decapolicemoment · 8 days
Operation Carlvard
or How to get your stupid friends together who act more like a couple than actual couples you’ve seen
Being close to your best friend is normal.
Being that close isn’t.
Now, when she first met the two, seeing them bounce ideas off each other and talk made her come to two conclusions.
They already knew each other.
 They were boyfriends.
A short talk with Carl told her that only one of those things is true. 
It made no sense, they acted as if they were dating for years, but they insist that they’re simply friends, which confuses her to no end. Sure, shipping your friends is odd, but if they wanted her to think they weren’t dating, they needed to act differently.
The two seemed clueless about the other’s feelings for the other, which baffles her because how?? Do neither of them hear the way they talk or see how they look at eachother? You would think one of them would have asked the other out, but Harvard can’t handle an emotional talk to save his life and she doubts Carl realizes he’s bi.
So, if those two idiots can’t get together by themselves, it’s up to everyone else to get them together.
“Which is why I have proposed Operation Carlvard,” Manimani finished, ending her slideshow. She, Mikey, and Zhang were all in her apartment, the males sitting on her couch. 
“Carlvard? Seriously?” Zhang questioned, raising an eyebrow at the name. 
“You come up with something.” After getting no response, she continued, “I can’t stand their pining, we need to get them together. At least if they act all lovey-dovey they’ll actually be a couple.”
“I don’t know…” Mikey rested his head on his hand, leaning forward to look at her. “Maybe they are just good friends.”
“They’re roommates Mikey. Roommates. They are not just good friends.” She put her laptop down as she paced. “Did you see those two last week? When we had that sleepover.”
“They were cuddling! Like arms around each other. Neither mentioned it the next day, but both still swear they aren’t together. Hoping that they get together themselves is wistful thinking, and we don’t step in, they’re doomed.” She flopped down on the couch between them, dramatically putting a hand to her head.
“Alright alright,” Zhang moved her other arm closer to her, “What’s your plan?”
“I’m so glad you asked!”
 3 Ways to get your friends together:
Slow days at the station were uncommon, yet the past week had been filled with them. The SIU rookie team was relaxing in the break room, piles of paperwork put aside to make way for snacks and card games. It was mostly silent, the air conditioner being the loudest thing in the room. Everyone was concentrating on the cards in front of them. 
Mikey glaced to the side, trying to guess what Mani would put down next as she sat in thought. She had the least cards in her hand, and smiled as she removed one from her hand, placing it on top of the red card in the middle of the deck. 
“Uno! Color’s green.” She tapped the deck of face down cards, waiting for Mikey to pick up what he owed. Yet she had a look in her eye, one that told him he had to put down the draw 2 he was given by her, in order to make Harvard quit. 
“If we do this right, he’ll already have too many cards. He draws more, he has to quit, and you know the rules if someone quits. So just make sure you have a plus 2 or plus 4 on you.”
He chuckled, moving her arm to place the green plus 2 he had in his deck. The plan was faulty, there being way too many ways it wouldn’t work, but she was convinced it would. He still wasn’t completely on board with her trying to play matchmaker, and if he blew up in their faces, he could always blame Mani.
“Sorry Zhang, but I’m not taking that.”
“Not my problem,” he said as he placed down a  blue plus 2. 
“Sorry Carl, but you gotta take it.” A plus four was placed on top of everything, a sly smile on Harvard’s face.
“You can’t do that!” Carl exclaimed from next to him, grabbing the card and sliding it back to him.
“Someone doesn’t know how to play UNO.”
“Plus two on a four works, but not the other way around.”
“It literally does, those are the rules. If it’s a multiple of 4 you can place one down.”
“Now you’re bringing math into this, just take your eight.”
“You mean, your twelve?”
“Just. Take. The. Cards.”
“Guys guys, it’s not that serious. Carl, you gotta take 12. Or, of course, you could just quit. You are almost at 20 cards,” Mani reasoned, hoping that he took the bait. It wasn’t that she originally planned, but it could still work in her favor.
“Sure, I’ll quit. But that means you have to take the twelve now,” he said, sitting back down in his chair. He was right, with him out, it fell on Mani to take what he had to. She gasped, realizing her slight mistake. Sulkingly, she drew twelve cards, the color changing back to red.
“So, if you could date anyone at the station, who would it be?”
“You heard me. Quitter rules are rules, unless you wanna do a dare instead.”
He rested his head on his palm, a slight blush on his cheeks. “Well, I mean…,”
“If you were a girl, I’d date you, Harvard.”
Everyone but Carl himself seemed to know he was bisexual, but he was not expecting Mani to actually be right. That there was a chance he had a crush.
But did Harvard feel the same?
“Oh really? I’d date you too, if I was a girl of course.” He looked…
crushed? like he wasn’t expecting that answer? No..
He kept his smile though, as if he was simply bantering with Carl, who smiled back at him.
Mikey turned to see Mani’s reaction, who seemed a minute away from crashing out. She looked at the two of them, then back at Mikey and Zhang, as if she was saying, ‘Are you seeing this shit?’
She might have been onto something…
Mani must have been on a semi-lucky streak this week, because her plan seemed to start to work without her even interfering.
“If we set them up on a date, it might push them into getting together,” she explained, pulling up normal date locations.
“This feels like a last resort. Don’t we want one of them to ask the other on a date instead of one of us putting them together?”
“No no no, we’ll give one of them the idea, and he’ll ask the other. I have tickets to a movie, I can give them to Harvard and get him to ask Carl.”
When she went to give him the tickets, she was told no, much to her surprise.
“Sorry, I already have plans that day.”
“What’s with the shock?”
“Well, I wasn’t expecting you to have plans, that’s all. Whatchu doin?”
“Why do you wanna know?” He squinted, starting to regret even mentioning that he was doing something.
“Can’t I be curious? Why so mysterious?” 
“I’m just hanging out with Carl, nothing to be curious about.”
She nodded, making a mental note to ask Zhang for help later.
“You done with your interrogation now?” 
“Yeah sure, have fun with Carl~,” she walked past him, Harvard staring at her until she was out of sight. 
“That place was good, where’d you even find it?” The two were walking back from the small restaurant they dined at. Carl moved closer to Harvard, resting his head shortly on his shoulder.
“Saw it while I was running errands, looked like a good place to eat at.”
“Well, thanks for inviting me out. If I didn’t know any better, I would think it’s a date,” he laughed, lightly elbowing Carl. 
“Dude, we eat together every day, of course I would take you.”
“Isn’t it odd that we’ve gone on better dates than most people we know?”
“You don’t know many people.”
“Touché.” He grabbed his phone from his pocket, checking the time. “Still though, we’ve taken each other on a lot of dates together.”
“Yeah, but so do Mani and Mikey. They go on little friendship dates all the time.”
“True. Have they been good dates though?” A cheeky grin spread across his face, as he leaned into him.
“Yeah. If I’m being honest, they’re probably some of the best,” he chuckled, thinking about the past dates he’s been on.
“Oh? Am I one of the best people you’ve been on a date with?”
“Hmm, maybe top 3.”
“Ouch, you wound me. Not even top 2?”
“Maybe,” he got cut off by Harvard’s phone vibrating. He checked it, the smile wiped off his face before he shut it off. 
“Forgot to charge it, I’ll do it when we get home.” He waved it before putting it back in his pocket.
“Well, am I one of the best people you’ve been on a date with?”
“You’re the only person, so I guess you win by default.” He shrugged, the smile back.
“Winning by default; the best way to win.” The two laughed, not realizing how close they were. His lips were right next to Carl’s cheek, as he felt his cheeks heat up. He turned to face him, realization hitting him as well.
“Can I…?” Carl’s hands shook a little as Harvard nodded, slightly picking up what he was implying. His lips gently pressed into his, arms wrapping around Harvard’s head. Worry coursed through his veins, wondering if he shouldn’t have done this until he felt Harvard kiss him back. 
When he pulled away, he gasped for air, his entire body feeling warm, not just his face. “So…”
“Can I kiss you again?” They kissed again, more confidently this time. When they split, both were grinning hard, uncertainty still on both of their faces.
“Are we dating now?” Carl whispered, embarrassment filling his body for doing this in public.
“If you want to.”
“What makes you think I don’t? Can I..”
“How about you wait for us to get home?” They were almost at their car, and when they got there, Harvard dramatically opened the door for him, getting a snort out of Carl as the two prepared to drive back. 
“Should we tell the others?”
“Mm, nah.”
Her phone was blowing up next to her, as she rubbed her eyes. She grabbed her phone, seeing missed messages from Harvard.
catboy: Mani
catboy: Mani
catboy: Mani wtf
catboy: Manimani
catboy: Manimani Manoa
catboy: if you don’t answer I will show up to your house
bunnimani: omg can i not sleep
catboy: sure when you tell me why you bugged my phone
Shit, he found out. She had a suspicion that he realized when it suddenly stopped working.
bunnimani: no clue what ur own about
catboy: cut the shit i alr asked zhang
bunnimani: snitch
bunnimani: erm
bunnimani: it was his idea blame him not me ☹️
catboy: it was not his idea be so fr
bunnimani: im sorry 😢 😢
bunnimani: curiosity killed the cat (lol) and satisfaction brought it back so i had to know
catboy: and you couldn’t js ask??
bunnimani: ermmmm
bunnimani: you wouldn’t have told me it was the easiest way 😭😭
catboy: cause it’s none of ur business
bunnimani: always so secretive smh
bunnimani: did anything happen??
catboy: no we js hung out
bunnimani: sighh 
catboy: ???
bunnimani: you wanted smt to happen didn’t u
catboy: go back to sleep
bunnimani: u can’t avoid ur feelings 🗣️
            Catboy has muted the conversation 
She snickered before getting out of bed. Plans 1 and 2 failed; it was time for the final plan.
Carl didn’t know the full story, just to keep their relationship a secret for now. It’s not that So when Mani came up to him, a smirk on her face, he knew he was about to be even more confused.
“Heyyy,” she caught up with him, patting him on the back. “I have a new bet for you.”
Oh god.
Whenever she had something new to bet on, he knew she already had something up her sleeve, to take it with caution. 
“What’s up?”
“$20 if you ask out Harvard by the end of the day.”
“Listen,” she sighed, removing her hand from his back, “we all know you like him, and everyone knows he does too, so can yall just hurry up and take him out?”
“And what happens if I don’t?”
“Then you owe me $20, that simple.”
She didn’t know.
This was an easy bet, he didn’t have to do a thing and it’s an easy $20. 
“Alright alright, hopefully I’m giving you $20 today.”
“I mean, you can give me it right now.”
“Hell no.”
Carl took the bait hook line and sinker.
Now, all she had to do was wait for him to tell her that they’re going on an actual date and her plan would be complete. Sure, she’s losing $20, but that’s barely anything when it comes to love.
The end of the day came by faster than she expected, and she quickly met up with Carl to see whether or not he succeeded. He was packing his bag when she found him, Harvard nowhere to be seen.
“Soo?” She leaned on the table, hoping she would hear what she wanted to hear.
“Do I owe you or nah?”
“Oh yeah, I asked him out,” he answered, holding his hand out. The enthusiasm she thought he would have was gone, replaced by exhaustion, which made sense. Still, a small smile was on his face as she received the money.
“Carl, you ready to go?” Harvard strolled over to the two of them, lighting up the moment he saw him. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” He waved to her, walking off while holding Harvard’s hand and-
Wait what?
Carl’s hand was intertwined with Harvard’s, neither acknowledging it or looking awkward. Even if he asked him on a date, there’s no way they would do that already unless…..
Carl turned back to Mani before going through the doorway, and she realized
She’d been played
The two of them were already together beforehand. 
Well, if it worked it worked she supposed.
Even if she got cheated out of $20
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fermeldahyde · 5 months
So I finally decided to post my Decapolice fics of the Carlvard variety (they've been sitting in my drafts for months). This is a collection of drabbles, I'll post the other chapters later!!!
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decapolicemoment · 4 months
random hopes/things i hope happen in decapolice
most if not all are super unrealistic
harvard canonically getting therapy at the end of the game
beach episode
found family moments
harvard to have a breakdown
the game coming out in 2024
the mystery girl not getting scrapped
the gang getting different outifts throughout the game
murder on a boat
lighthearted “cases” (escape rooms, something went missing in the office, someone’s hiding a secret, etc)
the clown doesnt get redeemed
english va’s for atleast the anime
meeting the team’s family
the team stays together in the end
some confirmation as to where broadstone is in the U.S. (nvm it’s nyc)
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decapolicemoment · 1 month
You Died, Respawn?
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fermeldahyde · 3 months
Someone give me multiple Carlvard fanfic prompts.
I can't garuntee I'll write all of them, but I'll try and write the ones I'm most interested in (I'm having writer's block I think).
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decapolicemoment · 3 months
Ok wait can I offer u a fanfic idea?
Fanfic about Harvard being genderfluid (either him figuring it out, it already being established, or whatever).
Reading Syriad's latest fic made me want to see genderfluid Harvard.
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decapolicemoment · 2 months
All ‘Bout Winning the Bidding
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decapolicemoment · 5 months
Seek Help (what if I don’t want it?)
my friend wrote a decapolice fic go check it out
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decapolicemoment · 4 months
What nicknames do u think Carl and Harvard have for each other? The only thing I can think of his Carl calling him Harv or Harvey.
other than those two, prob Marks for Harvard, but only in serious situations
as for Carl, his name is too short for nicknames, but I can see Harvard using pet names in exchange for it (dear, love, corazón, etc)
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decapolicemoment · 4 months
supernatural au (wip)
credits to @awesomeart-83 for originally coming up with the idea
harvard is a vampire, carl is a changling, mikey is a werewolf. manimani is a faerie, and zhang is a ghoul (idk)
lycanthropy is different from being a werewolf, as lycanthropy is a disease
they solve normal crime and supernatural crime
decasim still exists, although isn’t very useful against supernatural crime
the clown steals her victims souls, forcing them to be stuck in our realm, unable to move on to the afterlife
after solving their murder case, the soul is able to move on
harvard’s mother turned him fully into a vampire before dying, to save him from the clown
if you lose your soul before dying, you go blind and slowly die if you don’t regain it
misae is a siren and boston is an orc
mystery girl is a human, who doesn’t like supernatural creatures due to someone she knew getting killed by one
supernatural creatures are common, but aren’t the majority
i’ll update this if i get more ideas
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decapolicemoment · 29 days
You Drew Stars Around My Scars
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fermeldahyde · 5 months
Updated my Carlvard collection!
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decapolicemoment · 9 months
harvard/carlvard hcs
carl fell first, harvard fell harder.
people thought the two of them were dating, and they denied it when people asked. once they got together, no one realized until carl kissed harvard on the cheek
harvard has a fear of needles, carl is afraid of bugs
harvards favorite bsd character is ranpo
harvard accidentally called carl “bro” after they kissed and he can’t live it down
before getting together, they would often fake it for couples discounts.
harvard often calls carl pet names in spanish
harvard sees granger as a father figure
harvard often sleeps on their couch after long days at work or if he wakes up in the middle of the night
hes a coffee addict
he doesn’t like sherlock
he skipped 2 grades in school, and was teased in middle school for being young
he worked at a cafe during high school
hates math, loves history
carl said “i love you” first
they often studied together, with them taking turn on who pays for coffee.
their first date was in an ikea food court
carl was the first person harvard dated, while carl dated two people during high school that his parents set him up with
harvard likes carl’s british accent, when though he teases him for being british
harvard worries a lot about carl. carl does the same, but is a lot more open about it.
harvards favorite movies are the spiderverse series
he’s religious, but it’s not obvious
he has awful spelling when texting
hates paperwork
favorite mitski song is nobody
hes afraid of people he cares about leaving him, but at the same time, most people he’s cared about got hurt/died. he would rather them leave than get hurt, even if it hurts them
he was afraid to befriend carl in college, but smt about carl drew him in
his favorite season is winter
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decapolicemoment · 3 months
chapter 3 is out
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decapolicemoment · 24 days
Hey, hi, it's me again. 👋 I got some DecaP fic ideas of the Carlvard variety (because despite having many ideas, I still struggle with writer's block lmao).
Full on fluffy cuddle and kissing fic (cause I'm a sap).
A fic about their love languages (e.g. Carl likes words of affirmation so Harvard praises him a bunch. Harvard likes acts of service and does something nice for him, etc.)
Fic where it's Harvard's birthday and Carl showers him with affection (and then u could follow it up with a vice versa).
A continuation of ur a/b/o AU where they discussed the events that happened in the previous fic.
Carlvard angst where they have an argument (extra points if Carl is the one to completely snap) but apologize to eachother near the end.
Carlvard angst where Harvard gets in a car accident and is in a coma for a few days.
Angst where Harvard is having a major PTSD depression related relapse and Carl has to help him through it.
Fic where they say "I love you" for the first time after dating for a while (extra points if it's super sappy and emotional).
yay more ideas 🎉
ill start writing them soon but it may be slow cs of school
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fermeldahyde · 4 months
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