fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Hey everyone,
Just letting you know that I wasn't around yesterday because I had a medical issue that... I really don't want to get into.  I was supposed to be going away from today until January, but I've had to cancel, so... I should be around later tonight and I promise to do... all the things.
Happy holidays or non-holidays or whatever everyone celebrates and/or doesn't celebrate!  Watch out for Krampus!
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
When I asked for new boots, this isn't what I meant.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Told you I'm a fucking honest and damn trustworthy guy.  Bitch.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Never happened.  Squall's fever dream.  Not my fault he can't handle repeated electrocutions without some kind of brain damage.  Bad genes or something.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
For my birthday I wanted Galbadia.  Not pink flowers.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Seifer finished his not-so-stolen drink, trying to kill the time and the silence until his next arrived.  The beer truly was awful.  'What is this, his first go at drinking?' he thought, face reflecting his incredulity.  Slowly amusement overtook, as he watched Squall down the red cocktail.  'Maybe he wouldn't be so lame if we'd drank together more.' When an answer finally came, Seifer shook his head, muttering, "Bitch," to himself.  "She always had it out for me.  From day one," he accentuated by bringing a finger down hard on the table.  It was the truth as far as he remembered.  "Oh, just because she outranked me," he carried on, making terrible air quotes when he said outranked, "she acted like she shit bricks of solid gold.  She wasn't so special."  He snorted in derision, before finishing, "I can't believe Cid still keeps that unprofessional bitch around." Beer done, he reached for his second--technically third--drink, and took a gulp.  'He'd probably still be just as lame, but... less irritating, more amusing,' Seifer decided.  'Maybe just as quiet.' Not wanting to outright ask, Seifer simply stated, "I guess nothing's changed."  'Now's when a normal person would tell me what's new,' the blond thought, hard, as if he could mentally prod Squall into filling him in.
Seeing that Seifer wasn’t going to take the offered beer Squall turned to face the bar again to place the bottle back on the counter. Not really replying to Seifer, he knew better to argue with Seifer when it wasn’t all to important. Just sitting there his thoughts started to wonder for the moment. Still not really sure if Seifer was lashing out after old habits or because of the war.
“I guess that makes two of us.” He finally said to Seifer’s last comment. It wasn’t any of Squall’s concern where Seifer’s friends had gotten to. His best guess was that Seifer probably needed his own alone time as well. With his eyes staring down at the gross beer he sighed. “I don’t know how people drink this. It tastes like mud.”
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Seifer stared for a long moment.  Squall really wasn't going to fight him, was he?  He was really going to talk about vacations and beer?  And not call him on his obvious bullshit?  Seifer sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, finally taking his hand off his gunblade.  "You're unbelievable," he muttered, moving closer and throwing himself down in the seat opposite Squall.  He grabbed for Squall's beer, deciding he wanted it as soon as the other boy stopped offering.  "People drink beer because they can't handle their terrible lives, but they also can't handle anything stronger." Realizing his second drink hadn't come, Seifer flagged down a waitress and leaned back in his seat, adding a vodka cranberry for Squall to his order.  Girls drank that, it would probably suit Squall's delicate sensibilities.  But... if they weren't going to fight, what were they going to do?  "So... Garden.  I left all my stuff there, do you think anyone burned it?"  'Still awesome, not awkward at all.'
Seeing that Seifer wasn’t going to take the offered beer Squall turned to face the bar again to place the bottle back on the counter. Not really replying to Seifer, he knew better to argue with Seifer when it wasn’t all to important. Just sitting there his thoughts started to wonder for the moment. Still not really sure if Seifer was lashing out after old habits or because of the war.
“I guess that makes two of us.” He finally said to Seifer’s last comment. It wasn’t any of Squall’s concern where Seifer’s friends had gotten to. His best guess was that Seifer probably needed his own alone time as well. With his eyes staring down at the gross beer he sighed. “I don’t know how people drink this. It tastes like mud.”
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Reblog if you want a bunch of "have you evers" and "would you rathers" in your ask box right now.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Seifer's smirk fell off his face, replaced with a glare.  "Nobody's yelling," he said defensively.  "Just because my voice is a manly boom compared to yours," he added, sounding much more childish than he realized.  Why did everything Squall do have to get under his skin?  Squall was the one who was supposed to be on the defensive. "And I'm on vacation," he spat, suddenly self-conscious, no longer leaning against his table.  Why hadn't he shaved that morning?  And he'd repaired his coat as best as he could.  No, this was just stupid Squall again, too good for everyone else, with his fancy little outfits and his... beauty salon hair.  "Fujin and Raijin just... had to work," he lied.  'That was so obvious,' he berated himself again, gritting his teeth.
Hearing the new on-slot of remarks caused Squall to roll his eyes. “So just because I’m underage you’re going to yell at me in spite the fact that you have been doing it for far longer and at a younger age. Smart.” He retorted in a sarcastic tone.
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There were reasons why Squall was alone, but he wasn’t about to say why to Seifer. Sometimes it was just best to be alone for a little while. Looking away from a moment, he picked up the beer that he didn’t want before holding up toward the blonde in an offering gesture. “I think you might have that backwards. You’re a mess without Fujin and Raijin..”
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
It was too bad the Princess didn't mind being called a Princess, Seifer had thought it was really clever.  But then again, Squall always had to ruin all of his fun. "I think you need to check your math, I've been drinking here for years," Seifer replied, finally speaking at a normal volume.  It was true, he'd been drinking there for years, but it was also true that he was underage.  "You never were as smart as me, though, were you?  I guess you're pretty useless without your little entourage," he continued.
Squall being alone was nothing new to Seifer, and yet he had expected something different after the war.  That peppy girl seemed the type to follow people around, and he knew Rinoa had stalker tendencies.  If nothing else, Chicken-Wuss should've been bobbing about and getting hotdog grease everywhere, or Instructor Bad-Touch should've been trying to get into Squall's drunken, overly-tight pants.
Remaining seated on the stool, Squall continued to stare up at Seifer with a bored expression. An eyebrow was raised at the princess remark as that was a new one. Though a frown came to his face when Squall noticed Seifer’s hand near his gunblade. “I don’t know, you’re not over age either.” He answered in his monotone voice. It appeared that Seifer was going to try to provoke him as usual. This only kept the brunette to continue to frown.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Seifer was ready.  He allowed his green eyes to lock with Squall's blue.  "I didn't expect a Princess to lower herself to drink with us commoners," Seifer said louder than necessary.  Without taking his eyes off the brunet, he paused to feign a little bow.  He'd come close enough, and leaned against an unoccupied table.  The gesture looked casual, but Seifer was covering his back, lest Squall have friends.  'Friends for the Ice Princess.'  The thought finally drew Seifer's signature smirk. His hand remained resting on his gunblade, his grip still loose.  He wouldn't be the first to draw his weapon, but was ready to defend himself.  All the fun was in making Squall attack first, anyway.  "Say Princess, aren't you underage?" he asked, stroking his stubbly chin with his free hand.  He wondered if Squall had any new, fun triggers he could prod at, or if he'd have to resort to the old ones.
At first Squall stared at Seifer. Still a bit unsure of what he was going to do he instead kept his low and focus on his beer. Lifting it the brunette tried to swig before making a grossed out face from the odd taste. Blinking he put the beer down now deciding that beer was awful and that it would be stupid to keep drinking it.
It was then Squall went to peek at Seifer again did he noticed that the other was coming after him. Though if Squall had to guess he wasn’t happy to see him. Groaning mentally the brunette sat up straight with only his fingertips resting on the edge of the counter. Sadly, unlike Seifer, Squall wasn’t the type to say some cheesy or clever one liner. Instead he just sat there staring at Seifer as he came closer.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Oh no I'm the oldest!  I didn't actually want to win the age-off. ;.;
Anyway, I keep hearing tale of a chat?  Can I get in on that somehow?
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
Seifer finished his bitter brew and slammed the glass down on the bar a little harder than he meant to.  Wiping off his mouth on his sleeve, he swiveled in his chair, intending to watch whatever mindless drivel was displayed on the pub's TV.  Out of the corner of his eye he thought he caught something crazy, but a quick glance confirmed it.  "Son of a bitch," the blond muttered to himself, before turning back to the bar, one hand reaching to rest on his gunblade.  'What the hell does Princess Leonhart think he's doing in Timber?'  At least they hadn't locked eyes. Seifer knew he would run into Squall sooner or later, and he had it all gloriously planned out.  Then stupid Squall, always ruining everything, had to show up when he wasn't expecting it.  Seifer was so recognizable, too, in his worn grey trenchcoat, and utterly incapable of acting subtle.  'He had to have seen me,' he told himself.  'Maybe he wants to take me off guard.'  Ignoring Squall like he was being ignored, like he was always ignored, wasn't an option.  He'd make this work, and it would be awesome.  He just had to re-write the plan before he heard those boots clicking towards him.  'Is he even wearing those boots?  Why didn't I look at his boots?' he berated himself, trying to come up with the perfect approach.
When Seifer entered the pub, he immediately regretted it. Not just the pub, but leaving Fisherman’s Horizon altogether. It was a mistake. He could admit that. What he couldn’t do was turn around and go home.
He sauntered up to the bar and nodded at the barkeep, before loudly scraping a barstool closer and seating himself. He stared at his gloved hands at first, wondering why he’d come to Timber of all places, but after ordering his drink, he couldn’t keep his eyes from darting around.
The place was classier than he’d remembered, more well-lit, but perhaps it only seemed so when compared to his regular dive. One thing that struck him was that the pub had carpeting, and yet there were no stains. Not even by the corner table, where he distinctly remembered getting into a bloody brawl with an off-duty soldier the previous summer.  ‘So much for GFs frying my brain,’ he thought to himself, cynically.
Seifer began downing his drink, simultaneously signaling for another, and decided. He’d stay the night in Timber and move on. There were no pleasant memories for him there.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
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idreamtiwasanidiot replied to your post: [[OOC]]
}{ Welcome! It’s been forever since I’ve played with a Seifer, so yay~ And yeah, so far I’ve claimed eldest since the group was made with my age of 27. So Nyah. lol You older than that? XD
No, I'm the same age.  XD
But my birthday's in August, so I don't know if I'm older or you are.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
 People seem to be saying goodnight so I'm going to do it, too.  Fitting in!
Alright, night everyone!  Or day!  Or apocalypse!  Or if anyone's in the right timezone, Happy Happy Seifer's Birthday!
PS: That "Learn Your Muse" thing sounds awesome and I can't wait to do it.
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fiery-lameass-blog · 12 years
When Seifer entered the pub, he immediately regretted it. Not just the pub, but leaving Fisherman's Horizon altogether. It was a mistake. He could admit that. What he couldn't do was turn around and go home.
He sauntered up to the bar and nodded at the barkeep, before loudly scraping a barstool closer and seating himself. He stared at his gloved hands at first, wondering why he'd come to Timber of all places, but after ordering his drink, he couldn't keep his eyes from darting around.
The place was classier than he'd remembered, more well-lit, but perhaps it only seemed so when compared to his regular dive. One thing that struck him was that the pub had carpeting, and yet there were no stains. Not even by the corner table, where he distinctly remembered getting into a bloody brawl with an off-duty soldier the previous summer.  'So much for GFs frying my brain,' he thought to himself, cynically.
Seifer began downing his drink, simultaneously signaling for another, and decided. He'd stay the night in Timber and move on. There were no pleasant memories for him there.
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