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Homemade bacon Mac & cheese with steak & cream of spinach
This meal was very easy to make and didn't take me long at all . The family enjoyed every morsel.
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Be your authentic self
Being your authentic self will provide you with a calm and peaceful feeling. Being your authentic self takes time to discover. It is not an overnight discovery but yet it takes time, patience and learning to understand ones self. Once you have begun to understand yourself then the journey begins.
There are so pressures in our every day lives to conform to societies views pertaining our physical appearance, what jobs we should have, when we should be married, how many kids to have or whether or not we are successful enough for our age group etc. All of these pressures send many people to lose their authentic self. When this happens we begin looking towards society or others to find our complete self. Many may say I know my authentic self but question is do you really? This fast paced world is full of pressure to conform, causing many to lose themselves or begin to put on a facade throughout life. By putting on a facade you begin to lose yourself piece by piece. Once this happens many completely forget what its like to be their true self and feel that the current way they are is who they are. This is not always true many have lost themselves through conforming but deep inside they long for something and no matter how successful they become or how many friends they have they still feel incomplete and unhappy. Many times this is due to not being true to your authentic self.
Here are some ways to help find your authentic self
Ask yourself who am I? Describe yourself in 3 words. Think about your answers and ask yourself do these truly describe me? Or are these things that I would like to be?
Always be truthful with yourself whether the truth hurts or not. One cannot grow without recognizing the truths whether good or bad about them self. Being truthful with yourself will allow you to evaluate yourself and improve in any areas that need improving.
Ask yourself do I even know what being authentic means?
Ask yourself do I do things just to fit in with others? If so next ask yourself . Do I do things to please others but yet I’m uncomfortable and unhappy? 
Do you fear letting the world see you as you are?
Do you stick to your gut feelings no matter what? Even if others tell you otherwise.
After answering these questions read over your answers and decide whether or not you are truly being your authentic self. If the answer is no then take your answers and begin working towards finding your authentic self. I offer services assisting with helping you find your authentic self through life coaching. Or you can find self guided books towards assisting you with finding your authentic self. There are also classes available in most areas that will assist you on your journey.
Once you have found your true and authentic self you will begin to feel a sense of peace and clarity. Being your authentic self will allow you to freely go after your dreams and accomplish them! I have noticed that when many of my clients find their authentic self they become very driven to find their purpose in life and live it. 
Sending you peace and light on your journey towards self discovery!!
Tamika Ahmadu M.B.W. practitioner, Life/health coach
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The many benefits of beets
Beets are a super antioxidant vegetable that should be included into pretty much every ones diet. Beets have a slight sweet and earthy taste which many find they do not like. Although some may not enjoy the taste of beets there are many ways to get them into your diet. Beets can be steamed, pickled, baked into beet chips, sliced onto a salad, sliced into pasta dishes, blended into sauces, juiced, or simply eaten raw after being sliced and peeled.
Beets fight inflammation which is important for warding off many diseases. Inflammation can stem from nutritional deficiencies, stress, toxins or health related conditions. No matter the reason for your inflammation beets can help with the inflammation. 
Beets have anti cancer properties which comes from betalains, which is what gives beets their vibrant color. Betalains are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying agents that are richer in beets than any other plant foods.
Beets purify the blood.
Beets boost your immune system.
Beets support eye health.
If you eat the beet leaves they provide an even bigger punch of nutrients.
Rich in the B vitamin folic acid.
Helps to lower blood pressure.
Beets are a great source of dietary fiber which in turn will help you feel fuller longer. Thus aids in weight loss.
Beets are rich in calcium, iron, Vitamin A as well as Vitamin C. Having low iron leads to anemia and consuming beetroots can help the body absorb iron better, which helps to promote better blood circulation and the capacity of oxygen that the red blood cells can carry.
Great for pregnant women due to its high amount of folic acid.
Overall beets are a fantastic super food veggie to add to your plate or to your smoothie. So go ahead and eat up !
Tamika Ahmadu M.B.W. practitioner Life/health coach
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Foods to help women balance their hormones
With all the exposure to toxins it becomes harder and harder to keep our hormones balanced. This is why its very important to consume foods that will assist in keeping our hormones balanced. Hormones can also become imbalanced due to stress, poor nutrition, health conditions, poor sleep habits etc. By having balanced hormones it helps to decrease your risk of certain cancers.
Here are foods that will assist with balancing hormones:
Omega 3s are great for balancing hormones. Omega 3s can be found in fatty fish such as Wild Salmon, mackerel and albacore tuna just to name a few. Try incorporating 2-3 servings of Omega 3 rich seafood weekly.
Incorporate 1-2 servings per day of cruciferous vegetables. Vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, radish, cabbage and cauliflower are some of the vegetables that help with flushing out excess estrogen.
When eating meats try to purchase as much organic meat as possible. This will decrease the added hormones being added to your body from the meat. Non organic meat is very high in added hormones. 
Reduce your dairy and meat intake.
Detox your body monthly or as needed by drinking detox teas or consuming foods that assist with detoxing.
Chia seeds help with stabilizing blood sugar which in turn helps with hormone balancing.
Eat regularly the healthy fats they assist with healthy cholesterol. Healthy cholesterol helps with hormone balance.
These are not foods but they assist with flushing toxins as well:
Detox your body monthly or as needed.
Eat vegetables that are high in water to content to assist with flushing of the toxins.
Drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from your body.
Exercise for a minimum of 20-30 minutes 5 days per week to aid in weightloss. Staying at a healthy weight helps with hormone balance as well.
Reduce your stress level. Try taking yoga classes, find a hobby, find a laughing partner or simply take time alone when possible and just close your eyes for 5 minutes while breathing deep.
Try incorporating these into your diet as often as you can and watch your body and your hormones thank you!
Happy hormone balancing
Tamika Ahmadu M.B.W. practitioner, Life/health coach
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Smoked herb sweet potatoes
took me 30 minutes to bake and 10-12 minutes seasoning and cutting the potatoes into slices .
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Creating a healthy lifestyle
Having a healthy diet is essential for the human body. While this is essential many American diets are not healthy at all and contain lots of sugar, processed foods, dyes, chemicals, fillers etc. We can take control over our health by starting out and building a healthy diet and lifestyle. Modern times has open the flood gates to easy and quick eating with foods that provide little to no nourishment for the human body. I have spoken with many people that say eating healthy is to hard or to costly and results them to eating poorly. While eating organic is more costly than non organic foods the health benefits are worth it. On the same note while eating organic is the best option when choosing meats, fruits and vegetables just simply increasing your intake of fruits and veggies will still provide plenty of benefits for achieving a healthier body.
Having a high intake of nutrient rich foods offers protection from diseases as well as your immune system will become strengthen. By improving your diet you give your body a chance to be strong, healthy and protect you from diseases.
Here are 8 ways to improve your diet and improve your health:
1.Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
2.Reduce your exposure to GMO foods, pesticides, chemicals and parabens.
3.Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with healthy snacking in between. 
4.Begin to eat regularly it will help to keep your blood sugar regulated.
5.Decrease your intake of red meat and include organic lean meats.
6.Decrease your intake of fried foods as well as fatty foods.
7. Incorporate healthy fats into your diet.
8. Exercise 30-60 minutes 5 days per week.
Tamika Ahmadu M.B.W. practitioner, Life/health coach
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The human bodies need for protein
Why our bodies need protein? Our body needs protein as it is one of the very essential dietary needs for our bodies. Protein is necessary for growth, production of hormones, enzyme production and maintenance and repair of the bodies cells. Protein makes up the bodies hair and skin, muscle tissues, sends signals to our nerves as well as being vital for our internal organs and bones.
Whether you are a vegetarian or not we all need protein. There are many sources for one to go about consuming their protein sources. There are animal and plant protein sources for one to choose from.
Animal protein sources: meat, dairy, eggs, milk, poultry and fish. Plant protein sources: rice, beans, vegetables, potatoes, nuts, seeds and wheat.
It is also Important to remember everything in moderation as to much protein with no other food sources constantly with cause a deficiency within the body. So always have a colorful and diverse selection of foods when eating.
Tamika Ahmadu M.B.W. practitioner, Life/health coach
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Folic Acid an amazing vitamin
Tamika Ahmadu M.B.W. practitioner, Life/health coach
What is folic acid? Folic acid is a B9 vitamin that is water soluble.
What is folic acid good for in the body? Folic acid is very important in cell division of the cells within our body especially at times such as pregnancy. Pregnancy is a very important time due to the rapid multiplication of the cells creating the new life. If there happens to be a deficiency during pregnancy cell division will not happen properly. Some issues that could arise from this deficiency during pregnancy are spina bifida , incomplete connecting of the skull as well as neural tube problems. Aside from the importance of folic acid during pregnancy it’s uses are very important for the overall body.
Benefits when supplementing and eating the proper amount of folic acid : Will reduce high blood levels of homocysteine which helps lower cardiovascular disease risk. Higher doses help with cervical dysplasia which is precancerous cell changes in the cervix. There are many more benefits to the body regarding the wonderful vitamin folic acid.
Deficiencies of folic acid can cause: Inadequate nutrition Metabolic problems in those who drink , smoke or use drugs. Excessive demands by the bodies tissues Folic acid-deficiency anemia
When folic acid is found within our foods it’s called folate.
Some sources of food to receive folate: Leafy greens such as spinach and kale. Asparagus Broccoli Oranges Pineapple Cantaloupe
Don’t forget you may also get your daily dose of folate through juicing or making green smoothies. But for those of you not interested and would prefer supplementing with folic acid be sure to get the correct dose for you and your needs.
Tamika Ahmadu M.B.W. practitioner, Life/health coach
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Always give out to the universe what you would like to receive
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