final-cross-remake · 2 years
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
1) I think in anyone's life, there's just so many things and stories or fandoms that people like, but have nothing to do with each other, than lending a neutral ground will be ideal for having all this amazing interactions between different characters...I saw it was possible, and couldn't let the opportunity pass.
2: What scene did you first put down?
2) I think it was a semi- scene of Megatron and Starscream in humanoid forms where Megatron it's trying to defend Starscream, and at the end he finally realized he's not this invincible warlord anymore, and it's not this fearsome monster, that he realizes he "cares" for whatever reason, for someone who isn't "himself", and although the scene doesn't say a word out loud, it's obvious that he's terrorized by the idea. All of the ideas.
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
3) My favorite lines aren't usually the smart ones, but the silent ones. When a character itself is felling something that has never expirience before, and it's silence say much more about them that any line could ever. - Like, for instance, Albert Wesker constantly repeating to William Birkin that "they're not friends", yet realizing how he can't just betray William (because, they ARE friends).
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
4) Possibly when Dr. Edward Kirk explain that being stuck on a time loop that doesn't let's him die it's not a bless but a burden.
5: What part was hardest to write?
5) Possibly when there's a change on time, and a couple decades passed away, but you have the same characters (for the most part), and the challenge that their lives (and even personalities) are completely different than in the last chapter (because there's been so much time and things happening in between).
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
6) My personal published and e-books are completely mine. I can do whatever I want to a character personality or a world setting, yet here I'm working with characters made by other people, and trying to respect that personality traits that makes them unique and likable to everyone in the first place, but also been part of the story I'm including them in.
7: Where did the title come from?
7) I was trying to find, in real life, a moment of human history where you got this "general public" felling (where people might even support something awful because in part they don't know the actual truth), a totalitarian government that inspired fear to friends and foes, was crazy, unethical, though they were the chosen ones... (you get where this is going), so for more than a decade the tittle was "Het Regime", but the crossover of characters ended up being a lot more significant to the story than the background, thus "Final Cross". As if in "the ultimate cross over of everyone".
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
8) You could say that since this are all characters with background stories that exist in real life, there's a sense of reality on that fact alone. This characters belong to real games, movies, comics, series, etc.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
9) There's several different versions throughout the years of different scenes, but the story had always keep quite consistent in the main events. So in this case, I would say no.
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
10) I think there's just too much attention into "shipping", and people often forget about the actual dynamics of a work/friend/family like relationship. It's not bad to ship, but pass 20 years of reading and countless "fandom wars" regarding "who it's with who", it just gets a bit tiresome. - There's platonic and romantic interest around the story (from different characters), but they're not "being the story" on itself. - Just as much in your life there's different elements, here I try to explore more in depth how (human-like) Megatron and Starscream pass from soldier and leader to friends and family, there's no actual shipping, but that doesn't makes their interaction any less significant. Same with other significant characters in the story, not only the ones I focus more on.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
11) The ability to have all the characters I like with a solid excuse on the same world.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
12) That there's probably some ideas about the argument plot itself I have to use here in a work of fan-fiction that I don't own, and I won't be able to include those same ideas into my own register books. But they work here better, to be honest...
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
13) I think for me and the readers, it depends on the chapter. I've heavily heard from LinkingPark, 20 seconds to Mars, Coldplay, StarSet, to random "epic music" or silence.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
14) That every type of felling or love it's equally valid. Not just romantic ship love. That sometimes, the hug of your family, telling you they got your back, or realizing that you have an unconditional friend who regardless anything, cares about you. It's just as powerful as "being shipped in a romantic relationship". One thing doesn't invalidates the other, and it goes both ways.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
15) That anything it's possible, and it might take you a couple decades to sit and get what's in your head for others to read it, but ultimately, you can die happy it didn't died with you inside your head.
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final-cross-remake · 2 years
The world of "Crox":
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The aesthetics to the world of the Crox are both familiar and fantastic, old and futuristic. This is a world composed of the billon years of mixing technology and tradition from all the inhabitants from different universes.
At the core, it's a rigid totalitarian regimen, where a sense of religion mix with science rules. Humans are seeing as the only true living creatures of "God", therefore "non-human" habitants are either servitude at one point or another, or, rebels outside the safe zones.
There is a sense of mysticism mixed with the reality of everything that happens, no matter how hard and cruel it is. Making human people justify the means applied to other living creatures to get their own happy life and safety.
Human resources and cities are protected by the royal army (composed of slave like non-human soldiers), and a bio shield that encapsulates everything within it's range. Therefore everything outside of this range it's "enemy territory".
There's a few miles around each shield that no one from the outside would dare to venture, though still outside the human city, it's heavily guarded at all times with lethal force.
The conditions outside of the human cities are deplorable for the ones who scape servitude at their own risk. Several tribes are formed, but famine and lack of basic resources often force them to attack the convoys carrying supplies from one human city to the other, ending in harsh repression when chased down.
As they're not seen as humans with rights, this sentient creatures are constant victims of the most hideous abuses (either in or out the city).
The chain Event:
Crox wasn't always like this, legend say that after a cataclysm that nearly ended the entire (at this point "only human") life on the planet, "God sent a savior with the power to bring the most powerful creatures to bend at human will and rebuilt the world". This isn't seen as bad, as it's compared to the orders given to angels by God, so if humanity it's the only representation of God on earth, other creatures should bend and obey human orders.
Such savior it's said to be immortal, and still a powerful mysterious figure on the human chain of command. But many generations after that, truth has been lost or distorted to serve the government propaganda.
The coverup: (spoilers)
The first one to arrive from the nothingness was actually Dr.Edward Kirk, a top scientist in the matter of warping spece/time energy.
Upon arrival on this new world (after the events of the "Dino Crisis" 1 game), he realized that one of his experiments went horribly wrong again, and now it's not only time that has warped, but parallel sides of the universe. Even his body is stuck on a time-loop abnormality that prevents him to "age", like if time was still for each of his body cells.
Of course his arrival time and circumstances make the surviving humans back then misinterpretate everything as if he was "send by God" to save them, this giving him unlimited resources and nothing stopping him. As time went on, he still play them pretending to be a "God sent human", establishing one of the largest and most elaborate schemes (along with other top scientists each the best on its field from their realities).
The city of Roxa, it's the human capital of the world, named after the "rose-like" shape of the top building, which is actually nothing less than a grand antenna that magnifies the waves of the multidimensional warp device in wich Kirk has been working on the past centuries.
This particular "sacred" place allows Kirk to pin-point the most powerful creatures (or, otherwise, creatures of interest), and bring them back to this plane in the world of Crox, to serve humans as it's needed.
Eventually they had to find a way to control them, but in the years of perfecting the technique, many saw ways to scape outside the shield, creating the first "tribes" that hate humans for fair reason.
As Kirk felt there were things out of his grasp, regardless how immortal and genius he was, he eventually transported certain people from other universes just to cover the areas he wasn't familiar with (like virologist and biologist Dr. Willim Birkin, or neurologist genius Ruben Victoriano, among others). This people were taken from their realities right before their demise, assuring nothing would change for their worlds.
This "dream team" of scientists partially know the truth, but if return to their respective worlds would die, making a much better offer to work on this new found home, that being said, even if they don't always get along with Kirk, they manage to go around the issue.
Their service has allowed to "humanize" many creatures that due to their size or nature, couldn't be incorporated into the world of Crox to serve humans. This includes, but it's not limited, to cybertronian life forms being shelled into humanoid forms, or lowering the aggressivity of certain individuals (either artificially or by force).
Our story:
Our story is seeing with a group of characters and their interaction within this parameters. Mostly following the doings of a royal army squad composed by several non-human characters, forced to interact with each other in a place were, although they're weapons, they're still vulnerable, and that's a first...
The main story starts with Megatron and Starscream being transform into a human-like body, that is mostly an advance shell and even though works mechanically on the inside, it's made to mimic every human need or trait (given that humans are seen as "gods", it's considered an honor to look like them for non-human beings).
As a writer, I choose this pair because discovering the world of Crox through their eyes was going to be a more enjoyable ride. On one hand, they have to deal with the fact they are overpowered at all times, with no idea of how this works, from their new bodies to humanity itself. Even if they're far more resilient than humans, stronger and faster, don't age at the same rate (they're almost stuck to growth by learning), need less sleep or food, they still don't have any freedom of choice and need to know how to keep their bodies functional. If they never eat or sleep, or the injury it's too severe, they'll "die" too, much to their dislike, only to wake up on a different body just like it. So they don't even have the freedom to choose to die, and get used to this over time. They're constantly being monitored by a chip on their head that prevents them to disobey any order from a human (much like the Asimov's laws of robotics). It's a tragic, horrible... and yet hilarious (at some points) "learning experience" for them. Being unable to even tell if there's any other cybertronian in this world, they have a sense of "hate" towards each other, but soon find out that their chances are better if they trust each other, becoming a sort of "father/son" sort of dynamics between the two. Over time going as far as to they using nicknames when angry at each other, as Megatron referring to Starscream as "kid" or "kiddo", and Starscream referring to Megatron as "dad" or "old man". - So it's really a good fun family-like dynamic. That's why I chose to start from that point. This is obviously a work of fan-fiction involving a lot of different brand characters from different universes and copyrights, so I hope you get I'm doing it for mere fun and I obviously don't own the %90 of the characters in it. - (but it's been on my head for too many years, and it's time to put it somewhere, so, here I go Tumblr!)
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final-cross-remake · 3 years
° - "You're not making up the stories, you're just telling them." - °
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