ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
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Thank you @ffxiv-sunderedsouls​ ! Had a lot of sloppy fun doing this. My ink cartridge leaked and I got my hands full of it : D
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
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Experimenting with more dynamic camera movements for the next set.
Bonus blooper:
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
Ffs. Story of my life.
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
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*slap* G’raha Cheese *chef kiss* (inspired by post https://twitter.com/coeurlclaw/status/1228414605132619776)
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
"Darling can you please hold the eggs while I stab this one in the nose?... Or you can choke him with the eggs yeah, works too... Welp, time to buy some more..."
I love battle couples ok.
Fighting side by side. Trusting each other completely. Trying to protect each other. Casual banter in the middle of a fight. Their teamwork. Sparring each other to keep their skills sharp. Getting uncontrollably angry if the other gets hurt. Kissing each other when they’re victorious.
I seriously have a thing for battle couples.
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
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ffs let people learn and enjoy the game not everything is about who can run a dungeon the fastest and who has the highest ilvl
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
Guys really be out here thinking I won’t smash a wine bottle over their head
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
shoutout to ocs who are dragoons, black mages, white mages, garleans, voidsent, warriors of light, etc. keep doing you, no matter how many people waddle on up to you with their lorebook under their arm like ackkkshully it says here on page 347 paragraph 2 that you cannot roleplay that.
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
    change gendered language to your needs.  ♡
“  crying is very punk,  trust me,  i do it all the time   &   i am a punk.  ” “  do i like him or is he just tall?  ” “  not to be dramatic but if i don’t get my life together i will die.  ” “  am i dramatic?  yes.  is it justified?  also yes.  ” “  everything that you feel is just a chemical reaction inside your head.  wow.  ” “  there’s a special place in hell reserved just for me.  it’s called the throne.  ” “  let’s get high!!   …   grades.  ” “  i think my gps secretly gets mad at me when i deliberately disobey its directions.  ” “  it’s a bird!  it’s a plane!  it’s   …   me, trying to outrun my feelings.  there i go.  ” “  i am here to say that i am a bisexual who loves mangoes.  ” “  why has no one fallen in love with me yet?  i’m so bored.  ” “  honestly,  i don’t even play an active role in my life.  shit just happens   &   i’m like  ‘  oh,  is this what we’re doing now?  okay.  ’  ” “  life hack  :  you don’t have to be a wolf to yell sad noises at the moon.  ” “  what the fuck do mirrors do when nobody is around?  ” “  it may look like i’m having deep thoughts,  but really,  i’m just thinking about what to eat next.  ” “  do i deserve back pain at this age?  ” “  i’m a simple person;  anything happens,  i cry.  ” “  i’ve mastered the skill of feeling guilty for asking for anything.  ” “  yes,  the rumors are true.  i’m a lovey-dovey dumbass.  ” “  i try not to sound like an asshole,  but it’s really hard because i am an asshole.  ” “  someone has to date me eventually,  right?  ” “  what circle of dante’s inferno did you crawl out of?  ” “  your inability to learn complicated handshakes is tearing this friendship apart.  ” “  there’s no way that  EVERYBODY  was kung-fu fighting.  ” “  saying my name is so intimate,  why would you do that to me?  ” “  don’t ask me about my sexuality.  you’re not gonna get a straight answer.  ” “  i would follow you to the ends of the earth with only mild complaining.  ” “  the first step to any murder is to have fun   &   be yourself.  ” “  i think i am subconsciously trying to ruin my own life.  ” “  i may seem like an angry person on the surface,  but deep down inside, i am actually angrier.  ” “  i push everyone away,  but in a way,  i am doing them a favor.  ” “  what do you mean a thesaurus isn’t a dinosaur?  ” “  i’m not even a hot mess.  i’m more like a lukewarm mess.  ” “  i’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.  ” “  can someone please explain to me how i’m supposed to sleep for eight hours straight when i’m not even straight?  ” “  you’re not allowed to be busy,  you’re my only friend.  ” “  becoming older than ten years old was the biggest mistake of my life.  ” “  is it cold in here,  or is that just my heart?  ” “  if i sigh loudly enough,  will all my problems go away?  ” “  hey,  sorry i’m late.  i didn’t want to come.  ”
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
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Minor alchemy/aether lore, brought to you by an Alchemist class quest.
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
Not everything has to be a ship
not every thread has to be lovey dovey.
I want friendships, enemies, family
I want everything real life has.
I don’t just rp for shipping.
I rp for it all.
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
10 Favorite Characters!
RULES:  list 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people. 
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Fandoms arranged in no particular order.
Justified - Boyd Crowder
Dragonlance - Raistlin
Dishonored - The Outsider
Black Sails - Jack Rackham & Anne Bonny
Yoko Tsuno - Yoko Tsuno
Overwatch - Ana Amari
The Untamed - Wei Ying
Germinal - Souvarine
Band of Brothers - Lt. Carwood C. Lipton
FFXIV - Ardbert
Tagging @adrayellinaeth​ ! Or anyone else who wants to.
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
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happy valentines day!
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
🍐  :    how intelligent is my muse overall?  are they smarter than the average person,  or less than?  are they primarily self-taught,  or did they acquire most of their knowledge in school?  are they more street smart or book smart? 
I don’t know if C’yan is “traditionally” intelligent. He’s not dumb. He has an adequate education for someone from his (poor and trashy) background. The kind of person to know tidbits of everything, practical knowledge gathered through the years. He would not perform well in an academical or culturally refined context though, he is way more street smart and practical. Any knowledge he has, he got it because he needed it for a mission, not because of interest or curiosity. Art and history, finer things, are lost to him. Where he shines most is when it comes down to reacting quickly, choosing under pressure, distancing himself from whatever’s going on and acting. If you’d ask him, he’d tell you you can’t be too smart to stay good at what he’s doing, or the doubt would plague you. And you wouldn’t want that, would you ?
🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend? 
Companionship is everything. It’s the beginning of wars, the reason why tears are shed, the hope at the end of the darkest night. If it was only him involved, he would not feel this strongly about all the situation, the empire, and all. But seeing his fellow Gyr Abanians, his fellow Miqo’tes, his fellow humans really, being torn like that is insufferable. For who compose the music he likes? Who invents new dishes to taste? Who build marvelous temple to pray in? Who is going to enjoy his shitty jokes? Who is he going to take care of if there’s no one left? Who is there to share all that is good down there, if not his brethren?
Thus, he likes being surrounded. He‘s quick to make new acquaintances. Reaching his inner circle is hard, but being considered one of “his” people really is not. The only times he want to be left alone and is very clear about it is when he’s meditating or for some part of his training. The rest of the time? Please bother him, because he’s going to bother you anyway.
Thank you @abrasive-pistols for the ask, they were very fun to answer to : D
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
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Tagged by @ffxiv-sunderedsouls !
Was fun to do, but hard to get the style right without being too cute.
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
Well, 3 stories for 3 stories: ❛ I wish you would have told me. ❜ -- ❛ I’m sorry. ❜ -- ❛ Imagine the worst thing possible. Assume it’s true. Then go from there. ❜ #angst
Prompt 1 ( a few weeks after Ala Migho)
He was warm. Between the feathers of his chocobo and the warm wool, he managed to fall asleep. The thick blanket was nice between his hands and he clawed at it a few times before finally waking a bit more. Wait, a blanket ? He didn’t have one during the night. He was sure he left it in the tent, dragging only his sad body and a cup of tea. It meant… He watched over the campsite : Skaar was already awake, meditating or preparing breakfast before the fire. He could never tell in the morning. Before really thinking about it, he was on his feet, the blanket firmly in his arms. He walked near Skaar and dropped on his ass just next to him, bumping slightly his head on his shoulder.
“  I wish you would have told me , it was like that, a war. But there’s no word for it, that’s it ?”
Prompt 2 
“I”m sorry ?”
“You bet you’re sorry ! My ass, what was difficult to understand ? You had all the instructions in the letter I gave you, you just had to follow it ! Boss’ kid or not, you can be sure i’m gonna report that to C’yan. There’s a time for killing and a timing for waiting, stupid cat.”
The floor was so interesting. Really dirty, and oh, was it an ant near his boot ? 
“And look at me when Im talkin’ !”
“What was that ?”
“ can’t read”
“ Go talk to C’yan kiddo. There’s more to life than fighting.”
Prompt 3
An ambush. Another one, when they were tired and couldn’t wait to go back to the camp for eating and a bath. Maybe they were a bit too tired, a bit too confident. But things didn’t go well. Wherever he would look there was only  bodies on the dust, and blood, so much blood. His grip on his axe was sloppy because of it. 
The beast in him was angry, growling for freedom. Unleashing the berserk warrior was easy : it was a frail dam totally annihilated by fury. More bodies fell, and he was walking in a pudge of congelated blood. The fury was good, until there was no more body to hund, no more opponents to his axe.
“ Yeah, we won !”
“ Guys ? Dad ? No… no way“
So much blood, the same red for foes or friends.
Fury was blind.
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ffxiv-cyan · 5 years
FFXIV Screenshot Meme
Send a symbol and I’ll give a screenshot for it!  (Note: some folks may not be able to take screenies of their muses to suit the prompt, so editing is allowed and encouraged for those who are so inclined.)
[I’m not a meme blog, and these memes I make are just as much for me as they are for you!] 
Send 🛡️ to see my muse in their current tank glamour(s)
Send 🔨 to see them in their current DoH glamour(s)
Send ⛏️ to see them in their current DoL glamour(s)
Send ⚔️ to see my muse in their current melee DPS glamour(s)
Send ✨ to see them in their current caster glamour(s)
Send 👗 to see them in a fancy dress
Send 👙 to see them in their underwear
Send 💖 to see them in their favourite outfit(s)
Send 👘 to see them in an outfit traditional to their culture
Send 🎩 to see my muse in their favourite headpiece
Send 👕 to see my muse in their favourite top
Send 🧥 to see my muse in their favourite coat
Send 👖 to see my muse in their favourite bottoms
Send 👢 to see my muse in their favourite pair of shoes
Send 🔫 to see my muse with their favourite weapon(s)
Send 💄 to see them in their going-out attire
Send 👀 to see them in something suggestive
Send 💍 to see them wearing an expensive outfit
Send 🎮  to see them in a cosplay of the mun’s choice
Send 🎀  to see them in a cute outfit
Send 🛌 to see them in their PJ’s/Sleep attire
Send 👎 to see them in something they’d never wear
Send 👾 for them posing with their favourite minion/pet(s)
Send 🌦️ to see them out in their favourite kind of weather
Send 🏖️ to see them in their favourite climate(s)
Send 🏠 to see them in their home or place of origin
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