ffxv-gems · 3 months
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And we've reached end of Nyx Week! Thank you to everyone who wrote, drew, kudos'd, commented, or otherwise celebrated our hero this week! We all know every week is Nyx week in our hearts.
As a reminder, we will be reposting all the prompts next week for those who want to continue working on their pieces. You can post for any of the prompts next week, or any time in the future! We won't be checking the tag as often after next week, so please @ us for posts after that and we'll reblog them.
We will also do our recap posts next week, so be sure to check out all the lovely Nyx art and fic and show your love to our artists! There will be two badges posted at the end of next week, one for participants and one for completionists, created by the lovely @starjunco!
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ffxv-gems · 3 months
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With beautiful art again by @starjunco, we reach Day 6! Nearly to the end of Nyx Week(round 1) with some great art and fics to show for it! Please remember to give our artists and writers some love!
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ffxv-gems · 3 months
Nyx Week 2024 - Day 4
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Day 4 is here! With our very canon compliant prompts. ^_^
So the results of the survey seem to indicate people would like to extend Nyx week. What this means is we will post this week like normal, and then also post the prompts every day next week. If that's too much posting for you, feel free to block the #NyxWeek2024 tag for that week.
It also means our daily recap posts will be delayed by a week, but we will still reblog all the fics and art posted this week like normal, you just won't see the summary posts just yet, since they'd need to be edited to include so many delayed works.
Thanks to everyone providing us wonderful Nyx content this week; you are amazing and we are honestly loving everything you've made. Good luck to everyone still working on your planned projects, either for this week or the next. Thank you also for your patience and flexibility.
P.S. Today's lovely art by @StarJunco is also available as line art for you to color on your own here! Use today's palette or your own, just have fun!
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ffxv-gems · 4 months
Nyx Week Art-a-long Part 3
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How time flies! Nyx Week is two weeks away, starting on June 16th! This reminder comes with another coloring page, courtesy of @starjunco adapting a screen shot(of one of our favorite scenes ^_^).
Good luck creating (or thinking about creating) submissions to celebrate our favorite Hero!
Transparent version under the cut.
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ffxv-gems · 5 months
Nyx Week Art-a-long Part 1
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As part of our poll for NyxWeek, we asked what kind of reminder posts you would be interested in (if anything). Someone suggested doing a group art activity, and the wonderful @starjunco made this coloring page for us (the first of many) by tracing a screenshot with vectors and doing some minor edits and light shading.
We'd love to see your results if you decide to color along. No judgement for skill level or method of coloring! We're just looking to have some fun together with the rest of the Nyx fans.
Just a reminder, we have about a month and a half before Nyx Week, so get to work if you've been putting things off! And good luck.
Transparent version below the cut.
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ffxv-gems · 5 months
Kingsglaive: Lore 24 - Day 1
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Original Kingsglaive Character, Nyx Ulric Additional Tags: Drabble Collection, Punishment Summary:
Strict drabbles focusing on the life and deaths of background members of the Kingsglaive.
Chapter 1: Punishment - ft. Laura Crepusculum
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ffxv-gems · 6 months
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Drew a very important and very accurate Ignis.
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ffxv-gems · 6 months
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ffxv-gems · 6 months
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Finished a commission for @meissashush. This is Rosea, her OC :). I had fun drawing her!
Art is by me.
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ffxv-gems · 6 months
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An art nouveau inspired piece of Nyx for @garbria
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ffxv-gems · 6 months
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Finished another commission for @garbria
It's been a while since I drew Nyx!
He's probably just hearting some photos on IG lol.
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ffxv-gems · 8 months
Solitary Confinement
Nyx paced the length of the small, windowless room they tossed him in for the one hundred twenty eighth time. It wasn��t any bigger than a storage room back in the Citadel, just big enough for a tiny commode with sink and still have room to lie down. It made him miss his dingy apartment back in Little Galahd. 
Well, that and it drove home the knowledge that he was a prisoner. The few people he’d seen didn’t have uniforms, but they spoke Niflheimr, so it must be the Niffs. Nothing else made sense. 
He really hoped Pelna had gotten away. He hadn’t seen him in the time he’d been here, so he was choosing to take that as a good sign.
He hadn’t seen anyone since they’d thrown him in here however long ago. 
One minute, Pelna was teasing him about date night with Cor, the next a drop ship and two squads of MTs dropped down on their heads. Nothing the two of them couldn’t handle, generally speaking. Except the sun had gone down faster than expected, and two Iron Giants popped up in the middle of the fight. 
Nyx had pushed Pelna out of the way and yelled at him to go. He saw the flash of a warp and then the Iron Giant threw him into a MT that took that moment to explode. His armor took most of the blast, as he discovered when he woke up and found himself in more or less one piece. Which was great news right up until he realized he was tied to a chair.
They asked the usual questions about who he was and what he was doing in their accented Lucian. He answered back in Galahdan insults, which were always more satisfying than Lucian ones. The expected backhand dazed him, and when he could pay attention again, he heard them dictating terms and realized there was a camera in the room. 
He’d yelled insults again, but they ignored him. Just hauled him up and dragged him to this room, throwing him in before slamming the door shut. He’d caught a few sentences of Niflheimr as the door clanged closed, but not enough to make sense of what they’d said. And that was the last he’d heard of anyone.
He really hoped Cor never saw that video they were making. Lucis couldn’t compromise their security for one glaive, not even one currently dating the Marshal. It would only upset Cor to see Nyx in this situation when he couldn’t do anything about it, and Nyx didn’t want that. He’d always understood and respected Cor’s devotion to Regis and Lucis, and that personal concerns were secondary to duty. 
He’d never wanted to hurt Cor. But it seemed like this time he couldn’t help it. Even if Cor didn’t watch the video himself, someone would tell him of it. 
Just, maybe if they didn’t let Cor see it, see him like it, it wouldn’t be as bad.
If only someone would come in, try to interrogate him. He’d even take the usual ‘friendly getting to know you’ beating. Anything other than this damn nothing. The lack of information was driving him up the wall as much as the situation itself.
With no windows, there was no way to reliably measure time. He’d gotten thirsty enough to drink out of the small sink and use the commode a couple times. He’d laid down and tried to catch a few hours of sleep a few times. Once, he’d woken up to a half dozen packs of rations someone had thrown in while he’d been asleep. 
All he could say is that it had probably been more than a couple of days he’d been stuck here, and he didn’t know why they were ignoring him. He’d think they’d forgotten about him if it hadn’t been for the rations. What was their game?
He wished desperately for an actual enemy to fight, instead just the voices in his head. How much longer could this go on?
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ffxv-gems · 10 months
Kingsglaive Legends 2023 Master List
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Thank you to everyone who participated in KGLegends23! Thanks to you, we now have 15 new images and over 25k more words featuring the Kingsglaive characters. If you have any works you’d like to add, please do! We’ll update this as we become aware of them.
Thank you also to all those who liked, reblogged, and commented on these works – your support is always appreciated! Please continue to support the fabulous writers and artists in this community.
Awlwren (Tumblr, Ao3)
Blossom Adventures (Tumblr)
Dablotte (Twitter)
Firechocobros (Tumblr, Ao3)
Loki_chan / Garbria (Tumblr, Ao3)
StarJunco (Tumblr, Ao3)
The master list itself will be below the cut, along with the badge for using all the canon glaives across the week's fills!
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Not an icon this year, but instead a "signed" poster of the glaives by the lovely @starjunco. If you wondered what they glaives were up to in their various poses this week, now you know. Of course they couldn't even behave long enough for a good picture. On the other hand, who put Tredd next to Libertus? Drautos doesn't get to look exasperated by the shenanigans when he indirectly caused them.
Day 1
Title: Sacrifice Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Crowe Altius Relationship: Crowe Altius & Nyx Ulric
Title: Exhaustion (ft. Drautos) Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Glaives: Titus Drautos Relationships: Titus / Cor Summary/Excerpt:
Cor woke up to an empty bed, he’s probably already up, he thought as he realised what had actually woke him, his phone was ringing, it was Clarus, he looked at the time in his phone screen, 5:15am. The Marshal let out a groan and answered the call.
Title: Call and Response - Chapter 2 Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Axis Arra, Tredd Furia Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Axis has seen how useful Oracle Sign is. Now to get everyone else to.
Ugh. This means actually socializing with people.
Title: Holding Out for a Hero Author: Garbria aka Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Pelna Khara Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Pelna knows he’s not the Hero of the Kingsglaive but when he runs into trouble on his own, he rises to the occasion.
Title: Love, War, and Sacrifice Author: Firechocobros Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Titus Drautos, Nyx Ulric, Sonitus Bellum, Luche Lazarus, Axis Arra, Crowe Altius, Pelna Khara, Tredd Furia, Relationships: Polyglaive, DrauCor Summary/Excerpt:
“If it will end this fucking meeting,” Titus started with a heavy sigh. “I will sacrifice the stupid fucking closet to the Guard.”
There were head nods, and they all moved on to the next thing on the agenda. Little did they know that Titus was not giving his closet up without a fight.
Featuring Titus being a petty king and using his Glaive to the best of his abilities.
Day 2
Title: Day 2 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Crowe Altius Relationship: N/A
Title: Sleeping in the Clouds Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Libertus Ostium, Nyx Ulric, Crowe Altius Relationship: N/A
Title: AU & Life After (ft. Luche) Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Glaives: Luche Lazarus, Nyx Ulric Relationships: Nyx / OC Summary/Excerpt:
at the start of The Long Night, Cor and Titus buy a penthouse apartment in Lestallum and they get bunk beds to accommodate their close friends and “family” so that they all have a safe place to live and don’t have to worry about accommodation themselves… also there’s a little teaser to Violet and Nyx’s relationship ☺️🥰
Title: Lichtenberg Figures Author: Firechocobros Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Sonitus Bellum, Luche Lazarus, Axis Arra, Crowe Altius, Pelna Khara, Tredd Furia, Relationships: Polyglaive Summary/Excerpt:
It had been storming all week, and Nyx’s parents had warned him to stay inside, but he was getting restless. Something kept telling him to go outside; the voice was getting stronger, and Nyx was about to listen to it out of pure boredom. 
How the Glaives found out who their Clustermates were and what their Asteral Event was.
Title: Delta Blues - Chapter 2 Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Libertus Ostium, Nyx Ulric Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
He whirled, sole remaining kukri at the ready as the Princess spread her feet and crouched slightly, ready to run or attack. A car pulled up behind them and jerked to a stop. Libertus rolled down the window and beckoned them over.
“C’mon, get in! They set up a trap in the square, I heard it on the radio,” Libertus yelled in that tone that he was convinced was quiet.
Continuing my Nyx Lives AU where Libertus finds Nyx before he gets shot, and so he never puts on the ring. And things go from there.
Libertus PoV this chapter!
Title: Not All Who Wander Are Lost Author: Garbria aka Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Luche Lazarus, Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium Relationships: Luche & Nyx, Libertus & Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
The Lazarus clan has been responsible for protecting the royal family of Galahd for centuries, and Luche takes his duty seriously. It's a shame the only surviving member hates him.
Day 3
Title: Day 3 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Pelna Khara Relationship: N/A
Title: Pelna!!! On a fishing (?) adventure Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Pelna Khara, Titus Drautos, Nyx Ulric, Luche Lazarus, Libertus Ostium, Tredd Furia Relationship: N/A
Title: Tredditions Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Tredd Furia, Nyx Ulric, Pelna Khara, Libertus Ostium, Luche Lazarus Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Tredd hazes the rookies educates the new class of Glaives on Important Glaive Traditions. And then celebrates some more somber ones with the rest of his own recruiting class. Fill for Kingsglaive Legends 2023: Day 3 - Tradition
Title: Training (ft. Nyx & Drautos) Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Titus Drautos Relationships: Nyx / OC Summary/Excerpt:
It was the hottest day of the year, the height of summer, the training grounds in the Citadel were exposed to the full sun at this time of day. Captain Drautos had called off training when he saw how the Glaive were struggling, he let them go home, and they did just that, all but one.
Day 4
Title: Day 4 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Sonitus Bellum Relationship: N/A
Title: Family Fix-it Home Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium, Luche Lazarus, Pelna Khara, Crowe Altius Relationship: N/A
Title: Shifting Sand - Chapter 2 Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Crowe Altius Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Crowe’s not quite sure what’s going on, or who this lady is, or why people are trying to kill her, but she’s determined she’s not going to die first. Crowe’s POV of the last section of Solid Ground.
Day 5
Title: Day 5 Artist: StarJunco Link: TumblrGlaives: Tredd Furia Relationship: N/A
Title: Slice of Life/Love(?) Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Nyx Ulric Relationship: Nyx / Noct (possible)
Title: All Through the Night Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Luche Lazarus, Sonitus Bellum Relationships: Luche & Sonitus Summary/Excerpt:
Luche is working late on the Night Shift, and struggling with the weight of responsibilities.
Day 6
Title: Day 6 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Axis Arra Relationship: N/A
Title: Titus...more like TiSUS Artist: dablotte Link: Twitter Glaives: Titus Drautos Relationship: N/A
Title: Hide and Sneak - Chapter 2 Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Pelna Khara, Nyx Ulric Relationships: N/A Summary/Excerpt:
Pelna loved figuring out secrets. It was one of the best things about being a scout – putting together puzzles and learning the crucial pieces of information that could save his fellow glaives, or the Crownsguard holding the lines, or the people just trying to live their lives as the tides of war swept over them. He might not be able to liberate whole towns himself, or smash through the enemy lines to allow advances and retreats, but he could find things no one else could, and that saved lives, too.
Pelna is clever, and sneaky, and learns a lot, maybe even more than he wanted to.
Chapter 2/2! Pelna heads home.
Day 7
Title: Day 7 Artist: StarJunco Link: Tumblr Glaives: Libertus Ostium Relationship: N/A
Title: Day 7 Artist: StarJunco Link: TumblrGlaives: Nyx Ulric Relationship: N/A
Title: Where Angels Fear to Tread Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Titus Drautos Relationships: pre- Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
When he’d turned back enough to have a clearer shot of where Drautos had been standing guard over the glaive wounded, Cor had a moment of confusion when he didn’t see the man. A quick survey of the field showed the lone glaive who’d reinforced the western flank holding back a wall of gunfire with an impressively sturdy shield, one that surely couldn’t last, but no sign of their Captain.
As he got close enough, Cor finally realized that the hunched figure in the middle of the courtyard he’d previously missed was not wearing the red of blood but the darker shade of Drautos’s uniform.
Somehow, while he’d been being cautious, Titus Drautos had fallen.
Cor goes to meet the Kingsglaive returning from their latest raid and helps them out of an ambush, and meets someone who might be worth keeping an eye on.
Title: Fools Rush In Author: Garbria aka Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Glaives: Nyx Ulric, Titus Drautos Relationships: pre - Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Things go badly when Nyx’s unit gets ambushed on the way back from a mission. Then Cor shows up.
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ffxv-gems · 11 months
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birthday gift by @scelatio
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ffxv-gems · 11 months
Selfie Time✨
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laura: Why do you always resist so much? It's Just a selfie!
Cor: I have work, your Highness.
Laura: You always have work! Our photos are repetitive, I want a new one!
Cor: With this lollipops?
Laura: Shut up!
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ffxv-gems · 11 months
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Crowe did not get much screen time in the movie, but, in various fans' points of view, she stole the spotlight and caught their attention. Crowe was not my favorite character in Kingsglaive, but I do wish her longer screen time, more character development and more badass scenes. Because she deserved something better.
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ffxv-gems · 11 months
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Concept art of Nyx Ulric from Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
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