finding-your-league · 2 years
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Star Guardian Ezlux & Cafe Cutie Soraka Commissions by 浅浅い
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finding-your-league · 3 years
My main list:
Top: *Kennen* (backups - Sylas, Gwen)
Mid: Seraphine (backups - Lux, Akshan)
ADC: Xayah (backups - Ezreal, Kai’sa)
Support: Thresh (backups - Lulu, Lux)
Jungle: Shaco (backups - Viego, Evelynn)
I can play all lanes but am most comfortable Top with Kennen or Bot with Xayah. Least comfortable playing Jungle because I haven’t ever Jungled PvP before. I also play more characters than I listed here.
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finding-your-league · 3 years
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Let’s be friends! 💖
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finding-your-league · 3 years
I’m going to bed since I have work tomorrow but let me know if anyone is interested!!
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finding-your-league · 3 years
Hey gamers!
I had an idea and was curious to see if anyone else would be interested! I figured I’d start here to gauge interest and then start a discord chat if I get enough people into this idea.
Basically speaking, I’ve heard several people (myself included) say they want to play PvP games but haven’t been able to solo it because you get matched with high level players and then the team just FLAMES you for not being experienced and knowing how to play against other players instead of just bots. It makes the game incredibly not fun.
So how about we form teams here with the understanding that there could be new players who just want to learn and grow without worrying about letting a team down. You can form your teams, make friends, call on discord during games, or just play the way you want! The only rules are treating each other with respect in and out of game. If anyone reports a user not being friendly, they can be blocked and removed from the discord. This is all to help people learn and have fun playing instead of get that social anxiety of being matched with a random team who may dislike you style of play and report you for it.
Anyone interested??? 👀
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