findingpadre · 5 days
Alicia let out a breath as she heard what Jennifer said, telling her not to make a sound, and she nodded her head a bit.  She didn't really plan on making any noise; she wasn't dumb, especially since she could hear what was going on outside. But a part of her hated that they couldn't help the human that was currently being devoured outside. She wanted to help them, but from the sounds of it, she knew there was no helping them. For many reasons, and she really did not want to see what the new Varaint looked like. She looked at Jennifer in horror but knew that she was safe.
After a second, Alicia relaxed, especially when the screaming had finally stopped. She wasn't sure if she could go back to sleep after all of that. Sure, she was used to death; she Had been since the whole thing started. But this was crazy; this was unlike anything she had ever heard before. But once she saw that Jennifer was going to go back to sleep, she relaxed a bit and nodded her head. It was a good idea that she had they needed to make sure that they would be safe. "Sounds good," she said. "I mean, I think that it would be better, and we would have a better chance of escaping if we needed to," she said. 
Finally, Alicia laid back down with her head against Jennifer's lap. She felt safer that way, and soon she was drifting off to sleep. For the most part, she was sleeping very well. Well, at first, but then the nightmares started. I couldn't blame her, not after what they had just heard the night before. She was mostly dreaming about the screams, and somehow it ended up with her dreaming about her brother and mother, who were dead, and all he could dream was them trying to kill her. It was like she couldn't wake up from the nightmare as well, no matter how hard she was trying.  @scarfacewastaken
Alicia closed her eyes the instant that she felt Jennifer's soft hands running through her hair. It was something that usually put her to sleep pretty quickly. Ever since she was a kid it had always been like that , When her mother actually did give a damn about her and showed her a little bit of attention more then her brother that is. Hell she hadn't felt that kind of affection since then and it was kind of nice to be honest. She took a deep breath and before she fell asleep she heard what Jennifer said and she actually believed her.
She wasn't sure how long she had been asleep but she was sure it was at least for a few hours. But she was awoken suddley when she heard a noise, A frown crossed her face because she actually knew the sound. Someone or well some thing was breaking in. She slowly sat up and glanced aroundbut she didn't see anything and if she had to guess whatever it was was coming in from the back. She glanced over at Jennifer and even though she actually didn't want to wake her she knew that she needed to. Slowly she reached over and shook Jennifer.
"Jen… Jenny wake up." she said softly as she pulled out her gun. " Something or someone is breaking in." She said as she finally saw Jennifer awake. She frowned sightly as she heard another bag and then what sounded like grunting. That was a zombie but the thing was it sounded loud and stronger than before. She looked over at Jennifer, " Is that one of the variants. " She said as she looked over at the door. " What are we going to do?"@scarfacewastaken
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findingpadre · 22 days
Alicia closed her eyes the instant that she felt Jennifer's soft hands running through her hair. It was something that usually put her to sleep pretty quickly. Ever since she was a kid it had always been like that , When her mother actually did give a damn about her and showed her a little bit of attention more then her brother that is. Hell she hadn't felt that kind of affection since then and it was kind of nice to be honest. She took a deep breath and before she fell asleep she heard what Jennifer said and she actually believed her.
She wasn't sure how long she had been asleep but she was sure it was at least for a few hours. But she was awoken suddley when she heard a noise, A frown crossed her face because she actually knew the sound. Someone or well some thing was breaking in. She slowly sat up and glanced aroundbut she didn't see anything and if she had to guess whatever it was was coming in from the back. She glanced over at Jennifer and even though she actually didn't want to wake her she knew that she needed to. Slowly she reached over and shook Jennifer.
"Jen… Jenny wake up." she said softly as she pulled out her gun. " Something or someone is breaking in." She said as she finally saw Jennifer awake. She frowned sightly as she heard another bag and then what sounded like grunting. That was a zombie but the thing was it sounded loud and stronger than before. She looked over at Jennifer, " Is that one of the variants. " She said as she looked over at the door. " What are we going to do?"@scarfacewastaken
Alicia who had laid down on her back, Using the jacket that she had as a pillow listened to what Jennifer was saying. She raised an eyebrow a bit because it was the first time that Jennifer actually mentioned anything about her past. Well that past from before the outbreak and though Alicia had guessed that she had been in the military she had no clue that she had been oversea's or anything. So it was quiet interesting to hear, though she could tell that Jen had seen things that no one should. And they did honestly have a lot in common though the horror she saw in the bunkers was nothing compared to what Jennifer had seen.
" We both have seen some shit we shouldn't have, Done things to try and keep the people we care about safe. And got fucked in the end by it… And we try to do good things to make up for it… like you said right?" She asked as she turned and laid on her side to watch Jennifer. A frown crossed her face as she she could tell that she was in pain or well seemed like she was in pain. " You okay?" she asked before she reached behind her head and pulled the jacket out and smirked." Here this might help the pain a bit… ya know so you dont have to lean against the hard wall. " she said as she pushed it towards her.
Alicia then heard what she said about the CR and going back. And it didn't get lost on her about going with her. That she said we and she smiled. " So… you want me to go with you?" she asked. It was more of a tease then anything else because Alicia would be damned if she let Jennifer go out on her own. Hell she wasn't going to let her deal with this on her own either, Not after everything that they had been through. Alicia actually scooted closer to Jennifer and laid her head down on her lap as she watched her check her watch. " Nice to know we still know what time it is." She said and chuckled.
She then closed her eyes and smirked sightly. " But yeah… Sleep sounds nice right about now… And hey Jen… You're not alone." She said softly before she slowly started to fall asleep against her leg. @scarfacewastaken
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findingpadre · 1 month
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Sydney, you’re perfect in winter for about 5 days…
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findingpadre · 2 months
Alicia who had laid down on her back, Using the jacket that she had as a pillow listened to what Jennifer was saying. She raised an eyebrow a bit because it was the first time that Jennifer actually mentioned anything about her past. Well that past from before the outbreak and though Alicia had guessed that she had been in the military she had no clue that she had been oversea's or anything. So it was quiet interesting to hear, though she could tell that Jen had seen things that no one should. And they did honestly have a lot in common though the horror she saw in the bunkers was nothing compared to what Jennifer had seen.
" We both have seen some shit we shouldn't have, Done things to try and keep the people we care about safe. And got fucked in the end by it… And we try to do good things to make up for it… like you said right?" She asked as she turned and laid on her side to watch Jennifer. A frown crossed her face as she she could tell that she was in pain or well seemed like she was in pain. " You okay?" she asked before she reached behind her head and pulled the jacket out and smirked." Here this might help the pain a bit… ya know so you dont have to lean against the hard wall. " she said as she pushed it towards her.
Alicia then heard what she said about the CR and going back. And it didn't get lost on her about going with her. That she said we and she smiled. " So… you want me to go with you?" she asked. It was more of a tease then anything else because Alicia would be damned if she let Jennifer go out on her own. Hell she wasn't going to let her deal with this on her own either, Not after everything that they had been through. Alicia actually scooted closer to Jennifer and laid her head down on her lap as she watched her check her watch. " Nice to know we still know what time it is." She said and chuckled.
She then closed her eyes and smirked sightly. " But yeah… Sleep sounds nice right about now… And hey Jen… You're not alone." She said softly before she slowly started to fall asleep against her leg. @scarfacewastaken
Alicia watched Jennifer as she talked about her life before this, Her time in the CRM and what had happened to her mother. Honestly Alicia hated seeing her like that, She could see how much she was upset and wished that she could help. " I think you should talk to them. I mean what harm could it do?" She asked her. Alicia honestly didn't know what they were all about other then what Jennifer had told her. But from what she had heard she could tell that they were bad." We can go there if you want. I'm with you no matter what." She asked.
Alicia looked at her and smiled softly at her, " It's going to be okay Jen…. you aren't alone not anymore and now that they are done things could get better right?" She asked. She threw the rest of the snacks they had away before she laid down next to Jennifer for and listened to what she said and she chuckled. " Never thought that I would deal with someone like that at all. But here I am surviving a pyschopath who held me hostage in an underground bunker." She said and shook her head. " I honestly don't know how the hell i made it…. I don't think I would of last much longer if you hadn't showed up. " She said.
Jennifer had saved her in more ways then one. She looked at her as she heard what she said and raised an eyebrow. " I feel i don't know much darker since all this shit has started. Like I wasn't like this before the world ended… I just wanted to go to college, I had so many plans and then this hell happened. then everything changed I changed." She said and sighed softly. " I also lost my whole family.. My brother… my mother im the only one that is left. It sucks. " She said doingher best not to get all emotional about it. She looked over at her and smiled. " Sorry we can change the subject. " @scarfacewastaken
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findingpadre · 4 months
Alicia watched Jennifer as she talked about her life before this, Her time in the CRM and what had happened to her mother. Honestly Alicia hated seeing her like that, She could see how much she was upset and wished that she could help. " I think you should talk to them. I mean what harm could it do?" She asked her. Alicia honestly didn't know what they were all about other then what Jennifer had told her. But from what she had heard she could tell that they were bad." We can go there if you want. I'm with you no matter what." She asked.
Alicia looked at her and smiled softly at her, " It's going to be okay Jen…. you aren't alone not anymore and now that they are done things could get better right?" She asked. She threw the rest of the snacks they had away before she laid down next to Jennifer for and listened to what she said and she chuckled. " Never thought that I would deal with someone like that at all. But here I am surviving a pyschopath who held me hostage in an underground bunker." She said and shook her head. " I honestly don't know how the hell i made it…. I don't think I would of last much longer if you hadn't showed up. " She said.
Jennifer had saved her in more ways then one. She looked at her as she heard what she said and raised an eyebrow. " I feel i don't know much darker since all this shit has started. Like I wasn't like this before the world ended… I just wanted to go to college, I had so many plans and then this hell happened. then everything changed I changed." She said and sighed softly. " I also lost my whole family.. My brother… my mother im the only one that is left. It sucks. " She said doingher best not to get all emotional about it. She looked over at her and smiled. " Sorry we can change the subject. " @scarfacewastaken
Alicia sat there on the make shift bed she had made out of some towels and clothes that probably had seen better days. Listening to what Jennifer said, She knew that she was right that people would find the place. It wouldn't be safe for long especially if there was signs of life there. But damn it Alicia had been excited for the fact they wouldn't have to be on the road for so long. But she also understood too, they needed to find a place that was safe to hold up in. " So let's go back to you're old stomping grounds. I mean if the CRM are really done then you should be safe right?" she asked.
She then raised an eyebrow, A cure? that was interesting. ever since this whole thing started Alicia had always wondered if they were gonna actually ever be able to find a cure. But now Alicia was curious if this girl that Jennifer talked about was actually finding one then maybe they should head there and find her. " maybe we should go find this girl your talking about. I mean if she is really finding a cure for this shit she is going to need all the help that she can. " she said. She looked at Jennifer and smiled " And I mean if you haven't notice i am pretty good with medical stuff too." She said.
She fell silent for a second before she looked over at Jennifer as she was talking about her mother. She then let out a sigh and nodded her head. " Trust me, I know how it is to want to have a relationship with your mother. You know all about mine… So maybe we go get your mother out of there. And then we go help that girl you were talking about." She said. She looked at her and smiled softly. " Anyway what ever you decied you aren't alone Jennifer. I am not going any where and I have your back. " She said before she took another bite of her food.
After she had finished eating she glanced around. " you think that we will be safe? At least for now?" she asked as she laid down doing her best to get comfortable. She finally was before she took a breath and looked over at her. " I feel safe with you… just so you know. Since the shit with Teddy I was a mess. You honestly saved me." She said and sighed. " Still have nightmares about him and that place."@scarfacewastaken
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findingpadre · 4 months
Love Hurts starters
"I thought love was supposed to heal, not hurt." "Every time I see you, my heart aches." "Loving you is the most beautiful pain I've ever felt." "Why does loving someone so much come with so much suffering?" "I wish I could turn off my feelings for you." "It hurts to breathe when I think of you." "I'd rather endure this pain than not have loved you at all." "The deeper I fall for you, the more it hurts." "I never knew love could break me so completely." "I'd do it all over again, even if it meant this heartache." "Sometimes, I think the pain is my only connection to you." "Is it worth it, loving someone who can never love you back?" "Why does love have to hurt so much?" "Even though it hurts, I can't stop loving you." [SACRIFICE] The sender gives up their dreams to support the receiver's ambitions. [APOLOGY] The sender apologizes to the receiver for loving them. [JEALOUSY] The sender watches the receiver with someone else. [DEPARTURE] The sender leaves a note for the receiver, explaining why they have to go despite their feelings. [FORGIVENESS] The sender forgives the receiver for hurting them.
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findingpadre · 4 months
Belligerent Sexual Tension starters
"Why do you always have to be so aggravating?" "Maybe because it's the only way to get your attention!" "Ugh, why do I even bother talking to you?" "Because deep down, you know you love it." "You're impossible!" "And yet, here you are, still talking to me." "I can't believe you said that!" "I can't believe you're still surprised by anything I say." "You drive me crazy!" "Good, at least I'm driving you somewhere." "Why do we always end up arguing?" "Because it's the only way to keep things interesting." "I swear, you're like a magnet for trouble." "And you're like a moth to a flame." "I can't stand you." "Yet, here you are, standing right next to me." "You're such a pain!" "But admit it, life would be boring without me." "You make me want to scream." "Go ahead, I'll just kiss you to shut you up."
[GRAB] the receiver's collar as they pull them into a heated argument. [PUSH] the receiver against a wall during a heated debate. [YANK] the receiver by the arm and storm away angrily. [PIN] the receiver against a table, leaning in closely to make a point. [SHOVE] the receiver playfully during a teasing exchange. [GLARE] at the receiver with narrowed eyes, challenging them to respond. [PROVOKE] the receiver by bringing up a sensitive topic.
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findingpadre · 4 months
Alicia sat there on the make shift bed she had made out of some towels and clothes that probably had seen better days. Listening to what Jennifer said, She knew that she was right that people would find the place. It wouldn't be safe for long especially if there was signs of life there. But damn it Alicia had been excited for the fact they wouldn't have to be on the road for so long. But she also understood too, they needed to find a place that was safe to hold up in. " So let's go back to you're old stomping grounds. I mean if the CRM are really done then you should be safe right?" she asked.
She then raised an eyebrow, A cure? that was interesting. ever since this whole thing started Alicia had always wondered if they were gonna actually ever be able to find a cure. But now Alicia was curious if this girl that Jennifer talked about was actually finding one then maybe they should head there and find her. " maybe we should go find this girl your talking about. I mean if she is really finding a cure for this shit she is going to need all the help that she can. " she said. She looked at Jennifer and smiled " And I mean if you haven't notice i am pretty good with medical stuff too." She said.
She fell silent for a second before she looked over at Jennifer as she was talking about her mother. She then let out a sigh and nodded her head. " Trust me, I know how it is to want to have a relationship with your mother. You know all about mine… So maybe we go get your mother out of there. And then we go help that girl you were talking about." She said. She looked at her and smiled softly. " Anyway what ever you decied you aren't alone Jennifer. I am not going any where and I have your back. " She said before she took another bite of her food.
After she had finished eating she glanced around. " you think that we will be safe? At least for now?" she asked as she laid down doing her best to get comfortable. She finally was before she took a breath and looked over at her. " I feel safe with you… just so you know. Since the shit with Teddy I was a mess. You honestly saved me." She said and sighed. " Still have nightmares about him and that place."@scarfacewastaken
Alicia looked at Jennifer as she made the smore's she was glad to hear that she was hungry. Though she could tell that Jennifer didn't want to talk about her parents or anything like that. And honestly, Alicia couldn't blame her. After all, Alicia didn't really enjoy talking about her family as well. It wasn't that she didn't want to but she had her own issues such as her father committing suicide. And then her mother was always so worried about Nick her brother that she didn't see the things that was going on with Alicia. And at the end of the day Alicia had a plan to get the hell out of there.
Alicia handed over a smore to Jennifer after she had come over from washing the clothes. She ran a hand through her hair before she started to make her one. " We used to eat this all the time. " She said as she took a bit of the smore and grinned. It honestly did bring some good memories to her. But with that thought she shook it from her mind and watched Jennifer nodding her head sightly as she heard what she said.
" Well I think that is a good idea, You know this place is good we did get Lucky. And unless its breached I really don't see why we couldn't stay." She said as she leaned back. " I mean if the Generator has a lot of juice left we can always go out later and see if we can find more. " She said. Alicia knew that they needed to be careful and couldn't really stay for to long because anything and anyone could find them. But she was sure between the two of them they could handle it.
She looked at Jennifer and let out a breath before she smiled. " I mean I know we have to keep moving but… Babe we could make a home here. We could be safe from the Dead and the living. " She said. Honestly Alicia just wanted to be safe and not run for awhile because they had been doing that for so long. "And Yeah It be nice not having to worry about those things at least for a little while. " She said and smiled. " Here have another one." She said and made Jennifer another Smore. @scarfacewastaken
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findingpadre · 5 months
Alicia looked at Jennifer as she made the smore's she was glad to hear that she was hungry. Though she could tell that Jennifer didn't want to talk about her parents or anything like that. And honestly, Alicia couldn't blame her. After all, Alicia didn't really enjoy talking about her family as well. It wasn't that she didn't want to but she had her own issues such as her father committing suicide. And then her mother was always so worried about Nick her brother that she didn't see the things that was going on with Alicia. And at the end of the day Alicia had a plan to get the hell out of there.
Alicia handed over a smore to Jennifer after she had come over from washing the clothes. She ran a hand through her hair before she started to make her one. " We used to eat this all the time. " She said as she took a bit of the smore and grinned. It honestly did bring some good memories to her. But with that thought she shook it from her mind and watched Jennifer nodding her head sightly as she heard what she said.
" Well I think that is a good idea, You know this place is good we did get Lucky. And unless its breached I really don't see why we couldn't stay." She said as she leaned back. " I mean if the Generator has a lot of juice left we can always go out later and see if we can find more. " She said. Alicia knew that they needed to be careful and couldn't really stay for to long because anything and anyone could find them. But she was sure between the two of them they could handle it.
She looked at Jennifer and let out a breath before she smiled. " I mean I know we have to keep moving but… Babe we could make a home here. We could be safe from the Dead and the living. " She said. Honestly Alicia just wanted to be safe and not run for awhile because they had been doing that for so long. "And Yeah It be nice not having to worry about those things at least for a little while. " She said and smiled. " Here have another one." She said and made Jennifer another Smore. @scarfacewastaken
Alicia couldn't help but grin as she heard what she said, Truth was she hadn't been trying to scare her. She just happened to be good at it and well she had learned to be once the world had ended. She nodded her head a bit as she listened to what Jennifer said and smiled. " Don't worry I'm going, But yeah I did get you twice and one time I wasn't even trying." She said and winked at her. She then grabbed up her clothes and started to get dressed as she listened to Jennifer take a shower.
She finally got dressed in the t-shirt that Jennifer had grabbed as well as a pair of the sweat pants. She knew that things would be okay at least for now so hell maybe they be able to stay there for a little while. Even if it was just for a few days because Alicia had to be honest she was getting tired of running around all the time. Once she was sure that all that was good she took a sit and waited for Jennifer.
It wasn't long before she heard her coming and looked up, Her heart started to skip a beat when she saw her, Damn it what was happening to Alicia, She hadn't felt that way in a very long time, not since Matt and not since Will., And for the longest time she had turned herself off of that. Because she was tired of losing people and each time that she lost someone it nearly killed her.
She looked up as she heard what Jennifer said and she smiled softly. " I'll keep that in mind… I haven't really cared about man people. " She said as she frowned sightly. " I lost a few people some that I really cared about." She said as she sat there it was the first time they actually talked about her. Or anything personal really but that was because they both didn't like to talk about it.
" So should we have some dinner?" she asked as she nodded towards the little fire going. One that couldn't be seen if anyone looked inside but large enough that they could cook She looked at Jen and chuckled. " I figured that we could make s'mores i did find some Graham Crackers." She said as she held it up. " Snickers and Graham Crackers. " She said. " Dinner for champions." She said and smirked as she started to fiddle with the fire. @scarfacewastaken
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findingpadre · 5 months
Alicia couldn't help but grin as she heard what she said, Truth was she hadn't been trying to scare her. She just happened to be good at it and well she had learned to be once the world had ended. She nodded her head a bit as she listened to what Jennifer said and smiled. " Don't worry I'm going, But yeah I did get you twice and one time I wasn't even trying." She said and winked at her. She then grabbed up her clothes and started to get dressed as she listened to Jennifer take a shower.
She finally got dressed in the t-shirt that Jennifer had grabbed as well as a pair of the sweat pants. She knew that things would be okay at least for now so hell maybe they be able to stay there for a little while. Even if it was just for a few days because Alicia had to be honest she was getting tired of running around all the time. Once she was sure that all that was good she took a sit and waited for Jennifer.
It wasn't long before she heard her coming and looked up, Her heart started to skip a beat when she saw her, Damn it what was happening to Alicia, She hadn't felt that way in a very long time, not since Matt and not since Will., And for the longest time she had turned herself off of that. Because she was tired of losing people and each time that she lost someone it nearly killed her.
She looked up as she heard what Jennifer said and she smiled softly. " I'll keep that in mind… I haven't really cared about man people. " She said as she frowned sightly. " I lost a few people some that I really cared about." She said as she sat there it was the first time they actually talked about her. Or anything personal really but that was because they both didn't like to talk about it.
" So should we have some dinner?" she asked as she nodded towards the little fire going. One that couldn't be seen if anyone looked inside but large enough that they could cook She looked at Jen and chuckled. " I figured that we could make s'mores i did find some Graham Crackers." She said as she held it up. " Snickers and Graham Crackers. " She said. " Dinner for champions." She said and smirked as she started to fiddle with the fire. @scarfacewastaken
"Some." Jennifer couldn't help the smirk that pulled at her full lips. Her heart was thumping quickly in her chest from Alicia's sudden appearance from the shower. "Jesus." finally admitting defeat.
"That's twice you managed to sneak up on me." exhaling a long sigh of relief. It reminded her of when Percy had just shown up in her apartment. In the dark. The same word had been uttered from her lips as well. Tucking back some of her dark hair behind her ear that had fallen from her damp ponytail, Jen unzipped her pack.
"The map you had earlier?" she started to take the plastic thermoses out of the bag and set them down on a bench. "There was a survival store two blocks down on it. If it's still there or it ain't been picked over, they have the steel straws that filter out crap. Gotta' good source of water here as long as we keep the genny full."
Jen was starting to seriously consider sticking around for a while. Alicia was right, they were safe for the night. "Got the uglies out there to keep anything out. Got a water source. Food might be be scarce, so maybe a day or two won't be so bad. Place has gym equipment to stay fit, cold shower or warm shower, don't matter to me."
Mallick thumbed in the direction of the doorway. "Saw some couches in the lobby." appreciating how Alicia vowed to take watch while she showered. She snorted. "Leesh, get dressed."
And then it hit her why the other said sorry. "Don't be." realizing it a little too late. "I like it." rolling her tongue on the inside of her cheek. "I think it's cute." she drawled in her accent. Her olive-colored hand plucked out the two t-shirts as well, placing them on the bench beside the water bottles.
Jen walked over to one of the lockers she had been prodding through and unzipped a gym bag. "Score." the brunette snorted. "The beauty of gym rats? Awl-ways' extra clothes." clean socks, two pairs of sweat pants and a tank top.
Closing the locker, she headed back to the shower that Alicia had just come out of. "A'ight, go get dressed." assuring her that she would be fine. The hair elastic was the first to go, pulled out of her hair and rolled onto her wrist. She undid her combat boots, kicking those off, along with her socks and then the pants, underwear, t-shirt and bra.
All peeled off and tossed onto the tiled floor. There was a birthmark on the side of her rib, and a freckle or two on her thigh. Some light bruises on her legs from just existing in the apocalypse, and a faded scar on her lower back from the time her and Drake had been in Afghanistan in war.
The shower was turned on, the warm water rushed from the spout. She stepped inside, watching the blood pool down the drain. Luckily, someone left behind a bottle of shampoo and a bar of soap. This was like heaven. After three or so minutes, the water was turned off and she wrapped a standard pool towel around herself, drying off.
"Use the soap and cold water to wash our clothes, lay em' out on the bench and get some shuteye."
A pause. "And Leesh? Don't ever be sorry for caring about somebody. Ain't too much left out there." @findingpadre
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findingpadre · 6 months
Alicia knew that she needed to be quiet and careful, If she made too much noise she knew that the dead would hear. And that was the last thing that they needed. But it wasn't just the dead that they had to worry about. Humans were also a danger, hell to be honest sometimes the living were the ones that you had to worry about the most. And she knew that Jennifer knew that better than anyone she had known. Course Alicia knew it as well and that was why she cursed herself for speaking louder than she should.
She could hear Jennifer in the next room and nodded her head a bit, She was right they needed to conserve the hot water. But god it had been at least a few years since she actually had a warm shower it was hard to resist. "Yeah, They are working." She said more quietly than before seeing as Jen was in the room Next to the showers. She could hear her going through the lockers and chuckled, She knew most of those lockers there was no getting into unless they wasted ammo which Alicia knew Jennifer wouldn't do.
Finally, Alicia got the rest of the way undressed and got into the shower, Lord it felt good to have a hot shower, And to finally get the damn blood off of her. The blood was a smart move to keep them hidden from the dead but lord was it messy and after a while it really became stinky and the shower was needed. She let out a breath and closed her eyes letting the water just relax her and clean the blood off of her. She knew that she needed to be fast about it but at the same time it was very hard to actually get out of the shower.
After about another five minutes she let out a breath and turned off the water. Once the water was off she reached out and grabbed the towel she had found and dried off before she wrapped the towel around herself and made her way out into the locker room. She raised an eyebrow as she saw Jennifer looking through the lockers and she raised an eyebrow. " So we have some clean and dry clothes… good thing i didn't ruin the clothes," she said and chuckled still amused that she had managed to catch Jennifer by surprise Something she knew was very hard to do.
She leaned against the wall only in the towel and watched Jennifer. " Find anything else?" She asked. " I think we are good to stay here at least for the night. In the morning we can head out and see if we can make to that hide out you were talking about." She said. She ran a hand through her hair and chuckled. " Honestly it was worth it babe.. the shower was nice. " She said calling Jennifer Babe for the first time. Hell she didn't even realize she did it and then it hit her and she looked at her.
"Uh.. Sorry.. " She said blushing slightly as she smirked because she hadn't really felt that way about anyone in a while. Not since Matt and hell even thinking about him was hard. But she was moving on and she felt safe with Jennifer more then ever before. " I uh.. I can keep a watch while you shower if you want. Both know I can handle it." She said and winked at her. " Even in just a towel. " @scarfacewastaken
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findingpadre · 6 months
Send "Stop talking" for your muse to shut mine up by kissing them
Alternatively send "Mmph!" for my muse to be the one to interrupt yours with a kiss.
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findingpadre · 6 months
At the time Alicia hadn't been thinking about the fact they only had one pair of clothes, Or the fact that the water was disgusting. That was kind of showing her younger age, But in the world that they lived in who could blame her when she found a moment to enjoy it? She could tell that Jennifer was mad but she could handle it and chuckled as the other woman splashed her. "I know.. I am sorry but come on I had to get you to smile at least once. " She said as she chuckled a bit. "Snickers? Hell yeah dinner of champions." She said.
She then raised an eyebrow at the condition of the water and made a face at the dead frog. " Okay…. that is gross and now I feel really dirty and need a shower. " She said as she started to make her way out of the pool with Jennifer. She laughed at her words and nodded a bit, Truth be told she knew they could get sick from just being in that water but to her it would be worth it just to see Jennifer laugh again.
She got out of the water finally and she groaned at she stood up, The clothes stuck to her thanks to being wet and she hated to say it but it smelt worse now than before when they just had zombie blood on them. " Yeah, Let's go see if that shower room has any clean clothes.. or if anything some hot water." She said. She leaned down and picked up her bag as well as her gun and started to lead the way knowing that the other would follow her. Honestly, it felt safe and Alicia was just grateful. Even if she had just seen some dude with his face shot off. Poor bastard.
She glanced through the window on the door, Saw that it wasn't full of walkers and she nodded her head a bit. " It's clear." She said and then made her way inside. It looked like no one had touched the place in a while and she let out a breath before she walked inside. " I'll check the showers if you want to see if there are any clothes in the lockers." She said as she walked into one of the shower stalls. She grinned as she turned the water on and out came cold as ice water. She was about to be disappointed but then the water started to warm up.
"No freaking way." She said loud enough for Jennifer to hear. " We have hot water," she said before she grinned, and although she knew she should grab some clothes she couldn't help it she started to pull off her jean jacket and tossed it on the ground out of the shower, She then slowly started to pull off her shirt letting it fall to the ground next to the jacket which left her in just her jeans and a bra and she let out a breath. It had been so long since she had a hot shower she almost thought she was dreaming.@scarfacewastaken
Alicia raised an eyebrow as she heard what Jennifer said, She couldn't help the sad smile that fell across her face. They both had been hoping to find a car that was actually full of gas and in running order. Sadly that had not been the case and she could feel her own disappointment rising as well.
But they had known that there was a high chance that this would happen. " I know.. It freaking sucks. But we knew it was gonna happen. Hardly ever find any working cars anymore." She said as she looked down at the Map and watched as Jen sat the spent casing on it to show where they were at and where they needed to go. It was at least ten miles away no way they get there before dark.
"Yeah I don't think we will make it either before dark. " She said as she ran a hand through her hair and glanced at the empty cars. She could hear the sounds of the dead all around them but lucky for them they would be safe seeing as these were the slow ones.
They weren't to far from the YMCA. It would be a good place to hold up for the night and they may be able to get a shower or something that was close to it. She heard what Jennifer said and chuckled. " Yeah, I don't wanna be a happy meal on wheels." She said and started to follow Jennifer down the road.
They had been walking for a few minutes the sun had finally lowered and it was just getting dark. But finally they made it to the YMCA building. Alicia looked at the place scoping the area to see if there were any walkers around.
She glanced at Jen and shrugged her shoulders." I see about five, But this is the clearest i have seen anyplace in a while. I think we have a good chance getting in if we sneak in through the back." She said.
Once she had the go ahead from Jennifer she made her way towards the building and finally she made it to the door her dagger was at the ready and once Jen was next to her she tapped on the window gently to see if there was any inside. Which there seemed not to be seeing as there wasn't any signs of them.
" I think we are good." She said and slowly opened the door, Once it was open she waited for Jen to get in before she closed the door and looked around to get some stuff to block the door. Once she had it all against the door and secured she looked at Jennifer.
" I think we are good. Should be safe for the night." She said before she started to follow her farther into the building.
And they came across the pool area which shockingly enough, it was clean and didn't look like it had been touched at all. "No freaking way." She said. "No one has touched this place. Water actually looks decent."
Alicia then smirked and when Jennifer had turned her back on her she actually chuckled to herself before she actually pushed Jennifer into the pool. She had a feeling that Jennifer was probably going to be mad but it was all for fun and to get her to lighten up a bit.
Before Jennifer could say anything Alicia jumped into the pool afterward and then laughed as she splashed Jennifer as she did so. "Come on Jen… Lighten up.. we are safe." she said and splashed her again playfully. @scarfacewastaken
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findingpadre · 6 months
Lack Of Sleep Starters
"You can barely stand!"
"When was the last time you slept?"
"You look like shit."
"What? Sorry, I'm a bit tired."
"I haven't been sleeping well."
"Come on, let's get you to bed."
"What did I tell you about pulling all-nighters?"
"You can't even keep your eyes open!"
"If I lay with you, will you finally go to sleep?"
"Okay, no more coffee."
"Bed time! Let's go!"
"My brain won't shut off."
"Huh? Oh! I'm awake!"
"I promise that I'm fine! It's only been a few nights!"
"I promise I'll sleep when I finish."
"Did you stay up all night?"
"I don't need sleep."
"Sleep is for the weak."
"Don't worry! Last time, I didn't sleep for a whole week! This is nothing!"
"I can't go to sleep."
"This is more important than sleep."
"You're going to make yourself sick."
"You need to rest."
"I'll come tuck you in."
"Why are you still awake?"
"Go to bed."
"You look exhausted."
"You should be sleeping."
"You're safe. You can rest now."
"I promise that you're safe. Please get some sleep."
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findingpadre · 6 months
nsfw prompt list .
send me a word / phrase and i’ll write an erotic drabble.
awaiting. our muses making out and grinding while fully clothed.
bass. my muse going deep (interpret as you want).
blinded. our muses getting frisky in the dark (wherever).
buffet. my muses spreading their legs for yours.
butterflies. our muses doing something new in bed.
bookshelves. your muse getting touchy with mine in a library.
call me maybe. our muses having phone sex.
claimed. my muse reacting to getting hickies from yours.
coffee. our muses getting frisky in the kitchen, early in the morning.
cinematic. my muse touching yours inappropriately during a movie.
city view. our muses getting frisky up against a window.
closer. my muse reacting to yours sneaking up behind them.
covered. our muses getting handsy under a shared blanket.
dancing on my own. my muse getting close and personal on the dancefloor.
discrete. my muse reacting to yours touching them under a table.
free. our muses getting frisky in a secluded lake.
freezing. our muses getting frisky in a cabin to keep warm.
game over. your muse trying to get mine’s attention during a game.
hands off. our muses attempting bondage for the first time (light).
husky. my muse reacting to your whispering in their air from behind.
meadow. our muses getting frisky under the open sky, in a field.
occupied. our muses getting riled up in a public bathroom.
papers. our muses getting frisky in an office / work setting.
peach. my muse groping your muse’s ass during grinding.
radio. our muses getting handsy in the car.
showtime. my muse showing off new lingerie to yours personally.
silence. our muses having to keep down during sex, due to whatever reason.
steamy. our muses getting frisky in the shower.
strangers in the night. our muses having a one night stand.
talk to me. my muse dirty talking with yours.
tiles. our muses getting frisky in the bathroom.
voice mail. my muse leaving yours a dirty voice mail.
you’ve got mail. either muse reacting to yours having left a dirty voice mail.
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findingpadre · 6 months
injury/hurt prompts bc reasons
feel free to specify who is receiving the actions [ sew ] for one muse to have to stitch up the other [ fix ] for one muse to mend a dislocated joint [ alone ] for one muse to find the other trying to treat themselves  [ drugged ] for one muse to take care of the other while they’re delirious [ bullet ] for one muse to help the other after they get shot  [ lacerate ] for one muse to get stabbed while protecting/working with the other  [ broken ] for one muse to have broken a bone(s) [ scream ] for one muse to wake up because the other is having a nightmare  [ comfort ] for one muse to stay the night with the other after a hard day  [ wake ] for one muse to wake up to the other at the side of their hospital bed  [ sleep ] for one muse to sit by while the other is unconscious in a hospital  [ nurse ] for one muse to take care of the other while they’re sick [ appear ] for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep injured
“  just let me help you.  ” “  shut the fuck up and sit down. you’re bleeding.  ” “  it’s fine— nothing i haven’t dealt with before.  ”  “  hey, you can talk to me.  ” “  shh- lie back. you’re safe now.  ”   “  you need to stay still.  ” “  how the hell did this happen?  ” “  are you sure you’re okay?  ” “  that isn’t ‘just a scratch’.  ” “  stop being such a baby and let me finish cleaning you up.  ” “  i need you to stay awake for me okay? keep your eyes open.  ” “  if you die on me i’ll bring you back to life and kill you myself.  ” “  for once in your goddamn life, let me take care of you before you make it worse.  ” “  you’re hurt because of me. the least i can do is fix it.  ” “  i’ll be okay. i promise.  ” “  a little help?  ” “  i just need a few stitches and i can’t exactly reach.  ” “  i’m fine, i just need a moment.  ” “  no hospitals.  ” “  you need a fucking doctor.  ” “  you need to slow down.  ” “  you’ll be no help to anyone if you run yourself into the ground.  ” “  you have to sleep eventually.  ” “  stop fussing, i’ll be fine.  ” “  shit, okay fuck that actually really fucking hurts.  ” “  i’m scared.  ” “  i feel so cold.  ” “  i can’t feel my legs.  ” “  i don’t…i don’t wanna go yet.  ” “  what the fuck happened to you?  ” “  who the fuck did this?  ” “  you’re clearly not okay so stop bullshitting me.  ” “  fucking hell.  ” “  i need help. please.  ” “  i swear to god i’ll kill whatever bastard did this.  ” “  if i die, i’m gonna haunt your ass.  ” “  it’s not that bad, chill the fuck out.  ”
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findingpadre · 6 months
Panic Attack/ Comfort Starters
Panic attack
The sender is having a panic attack
"I-I can't... I can't control it."
"I-I can't breathe... everything's spinning..."
"I-I need to get out of here... please, I can't stay... it's too much..."
"N-noise... too much noise... I can't think... I need to..."
"I feel like I'm going to die..."
"I-I can't stop crying..."
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for falling apart like this..."
"I'm scared... I don't know what's happening..."
"I feel like I'm going to pass out..."
"I need to get out of here... I can't handle this..."
"I-I'm fine, just give me a moment. It's nothing..."
: "I'm okay, really... Just need a moment to... to collect myself..."
The sender is comforting receiver having a panic attack
"Hey, hey, it's okay. Just breathe with me, alright? Nice and slow. You're safe here, I've got you."
"Tell me five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste."
"'You're not alone in this. Take your time; I'll wait."
"Let's count backwards from 100. One number at a time. You've got this."
"Shh, I know it feels overwhelming right now, but you're not alone. I'm right here beside you, and I'm not going anywhere."
"Focus on my voice, okay?"
"I'm right here beside you, holding your hand."
"Let's step outside for a moment. Take my hand, we'll get through this together."
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