fictionbutterfly · 5 years
Everyone needs to hear this
Today I did something that terrified the fuck out of me. But ladies, we all gotta do it at some point. 
I got a contract for fulltime work given to me. 
I looked at it. 
I realized, calculating the amount they wanted to offer, that it would actually be less than I’m making part-time now. 
So what did I do?
Let me tell you, every single piece of me wanted to stay quiet and settle and work my way up the ladder. 
Until I realized that
I am worth more than they were offering, and it would be an insult to value me at any less than my actual worth. 
I have a masters and a year’s worth of teaching under my belt. 
I am a qualified professional who wants to make more than assistants pay. 
Their reasoning for the pay was insurance. I’m given insurance that’s worth a great deal, so I shouldn’t worry too much because that added up to a bigger salary. Except insurance doesn’t do jack shit if I can’t pay for an apartment or car costs or student loans. 
What did I do?
I breathed. I took a breath. I washed my face and had a quick cry in the bathroom. Ain’t nothing wrong with a real fast cry. 
I left a note on my bosses desk asking if he could speak to me about my contract whenever he was next available. 
Once in my bosses office, I calmly handed him my contract back and said, “I’m very honored that you thought of me for a position, but I cannot accept what you’re offering me. I have a masters and I’ve taught in this school for a year, and I’d been under the assumption that I’d be receiving a different position than this.” He asked me what I was looking for. I said, “I would work for no less than [MY RANGE]. And if you cannot offer me that, then I’ll have to continue working for you part time until I can find another position elsewhere that can.” I thanked him very much for the offer. I was polite and upfront about my expectations for the position that I wanted. 
I can’t tell you what will happen. But I can tell you that going in there and establishing myself as a no BS worker who looks out for herself and negotiates got me farther than if I’d said nothing. 
I don’t know the outcome yet. I really don’t. 
But I can tell you that he is currently rewriting my contract with higher pay. 
Will it be high enough to keep me there? I don’t know. 
But I do know that today was me putting myself forward and taking a chance, and chances, no matter how small, do pay off. 
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
This site is not only full of deliberate disinformation and hoaxes, it’s rife with anti-intellectualism. 
I encourage people to research anything that sounds fantastic and totally different than what they were taught - even in my posts.
If you see a blog post with startling information, do the CRAAP Test! (developed by Sarah Blakeslee and her team of librarians at California State University, Chico)
Currency:  What is the copyright, publication, or posting date? Does the date matter? Is the information outdated?
Relevance:  For what audience or level is the information written (general public, experts/scholars, etc.)?
Authority:  Who is the author, creator, or publisher of the source or what organization is responsible for the source? How do you know if the author is an expert on the topic (e.g examine the author’s credentials and/or organizational affiliation)?
Accuracy:  What indications do you see that the information is or is not well researched or provides sufficient evidence? What kind of language, imagery and/or tone is used (e.g. emotional, objective, professional, etc.)?
Purpose:  Why was this source written (e.g.to inform, teach, entertain, persuade)? How might the author’s affiliation affect the point of view, slant, or potential bias of the source?
More help:
The Ultimate Cheatsheet for Critical Thinking
Judging Source Quality
The Layperson’s Guide to Online Research
Media Bias/Fact Check Use the search feature to find the bias (left, right, center, and in-between) of any news source.
Snopes fact check
How to Spot Fake News from FactCheck.org
What is a “Good” Source? Determining the Validity of Evidence
Fake News and News Bias
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
reblog if you dont scream at 5am
trying to prove a point to birds
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
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“Focusing on my own mental health was difficult in the beginning. I needed to ascertain the difference between where my environment was shaping my thoughts and where my mind was affecting how I perceived things.”- Adrian Smith @adrian3d artist
Happy Mental Health Month, Tumblr!
Mental Health is important. With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to take this opportunity to not only facilitate discussions on mental health but also to help those who aren’t familiar with mental health issues and coping strategies learn how to navigate these choppy waters. 
For many people, discussing mental health issues was not a welcomed topic in their childhood home. Whether you come from families whose cultural values didn’t totally align with your own, or you felt unsafe discussing who you really are—we see you. No matter if you’re just starting on your mental health journey or have been tackling it for some time, you should be proud of your accomplishments thus far.
All month long Post It Forward will be sparking dialogue surrounding four big issues many people—especially young people—face today: eating disorders, anxiety, addiction, and suicide. 
This will be tough. For some, it will be really tough. But it’s important that we let people know it is okay to be open and honest with your personal struggles.
If you don’t want to see these posts, don’t worry. We got you. We’ll be putting content warnings in all of our tags, and you can filter those tags right off your dashboard. You can have total control over what you see (and don’t see). 
Now…let’s have the first discussion. Tumblr, if you could tell a younger version of yourself anything about mental health, what would you say? Use the hashtag #postitforward in your post so others can see your conversation easily!
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
Resources For Writing Period Pieces: 1600s
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Major Events of The Century
First established English colony in Jamestown, Virginia. Pocahontas saves John Smith. (1606)
Laws of Planetary Motion published (1609) and Galileo sees Jupiter’s moons through telescope (1610) which both showed that planets orbit  the sun.
King James version of the Bible published in England
Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648)
The first African slaves are brought to Jamestown. (Slavery is made legal in 1650.)
Pilgrims from England arrive at Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the Mayflower (1620)
English Civil War (1642-1651)
End of Ming Dynasty in China (1644)
Louis XIV begins personal rule as an absolute monarch and starts to build Versailles (1661)
Issac Newton’s experiments with gravity (1664)
English seize New Amsterdam and rename it New York (1664)
The Great Plague in London kills 75,000 (1665-1666)
French Settlers movie into Mississippi and Louisiana (1699)
Extensive list of events in the 17th century (by decade)
Popular Culture and Society
1600s Food
1600s Musicians
1600s Visual Artists
1600s Literature
1600s Explorers
1600s Science and Philosophy
1600s Inventions and Discoveries
Popular Girl Names of the 17th Century
Popular Boy Names of the 17th Century
1600-1650 Western European Fashion
1650-1700 Western European Fashion
Chinese Clothing during Qing Dynasty
(Native) American Clothing during the 1600s
Western Women’s Fashion in the 17th Century
By Country
1600s in Australia‎
1600s in Brazil‎ 
1600s in the British Empire‎ 
1600s in British India‎ 
1600s in Canada‎
1600s in the Caribbean‎
1600s in China‎
1600s in Denmark‎
1600s in the Dutch Empire‎
1600s in Dutch India‎
1600s in the Dutch Republic‎
1600s in England‎
1600s in France‎
1600s in Germany‎
1600s in Greenland‎ 
1600s in the Habsburg Monarchy‎ 
1600s in the Habsburg Netherlands‎ 
1600s in the Holy Roman Empire‎
1600s in Hungary‎ 
1600s in India‎ 
1600s in Iran‎ 
1600s in Ireland‎
1600s in Italy‎ 
1600s in Japan‎ 
1600s in the Majeerteen Sultanate‎ 
1600s in Malta‎ 
1600s in Mexico‎ 
1600s in Morocco‎ 
1600s in New France‎ 
1600s in New Spain‎ 
1600s in Norway‎ 
1600s in the Ottoman Empire‎ 
1600s in the Papal States‎ 
1600s in the Philippines‎ 
1600s in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth‎ 
1600s in Portugal‎ 
1600s in the Portuguese Empire‎ 
1600s in Romania‎
1600s in Russia‎ 
1600s in Scotland‎ 
1600s in Siam‎ 
1600s in the Kingdom of Sicily‎
1600s in Spain‎ 
1600s in Sweden‎ 
1600s in Switzerland‎ 
1600s in the Thirteen Colonies‎ 
1600s in Tonga‎ 
1600s in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany‎
1600s in the Republic of Venice‎ 
1600s in Wales‎
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
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the world is heavy- let’s lighten it for each other  ❤️ 
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
I want everyone to read every part of this and think about it. Think about hard.
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
Rebloging for future reference as I am highly interested in the personal history of individuals/the towns and crap idk how to word it
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Medieval Hair Care
So that hair might grow wherever you wish. Take barley bread with the crust, and grind it with salt and bear fat. But first burn the barley bread. With this mixture anoint the place and the hair will grow.
Cook down dregs of white wine with honey to the consistency of a cerotum and anoint the hair, if you wish it to be golden. 
If the woman wishes to have long and black hair, take a green lizard and, having removed its head and tail , cook it in common oil. Anoint the head with this oil. It makes the hair long and black.
If, needed, you wish to have hair soft and smooth and fine, wash it often with hot water in which there is powder of natron [Native hydrous sodium carbonate] and vetch.
Take some dried roses, clove, nutmeg, watercress and galangal. Let all these, powdered, be mixed with rose water. With this water let her sprinkle her hair and comb it with a comb dipped in this same water so that [her hair] will smell better. And let her make furrows in her hair and sprinkle on the above-mentioned powder, and it will smell marvelously.
(“De Ornatu Mulierum /On Women’s Cosmetics.” in The Trotula : A Medieval Compendium of Women’s Medicine (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 2001))
image: Lorenzo Costa, Portrait of a Woman
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
Yesterday was a day lemme just say
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
“One of the biggest, and possibly the biggest, obstacle to becoming a writer… is learning to live with the fact that the wonderful story in your head is infinitely better, truer, more moving, more fascinating, more perceptive, than anything you’re going to manage to get down on paper. So you have to learn to live with the fact that you’re never going to write well enough. Of course that’s what keeps you trying – trying as hard as you can – which is a good thing.”
— Robin McKinley (via thebeginningwriter)
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fictionbutterfly · 5 years
This is the kind of thing I’d go to another country for
Barnes and Nobles is gonna start serving food and alcohol.
Everybody’s cracking jokes about how it’s a desperate attempt to stay relevant in the age of Amazon.
But you know what? Props to them. This is exactly what Blockbuster didn’t do. At no point was Blockbuster like “Hey, movie rentals aren’t the lucrative enterprise they once were. Perhaps it’s time we become known for our cheesy garlic bread.”
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fictionbutterfly · 6 years
Why do people listen to the advice of those wannabe ‘writers’. I mean they are not even published? 
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fictionbutterfly · 6 years
Hey fun fact, if you write fuck in the tags your post wont show up in any tag, so uuuuuh heads up
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fictionbutterfly · 6 years
Just read it.
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fictionbutterfly · 6 years
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Just thinking about people making year-end summaries of their accomplishments and also about reasons to keep yourself alive through the next year. Sorry, it’s a bit of a sappy comic.
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fictionbutterfly · 6 years
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Walls are a waste.
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fictionbutterfly · 6 years
Oh my god that’s adorable
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Meet our new King.
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