I always liked the way my hand slipped into yours, they seemed to complement each other perfectly. Not to mention the way I fit into your side and how hugging you made me feel safe and warm. To this day, I have yet to meet someone to elicit those same feelings from such simple gestures. It's too bad that every other word out of your mouth was a way to start a fight. It's too bad that your pride was more important than anything I ever had to say. It's too bad you never could handle how I beat you to the punchline because all of your jokes were predictable. It's too bad you liked your women pretty and silent and in small doses. It's too bad that at such a young age I was still too much for you to handle. I still think about you sometimes. And then the gag reflex kicks in. It's too bad.
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Being around others consistently makes me lonelier than when I am alone.
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Always remember who you are. Every time you’re stomped into the dirt, Get up, bloody nose and dusty knees, And howl like the wolves your ancestors feared.
words-screamed-into-the-dark (via wnq-writers)
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Do not love half lovers Do not entertain half friends Do not indulge in works of the half talented Do not live half a life and do not die a half death If you choose silence, then be silent When you speak, do so until you are finished Do not silence yourself to say something And do not speak to be silent If you accept, then express it bluntly Do not mask it If you refuse then be clear about it for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance Do not accept half a solution Do not believe half truths Do not dream half a dream Do not fantasize about half hopes Half a drink will not quench your thirst Half a meal will not satiate your hunger Half the way will get you no where Half an idea will bear you no results Your other half is not the one you love It is you in another time yet in the same space It is you when you are not Half a life is a life you didn’t live, A word you have not said A smile you postponed A love you have not had A friendship you did not know To reach and not arrive Work and not work Attend only to be absent What makes you a stranger to them closest to you and they strangers to you The half is a mere moment of inability but you are able for you are not half a being You are a whole that exists to live a life not half a life.
Khalil Gibran (via wordsnquotes)
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I hate romantics. This isn't to be confused with romance and love, no, I hate romantics. Well, why? Because to me romantics shut their eyes to what is happening around them. To me romantics choose to hide things under pretty words and metaphors. To lift the mundane and grotesque onto pedestals and proclaim their love for it. I am not a metaphor. I do not want a pedestal. I am a woman and I am not a "classic" standard for beauty. I do not want to be told sweet nothings that dissolve as easily as sugar and spike my blood pressure. The rolls on my body are not rolling peaks. The scars and bruises and bumps are not memories etched in skin. I am a force of nature, but my voice is neither thunder nor velvet. As Shakespeare says, I walk on the ground- though I am not his mistress. My history of depression and suicidal tendencies are not some inner angel crying to return home. I am messy. I am rough. I am vulgar. I am a woman. I am not a metaphor. I am flesh and blood, I am clenched teeth and sharp words. Romantics would wish to paint over me, to conceal my edges with falsities or honeyed words. To snip and tuck until I was merely two dimensions, words on a page. I detest this. I loathe it. Were romanticism a building, I would not rest until I could raze it. I would scatter the bricks and give pieces of the foundation to museums to marvel at the fossils of thought. Conversely, I do not hate metaphors nor do I hate positivity. The world can be a beautiful place and there is plenty in it to love. My problem is when our fancy with these things eclipse reality and ignore that life is more than metaphors. One cannot live on it. I am loving. I am understanding. I am nice. I am flesh and blood, I am sweet smiles and soft reassurances. But that is not all that I am. And it is best that it is remembered as such.
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If things are bad, they will get better.
I haven't been alive very long, but from what I can tell: life has a way of working itself out. It's not easy, but it doesn't usually stay bad forever. Just keep moving, keep pushing forward. Sometimes it'll be more difficult than you'll think you can handle, but just keep moving. From what I can tell, that's just how life is. You have your ups and your downs and they can be unbelievably steep, but neither lasts forever.
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A good life is made of a few big, good decisions accentuated by many small, good decisions. If you make one bad decision, just offset it with a small, good decision and build from there.
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 ⌒゚(❀>◞౪◟<)゚⌒  Subscribe …& Punch !
_____- More about  Subscribe & punch-_______
  _________——-SECOND PART——-_______
______________—-Original post ——-____________
-Everything about the game project -/ -Fan art of Subscribe & Punch -
Youtubers in the game:
@pewdie​  @cinnamontoastken​, @cryaotic​, @markiplier​,@therealjacksepticeye​, smosh (ian and anthony) and theRpgminx  !
WINKY WINKY WONK Still waiting for this game neh? Me, @willlems , @bnh-youtuber-art and the new amazing @Mechaweeb have worked  again on the new concept artworks/poods keyframes for several weeks !
(Also.it’s  not only a concept game anymore. The team is really working on a playable prototype . For the moment we are only working on a 1 vs 1 playable prototype (Pewds +another fighter )+an animated background. ) -We would like to try to release it in september -
Keep reading if you want to know moar about the news ,CinnamontoastKen details, new people in the team (game programmers, sound designer and animator) ,super exclusiv’ infos ect..
Keep reading
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I fall in love with them more everyday.
(sadly) neither the grumps or this blog are being paid for this post. it’s about a minute long! if you have the time listen to the end for THEM SWEET HARMONIES THO
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A letter to my past self/persons in middle or high school
Dear past me, - Stop acting like you're the smartest in the room. You are absolutely not and you're missing a lot by looking down your nose at everything. - The boys you think are cute are all stupid. You have terrible taste. Seriously, 90% of the boys you have a crush on end up to be total douchebags. - Most of the friends you have now are actually not that great and you'll be far, far away from them after you graduate. No, you don't have a forever friendship. Trust me, it's better that way. Move on, find better friends. - Stop eating out so often, you don't have that kind of money. Save as much as possible: life gets really expensive really fast. - Also stop fucking worrying about how much you weigh and how many calories you eat, that shit isn't important. Eat things you know are better for you and wear what you're comfortable in: what feels good will probably suit you, you know what's best for your body. Numbers do not define you and sizes are completely arbitrary: any company can release anything as any size. Don't let a flat stomach or a lack there of rule your life. You look just fine how you are. - Do more of the things that make you happy and for the love of all that is holy, get out and do things. You'll have all of your life to sit on your ass, go and do things while you still have the time. When you get a car, utilize it. Have fun. - Practice being mindful. Take into account that there is more than one perspective and that you have a very limited foundation of knowledge. It's a big, wide world and there's plenty to learn- even at the ripe old age of 10-19. - People who hurt others are typically hurting themselves. Find those people and love them: you could change their life. - Be more careful. Don't unnecessarily risk your own life. You may end up in a situation you regret and it could have long lasting effects on you. - Mind your manners. It's okay to think that people have to earn respect and that you don't have to respect people who treat you poorly, but you can be a little shit sometimes and you haven't always earned respect yourself. - Be kind to your parents. They're figuring things out too. They don't magically know what you're thinking or feeling. Be open and honest to the best of your ability. If you have a shit parent, revisit the point on people who hurt others. Realize that just because you're their child doesn't mean that they're right about what they might call you. Don't let a terrible parent define you. - Suicidal thoughts are awful and they can be hard to deal with. It does get better and there are people who you have yet to meet who you'll be grateful for sticking around for. Don't be afraid to call or text a hotline or seek help from a counselor or therapist. Just remember to keep pushing through. Things have a funny way of resolving themselves as time goes on. - You can tell when people are being fake with you. That one teacher you had for all four years of high school who clearly never cared about you until you achieved something big? Fake. Don't waste your time. - Nobody knows what they're doing basically ever. You get used to the panic. Don't worry too much about the things that are out of your control and let the past be. Focus on what you can do. - You hate parties and dances, stop going. You know you won't have a good time so stop forcing yourself. It's okay to know your limits. Much love, Me from the future TL,DR You're a hot mess right now and you'll still be a hot mess in the future, you just get a little more clever.
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The thing that nobody tells you about living most of your life in adversity is that when you're finally presented with happiness, you won't know what to do with it. Joy and love are met with suspicion. It works well because you're better equipped to handle all of the negatives you've been through, but if you aren't careful then you'll never be able to do anything else.
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Andes mints are my life. Well, maybe not my life, but they taste really good. They're pretty important to me, I guess. I'd probably fight someone for a handful of Andes mints.
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I think the best part of being female is that I can "justify" constantly wanting to eat copious amounts of chocolate. Everything else kind of sucks.
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PS: I’ve been posting some old comics to Line Webtoon’s Challenge League, it would mean a lot to me if you could go over there and like/rate my stuff!! 
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Feel free to send me questions for next week’s Q&A :)
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