fictionalworldd · 9 months
"Light In his Darkness"
Part 3
??: Hey, sweetie...
Hazel: STOP, Calling me by that shitty name Danny.
Danny: oww! Sweetheart I just can't help it. Just bear with it.
Hazel: Then I think I should also give u a name. What u say.
Danny: I would love it. So what name are thinking of, How about darling or babe. (He smirked and said.)
Hazel: Hmm let me think. How about jerk, It's suits u well. (She made a thinking face and said)
His smirk slowly disappeared. He started to take fast steps towards her and Grab her by arm and pulled her close.
Danny: Don't you think u are acting a bit of brat.
Hazel: Leave me Danny. Just leave.
Danny: I won't. Let me remind u a that we are going to engage within 4 months.
He said and started to lean closer to her face. She harshly jerked her hands and free herself.
Hazel: I already warned you. That I don't like you. Knor I am interested in this shitty marriage thing.
She said.
Danny: It doesn't change the fact that we are gonna get engaged though. So be a good girl and do what our elders say.
He said, Her eyes became blurry. But she immediately blink and said.
Hazel: I would never in my life like u. Mark my words jerk.
He laughed a bit and said
Danny: Oww, baby I don't care as long as u are with me and mine.
Hazel: Fuck off.
He smirk and says
Danny: Ok, let's met at dinner babe. He gives a flying kiss and went away from there.
A drop of tear fall from her eye. She wiped her cheeks and move towards her class.
Hazel Pov.
After that jerk was gone I make my way towards my class. Uff, Because of that piece of shit I got late again . Aahhh fuck it.
I went inside my class
Hazel: May I come in Sir.
Proff: Hazel D'Souza you are late again. How many time should I warn u.
Hazel: I am sorry Sir. Actually it's because of traffic. I am really sorry. (She bow a little)
Proff: This is the last time I am letting u in. Now Come inside and immediately go to your seat.
Hazel: Thank you.
Huff finally I got inside and took a seat beside my BFF. Rachel
Rachel: Hey know what happened again. She asked
Hazel: The usual thing. I just don't know why this is happening with me. (She said with moist eyes and harshly wiped tears away.)
Rachel feels bad for her bestfriend. But again she can't do anything to help her friend.
Rachel: It's ok Haz everything will be fine. We will think about something to get out if this situation.
Hazel: I don't think so rach. Am just feeling defeated and tired.
Hazel: Hmm.
Rachel: It's ok. For now let's focus on our lecture. Hmm
After classes know it's time for us leave. We decided to have some coffee. We enter A caffe and took a seat opposite each other. We started to discuss about our bio project. Just then everyone started to rush out of caffe. They all were looking scared and in rush.
I looked around to know what's happening. Then I asked the waiter.
Hazel: Excuse me. Whats happening why everyone is in rush. ( She looked at me. And said)
Waiter: The man who just enter is a mafia king. He is known to be cruel. That's why every one scared. ( She said shuttering a bit).
I turn around to have a look of that man and I froze in horror.
Hazel: it's him..... SHIT.
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fictionalworldd · 1 year
"Light in his darkness"
Part 2
Ivan: AND WIO AREeee…….. u.
He suddenly stops while shouting.
Hazel: So mister why were you shouting on these children. See know they got scared. You shouldn’t shout like this. Calm down a bit man.
She was scolding him while he was not able to hear any anything. He was in his own world.
Hazel: “snapping fingers’ Hey are u even listening.
Ivan POV
While I was scolding these brats. When Someone shouted from behind. I turn to look who is that. But I don’t know why nothing came out of my mouth. I was not able hear what she is speaking. I came out of my thoughts when she snaped her finger at me.
Hazel: children are you ok. Are u hurt somewhere.
She started checking them around. Hazel: Next time before shouting take a look if they are ok or not. Children what are u doing here. And what’s your name.
Child: Mmyy n n name is Ryan and sh she is my si sister Sara. We w eere going t to my mom. She is working in ou u rr shop.
That child said this while stammering and shuttering.
Hazel: Ok clam down heart. Its alright lets go to mom. I will take u hmm.
She turned around.
Ivan POV end.
She tuned around and looked at Ivan.
Hazel: “Oh God” you’re hurt. Come with me let me treat you sir. Please come with me.
Hazel said and started to walk towards a bench were she kept her bag.
Ivan didn’t move a inch. He was so lost that from start he didn’t even said a word.
Hazel stopped and turned around to look if he is coming or Not.
Hazel: Sir, EXCUSE ME SIR.
She said loudly. Ivan flinched came back to reality.
Ivan: Hann.
Hazel: I said Please come with me we have to treat your wound. Otherwise it will cause infection.
Ivan: Oh no it’s ok I am good. I have to go know.
He hurriedly started to walk towards his car.
Hazel: But…
Before she could even say something he drew away.
Hazel: What a strange man. Let’s go kids.
Hazel also took a bus and went away from their taking kids.
Ivan POV.
I immediately got away from there after coming a little away from there. I stop the car. I myself don’t know why I didn’t said anything to that women when she was shouting and scolding me. I was so lost in her that I don’t even know what said the whole time. What wrong with you Ivan have u lost your mind or what. Have u forgot what women and love did to you In the past. I shouldn’t even like her or any other women.
Ivan POV ended.
He reached office and got out of the car. He got inside the building. Everyone bow to him while he just walk. He sat on my chair and someone knocked on door.
Ivan: Come in.
His secretary came in and started telling his schedule.
Secretary: Sir U have meeting with Mr. John Smith. And then we have to visit a site.
Ivan: hmm, What about the armed base.
Secretary: The work is still going on. We will get it our hand by end of this week.
Ivan: hmm. Please bring me a coffee.
Secretary Left from there.
Hazel POV.
After he went from there. We got inside a bus and went to the location these kids told me. Thank God they know the address or don’t know how much struggle it would have caused. We reached the location. And kids started run towards their mom.
K/M: Ow. hey what u both are doing here. You know how dangerous is this. How you both even got here.
Hazel: Hello mam.
K/M:   Hello.
Hazel: Actually I got them here. I fond them on road. They were coming to you.
K/M: What! Kids why were u coming here. Didn’t I left you at grandma’s house then.
Ryan: Mom after you left us uncle came at home he started to fight with grandma. We got scared and ran away. I am sorry.
He said and looked down feeling guilty.
Sara: Mom I also got scared.
K/M: It’s ok baby. Let’s go to grandma’s house. Thank you mam for bringing them here. I am grateful to you.
Hazel: ow no no it’s totally fine mam but please look after them. And kids next time don’t runaway ok. Call mom immediately, call police or take help from someone when u sense danger ok. Now bye.
She waved at them and went to bus  stop.
Thank God. They are safe and I found them otherwise don’t know what would have happen to them. But that man was so strange. I am grateful that he immediately pushed the breaks. But the way he shouted at them was a bit too much.
I reached college and got inside. When I was going towards my class.
?? : Hey, sweetie..
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fictionalworldd · 1 year
"Light in his darkness"
Note: Hey, guys it's my first fictional story. I will be posting every Friday and Tuesday. Sorry if there are any mistakes.
Summary: Ivan: mafia. Hazel : medical student.
Both have different perspective of life. For one life is one time thing and in that one should live to fullest. While for other each other day is nothing but a burden.
Ivan Pov.
I woke up, did the morning routine. Got down to have breakfast.
I reach the dining table and I saw my father already sitting over their and having his breakfast. I sat opposite to him and started eating without a word.
Suddenly he started talking
I/F : So did you done the work I asked u about.
Ivan: yes I did.
I/F: I don’t want any thing to go wrong while I am not here. Do whatever it takes u. But I want the armed base in my hand as soon as possible.
Ivan: hmm.
I/F: I will be here after I am done with my work in Singapore. Make sure the plan goes well.
Ivan: hmm
Saying this he gone for his business tour. he never talked to me  until its something about business. He is like this since that women left us for someone new. I JUST HATE HER.
After finishing his meal. He went to his office base. He was driving . suddenly some children came in between road he immediately push the breaks before any bad happened. But because of the sudden jerk, The stirring wheel hit his head. Thankfully it was not severe just a scratch. He came out of the car and started scolding the children.
Ivan : Hey, brats what are u doing in middle of road. Where is your mom dad, Because of his shouts and loud noise the children started to cry.
Ivan: now why the hell are u crying .
?? : Hey, mister why are u shouting on these children.
Ivan: AND WHO AREEeee……. u.
He suddenly stops while shouting.
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