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ficwip · 1 day ago
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hypnopompia / hypnagogia RinHaru | Canon Divergence | G-rated
Rin and Haruka's connection knows no boundaries.
A short story, written for @ficwip 's 'Hey Sweetheart 2025'.
AO3 Link
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ficwip · 1 day ago
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Ask no more: a drabble.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (TV 2000) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gil Grissom/Sara Sidle Characters: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Pre-CSIV, Romance, Fluff, Honeymoon, Drabble, ficwip Discord’s Hey Sweetheart Challenge
Once again, it’s all for the one he loves. 💕
(Also known as the fic into which I shoved all the 2025 “Hey, Sweetheart” prompts: chocolate, strawberries, flowers, jewelry, and candy hearts.)
@ficwip #hey sweetheart
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ficwip · 1 day ago
hi i speedwrote this for @ficwip's hey sweetheart 2025 event. it's a little rough, but here's my cnovel villain and second ml as teenagers.
“Can I go over to your place?” Zhao Yuhang said. In answer, Yang Haoran shrugged, not really caring either way. Zhao Yuhang seemed to have taken this as an affirmative, which resulted in the current situation: both of them in Yang Haoran’s room, with Yang Haoran at his desk and studying like a good student, while Zhao Yuhang lounged on his bed with a crappy English novel.
To be honest, Yang Haoran wasn’t quite sure how this happened. Why did Zhao Yuhang want to follow him home to begin with? Certainly, Zhao Yuhang was friendly with him, but Zhao Yuhang was friendly with everybody, so this wasn’t saying much. They weren’t particularly close. Certainly not close enough for Zhao Yuhang to commandeer his bed for his English studies.
Not that Zhao Yuhang was really studying English.
“Why are you even looking those words up, there’s no way we’re going to get tested on them,” Yang Haoran said.
When Zhao Yuhang had started pulling things out from his bookbag, Yang Haoran had made the mistake of assuming Zhao Yuhang wasdoing English homework. Then Zhao Yuhang had started to mouth some words to himself, which was relatively normal behavior for language study up until Yang Haoran realized what he was actually saying.
Honey, darling, sweetheart, angel -- the list went on and looped back again, just like a student memorizing vocabulary with flashcards, except Zhao Yuhang was doing it with words that wouldn’t help his grade point average at all.
“You don’t know that for sure,” Zhao Yuhang said cheerfully, sitting up.
“I’m pretty sure I do,” Yang Haoran said, eyebrows drawing together. English was his best subject. It was the only one in which Yang Haoran could consistently outscore Zhao Yuhang. He was starting to suspect this was because Zhao Yuhang hadn’t bothered to look at the fucking syllabus.
“Well, not everything’s about tests! Sometimes, it’s about whether you can finish a book you like.”
“And that’s what you’re doing,” Yang Haoran said, eying Zhao Yuhang’s book skeptically. The title was in English, but you didn’t need to know English to know what the book was about when the cover had some woman dramatically swooning into the arms of a shirtless man.
“Exactly!” Zhao Yuhang said.
“… Anyway, I don’t think those words will help you finish the book,” Yang Haoran said. “There’s better vocabulary to pick up. Do you even know what you’re studying?”
“Sure,” Zhao Yuhang said. “Isn’t this just a different way of saying baobei?”
“...I guess.”
“Then there’s no problem!” Zhao Yuhang said. He smiled brightly at Yang Haoran, who, not knowing exactly what to do with this, chose to return back to his math textbook.
“Hey, why does it feel like you’re ignoring me.”
“Yang Haoran. Haoran. A-Hao. You’re really making me feel like I’m doing something weird, but I’m just studying English.”
“You’re not, though,” Yang Haoran said.
“That’s gatekeeping!” Zhao Yuhang exclaimed. “Just because I’m learning colloquial terms doesn’t mean I’m not learning anything at all! And anyway, isn’t it nice to hear something sweet?”
“This counts as something sweet?”
“I just think it’s interesting, what people call each other in different languages,” Zhao Yuhang said. “You know, when they like each other. I think I’d like to hear someone call me that too, at some point.”
“… I don’t know why you’re telling me all of this,” Yang Haoran said. Wasn’t this unnecessarily intimate information to share, for people who weren’t really that close to begin with?
“Ahh, I really feel like you’re judging me. It’s really not that weird! Wouldn’t you like someone to call you something nice?”
“Not really,” Yang Haoran said.
“Aw, come on, honey,” Zhao Yuhang said, leaning in.
“No,” Yang Haoran said, beginning to see where this was going.
“Doesn’t it feel even a little nice, sweetheart?”
“Stop talking,” Yang Haoran said, slightly strangled. “You don’t call random people that.”
Zhao Yuhang tilted his head. “But you’re not a random person,” he said, sounding far too earnest for Yang Haoran’s tastes. “Aren’t you a sweetheart?”
“I don’t think you know what that word means,” Yang Haoran said, and gave in to the urge to cover his face.
Zhao Yuhang laughed. “So you can get embarrassed. You’re really good at sitting in place with the same expression, so I really thought this wouldn’t do anything. Well, how is it? Isn’t it nice to hear these kinds of things?”
“I think you’re getting the context mixed up.”
“Hmm, well, I think people get a little too worked up about the separation between these kinds of things,” Zhao Yuhang said. “But do you really not like it at all?”
“...I don’t understand how you can say all of this with a straight face.”
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ficwip · 1 day ago
Finally finished my entry for this year's "Hey Sweetheart" event on @ficwip, doubling as my 2024 Sheith wedding fic. I'll do the pretty banner later.
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ficwip · 1 day ago
My contribution to the hey,sweetheart challenge by @ficwip
Spock felt his bond to Jim dim and fade away and he knew his mate must be dead.
Tags - Not Really Character Death Implied/Referenced Torture Whump Telepathic Bond Abduction Reunions Presumed Dead
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ficwip · 1 day ago
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(Until you can): a drabble.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (TV 2000) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gil Grissom/Sara Sidle Characters: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Pre-CSIV, Romance, Fluff, Honeymoon, Drabble, ficwip Discord’s Hey Sweetheart Challenge
You can’t go home again. 💕
@ficwip #hey sweetheart
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ficwip · 1 day ago
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Hey, Sweetheart 2025 is a wrap!
To everyone who participated, thank you so much for making this our biggest year to date. On AO3 alone, you posted 153 works across 121 fandoms—and there were even more posted just to tumblr! The remaining entries are queued and will post across the day. xoxo
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ficwip · 1 day ago
Feed Me With Your Kiss
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Going back to Phase 1 for this event to write some more wholesome (then inevitably filthy) Annadoc moments. Think of it as Chapter 29.5 of Over the Dub. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: To those averse to open affection, celebrating a holiday meant to glorify all that sounded like hell. Both Anna and Murdoc try their best anyway. After all, spending their first Valentine’s Day together might prove to be a far more delicious adventure than either of them were expecting. For Days 1 and 2 of the hey sweetheart event on @ficwip!
Rating: Explicit
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Murdoc Niccals/Original Female Character, Original Female Character&Everyone (Friendship)
Additional Tags: Valentine's Day, ficwip Discord's Hey Sweetheart Challenge, Established Relationship, Sexual Humor, Gift Giving, Sex and Chocolate, Chocolate Syrup, Nipple Licking, Vaginal Sex, Light Dom/sub, Not Beta Read, Phase One (Gorillaz)
Read on AO3!
If you like my fic, please consider buying me a coffee!
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ficwip · 1 day ago
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home is wherever i'm with you | 1,155 | G
Written for 'Hey Sweetheart 2025' from @ficwip
"Only a few more hours, love." Henry looks at his watch and resumes folding and packing everything up. "That's still a few hours too long." Henry chuckles. "Indeed, but your classes should keep you occupied enough that it won't seem as long?"
or: Alex picks Henry up from the airport
read on AO3
"I'll pick you up at the airport," Alex's voice is distant on the other end of the call. Henry knows it's because he's on speaker—he can hear the dull thunk of heavy books, paper rustling that conjures up an image of Alex flipping through notes, the clicking of keys as Alex types—but it's fitting that Alex sounds like he's half a world away.
Henry pauses in the middle of folding a sweater, his suitcase open on the bed in front of him and David curled up against the pillows. He's been back in England since the beginning of December for the Christmas season, fulfilling royal obligations he wishes he didn't have, while Alex had stayed behind to finish papers and final exams.
"Are you sure?" Henry asks, knowing law school keeps him busy most of the time, even at the start of a term. Alex yawns loudly in his ear. He hears Alex pick the phone up, and when he speaks he no longer sounds half a world away.
"Of course I'm sure," Alex answers. Henry imagines him going to the kitchen for more coffee. Alex's voice goes soft when he adds, "It's been over a month, Hen."
The unspoken I miss you makes his heart clench and his throat tighten. He understands. Henry hasn't had a decent night of sleep since he arrived, his bed too big and too empty. Old anxieties resurface and without Alex he feels unsteady and off center while trying to grasp for his old coping mechanisms. He misses the freedom of life in New York, of not having every minute of his day scheduled down to the second. Nothing in the palace smells like coffee and cinnamon and Alex—at least not since one of the household staff had washed the NYU hoodie Henry had tucked away as a way to have at least part of Alex with him. Everyone is too agreeable, too quick to say yes, always stiff and proper. He's tired of being treated like a prince instead of just Henry, and he sighs heavily.
"Only a few more hours, love." Henry looks at his watch and resumes folding and packing everything up.
"That's still a few hours too long."
Henry chuckles. "Indeed, but your classes should keep you occupied enough that it won't seem as long?"
"Your optimism about that is adorable," Alex teases and Henry feels his cheeks get warm. He supposes Alex is right, that nothing helps speed up time when waiting for something that is so close, but still so far away. Alex clears his throat. "Just don't be too long, okay?"
"I promise."
Henry knows they're both reluctant to end the call, both wanting to hang on to each other in whatever way they possibly can until they're both in the same postal code again, but they do end the call after a string of be safe and I love yous. When he's finished packing, Henry changes into the suit that's been set out for him to travel in, and gets David ready to go. The drive to the air strip is silent and Henry absently pets David as he watches the scenery fly by.
Nothing seems to hold Henry's attention during the flight. He tries to add to his manuscript, pulling out his journal and a pen, absently tapping the pen against a blank page for too long before giving up. He gives reading a decent try, but throws in the towel when he's had to read the same page three or four times without absorbing any of it. He plays with David for a bit before David loses interest and lays down at his feet. After a while he decides to just close his eyes, not with the intention to sleep, but with the hope that when he opens them again, time will have sped up and he'll be that much closer to being home. To being back with Alex.
It's cold and gray when Henry finally steps off the plane, following David down the steps onto the tarmac. David immediately starts to pull against the leash that keeps him at Henry's side, whining and barking, and when Henry finally lays eyes on Alex several feet away from them, he understands David completely. He bends down to release David from the leash and stuffs it in his coat pocket when David instantly takes off toward Alex, then pops the collar against the chill that bites at the back of his neck.
He takes Alex in as he closes the gap between them in long strides, and Christ, he's gorgeous. He leans against the hood of the towncar that normally sits parked in front of the brownstone, a down jacket zipped all the way up, jeans that Henry knows cling to Alex in all the right places, wind sweeping through his curls.
"Hey Davey!" Alex says happily, crouching down as David tries to jump up on him, all of his training be damned. Alex scratches enthusiastically behind David's ears, his face scrunched up against an onslaught of sloppy kisses to his chin and cheeks. Henry can't help the smile that takes over his face or the laugh that rumbles up through his chest.
"Alright David, that's quite enough," he says when Alex is finally within reach.
Alex stands and swipes one of his sleeves over his cheek, and Henry isn't sure if the slight hint of red against his bronze skin is from the sleeve or the cold—not that it matters.
"Hi, sweetheart." Alex reaches for him and draws him into a hug, and Henry wraps his arms around Alex as he melts into it. Alex pulls back just enough to pull him in for a string of slow, soft kisses before murmuring against Henry's lips, "Fuck, I missed you."
"I missed you, too, love." Henry punctuates his words with a kiss that lingers maybe a little longer than it should, but he doesn't care. They have lost time to make up for. "Let's go home, shall we?"
Henry settles David in the backseat of the towncar while his luggage is loaded into the trunk. When he slides into the front seat beside Alex, Henry feels something settle inside him, like he can feel all the anxiety that had built up over their time apart melting away.
"Ready?" Alex asks, reaching over to take Henry's hand, slotting their fingers together.
"Ready, love." Henry gives Alex's hand a gentle squeeze and a soft smile.
He knows the drive back to Brooklyn is at least a half hour in good traffic, longer in rush hour, but as he listens to Alex tell him more about the start of the new semester, spending Christmas in Austin and New Year's Eve with June and Nora, and how he finally understood why Henry had always hated it before—having no one to kiss at midnight is depressing—Henry knows he's finally home.
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ficwip · 1 day ago
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Here and now: a drabble.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (TV 2000) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gil Grissom/Sara Sidle Characters: Gil Grissom, Sara Sidle Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Pre-CSIV, Romance, Fluff, Honeymoon, Drabble, ficwip Discord’s Hey Sweetheart Challenge
When whales just aren’t enough, a man seeks a new subject. 💕
@ficwip #hey sweetheart
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ficwip · 2 days ago
Sweet Nothings
Here's my fic for @ficwip's "Hey, Sweetheart!" event!
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on AO3 | On Bluesky | On Pillowfort
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ficwip · 2 days ago
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Happy Valentine's Day! Here is my contribution to the hey, sweetheart challenge from @ficwip!
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ficwip · 2 days ago
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a post-canon moshang sickfic written for @ficwip's Hey, Sweetheart
I asked myself “Who is the least likely character I can think of to use a pet name?” and this spilled out. Airplane, bro, fellow writer living the dream of falling for your hot hot OC, this one’s for you.
read on ao3
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ficwip · 2 days ago
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A little series of drabbles written for @ficwip's Hey Sweetheart event.
Title: Tangent Fandom: Final Fantasy XVI Main Pairing: Clive Rosfield/Cidolfus Telamon Main Characters: Clive Rosfield, Cidolfus Telamon Rating: General Audiences Length: 6x100 words Summary: 5 times Cid called Clive “sweetheart”, and one when Clive is the one who does. (An AU where Cid survives Drake’s Head.) Read on An Archive of Our Own Read on SquidgeWorld Archive Read on Dreamwidth
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ficwip · 2 days ago
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casting a spell on your heartstrings, you're caught in my snare
author: aspen blackwood | fic masterpost
series: @darkerthegods | bleak are the heavens, darker the gods
read part 1 from the series ⟶⟶ the hansenkemp novella
read part 3 from the series ⟶⟶ the evermin oneshot
nick fowler x ransom drysdale | knives out x the 355 au
🅴 | 🔞 | oneshot | dark fiction | playlist | dark romance bang post
tags: alternate universe - ancient rome, caos x tvd fusion au, coven politics, creature feature, dark magic, dark romance, dubious consent, paranormal fantasy, pseudocest, background robert pronge/vlad tenev
Tendrils of crimson and white fabric twined together protruded from the ball and landed in the hands of the witches. The energy brimming in the air seemed to boil over as the witches began enchanting the warlocks with their enthralling dance. - A retelling of Proserpina and Dis Pater.
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bingo fills + event prompts
au challenge | mythology
@augustwritingchallenge: au-gust 2024 | crossover/fusion
@badthingshappenbingo | stranded/lost
@bloodyheartsbingo: lillyrosenight's card | i'm yours [whump bloody] | becoming subservient to their captor
@character-a-character-b: rare pair bingo | a and b sharing a desperate first kiss
crossover bingo | politics au
@darkacademiabingo: flash | an ancestor makes a play for your soul
@darkspicyevanstan: quadruple challenge mode
witchcraft au + eldritch terror + historical fiction + ritual
die in july 24 | human sacrifice kinktober '24: dead dove chapter | human sacrifice monsterfucking march 24 | rituals: human sacrifice
card 2 | age difference the rising moon | ritual
mcu card | mythology au rpf card | ancient rome au magnus archives | human sacrifice neverwhere | saying goodbye valentine trope flash | ambrosia wonderland | dance of death
gingerbread | free space, alt: gasping for breath half-baked | forbidden love maritime may | confession medical | alt: pursued october | a stain so deep it can't be erased tolkien | cut throat, prophecy world book night edition | ancient gods
@febuwhump: revenge of the sixth | pinned down
@fictionaldelightsbingo: under the sea | bleeding to death
@ficwip: hey, sweetheart
@halloweenhorrorbingo | manipulative relationship
@hurtcomfort-bingo | hurt no comfort
@julybreakbingo | mythology au
@kinkuary | humiliation
@macrocest: winter bingo | free space
@multifandom-flash: christmas | your magic's no good here
cozy feels | dark academia card: groomed summertime | horror stories around the bonfire
@secretcrypticevents: into the wilds bingo | eldritch deity
beginnings | first victim hurt/comfort | temporary death winter | warm hands
@thebo3bingo | final goodbye
@thefairytalebingo | elder deities
@winterbreakadvent | week 2: day 9 | purpose driven
@yearoftheotpevent | february: valentine's day
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read part 2 from the series here: ao3 | sqwa
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ficwip · 2 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Haiba Alisa/Tanaka Saeko Characters: Haiba Alisa, Tanaka Saeko Additional Tags: Attraction, Crush at First Sight, Alcohol Summary:
And so she knows exactly what to order when she sits down at the table of the izakaya with the people she’s trying to convince to buy her company’s products. But then the waitress shows up, and Alisa’s mind goes blank.
Written for the Hey, Sweetheart 2025 event!
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ficwip · 2 days ago
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Written for the @ficwip event: Hey, Sweetheart!
OCs from WHITE (my original novel, publishing soon as ebook).
Candy Hearts
GA | First Person POV: Diego | Friends
Link to AO3.
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