fibromumof4 · 3 years
Feminism is the new fascism. Convince me I'm wrong?!
There is absolutely no question that it is never ok for anyone to subject anyone to harassment sexual or otherwise. However, today, a bus driver wolf whistled at a passer by and now finds himself subject to police charges and termination from work. Shouldn't we be focusing our attention as women on actual perpetrators of crimes instead of claiming sexual harassment because a man whistles at us? I am afraid of a society where men have to question every single step they take regardless how innocent. As a mother of 2 sons and 2 daughters I am sad that they will grow up in a world where this happens!!
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fibromumof4 · 3 years
First ever post so hello, hey, hi 👋 Week 4 being stuck in bed with fibro relapse and homeschooling 4 children all different ages which is so much fun...NOT...gotta laugh though when your 5 year old comes through and asks if you can stop being in bed tomorrow because he wants to go sledging. Manifest that shit son.....Manifest!!!
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