supermom8609 · 5 years
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supermom8609 · 5 years
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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Having 5 kids....huge blessings.
Raising 5 kids alone....rewards.
Giving birth naturally to 5 kids resulting in a bladder control issue...neither rewarding or blessing!! Trust me!!
You cough...changing pants.
You laugh...borrowing a family members pants because you forgot to do your own laundry after having to do 15 loads everyday for those 5 beautiful rewarding blessings, that magically shoved their way out of your silver dollar sized wahoo...yeah you get that lovely picture?
If you sneeze...shit, Niagara Falls meets your fake 6th water break.
Wait just a minute...is it fake? Hold while I check.
And then I think back to when I was married last, to the 50% at fault, the reason why I said yes after saying never again, and having this bladder issue. My king? Ha!! My reason for being last to eat, last to laugh, first to wake. Everytime I ran to the bathroom worried I wouldn't make it in time, running with my legs crossed, which by the way have you tried that? That sport should come with medals. Running to the thrown after that asshole made me laugh at what dumb mistakes I had to watch him make. After coughing from inhaling his bullshit. Sneezing from smelling his biohazard waste feet. ... wait just a bloody minute.
now I know why he divorced my ass. Son of a bitch. I guess I spent more time on top of the throne instead of the King on the thrown. Shit my bad, wrong misplacement of thrown.
No that was his extra curricular activities keeping him up several days like I do naturally because I have 5 beings relying on me to keep breathing that I forget to breathe myself,that drove the poor guy to speed away. Really now? Speed, now that made me laugh!
Good thing this cancer took just about every female child bearing good I had left!
Could you imagine a 6th or 7th reason my house floods, and USAA takes their sweet fucking time replacing and fixing my home?
Changing the subject. I promise I'm not on meds.
Still alive after being strapped in a four door contraption, flipping over and over on some road.
You know maybe someone should invent a seatbelt like the one I wore in that car, but for toilets. Fuck an oh shit handle! Someone out there throwing up after a long night at the pub's, or a seven day constipation evolution should be strapped in. Just in case passing out or falling in the thrown is the ending solution to misery.
Good night all,
Time to put this Queen and her bladder to sleep!! No belt needed in the bed, I should be fine!
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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Realized I wasn't Dreaming
Magic happens when you don't give up,
even when the odds say you should stop.
In a long time I felt like me, as if the first time,
with songs of rhyme we took the climb.
I knew it was love when I looked at you,
realized I wasn't dreaming when all my dreams came true.
Falling hard in live was never expected,
Mind, body, soul totally unprotected.
No matter what I'm here to stay,
my loyalty you can take that to the grave.
The one I love with all my might,
not giving up without putting up a fight.
I knew it was love when I looked at you,
realized I wasn't dreaming when all my dreams came true.
Falling in love was never expected,
Mind, body, soul totally unprotected.
Totally totally unprotected
You found parts of me I didn't know existed,
And n you I found a love that truly persisted.
A million stars up in the sky now has one that shines brighter,
Wish you could see what I see as I take life's struggles away
making your load lighter.
I knew it was love when I looked at you,
realized I wasn't dreaming when all my dreams came true.
Falling hard in love was never expected,
Mind, body, soul totally unprotected.
Forever now, always protected
Linda Lee
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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She cries the ocean,
depths of salted emotion,
Deamons so deep in her heart
tearing love apart,
with the feeling of unbearable pressure
and life violent and gruesome measure
they feed off her Darkness
leaving her heartless
asking herself what harms her soul
she drowns falling deeper within the black hole
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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Harvesting souls through a shallow mind,
heartless thoughts of one future kind,
unraveling lashes of unsettling creatures
Warm breaths from the world’s dangerous double feature.
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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Harvesting souls through a shallow mind,
heartless thoughts of one future kind,
unraveling lashes of unsettling creatures
Warm breaths from the world's dangerous double feature.
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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She cries the ocean,
depths of salted emotion,
Deamons so deep in her heart
tearing love apart,
with the feeling of unbearable pressure
and life violent and gruesome measure
they feed off her Darkness
leaving her heartless
asking herself what harms her soul
she drowns falling deeper within the black hole
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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His Woods are distinct, dark, and deep,
her Forest promised a passion of Eternal sleep,
A love so endless all beware,
his touch Quivers her beautiful lips
her kiss Shivers is painless spine
his Ray of sun , her maker of sunshine.
She is the end to his suffering becomes his Moon
her armor of Fate he was an in to her Doom,
the world's darkest pair
life's great prize to share
even when penniless they're both millionaires
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supermom8609 · 6 years
Regretful Death
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Bleeding laughter for Death,'s core here after,
questioning found lust twas love that was sought-after,
Journey Through the Dark World of regrets,
pleasing a taste with the devil and losing Shadows on All bets,
there is only time for words can fuse the mind,
darkness in Beauty may run through skin line,
but Blackness and strength is what holds and binds
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supermom8609 · 6 years
The Lesson
Everyone has their own story to tell, watching as I sit and drown in theor he'll. Most have good memories most of the time, most of mine are bad, I have a lot on my mind, I wish I never had.
I've read the BIBLE a lot in my life, as I walk by faith and not by sight. PEOPLE out here are becoming hard to bare, but GOD tells me to live by faith with great care. To consider other's have problems of their own, i wish I could find my way home.
A few wise people said to be patient and strong, before so know it, it won't be too long.
While so try to cope, so can't help but think up my past, this can't be what life has to offer the most.
I DON'T pray for an easy life, so pray for strength to make it till it's my time in the afterlife.
Nothing good has ever come easy, I guess, not sure why aim suprised when ai hit the hard going towards my best. I'm trying to surround myself with those that say so believe in you, living life is important not to believe it too.
It's hard to sleep at night alone, the love I lomgfore is always casting that stone.
One of my hardest life lessons is trying to decide to walk away or try harder.
It's like fighting in avwarvin front of a thousand great matters.
The stronger I had to be, the smarter so became when it came around to be loved.
When GOD didn't bless me as I wanted so know now, that he didn't mean it wasn't as he wanted.
I'm able to be stronger from lessons love learned, but even after the past mistakes alive made, nobody now has to be concerned
I've learned that it's good sometimes to take breaks, spend time alone.
To finally experience appreciate, and love myself, so can then stop being angry and lower myself.
Linda Lee
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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I've never been able to give up, even through screw-ups, break ups, and misery's pile-up.
Never cared that they didn't just hold my head up high, never reacted, just like I didn't.
I endured, and have been severely broken, with heartache I BECAME outspoken, I ain't even joke-in.
THERE WAS A TIME... to worry when I lost myself, didn't know my worth, tried to even end myself.
Behind my smile, there are stories nobody would understand, remember I grew up never knowing my original homeland.
Learned too late to stop chasing the wrong things, to give the right things a chance, so I spread my wings.
Strength to me isn't how much you can handle before the break, but how much you handle after you've had a life earthquake.
Whenever so find myself doubting how far I can go, I remember all that I have faced and was forced to grow.
Challenges always made life interesting to me, overcoming the challenges to be.
So when I doubt myself the question to me, does this life have you proud, could you be more braver, stronger, kind, and free.
The less you respond to negative people you see, the more peaceful your life becomes to be. At the end of my day, all I need is HOPE & STRENGTH.
Hope that it will all get better and strength to hold on till I can pull through great lengths.
One thing I can say I know is true, in the worst times of your life, true colors in people always show through.
--Linda Lee
H, O, P, E
Hold On Pain Ends
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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supermom8609 · 6 years
You can contact us at,
Linda Yancey: 2818251427 [email protected].
attn: SUPERMOM8609
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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My eyes make windows to my soul,
Covered by night, drowning in tears, that fill this black hole.
Death, I just might, spending time building them up, how ever did I hide it all this time?
Just so I fall into this ever ending night.
- Linda Lee
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supermom8609 · 6 years
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