filmsomnia1 · 1 year
Yellowjackets Requests!!
Hey guys, I wanna get back into writing and I'm basically obsessed with Yellowjackets so please throw me some ideas and I'll do my best to do them justice.
I will write for:
Teen Timeline
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Lottie Matthews
Shauna Shipman
Jackie Taylor
Taissa Turner
Natalie Scatorccio
Van Palmer
Misty Quigley
Adult Timeline
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Lottie Matthews
Shauna Shipman
Taissa Turner
Natalie Scatorccio
Van Palmer
Misty Quigley
Comment or shoot me a message and I'll do the best I can for you!
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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
Scream Masterlist
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Tara Carpenter
You Protect who you Love
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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
Marvel Masterlist
Scream Masterlist
Yellowjackets Masterlist
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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
We Won the War but I Lost my Love
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Movie Franchise: Marvel
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Words: 836
Summary: You got snapped but before that you were in a relationship with Natasha and while she sacrificed her life to get you back and she did make it, you had to find out after defeating Thanos only to see your best friend Tony die and find out Natasha is dead.
You felt yourself gasp awake still in Wakanda the last thing you remember was seeing Wanda disappearing and Natasha and yourself telling each other that you love one another. 
You look around seeing Bucky, Sam, T'challa, Groot and Wanda one of your best friends and the moment you lay eyes on one another you run to each other hugging each other tightly.
"I saw you disappear" you tell her starting to cry "it's ok I'm here Y/N" Wanda says hugging you and then you both go over greeting Sam, Bucky, Groot and T'challa when you start to see a sparkling circle form.
A man walked through with Peter and a few other people "my name is Doctor Strange and it's been five years we need to get to the team as they are fighting a past Thanos right now" Strange says and you look at the team.
"Let's go" you say and Doctor Strange opens several portals as you walk through seeing Steve standing on his own and everyone starts to join him against Thanos's army.
You go and stand next to Steve and look over to him "you thought you were going to do this on your own" you tell Steve as he smiles at you but frowns making you confused "Y/N there is something I need to tell you" Steve starts.
"Tell me after we win the war Steve" you tell him and he nods before looking forward again "Avengers Assemble" he says and the war begins all of you attacking his arms killing them all one by one.
You were winning and you kept looking around as you were fighting, you saw Steve, Clint, Bruce who was hulk but not really and Thor but there was no sign of Natasha which worried you.
You joined the girls is helping Captain Marvel getting the glove away from Thanos but again no sign of Natasha and you kept going until Thanos was down you weren't going to stop.
Hit by hit you never stopped until you saw Tony kneeling down as the stones slowly made the way to his hands "I am Iron Man" you here him says before he snaps causing a bang.
Once the smoke clears up you see Tony there extremely injured and you felt the tears slowly falling down "TONY" you yelled before running over to him.
You kneeled down in front of him and he smiled seeing you "Y/N" he whispered but you shushed him "I'm here Tony you did it, it's ok" you tell him before stepping back so Rhodey, Peter and Pepper could say their goodbyes.
Once Tony does close there eyes you look around still seeing no sign of Natasha around before you see Thor, Steve, Bruce and Clint walking closer to you.
Just like that, it all starts to click in your head as to why you couldn't find her in the battlefield "what happened" you asked starting to cry.
Steve, Thor and Bruce look over to Clint who started to tear up remembering what happened "the soul stone it was a soul for a soul and it was meant to be me but she wanted me to live" Clint tells you and you take a step back as reality struck.
"No don't tell me what I think you are telling me" you tell them and Clint can't bring himself to say it and Steve steps forward " Y/N Natasha is dead, I'm so sorry" Steve says and you break.
Falling to the ground the tears fall you lost your best friend and the love of your life you didn't know how to live with yourself.
"Y/N Nat she left this for you" Clint says before hand you a letter and you opening it up still on the ground.
Dear Y/N,
If you are reading this it means I didn't make it back to you or from the mission and I wish I was there for you but unfortunately we won't be seeing each other again anytime soon.
I love you so much but I want you to move on maybe with someone who is right by you but just know that I will always love you and it wasn't anyone's fault this was my choice.
We will meet again one day Y/N but until then I love you and please live your life.
- Your love Natasha
You break down even more and you felt arms wrap around your next pulling you into them and you recognised it as Wanda and you gripping onto her arms as you cried leaning into her.
"Please don't leave me" you tell her as her grip on you tightens "I would never as long as you don't do the same" she tells you and you just cry as she holds you.
You may have won the war but you lost your love.
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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
You Protect who you Love
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Movie Franchise: Scream
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Words: 1153
Tara and Y/N are not official buy Y/N is 100% in love with her and once she gets a message from Tara that just says 'help' she speeds to Tara's house and acts on complete instinct to protect the one she loves.

That was all you saw as a text message from Tara before you were barreling yourself in your car speeding down to Tara's house, you instantly became worried as hell, not knowing what was possibly happening to her in that very moment.
No matter how many times you would call there was no pick up which stressed you out and caused you to throw your phone in the passenger seat and start speeding even more when a minute later your phone started ringing and you saw Tara's name pop up.
"I'm sorry this isn't Tara, she's a little preoccupied, currently bleeding out on her floor"
"You fucker, what did you do to her"
"Oh nothing, she lost the game so she became a human pin cushion but the real question is should I kill her.... Y/N"
"Don't you fucking touch her"
"Oh Y/N, Y/N, Y/N you always were in love with Tara weren't you, to bad you both won't get your happy ending"
You heard Tara scream again meaning she must of got stabbed again just as you pulled up and you ran out the car heading straight through Tara's front door when you see someone in the classic ghost face mask.
Tara looked up at the same time as your eyes connected and you could see all the blood because you looked towards the killer, "come and get me" you said causing the ghost face to stand up and you both charge at each other.
The both of you crashing into each other which was not the smartest idea consider the ghost face person has a knife which caused you to get stabbed making you shout in pain as you kicked the ghost face person off.
The two of you kept going back and forth and you had about three stab wounds, on in the stomach, on the back of your shoulder and a big cut on your arm but you kept fighting which came to a sudden halt when you three heard the sirens.
"Times up bitch" you said and the ghost face person made a run for it to avoid getting caught by the cops as you dragged yourself over to Tara, "Tara, you still awake, oh god please be awake" you said as you finally got to her.
Her brown eyes stared up at yours and she gave you a brief nod and you brought her head up on your lap as you waited for the cops to get here, you gently caressed her face to keep her awake "don't worry Tara the cops are almost here, we're gonna be ok" you said keeping her awake.
"You risked your life and you saved me" Tara said looking up at you and you nodded "and I would do it over and over again" you said to her so gently and you meant every work and just as you said the the cops came running through the door.
"Please help her first, multiple stab would and she's losing a lot of blood" you said and the paramedics came and got to both of you and took you both to the hospital where Tara went into major surgery and you minor.
Hours Later
You managed to work some strings and you and Tara had a room together which made you feel a whole lot more comfortable so you could keep an eye on her and know she was safe, you had also just finished giving your statement to the cops about what happens and they would come and get Tara's in the next day or so.
You also had it so no one but immediate family could enter but all your friends knew what had happened and Wes said he would contact Sam to let her know about Tara and you even though you wanted to you were very tired.
You ending up sitting by Tara's bed just waiting for her to wake up holding her hand "oh god Tara, thank gosh the doctor said you were going to be ok, when you sent me that message I was so freaking scared and then getting the call and hearing you scream broke my heart, Tara if you died I don't know what I would have done, I'd have so many regrets gosh I wish I told you I loved you sooner but maybe I'll have my chance at some point soon" you say as you keep looking at her hand holding onto it.
"Maybe you just got that chance" you heard looking up to see Tara looking at you as you stared at her in shock "and maybe she feels the exact same way" she added one making your eyes go even wider as a smile made a way to your face.
"You do" you asked finally being able to say something and she nodded as you started to tear up "thank gosh you're ok Tara" you said standing up and getting a little closer to her and she ended up moving over a little wincing while doing so making you concerned "careful" you said and and she motioned for you to sit down but you were apprehensive "sit" she said and you listened.
"Y/N you saved my life, you did something no one has ever done for me and I can't repay you ever, I've loved you for a long time now but I didn't think you felt the same so I kept quite but if this has taught me anything it's that life is to short and anything can happen so I'm not gonna hide it anymore and when we're both all healed up I'm going to take you on the best date of your life, if that's ok with you?" Tara said and you had the biggest smile on your face.
"That's more than ok with me" you said and you stared into each others eyes before slowly leaning in and your lips were millimetres apart and you looked up into her eyes and she nodded before you both closed your eyes and your lips connected and what you could only describe as fireworks started to appear.
Once you pulled apart you laying down next to her to just be near her and she cuddled up to you while still being careful about both go your wounds and you two feel asleep in each others other and you couldn't tear the smile of both of your faces. 

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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
Natalie Rushman
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Movie Franchise: Marvel
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Words: 2062
Summary: You had met Natasha before she went undercover as part of the legal team as Natalie Rushman and here's what happened the very first time you guys met.
Flashback (1 year ago)
I was running down the street to get mine and Tony's coffee because he was at the lab working on a suit we're creating because after everything that had gone down recently with him getting kidnapped he wanted to feel safe and I was honoured that he asked me to help him.
As I was running I didn't even notice the beautiful red-haired lady in front of me as I knocked into her spilling her coffee cause me to stop "oh god, I'm so sorry" I said while crouching down picking up her coffee cup "Jesus, I'm such a clutz" I said again.
Then I heard it, a giggle which was music to my ears causing me to look up and then it felt like time stopped on me as I stared into her forest-green eyes and I had a goofy smile as we stared into the eyes of each other as I slowly stood up and handed her back her coffee.
"Hi," I say still smiling and she smirks back "hi" she replies and I look over her to see no coffee stains but see her coffee cup now empty "can I buy you another coffee," I asked causing her to look down at her now empty coffee cup.
"Oh no, you don't have to," she says trying to protest "pls, it would make me feel like less of a horrible person," I tell her and she makes me giggle "ok" she whispers in a reply and we proceed to head over to the coffee joint where I buy both mine and Tony and now the mysterious girls coffee.
"Why three coffees," she asked "oh after this I'm going back to my friend's place, we're working on a little job and it requires some late nights so coffee is a must," I tell her and she's just staring at me the whole time listening and it gives me the warm fuzzy feelings.
"What about yourself green eyes, what are you up to this morning," I ask her making her giggle at the nickname "I have a name you know" she replies making me laugh back "and you have yet to tell me but the question is will I get to find out," I tell her which causes her to smirk.
"That all depends on how good my coffee is" She replies making me pray this coffee is awesome, and just as she says that they yell out my order causing me to jump up and I walk to get the coffee before bringing them back to her.
Now I went to take a sip of my coffee but almost burnt myself cause it was hot "ow, that was way too hot" I whimpered before passing her, her own coffee but she doesn't take a sip and after seeing me be a wimp I'm not surprised but that means I have to wait for her name.
"So you never answered my question," I told her and she looked at me confused "about what you are up to this morning" I clarify "oh, well after this I'll be off to work and life goes on so on so on you know," she tells me and I nod.
We continue to talk and then I notice her grab her coffee which causing me to stop straight away and wait in anticipation to see what she thinks and the moment she lowers her coffee after taking a sip she has the biggest poker face ever.
After a minute or two of suspense I look at her "so" I asked trying to get some kind of result and finally, her lips curve up into a smirk "it's really good" she said causing me to jump up and cheer until a realise now all eyes are on me "sorry" I say before sitting down seeing her try to stifle a laugh.
"Alright haha, I think the possibility of a name was promised" I mention to get back on track very eager to find out her name and she smirks again "Natasha, Natasha Romanoff," she tells me and I can't help but smile at the name "that's a beautiful name," I tell her beaming.
"So what about yourself," she asks me and I smile "Y/N, Y/N Y/LN," I tell her my eyes sparkling as I now stare into Natasha eyes "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" she replies making me blush as a look down and I end up seeing my watch seeing we've been here for an hour.
"Oh god, time flies it's already 8:30," I say and Natasha's eyes widen a little " I have to get to work" she replies and I can't help but feel a little sad that she has to leave and I think she could notice it because she places her hand on my on top of the table causing me to look up.
I stare into her eyes "I really hope I do see you again Natasha" I tell her and she smiles "I'm sure you will but I do have to go now" she tells me and I nod "goodbye Natasha" I tell her and she comes around placing a delicate kiss on my cheek.
"Goodbye Y/N" she whispers as I blush before she walks off making me sigh and I look over and realise Tony's coffee is cold so I go order him another one but then I realise I never got her number before rushing out but she was nowhere to be seen.
"Damn it" I mutter to myself before walking back to my seat and I happen to see a bracelet across the table and it was red and black with an hourglass symbol on it, I had no clue what it meant but I had a gut feeling it was hers.
"Y/N" I hear the barista yell and I grab the bracelet and go grab Tony's coffee before walking out the door as I put the bracelet on "one day, may we meet again Natasha," I say to myself.
Little did I know that at that moment I would see her again would be a year later when Natasha Romanoff was on a secret mission to keep an eye on my best friend posing as part of the Stark Industries legal team named.
Natalie Rushman?
Present Time
With everything going on with Tony and the current court case I've been trying to help him out with anything I can and I mainly assist with the Iron Man related things because that is just how we work and with Tony handing the company over to Pepper there will be more time to focus on the Iron man stuff.
Pepper told me someone from legal was coming in today to finalise the paperwork and currently I has finishing up making my coffee before heading back up stairs and as I was walking back to the gym and I see a familiar red haired women and as she looked up her eyes widened "Na-" I begin until a hand goes over my mouth and I'm pushed into a wall causing my eyes to go wide.
Natasha lowered her hand down to my chest as we just stare into each others eyes "is everything ok" I hear Pepper say causing us both to jump apart and I cough "yes yes" I say nodding feeling a bit awkward "I see you have meet one of our employees from legal, Y/N meet Natalie Rushman" she says making me confused and a little sad.
Did she give me a fake name I'm just so confused "right uh nice to meet you Natalie" I tell her forcing and smile holding my hand out to shake and she does and I feel this spark as well as a tickle in my palm as she shakes it "likewise, anyways I have to go post these through the legal team" she says and heads off in a rush.
"What was that about" Pepper questions with a smirk and I shrug in return "I'm not so sure" I tell her as I finally open my hand only to see a piece of paper there and I open the paper to see a hand written note 'Local Coffee Joint in 1 hr pls - Natasha' is says which now makes me even more confused but my gut was telling me to go.
Local Coffee Joint 1 hr later
I walk through the door as I see her seated down and see two coffees there already so I take a seat causing her to look up "you came" she says with a slight smile and I nod "my gut told me to" I told her honestly and I blushed a little "I got you a *fav coffee* " she tells me and I nod reaching for it and in return my sleeve rides up showing my wrist which she lightly grabs.
"That bracket, where did you get it" she tells me and I take it off holding it out to her "you dropped it when we first met so I've warn it ever since hoping we would meet again so I could give it back" I told her honesty which caused a soft smile to appear on her face and she push the bracelet back to me "keep it" she whispers.
I place it down in front of her and look into her green eyes getting slightly distracted before snapping out of it "so who are you really Natasha, Natalie or something completely different" I question her and in return she slides a file in front of me making me confused "what's this?" I ask in question.
"This is about me, including my past and present something no one knows" she tells me honestly and I now feel even more confused "then why are you showing me?" I asked and she sighs "because its easier for you to read it then it is for me to explain and I knew a year ago I could trust you" she tells me and I'm kind of shocked.
I take the risk and slowly open the folder seeing the words 'Natalia Alianova Romanova' and I start to read through everything about the red room, shield and so much else that she's been through including her current mission involving Tony and I couldn't believe everything I was reading how could something go through so much.
After about half and hour later I put the folder down and breathe "woah, that was a lot" I say shocked and she nods "yeah some of it I'm not exactly proud of" she tells me and I messing around with the rings on her fingers and I grab her hand gaining her attention "I don't see you any differently we all have past and some are easier than others but it's who you are today that proves more than anything about where you've been and how you've grown" I tell her with a smile.
Before I know it I felt a pair of lips pressed against mine and once I pass the initial shock as she tried to pull again I hold her there and kiss her back relishing in this kiss that I have been wanting since a year ago and judging by how she kisses me back I can tell she feels the same way which only encourages me more.
We finally pull apart and I sigh falling back "I have been wanting that kiss for about a year" I say and hear her giggle realising I said it out loud and blushed "it's ok me too" she says making me grin "so what now?" I ask her curious to hear her answer.
"Well you know what my mission it but I would still like to see where this goes I was made to believe certain things when I was younger but I know now that its not the case so I know that there is something here and I'd like to find out what" she tells me and it makes me grin and blush as the same time and I jump over the other side next to her giving her a quick peck on the lips "so what do I call you? I mean Natasha, Natalie or Natalia" I asked her curious.
"Call me Nat"
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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
Good Luck Kiss
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Movie Franchise: Marvel
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Words: 460
Summary: You're quite flirty with Natasha but she doesn't give in until you're about to jump out of a plane for a mission and she gives you just the push you need.
You and the Avengers team were ready to go on a mission and here you all were ready to deploy but you were next to Natasha "come on Romanoff just one" you begged the girl next to you as she scoffed.
"No, not gonna happen" she tells you and you groan "Natasha is one little kiss what of I die on this drop I need good luck from my beautiful good luck charm" you tell her and yet again she scoffs.
"I think you'll live L/N so with that being said, not gonna happen" she tells you and your attempts coming up short are making you the laughing stock.
Tony, Steve and Thor are laughing at you causing your usual confident self to shrink away with the embarrassment and you walk over grabbing your parachute and going into the corner attaching it properly keeping to yourself.
You know your flirting could sometimes come across as being cocky but you really like Natasha and sometimes the only way you could get her attention was hopelessly flirting with her.
But what you didn't realise is that when every you weren't flirting with Natasha it was when she really started to see you the person who was under the flirter and that was the person Natasha liked.
Natasha looked over to see the boys laughing at you and she scoffed at there immaturity knowing that was why you walked off.
When you had finished preparing you realised it was time to drop so you walked over to the entrance "no good luck kiss Y/N" you heard Tony yell and Steve and Thor laugh when you look down feeling a tear run down your cheek.
You then feel yourself being turned around and a pair of lips on yours and almost instantly you can tell who it is as soon as you hear the boys stop laughing and you return the kiss indulging in it.
Once you pull apart Natasha smirks are you "how was that for a good luck kiss" Natasha tells you and instead of giving Natasha a cocky smile you just smile at her being really happy.
"Better than I ever thought it could be" you tell her and she smiles back at you and toy hear the signal that you have to jump as you place a kiss on her cheek "gotta go and see you soon" you tell Natasha before turning around.
Before you jump you look at the boys who were still stunned "boy" you say before jumping out "WHOOOOOOOOOOO" you yelled enjoying the jump.
Best good luck kiss ever.
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filmsomnia1 · 1 year
Marvel Masterlist
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Wanda Maximoff
Jealously but Love
Natasha Romanoff
Good Luck Kiss
Natalie Rushman
We Won the War but I Lost my Love
0 notes
filmsomnia1 · 1 year
Jealously but Love
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Movie Franchise: Marvel
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Words: 818
Summary: Wanda and Y/N Are dating but it's on the low right now because it was still new for them and that was fine until Pietro gets a little flirty with Y/N and Wanda get very jealous and becomes somewhat possessive.
You and the crew were just hanging at the compound today having a fun day in because of all the crazy that had been going ok lately, you all decided you needed a break.
You guys spend the day eating and just having fun in each others presence and it was going fine up until Pietro had walked up to you.
"Hey Y/N, how you doing?" Pietro had asked with a slight smirk and you could tell he was attempting to flirt with you so you mindlessly replied to the boy "hi Pietro, no much you?" You said still looking down in front of you.
"A whole lot better now, I wonder why" Pietro said and you know looked up to him to see him smirking while this interaction was happening you managing to hear a scoff.
Turning around you say it was coming from Wanda your girlfriend, you and her had been dating for sometime bit keep the whole ordeal quite low key.
The reason for doing so it because you wanted to just be with each other and no have everyone else in the relationship.
Doing this came with risk and in the past you had been jealous of Vision and while Wanda told you there was nothing to worry about you believed her but had your reservations.
This happened to be one of those risky moments and it was even worse because it was Wanda's twin brother, this was not good.
You could see Wanda's eyes starting to glow and your eyes immediately widened before turning back to Pietro "would you excuse me for a moment?" you asked him and he nodded before you walked up to Wanda.
"Come with me please" you asked nicely placing a hand on her arm which seemed to get her to call down before you wanted Wanda back to her room wanting her to just cool down.
"Are you alright babe" you asked setting Wanda down on her bed kneeling before her and though she nodded she further explained.
"I did not like what my brother was doing, I don't understand what is this feeling, I've never felt it before" Wanda said to you and you had chuckled realising that she was jealous.
"It's called jealously babe, it's cute but you have nothing to worry about, I like you and have no feeling for him what so ever" you explained leaning forward giving her a quick peck on the lips.
Once you pulled away she brought you into her embrace holding you close not liking being away from you for so long, your cuddles were her favorite thing it the world.
"How about we go back out there yeah" you proposed and Wanda nodded pulling away from your embrace before you both walked back out there returning to you conversations.
Unfortunately Pietro had come back and even though you told Wanda she had nothing to worry about you could see the jealously returning to her eyes.
"So Y/N, I was wondering if I could ask you a question" Pietro asked his smirk widening causing you to awkwardly laugh and nod allowing him to continue.
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to - " "NO" Pietro started only to be interrupted but Wanda shouting in a jealous rage.
This had managed to grab everyone's attention and you looked back to see Wanda's eyes glowing red making her way to you and her twin brother.
"No what" Pietro asked sizing up to his sister to seem like a man but Wanda did not stand down "No you can not ask Y/N out" Wanda said still holding her ground.
You were sitting near them watching in slight embarrassment while the other Avengers acted like they were watching a movie.
"And why is that" Pietro further question cause Wanda to get angrier and you know you need to diffuse the situation some how.
"Because we're dating and I'm in love with you" you said eyes widening as you did this being the first time you said it.
Everybody else's eye went wide but mainly Wanda's and Pietro's and while Pietro's were in embarrassment now Wanda's were in awe.
"You love me?" Wanda asked and you nervously chucked "of course I do, who wouldn't" you said causing the avengers to awe.
Wanda then walked forward pulling you into a passionate kiss allowing all the pent up jealously to be put into that kiss.
Once you both pulled away Wanda looked in your eyes "I love you too" She said and everyone awed before Wanda pulled you into her embrace.
Even though there were some rocking moment let was an amazing weekend for you to neither of you could deny that.
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