ff7remake5e · 3 years
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ff7remake5e · 3 years
Needs to be converted to 5e:
Chocobo Knight: https://www.finalfantasyd20.com/classes/base-classes/chocobo-knight/
Turk: https://www.finalfantasyd20.com/classes/prestige-classes/turk/
Soldier: https://www.finalfantasyd20.com/classes/prestige-classes/soldier/
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ff7remake5e · 3 years
General Ideas
General ideas to incorporate:
Everyone gets a signature item that they pick and describe (subject to gm rules approval, perhaps picking stats from lists, like bonus to stat, bonus to attk/def, special ability, pick one from each list).
Time period and setting - Midgar, FF7 remake, before the sector 7 plate fell.
Races allowed: Human, Cetra, Jenova-spawn, Sepherioph clone, Red XIII’s race, Mechaniod (use eberron rules?), moogle, awakened chocobo?, sauhiagun, shinra experiments. Monster races are extremely rare and will likely be treated as threats.
Chocobos replace other Large beasts of burden/riding animals.
Riding dogs still exist (except they are Shinra hounds, some bred for domestic use as well as battle)
Vehicles are available as ‘mounts’ as well, primarily motorbikes. Cars are available topside only, as the slums don’t have the highways for them.
Magic points spellcasting system (from the DMG?)
Gil conversion: magic items, 1-1 conversion rate. Mundane items, 1-5 conversion rate.
Potions, Ethers, and similar status effect items are common, other dnd potions and wands not so much.
Materia. I need to pick a system, make it simple. Limited number of magic items in the setting, they are made magic by slotting materia.
Summons materia: Start with them availble at lower level, damage based on character level?
New backgrounds for character classes.
Fighter: unchanged
Gunner: Look for a gunslinger class, or maybe use as fighter variant.
Martial Artist: Renamed monk.
Spellcaster: Generic casting class, with specialities for white/black magic?
Warlocks: Adapted to have sworn allegience to one of the dieties from the setting.
Scientist: Use the artificer as a base?
Samurai: tbd
Thief: renamed rogue
SOLDIER: figure out how to incorporate. Maybe a archtype?
Action Points (AP): Gain one per session, and one if you do something the GM deems worthy of one, either something heroic, cool, smart, in-character, etc. Can be hoarded and rolled over into later sessions. Spend to do something ‘cool’ - such as change a miss into a crit, do something the rules wouldn’t normally allow, etc. Can be spent on party members are well as the player’s own character.
Source: https://www.thegamer.com/dnd-make-a-final-fantasy-campaign/
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ff7remake5e · 3 years
Monster Compendiums
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ff7remake5e · 3 years
Complete rules
To adapt from, they are a mix of 4th and 5th ed.
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ff7remake5e · 3 years
Limit Breaks
All characters get access to one limit break chosen at first level. To learn additional limit breaks, a character must learn them from weapons, magic items, or find a teacher. You can learn a new limit break every five levels for a total of 5 known at 20th level. At 1st level, you get 1 limit break usage per day, and every five character levels thereafter, you gain an additional limit break usage.
To activate a limit break, most require a standard action (though some limit breaks allow swift actions to be used) and you can only activate a limit break while your health (or the health of your animal companion, automaton, party member, etc. that is within 50 feet of you) is 50% or less (must also be alive). All limit breaks are considered supernatural (Su) abilities unless stated otherwise. In addition, a limit break cannot be activated while another limit break is in effect (like some that have durations).
Second Wind (Su): This Limit Break allows a character to regain a number of hit points equal to their Constitution score or 1/4th of their total health rounded down, whichever is higher. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Shell Piercer (Su): This Limit Break allows the archer to strike through any armor. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four archer levels after 1st, the first arrow that an archer fires per round goes against touch AC rather than normal AC. For every four archer levels after 1st, the archer treats another arrow he fires against touch AC. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Trueshot Arrow (Su): This Limit Break allows the archer to enhance his Called Shots. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four archer levels after 1st, the first called shot that hits per round counts as a confirmed critical called shot with a +1 competence bonus to the save DC plus an additional +1 competence bonus per four archer levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Mana Wall (Su): This Limit Break shields the black mage from damage by using his MP pool at a rate of 5 damage per magic point. This Limit Break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four black mage levels after 1st and the black mage has no control over it. If the black mage is out of MP, the Limit Break ends prematurely and the black mage takes damage as normal. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Ultima Weapons (Su): This Limit Break allows the black mage to infuse all his allies and himself with magic to increase their destructive might. For himself, and allies in a 30-ft radius, for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four black mage levels after 1st, all wielded natural, unarmed, and manufactured weapons are treated as magical and deal an additional 1d4 non-elemental damage + 1d4 per four black mage levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Critical Strikes (Su): This Limit Break causes the fighter to focus on the weakspots and deadly parts of an enemy to deal the most damage. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four fighter levels after 1st, the fighter counts his first successful attack as a confirmed critical hit, every attack thereafter gains a +4 competence bonus on confirmation checks. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Omnistrike (Su): This Limit Break hones the fighter’s speed, increasing their number of attacks. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four fighter levels after 1st, during a full-attack with his chosen weapon, the fighter can make 1 additional attack at his highest BAB, another at -5 at 6th level, another at -10 at 11th level, and one last one at -15 at 16th level. These attacks are not doubled by any other effect but otherwise stack with haste and similar effects. This limit break requires only a swift action.
A Knight’s Protection (Su): This Limit Break covers both the knight and his allies in a protective bubble. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four knight levels after 1st, this Limit Break grants the knight and any allies within 30 feet a protective bubble that grants damage reduction 1/- as well as spell resistance 5. Damage reduction increases by 1 and spell resistance increases by 5 per four knight levels after 1st. This DR and SR stacks with any granted by the knight’s class features and knight talent. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Absolute Perfection (Su): This Limit Break allows the monk to gain perfection in herself for a short period of time. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four monk levels after 1st, the monk gains a +1 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls, and a damage reduction of 2/-. For every four monk levels after 1st, he gains an additional +1 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls, and damage reduction of 2/-. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Flawless Fists (Su): This Limit Break allows the monk to perfectly flow her ki around her body, sharpening her body to a fine edge. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four monk levels after 1st, the monk ignores damage reduction and hardness up to double her monk level when using unarmed strikes. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Dual Spellcasting (Su): This Limit Break allows the red mage to cast a healing spell and a damage spell in the same round for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four red mage levels after 1st. MP must be paid for both spells. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Flexibility (Su): This Limit Break allows the red mage to change his current HP total and current MP total on the fly. Once per round as a free action, for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four red mage levels after 1st, the red mage can swap any number of points from HP to MP or from MP to HP on a 3 to 1 basis (3 HP to 1 MP). The red mage cannot swap below 1 hit point. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Perfect Dodge (Su): This Limit Break makes the thief extremely agile. Any melee or ranged attack roll and any combat maneuver roll automatically misses unless a natural roll of 20 is rolled, and even then, the critical threat is unconfirmed unless another natural roll of 20 is rolled. This lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four thief levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Shroud in Darkness (Su): This Limit Break makes the thief invisible for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four thief levels after 1st. While invisible, the thief can make attacks as normal and remain invisible. The thief also receives a + 1d6 sneak attack bonus + an additional 1d6 per four thief levels after 1st while under this Limit Break. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Breath of the Earth (Su): This Limit Break causes the earth to rupture partially and releases a warm wind encompassing white mage and her allies within 30 feet, curing any negative status effects each round (from 1st-7th level, cures 3rd level or lower status effects, 8th-15th level, cures 6th level or lower status effects, 16th-20th level, cures any status effects). This Limit Break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four white mage levels after 1st.
Pulse of Life (Su): This Limit Break causes an intense burst of angelic light to pulse through the white mage and her allies within 30 feet, healing for 2d10 points of damage + an additional 2d10 per four white mage levels after 1st and providing a Fast Healing 2 that increases by 2 per four white mage levels after 1st and lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four white mage levels after 1st. Any affected allies that are unconscious and brought to consciousness as a result of the initial healing and are prone are immediately brought to their feet (this action does not provoke attacks of opportunity).
Fight as One (Su): This Limit Break allows the chocobo knight and his mount to fight as if they were one mind and one body. They both receive a +2 morale bonus on Attack rolls, Saving Throws, and Skill checks + an additional +2 bonus per four chocobo knight levels after 1st. The mount can full-attack after a charge. This lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four chocobo knight levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Supreme Overrun (Su): This Limit Break allows the chocobo knight and his mount to charge 60 feet in a line, running over his enemies. Enemies within the area of effect take 1d6 points of damage per chocobo knight level, a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the chocobo knight’s level + his Strength modifier) can half this damage.
Ruby Guard (Su): This Limit Break allows the ruby guardian to ask for Carbuncle’s aid, who is not afraid to give it. The ruby guardian and all allies within 30-feet gain +2 resistance bonus to saving throws versus spells and +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class for the duration of 1 round plus 1 round per four cleric levels after 1st. The resistance and deflection bonuses increase by 1 every four cleric levels after 1st. At 15th level, this ability also grants Reflect. Beneficial spells made by allies automatically pass the Reflect granted by this limit break, as Carbuncle knows to interweave the magic through for his disciples. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Searing Light (Su): This Limit Break allows a ruby guardian to summon a blast of searing light, destroying foes in a 60-ft.-line. Enemies within the area of effect take 2d6 points of holy damage plus an additional 2d6 points of holy damage per four cleric levels after 1st, with a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the cleric’s level + his Wisdom modifier) to reduce this damage by half. Those who fail are also Dazzled for 1 round.
Evasive Maneuvers (Su): This Limit Break allows the gunner dodge all incoming range attacks (including ranged touch). Any range attacks automatically miss unless a natural roll of 20 is rolled, and even then, the critical threat is unconfirmed unless another natural roll of 20 is rolled. Any spells that require a Reflex saving throw are automatically made. This lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four gunner levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Trigger Happy (Su): This Limit Break allows the gunner to gain a number of attacks of opportunity equal to his Dexterity modifier; these attacks of opportunity can only be used with an equipped firearm. Additionally, the gunner threatens all enemies within his first range increment of his equipped firearm. This limit break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four gunner levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Regenerative Aura (Su): This Limit Break creates an aura around the medic that extends out to 15 feet, granting all allies within the area of effect of Fast Healing of 5 + 3 per four medic levels after 1st. This limit break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four medic levels after 1st. In addition, each round this limit break is in effect allows the medic to cure one status effect per person within the area of effect as a free action. This limit break requires only a swift action.
No Mercy (Su): This Limit Break sends the gunbreaker into a relentless fury, granting him a +2 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls, as well as increasing his critical threat range with gun arms by 1, for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four gunbreaker levels after 1st. For every four gunbreaker levels after 1st, the bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by 2. These bonuses apply to both the melee and firearm parts of a gun arm, and the critical threat range increase is applied after all other effects that increase critical threat range. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Missile Barrage (Su): This Limit Break creates hundreds of thrown weapons that the ninja throws a barrage of them in a 30-ft.-cone. Enemies within the area of effect take 1d6 points of shadow damage per ninja level, a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of the ninja’s level + her Wisdom modifier) for half damage.
Sixth Sense (Su): This Limit Break allows the samurai to sense all incoming attacks and dodge with relative ease. Any melee or range attacks automatically misses unless a natural roll of 20 is rolled, and even then, the critical threat is unconfirmed unless another natural roll of 20 is rolled. This lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four samurai levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Unseen Strike (Su): This Limit Break allows the samurai to make a fast quick strike against his opponents faster than the eye can see. The samurai makes a number of attacks equal to what he can normally make against any opponents within 30 feet (they are considered flat-footed unless they have Uncanny Dodge), if the strike hits, they suffer damage from the samurai’s attack plus +1d6 points of damage + an additional 1d6 per four samurai levels after 1st.
Nighthawk (Su): This Limit Break allows the fencer to counterattack and dodge enemies’ attacks. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per four fencer levels after 1st, the fencer automatically dodges an enemy’s melee attack and may counterattack using the fencer’s highest base attack bonus (if within range). The fencer may do this once per round + one additional time per four fencer levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Elemental Fists (Su): This Limit Break imbues the elemental fist disciple’s fists with elemental energy. As a free action, the elemental fist disciple can choose an element to imbue his fists with (earth, fire, ice, lightning, water, or wind) and change it at the start of his next turn every round for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per two elemental fist disciple levels after 1st. For the duration of the limit break, the elemental fist disciple deals normal unarmed damage plus 1d6 points of elemental damage of the element he chosen + an additional 1d6 per two elemental fist disciple levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Charge Down (Su): This Limit Break fills the hardened veteran with the confidence and wills to take down all foes, even if they aim to reposition or retreat. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per two hardened veteran levels after 1st, the hardened veteran can use an amount of movement equal to his base speed to follow any enemy during their turns if they move any distance, if the hardened veteran ends up in an adjacent square, he is allowed to make an attack of opportunity against the enemy. This movement does not provoke. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Perfect Barrier (Su): This Limit Break allows the kingsglaive to invoke a barrier swiftly to stop all incoming attacks. All melee and ranged attacks against the kingsglaive miss and hits a barrier instead, unless a natural 20 is rolled. Even then, another natural 20 must be rolled to confirm a critical upon the kingsglaive. This Limit Break lasts for a duration of 1 round + 1 round per two kingsglaive levels after 1st. This limit break requires only a swift action.
Mako Absorption (Su): This Limit Break has the soldier absorb the residual mako in the air near them at a much faster rate. For a duration of 1 round + 1 round per 2 soldier levels after 1st, the soldier reduces the cost of his Style Techs by a number equal to his soldier level (minimum 0). This Limit Break takes a swift action to activate.
Pyramid (Su): This Limit Break allows the turk to trap a foe in a magical pyramid-like structure, affecting one foe + 1 per two turk levels after 1st within a 30-foot range. Each creature targeted must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + the turk’s level + his Dexterity modifier) to avoid being trapped in a pyramid of yellow force for the duration of 1 round + 1 round per two turk levels after 1st. Enemies trapped in this manner are Entangled and Immobilized but cannot be attacked until released. Sunder attempts can be made against a pyramid on both the outside and the inside. Reducing the pyramid’s HP to zero will break it and free the enemy trapped inside. (The hardness of each cage is 5 +1 per turk level while the HP is 10 + 5 per two turk levels after 1st.) This Limit Break can only imprison creatures of the medium size category or smaller.
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ff7remake5e · 3 years
Character Write-ups
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ff7remake5e · 3 years
Materia for DnD
Original FF7 materia rules: https://mikemyler.com/2019/05/23/final-fantasy-vii-materia-for-dd-5e/comment-page-1/
Mods for FF7 Remake: https://mikemyler.com/2020/04/15/materia-for-ffvii-dd-5e-%cc%b6m%cc%b6a%cc%b6g%cc%b6i%cc%b6c%cc%b6spell-points/
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