snickering at her, the judges were looking at her as if she was useless, and the lights were too bright as she felt blinded by them. The noise around her slowly faded, all she could hear was ringing and loud overlapping voices of people, Her vision started to get blurry as she felt tears fall down her face. She couldn't breathe and her body felt heavy. The last thing she heard was Kazuha's worried voice screaming her name, her classmates' laughter and her parents and judges' disappointed and irritated sighs before everything turned black.
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"Ever since that day, she refuses to sing again or even face a microphone.." kazuha muttered sadly. "oh, I didn't know...I didn't mean to push her that hard.." venti says as he regrets those times when he was annoying her. "No, I'm sure she's thankful for you" Kazuha said smiling at Venti who looked confused. "Even though she refuses to sing, It doesn't mean that she hates singing. I would sometimes see her writing songs and practicing them in her room. You helped her find her inner spark, you gave back her song and for that I thank you." Kazuha said finishing his words.
It was true, ever since that accident, Kazuha had never heard her sing, yet he knew that she was still passionate about it, in 4 years, he tried to help her regain her confidence back, in 4 years, he tried to ignite her flame that was snuffed away, yet venti managed to make her sing in just a few days.
"She may not look like it, but she's happy that you asked her to sing with you" kazuha adds looking over at his friend who has a determined look on his face now. "sorry kazuha but there's something I have to do, thanks for telling me though!" he called as he sprinted towards the exit and left.
Kazuha chuckled to himself "Dang, I can't believe he forgot about that day" he muttered looking down at the view in front of him while smiling ever so slightly.
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Masterlist | Previous chapter | Next chapter
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fermeldahyde · 4 months
You know what time it is... Carlvard headcanon time!!
I had to do Carlvard next, they're taking over my brain. Living rent free in my mind (ignore the fact it took long to post this I forgor).
They met at college because they were in the same class. Carl was intrigued by Harvard in a sense. One day he saw him in the hallway and started staring unknowingly. Harvard noticed this and called him out. Carl got incredibly flustered, especially with Harvard's intimidating stare. However, as soon as Harvard saw him, he realized Carl wasn't a threat.
They eventually became study mates, going to cafes together and visiting each other's dorms.
They rented an apartment together after college cause Broadstone be expensive as hell (just like NYC irl frfr).
Carl developed feelings first while Harvard developed them later.
Carl calls Harvard "Harvey" as a nickname (only Carl is allowed to call her that, if anyone else does, she will glare at you).
Harvard will call Carl pet names in Spanish and Italian like "bonito" and "bello."
The matching pendants are actually friendship charms Carl bought for them in college! As their relationship develops, it becomes more like wedding rings lmao.
Carl worries about Harvard a lot and is afraid that she'll let her truama consume her.
Harvard also worries about Carl and his lack of self-confidence, he's just bad at expressing it openly.
Surprisingly Harvard likes being the little spoon while cuddling.
Harvard's love language is physical affection (giving) and acts of service (both giving and receiving). Carl's is also physical affection (giving) and words of affirmation (receiving).
Harvard is extremely touch starved while Carl is the most cuddly person ever.
Sometimes Carl will do Harvard's makeup if Harvard feels too tired to do it. He also fixes her hair sometimes.
Harvard's first relationship was with Carl while Carl has dated other people in the past.
When grocery shopping, sometimes Harvard would wordlessly put a six pack of beer into the shopping cart and Carl would have to pay with his ID (for context, the drinking age in America is 21, so Carl can legally drink, but not Harvard lol).
Speaking of alcohol, Harvard would get very touchy when drunk and be a lot more emotionally vulnerable. Carl tries not to get too drunk that often because when he does he gets wired asf and does stupid shit.
Carl would sometimes make Harvard breakfast in bed to practice his culinary skills (when they actually have the time off to sleep in late.)
Carl often comforts Harvard after nightmares. Harvard tried to play it off at first, but Carl wasn't having it cause empath brain sensed something was wrong.
Harvard likes when Carl scratches behind his ear and pets his hair (like a cat!)
They compliment each other's flaws. Harvard reminds Carl to have more confidence while Carl reminds Harvard that it's ok to be vulnerable about your feelings.
They didn't really have a confession per say. Their relationship just kinda slow burned into romantic one.
They didn't really confirm they were dating until after their first kiss.
Carl: "Does this mean we're dating now?"
Harvard: "Carl, I think we've been dating."
Due to Carl's jealousy issues, he would sometimes get a little possessive— NOT TO A TOXIC DEGREE THOUGH!!! If he senses someone trying to flirt with Harvard he'd come by quickly and interrupt join the conversation or subtly grab Harvard by the waist and pull him closer while side-eyeing the other person. Harvard never says anything about it though because he kinda likes it.
Harvard would sometimes jokingly call Carl his "sugar daddy" cause he's rich. Carl hates when he does this (I only now just had this headcanon cause of fanfiction. Thanks fanfiction!!👍)
That's it's for now! Again, sorry this took a while to post, I can't remember shit for the life of me lol. If I remember I might do Zhang or Manimani headcanons next.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
why were there two wxs covers released in May 2022 (rimokon 5/16 and kami no manimani 5/30)? were they announced during diff time streams?
they were announced in the same stream. wxs had the least covers at the time and had also been receiving them at a significantly slower rate than everyone else*, so they got spammed with covers for a bit last year to catch them up.
* the last track on WxS' first cover album is Fixer, which was added to the game as part of the 2021->2022 song campaign. the last tracks on MMJ, VBS, and N25's albums were from the 1st anniversary campaign 3 months prior to that, and the last track on L/n's album, Kagerou Daze, was added to the game in August 2021. The first track on WxS' second album will be Nonsense Bungaku, which was added to the game in late February 2022, whilst the first track on the 2nd albums for all the other units will be a song that was added to the game roughly 2-4 months prior to that
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aroace-poly-show · 8 months
I was going to send you an ask saying “Kami no Manimani is so wxs coded that it turned itself into a hw song too” and then realized it’s already on the playlist lol
MDHSKJDJS YEAH god i love at gods mercy. it’s so hw……..also that song is just. so important to me too. oughhhh
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