liamxoliver · 3 years
҂📁  𝚂𝙼𝚂  ▹  𝙻𝙸𝙰𝙼  💌
zara: right right right
zara: let's see about that when i bring you over some cookies and brownies
zara: oh? 🤔
zara: since i do all the cooking, maybe you could bake for me? 😋🤗
zara: i'm the best person in the world? 🥺 you're right! we don't deserve people like them!!
liam: why are you making this so hard for me? you should never mention cookies or brownies…
liam: are you sure with that? though you should probably guide me?
liam:yes… the best of the best ❤️ Maybe we deserve each other? 😏
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liamxoliver · 3 years
⏤              🦋              ⏤
    𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒚    𝒉𝒂𝒅    𝒂    𝒉𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒕    𝒐𝒇    𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈    𝒕𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉    𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉    𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆    he    was    once    close    to    and    with    the    way    they    ran    with    different    crowds    and    life    took    them    in    different    directions    ,    it    made    it    easy    to    do    so    .    although    ,    liam    was    a    pretty    chill    guy    and    cassidy    knew    there    wouldn’t    be    any    weirdness    about    the    fact    that    they    couldn’t    keep    touch    every    single    day    .    plus    ,    cassidy    was    the    same    .    he    was    just    glad    to    see    him    again    ,    catch    up    .    figure    out    what    had    changed    and    what    hadn’t    .      ❛      listen    we    can’t    all    be    handsome    and    dapper    like    yourself    .      ❜      he    joked    back    ,    a    laugh    escaping    from    his    lips    shortly    after    his    words    .      ❛      probably    not    but    it    was    worth    a    shot    in    asking    .    you    know    ,    a    part    of    me    secretlyhoped    that    you    left    all    the    trouble    behind    you    .      ❜      the    male    teased    ,      ❛      definitely    the    part    where    we    hug    and    it’s    borderline    too    long    .    that’s    what    this    scene    is    .    honestly    ,    kinda    historic    .      ❜      laughing    ,    cassidy    continued    to    joke    around    with    liam    .    something    that    seemed    to    come    naturally    for    the    two    of    them    .
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“oh c’mon mate, you’re making me blush.” the male teased back, acting like he was embarrassed prior to softly nudging his shoulder. he can’t deny the happiness and comfort of being around with an old friend at this very moment, it feels more like home now. it certainly is. for what it’s worth, he’s regretting cutting his communication with him. they could’ve made hundreds of mayhem for all the year they’ve lost. “you can always hope but then just be ready to be disappointed. i think that’s how my father tolerates me now.” nonetheless, he doesn’t care what his father thinks of him. he’s too tired to stress himself for something that would never changed. “fuck, you don’t know how much i missed you!” he exclaimed, throwing his one arm around his shoulder. it could have been like that the entire time but the only reason he pulled away was because the bartender placed his friend’s drink in front of him. “anyway, how are you? what’s new with your life?”
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liamxoliver · 3 years
Sadie had been sat at the table hoping that being at the library would make her focus on her theory work but all she found was herself trying to refrain from tapping her pencil on the table and her leg jittering under the table. She never was good at being still so despite only being there for ten minutes, she looked up to the person opposite. “Want to take a break and go get a hot drink or something?” 
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his brain was so exhausted from all the studying that he was just resting his head against the opened book, gazing out the small window from the library. not really caring if the librarian will catch him. once hearing the other person’s suggestion, liam lifted his head a bit, enough to see her face. “yes please!” he exclaimed, earning looks from the other student which he smiled apologetically. “let’s go before they kill me with their glares.” liam shoved his book inside his bag, leaving the library first. 
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liamxoliver · 3 years
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just like always lorraine made twenty too many chocolate chip cookies. so there she was knocking on door to door to see if anyone wanted to take a few to get them off of her hands. once the door open lorraine gave a bright smile to the other, holding out the plate of cookies in front of her. ‘ hey ! ’, she greeted. ‘ i made… way too many cookies and i was wondering if you wanted any ! ’
if not for the knock on his door, he wouldn’t have noticed that it was already past lunch time. he was just too engrossed in analyzing the data his father has sent him whereas he needed to summarize it and with a deadline not later than tonight. the brunette sighed, opening up the door. to his surprise it was just his sister. “you don’t have to ask me...” he said lazily, grabbing a piece of cookie before heading back to his table, leaving the door open for her to come in. “i want to sleep so bad... will you do this report for me? promise, i’ll do anything you want.” his hands clasping together with a pleading eyes, wishing it would work this time. “pretty please?”
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liamxoliver · 3 years
Location: The Library 
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Walking from her room to meet Liam in the Library to retrieve the pen she had lost she seemed to be mostly in her thoughts. “Hey Li.” She spoke quietly coming across him when she had arrived. In no time she felt her arms wrap him hugging him close for a few moments. “As promised.” She spoke as she looked into his eyes for a moment before pulling away. “I can’t thank you enough for finding it for me. I don’t know what I would do with out it.” She said quietly. “Would you happen to be hungry?” She asked biting her lip. 
it was entirely pure luck that he happened to stumble down her pen while resting at the pool deck that afternoon, and if he didn’t receive her text, the pen would be just sleeping in his pencil holder until the school year ended. luck was on her side. the young oliver was near his usual spot, scanning over some books he would need for his research paper when he heard her voice. “hey,” liam greeted her softly. however, his expression was quick to change when she suddenly hugged him. he was caught off guard although he wasn’t complaining. “no worries, really. mind if i ask why that pen is so important to you?” not trying to intrude, just simply curious. “a bit, are you asking me out?” he teased.
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liamxoliver · 3 years
“because you’re obsessed with me and i put up with you,”  vivi shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. she watched as liam, the only boy in the world who didn’t infuriate her, knocked on dean murphy’s door. there was no response, and it made her heart thud in her chest.  “knock again to be sure !! ”  she demanded, gesturing at the door impatiently.  “we can’t get kicked out of school, ok ?  i haven’t even been to europe with you yet.”  with a huff, vivi stepped forward and knocked on the door again, louder.  “dean ??? ”
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“so much arrogance in that single sentence.” liam pointed out without fear of her being mad at him, they’d always been like this since they became friends. it was their usual thing. with a deep breath, he knocked again at dean murphy’s door as per her instruction, a bit louder than before. yet, there was still no response from him. maybe he was having a cup of tea in the ship’s cafe or talking with some of the faculty. either way, one thing is for sure, he’s not in his office. “i don’t think he’s inside, v.” he said while leaning against the door, “let’s just go inside. it won’t take us that long to leave this dead fish inside his room.” the male almost gagged when he raised the plastic bag. it smells really awful and probably takes a week to get rid of it smell.
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liamxoliver · 3 years
“Welcome.” Rosie smiled up to him before turning her head back in the direction they were walking. “An entire day exploring a city with you? I think I can do that. I’d shake on it but well…” She joked as she raised their already entwined fingers with a laugh. Any time with Liam she’d happily take now that they were back in each other’s lives.
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the young male couldn’t take his gaze off from her, not minding if he’ll stumble down a rock while heading to the love park. “you like messing with me, huh? but you can’t take it back, you’re going to explore new cities with me.” he announced happily. liam then slowed down his pace and was now at her back. taking his camera out and capturing a photo of her with their hands holding, a photo you’ll see couples posting in their social media accounts. “even with just your back in this photo, you still look stunning.” he accidentally blurted out while scanning her photo.
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liamxoliver · 3 years
            it was so nice to be out with liam for the first time in quite a long time. they hadn’t been able to make their busy schedules work – but finally, here they were. and naturally doing an activity micah adored. “ oh no, ” micah said stopping suddenly at the idea of being broadcasted live to even more people. “ see here’s the thing, making a fool of myself in front of a small group, just fine. in front of the internet where it might live forever, that’s scary. also, no one wants to make me famous – i’m too boring for that. ”
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“i’ll take note of that, i’m sorry.” liam said apologetically, the last thing he wanted was to make him or any of his friends uncomfortable. he should probably tone down some of his crazy ideas. “you? boring? i highly doubt that... there wasn’t any boring moment when we’re hanging out.” his brain can still remember vividly all the fun things they did  while on the ship or land. micah was some of the few people he loved spending time with. “so aside from your grand debut as a singer, what fun things are you planning tonight? i’m sure alcohol is somehow part of it?”
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liamxoliver · 3 years
“It’s been years, Liam. Couldn’t we just be… I don’t know, civil about this?” She asked, not even sure why she was trying so hard. She was the one who hurt him pretty deeply when they were still together. It’s not like she even felt she deserved his forgiveness, but she’s still going to be a damn brat about it, because just looking at him now sent an ache through her chest, like someone was actually physically squeezing her heart. Looking away, trying to shake that ( stupid ) feeling away, she nodded her head. “Yeah, he’s fine. His latest girlfriend was just a couple of years older than me, so you can understand how relieved I was when they broke up,” she said, the venom sinking back into her words at the memory. “I meant my mom, Liam,” Callie said with a laugh. “My mom and I hadn’t talked in awhile. She’s… you know, just… always busy, I guess,” she muttered, trying not to show the bitterness on her face – not that it would mean anything since he still wasn’t looking at her. “Your dad still sucks, I see,” Callie said, not even surprised. “Word around here, though, is that you have a girlfriend,” she said, lying through her teeth to see if that’ll finally get him to look at her, a small part of her wanting him to deny it. 
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yes, it’s been years... but the pain and doubt you caused is still here. that was what he wanted to tell his ex-girlfriend. there were also some questions he wanted to know the answer to but wasn’t able to ask back then, like... why was she not able to love him? was he not enough for her? what did he lack in their relationship? this caused him to doubt himself which maybe the reason for all his failed relationship after, he couldn’t trust their words nor actions. “i am being civil with you, callie. because if i’m not, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” he simply responded, still scrolling through his emails. the male would do anything just to avoid looking at her face, too afraid that he’ll fall back to her spell. “give my regards to your parents. you know they’re like family to me.” when he realized his stupid mistake, his heart race, already embarrassed with his own words. how could he assume that she was referring to him? “my apologies, i thought you were referring to us.” liam tried to laugh it off, too. “i guess that’s what we get for having rich parents. we can buy anything we want but never their attention.” he said matter of fact, shrugging his shoulders. talking about his father has never been a favorite topic of his, dismissing it as quickly as possible. “girlfriend?” the word itself caught his attention, gaze finally flickering up to her direction. his lips curled up to the side, shaking his head. “i wish... girls around here don't like geeks, I suppose. how about you? did you find a new boyfriend that you could really love?” though there was a pain in his chest with his question, he’ll still be happy if she said yes.
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liamxoliver · 3 years
text 📲 blue's clues 🐶
blue: yes you are my beloved asf
blue: not you making it sound like i've never said anything nice to you before ever :( call me baby boy again and we might have to get married tf
blue: anyway i need your advice??? thoughts?? on something. my cards told me to go to a professional so i thought what better person to go to for advice about ~feelings~ than a gemini man
liam: okay... then you're my beloved too. 💖
liam: well, i can't remember a time you said something nice to me. remember how you wanted to go ghost hunting on that creepy hotel? come here, baby boy... i'll marry you if you propose.
liam: advice from me? are you sure with that? isn't gemini man deceiving?
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liamxoliver · 3 years
҂📁  𝚂𝙼𝚂  ▹  𝙻𝙸𝙰𝙼  💌
zara: as i should 😡
zara: icb i'm reading this. sounds like you're only here for my cookies.
zara: i have no idea. maybe it's way to destiny playing with us? like... "hey, have you moved on? are you happy? are you okay? here's the challenge for you!" challenges could be academic but why does it have to be personal???
liam: oh c'mon zara.... that's not true! i love you more than your cookies!
liam: what do i have to do to forgive me? 😔
liam: destiny, i've already moved on and happy that we didn't end up together. lmao go fuck somebody's else life. not me and my best person in the world, zara! 😗
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liamxoliver · 3 years
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liamxoliver · 3 years
text 📲 blue’s clues 🐶
blue: good evening my beloved
blue: in case no one’s told you today you’re very cool very smart very pretty and the greatest person i know 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
blue: also i need your help reply asap or else
liam: my beloved?🤨
liam: I don’t like where this is going. I feel something is wrong…
liam: ha! There it is!!! what do you need my baby boy? 😘😏
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liamxoliver · 3 years
Her eyes were still narrowed as she looked at him, and the fact that he still hadn’t looked up to even spare her a glance was irking her. “How exactly can you say I look well when you haven’t even looked at me?” She asked him, with her eyebrows raised before shaking her head, biting back the smart retort she had wanted to say. The last thing she wanted was to talk about her family, but she figured she could owe him that, since her parents loved him when she introduced him to them all those years ago. “She’s fine,” Callie curtly said. “Making Los Angeles her home and the fashion industry her bitch,” she said with a laugh that was partly a scoff. “We hadn’t talked in awhile,” she added, before hastily changing the subject. “How’s your dad?”
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until now, he’s wondering why she was still speaking with him when she’s obviously irritated by his mere existence in this ship. they’re exes, yes. but they’re not friends. callie clearly burned that bridge already. “based on how you talk and act around me, i don’t need to look at you to know that you’re well. is that answer your question, callie?” he said coolly. liam swears on his grave that if she ever throws another sarcastic remark at him, he can’t promise to be civil anymore. she’s getting on his nerves. his hazel eyes gaze back at his ipad, reading some of his materials for class yet attentive with her words, wanting to know what happened to them. they did become a huge part of his life, acting as his real parents while in new york. “that’s good to hear. i assume your dad is doing great too?” he asked another, taking note of her tone. “you cut me off from your life, remember? as for my dad, the same old, philip. he’s busy running his empire.” what’s more to say about him? they never talk about anything other than business. even forgetting to greet his own son on his birthday.
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liamxoliver · 3 years
҂📁  𝚂𝙼𝚂  ▹  𝙻𝙸𝙰𝙼  💌
zara: me - talks about my thoughts
zara: you - any cookies?
zara: i am more than just my cookies 😭🥲
zara: your ex is on board too???
zara: huh. that's funny. because we're in the same situation. i need to avoid.
liam: okay, okay... i'm sorry! of course, you're more than just the cookies. ❤️
liam: i just love how you make heart full because of your cookies! lmao
liam: unfortunately...
liam: really? are they following us? kidding! but in all seriousness... of all the people who'll be on board with us, why does it has to be our exes?
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liamxoliver · 3 years
Text ☀︎ Li
fable: it is very important to me Li, you have no idea. of course i would. this pen has helped me write my book.
fable: god you are my savior. not only with helping me find books, but now my pen too. :)
liam: that's why! you really need to find that pen. better prepare that hug. 😂
liam: no worries!
liam: i just checked then pen i found, it has your name in it. lmao i didn't notice it before!
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liamxoliver · 3 years
Callie’s eyes narrowed at his words. She never liked being told what to do, especially when it came from an ex, but she reminded herself – albeit begrudgingly – that he had ever right to be mad at her. Not only had she cheated on him, which she thought was enough for him to get the message, but she also basically rubbed it in his face how she never even loved him. Of course, that was a lie, but that one finally worked. It finally got him to stop fighting for them, for their relationship. “You know some people would say I’m actually pretty easy on the eyes,” she said curtly as she sat down, her lip curling. “You look… well,” she muttered as she made herself comfortable. 
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as soon as the words slipped out of his mouth, he felt really guilty that he wanted to take it back. except he stopped himself, making himself believe that she deserved every single hatred he has in his body. back then, liam was willing to forgive her for the cheating and eat his pride to fight for their relationship because that’s how much he loved her. but the thing is, people have their limit., there’s only a certain amount of pain they can endure. and callie has reached his. he had to stop before he’ll lose himself entirely. “that some people don't include me.” the male retorted back. with her next words, he was surprised, causing him to break off from what he was doing. still, he didn’t dare to glance her way. “the same goes for you. how’s your mum, by the way?” he was well aware of what happened with her family which was why he was pretty much understanding that time. that perhaps, she was just acting out.
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