fictionescapestrategy · 9 months
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Might as well do it. Gonna fail my sem1 finals anyways.
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Plot twist: I still really love Max. He’s equal parts selfless yet selfish, romantic yet frustrating, vulnerable yet badass. He gets shot in the chest for Liz and performs self-surgery, then sobs in his mother’s arms not three episodes later. A livewire boy that triggers town-wide blackouts when he gets Feelings. This bookclub-attending, crying cowboy is my kind of character content, GOD DAMN IT.
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tags from @eggy-tea :
leverage eliot spencer popping up behind the people menacing his crew to absolutely wreck their shit it really is one of the best recurring jokes on the show (but then i'd probably say that about all of the recurring jokes) (i am weak for this show) the really fun thing is how the leverage crew's reactions change as they come to count on it (and savour it because they're all a bit petty and vindictive and also they love their eliot) in the pilot nate says for eliot to duck out of sight and use hardison as bait for the guards and hardison doesn't quite understand goes along with it for as long as he can stand but he's got that bag in hand and he's leaving by the time the guards get there after eliot 'that's what i do' spencer takes them out in 0.5 seconds hardison's like 'ok cool cool i can see the value' but by the end it's literally 'look at me i'm a criminal come to do crime things' 'eyes over here definitely not behind you because what could possibly be behind you' (split second to let the goons register that there is *definitely* someone behind them) and then eliot takes them down with maximum efficiency and they share in the gloat not just bait but co-conspirators
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Oh, Eliot.
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Want to know one of my favourite things about Eliot? He’s not this huge, hulking guy. Like, the dude is solid — many muscles — but for his role he’s kind of small.
This is wonderful for few reasons. First, it means people underestimate him — always fun. Second, it means Hardison towers over him — adorable. Third, it means that a lot of the goons he’s fighting are bigger than him, so you feel even less bad for them when Eliot knocks them out. But fourth and most importantly? It means he has to literally leap into action when it comes time to bust some heads. It’s so very satisfying to watch.
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no smart appliances in this house. absolute fucking moron appliances only. my toaster is there to make bread hot not to tweet what time I ate breakfast or whatever the fuck
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promise me you’ll keep them safe.  til my dying day. 
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You know how Eliot sometimes just randomly shows up injured and he explains it away like ‘I didn’t know it was a lesbian bar okay’ or ‘I had a little side job don’t google what happened in Pakistan’. 
Sometimes these are lies. Sometimes, he just doesn’t want to admit ‘I went to the Big Dog Animal Rescue and three 70 pound pitbulls tackled me to the floor in their enthusiasm because I was too slow in throwing the ball’.
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since I’m having an insomnia moment and doing a deep dive on Leverage again let me just take a moment to appreciate the way every time Eliot picks up an improvised weapon and has a the bad guys down he takes a minute to examine said weapon like he’s mentally filing it away in his mental ranking system of “things that make effective weapons”
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also the fact that Eliot canonically always has a hair tie around his wrist is so fucking endearing somehow
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How far back in time the new James Webb Telescope can see vs. the Hubble
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I just want to dwell a little bit on the raw awe that the Webb telescope pictures evoke in me. We built a thing, we spent 20 years building a thing, and we flung it over a million kilometres away, and the thing we built takes … pictures of infinity. Pictures of 13 billion years in the past, pictures of the birth and death of stars, galaxies colliding, snapshots of other worlds. Lightyears of distance, aeons of time, glories almost beyond imagining.
This is a thing humanity can do. We can pool imagination, we can pool resources, we can devote decades of our lives, to building a camera that can photograph infinity. We can reach out, fling a piece of ourselves, our ingenuity, our dedication, our collaboration, our imagination, and create a lens so that we can see, we can touch …
There are people who say that pictures like this make them feel small, so tiny in comparison to the vastness that’s out there, but we touched that vastness. We took its picture. We put our palms on the panes of infinity. We flung a tiny tiny fragile machine, a collection of mirrors and motors and shields and fuel, out into the absolute vastness of space, more than a million kilometers distant, and took a picture of a dying star orbiting its partner two thousand lightyears away.
I mean, yes, we are tiny, we are incomprehensibly tiny, and so is everything we do and everything we build. But all that shows is that something so tiny can still do that. Can reach that far. Can witness that much.
We are incomprehensibly tiny and an incomprehensible miracle, that we can be so tiny in all this vastness, that everything we witness in these pictures aligned in such a way that we could form, and that in response, as tiny as we are, we can think and imagine and create on a scale that can … witness the universe right back. Touch it. Focus its light into an image of a billion, thirteen billion years ago. Share that image with a billion other minds.
We can see wonders. Absolute wonders. On a scale to beggar meaning. What more purpose do we need than that?
Sorry. Just. Sometimes science does something that just … wraps a whole fist around your heart and just goes … this is what wonder is. The wonder of the universe. And the wonder of us. This is what wonder feels like. This is what awe feels like.
This is what it feels like to be tiny. This is what it feels like to be infinite.
I love the stars so much.
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So I was watching the Low Low Price Job again and NOPE
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#remember when eliot said this actual dialogue to hardison and expected us to believe him lmfao??? #anyway exposeddd
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