fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
In The Closet
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Closet meme - fidelispegasum
"Checking for something," He smirked bemused by the young man. He moved his hands slowly, "I was wondering if you had any wings under your clothes."  And then he grew apathetic once he founded the inner curve of Seiya’s back. He rested his hands on there and sighed comfortably, “Ah~! That’s so much better than having my fingers squashed between your back and the wall!” 
::  Πήγασος ♐
Pegasus couldn't help fighting back a whinny of surprise as the Gold Saint moved his hands further down his back. Wings. He was checking for wings--
Very funny.
If there had been any room, he would have slapped Manigoldo across the face. Sieya's feathers sure were ruffled. "Fine..now what are we going to do in here?"
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
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Achilles led me to the chariot already yoked to its three-horse team-don’t leave the chariot,don’t throw your spears-And I understood that he was afraid that I would give myself away if I actually fought.
“I will be alright" I told him.And turned my back,to fit myself into the chariot,to settle my spears and set myself.
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
Survivors have scars. Victims have graves.
Something that I need carved in my bones. (via nystagmia)
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
                   we go
                                             or we don’т go down
                                                                              aт all
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
Give me a character and I will answer with a sample of how I would RP them?
Send me these while I do drafts? Idk I just want to see how well I’d do?
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
How is going your relationship with Saori-san?At the end is yours or not?
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"It just began the other night~ There are many more good times ahead for the both of us!!"
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
Attention to ALL the SAINT SEIYA OMEGA fans!
Everyone I have a request for you all. Through twitter I’m in contact with several japanese SSO artists and one of them, more precisely the author of this pixiv page requests everyone to STOP POSTING HER PICTURES HERE ON TUMBLR! So the major sources doing that, specially stellar-arrow to cease and delete all her pictures soon as possible before further offense! Please reblog this message to let everyone know!
As a side note I highly recommend you to stop posting artwork of the japanese artists of any kind here without their permission. I only do that with their assent and currently I even stopped since a long while for that matter. It’s really important to keep respect to the japanese artists. Don’t post their artwork here in any other social network without their permission!
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
What is your first reaction when you see my URL?
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
[ posted that long reply, now I can poof away and sleep for going home tomorrow. I'll be back later this week ]
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
A party, and what a grand one it was, in honor of the holiday. Everyone seemed like they were having a good time, and many women talked with him, as Sayori greeted and chatted with others.
They were apart, but the time soon came when Pegasus felt his feathers were being far too ruffled by the birds around him. And with the stamping of his hooves upon the ground, the Knight left for the bedroom -- his and Sayori's private room upstairs.
A few hours later the party ended, after many hours. Seiya was asleep in the bed, swathed in sheets. The Horse pillowed his head with his hands, and spread upon the bed, still wearing his jeans and no shirt.
Moments later, as the Goddess entered the room, light spilled over his sleeping form a little while, then, the door closed. She went over to light the fireplace, bringing in some wine glasses and a bottle.
As the Horse awoke with a shake in his mane, his eyes opened to her calls, and he followed them to the fire. There she stood, and moved toward him, and asked him to dance. They danced around the fire lit room, and swayed to soft music.
He spoke to her, as she leaned against him.
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"Sayori?" He pawed at the ground with a sneakered hoof, shaking his mane a few times. Brown eyes gazing at her, he spoke again. "Would you…want to be my girlfriend?"
When he felt the body jerk in his grip, his eyes moved to look into hers, before she looked away, and answered.
Of course he was sure. More sure than the stars in the sky, or the grass on earth. Seiya had never been more sure of anything in his life. The Goddess was before him, in his arms even, and he wanted to be with her in everything.
"I want to have you by my side, always."
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Was the Christmas night and in the manor of Saori all were happy to celebrate this moment with company of each one of the presents. Saori was very happy to interact with other people and talk with them, all was going very well. The music was perfect, the violins were continuing to give off a melodious Christmas motif. 
The plain clothes knights have been perfectly adapted to the people there inside except Seiya that has been there alone in a chair looking the girl with other dames to talk about everything that regard women’s things, at least things that Seiya will never understand. A lot of women were sitting next to the knight and Saori noticed it with a point of jealousy. At the same time, however the girl noticed how the knight distances himself from each one. Suddenly he got up and had directed to the bedrooms of the Saori. In her gaze was evident the displeasure about him.
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Had passed the midnight and the clock started to ring . "Merry Christmas." The girl started to make good wishes to everyone there present trying to hide what she was feeling inside. "I don’t want that Seiya have it bad." She thought. Was the one am, when all the people invited disappeared to the door with all their good wishes. "Seiya" whispered with her first thought. She run in her bedroom where she found Seiya sleeping in a side of. A light smile appeared on her gaze and a plan was in her mind. She descended the stairs and took a bottle of red wine and two glasses of stem glass. Going to the bedroom something caused shiver through her spine. Turning on the fire in her fireplace calling softly Seiya that woke up. They started to talk about the more or less and Saori let her smile printed on her gaze. "I want to do a slow dance with you Seiya." The girl whispered taking the hands of Seiya and approaching to the stereo own next to. They started to dance when Saori put her head on the shoulder of the Saint . Suddenly though Seiya started to talk.
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fidelispegasum said:
"Sayori?" He pawed at the ground with a sneakered hoof, shaking his mane a few times. Brown eyes gazing at her, he spoke again. "Would you…want to be my girlfriend?"
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That was the first time Seiya let the Goddess without words or not but now is for new reasons. "Be his girlfriend" yes she listened very well. After that time for her birthday, that first of September, there had been nothing more but now own now he asked to the girl this. Her face had flushed and her glance pointed down. She separated a bit from the took of Seiya. She started to bite her lip and looking around. "Well Seiya, are you own sure?" Actually he is the only was who treated Saori as a human being , as a woman and not only as the Goddess Athena. Her bright eyes had been waiting only for a confirm of what he was saying. This Christmas will be different, this night will be different.
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"Our relationship will change and you know it Seiya, we will be not only the knight whom saves her Goddess but two human beings whom will consume a mutual love."
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
[ between here and cursxdsoxl lately, threads are piling up. I may be silent a few days since I'm going back home tomorrow and will have limited net. ]
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
Send my muse anons about their relationships.
Canon ships, non-canon, OTPs you have or OTPs I have. Send them. Make my muse giddy, break my muse, make them laugh or cry. Do your best.
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
Rate my writing between 1-10
10 as the highest; 1 as the lowest.
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
Sexual Sunday Headcanons
ϟ: How much does your muse value sexual intimacy?
✿: Does your muse find any value in sex? What value if any do they find in it?
♪: What factors and events shaped how your muse views sex and sexual matters? Were they influenced by other people or did their own experiences shape their view of it?
❤: Do they have any insecurities about sex?
❣: How comfortable are they talking about sexual matters? Do they have any problems discussing sexual things in front of strangers or acquaintances?
❥: Do they brag about their sexual prowess or the amount of sex they have? Why or why not?
✯: Do they talk to their partner during sex? Do they talk dirty? Do they whisper sweet nothings?
☂: Do they prefer having sex in one environment more than another?
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fidelispegasum-blog · 10 years
                             ◤  And I will [ P R O T E C T ] you
                                           until my  h e a r t stops beating. ◢
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