finevintagefiction · 6 years
Title: Auto-da-Fé Fandom: Fate/Apocrypha, Fate Series Characters: Ruler | Jeanne d’Arc, Gilles de Rais, Sieg, Amakusa Shiro, Caster | Shakespeare Rating: Gen Warnings: Mentions of harm to children, some depiction of death by hanging, spoilers for Fate/Apocrypha Season Two Word Count: 1982 Tags: Scene study Summary: Gilles de Rais is conjured forth to meet Ruler. The past catches up with this mysterious present, and Gilles must confront his crimes.
He is barely Gilles de Rais at all, merely the idea, the memory of a man who had felt so much, so terribly, who had become so wasteful and so cruel. And yet it is as real to him as the noose that had tightened around his neck on that beautiful October morning, as real as the flames that had scorched his body. The instructions come to him as a revelation. He is but a powerless echo, save that he might convince the Maid of Orleans to undertake the salvation of all the world. They can all atone. All that evil can be undone at last, but she must be made to see.
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finevintagefiction · 6 years
Title: The Merciless One Fandom: Fate/Grand Order, Fate Series Characters: Jeanne d’Arc Alter, Gilles de Rais Rating: Gen Warnings: Character Death, depictions of violence Word Count: 1593 Tags: Jeanne Alter wins AU, some depiction of violence, Gilles is not a Heroic Spirit in this one, Except when he's Caster  Summary: "The Dragon Witch shall always remember, at the end of glory, a knight was hurt, defeated, and at the end, fell to darkness." Jeanne Alter's assault on France verges on success, but one obstacle remains.
Excerpt “It doesn’t have to be this way,” he tells her. Clever, but unsubtle as he is, she knows he is playing for time. Noble, but ultimately meaningless. Even if she pauses here, Fafnir will make a feast of the Baron’s scattered forces by sundown. No one will save them. Just as no one will save this brave, foolish knight who has decided to go out fighting. The French retreat has taken them back to an old battlefield, roughly made crosses strewn over it to mark the many dead. A meaningless gesture, for soon they’d all lie in ashes. The Dragon Witch smiles.
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finevintagefiction · 6 years
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More often than not I’ll crack into a sprawling fantasy series and, while I appreciate the luscious descriptions of furniture, landscapes, and clothing, all I’m focused on is that I don’t actually know how this world works. I only know what it looks like.  
Including some functionality to your universe can add to immersion and give your reader a strong foundation on which to build their mental model of your universe. 
You certainly don’t need to use all of these questions! In fact, I recommend against that, as all of these certainly won’t make it into your final draft. I personally find that starting my worldbuilding off with 5 to 10 functional questions helps pave the way for glittery and elaborate aesthetic development later on.
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How is the healthcare funded in your world?
How does healthcare functionally differ between the wealthy and the poor? (i.e. can only the wealthy go to hospitals? do poor families often have to rely on back-alley procedures?)
Where are health centers (i.e. hospitals, small clinics, etc.) organized in your cities?
Does it differ in smaller towns?
How does this affect people’s ability to get healthcare?
Is healthcare magical, and if it is, how does that affect the healthcare system? 
If healing is instantaneous, how does that affect people’s views on injury, illness, and chronic ailments?
If you have both magical and physical healthcare, which one is deemed superior and how does that affect society? 
What illnesses are common in your world? 
How does this affect daily life? 
What do the people in your world think illnesses are? 
Is it a miasma theory? 
Humor theory? 
Do they know about biological viruses and bacteria? 
How does this affect healthcare?
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How do people get water? 
Is the water sanitary and if not, how do they sanitize it?
How does agriculture work? 
Is it large corporations or individual farms?
What sort of agricultural technology exists in your world and how does it affect food production?
Are farmers wealthy or poor?
What sort of natural resources does your world/country(ies) have and how are they obtained?
How does this affect the average wealth of the country?
How does this wealth affect the culture? 
What livestock or beasts of burden are most valued? Least valued? Why?
What is considered a luxury good vs. a regular good?
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What forms of transportation does your world have?
What classes use what forms of transportation?
How far has the average citizen traveled, given your transportation limitations?
Which cities are the most accessible and which are the least? Why?
How do popular transportation methods change how cities/towns are laid out?
Does your world have public transportation? What is it?
Is there a coming-of-age aspect to travel?
Describe your world’s postal system or whatever equivalent there is. 
Who pays for it? 
How reliable is it? 
Are there emergency methods for transporting information?
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How does your world keep time (i.e. watches, sundials, water clock, etc.)?
Does your world have a currency system, barter system, or something else? 
If you have multiple countries, do different currencies have different values across said countries?
How does this affect travel?
Do you have banks in your world and if so, how are they run?
Who owns the banks? Government? Wealthy? How does this affect the economy and/or class system?
How does credit operate in your universe?
Does your world operate more on big corporations or small business? Something in between?
How are workers/labourers treated in your world? 
Are there workers unions and if so, what are common views on unions? 
Describe your tax system. If you don’t have a tax system, explain why and how your world is affected by that. 
Can certain social classes not own property, certain livestock, certain businesses, etc.? Why?
How are business records kept? Are business records kept?
If your world has technology, does your world prioritize developing entertainment tech, communications tech, transportation tech or something else entirely?
What does this say about your world?
How does this affect your economy?
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To the closest approximation, what type of government does your world have? 
How are rulers/presidents/nobles put in place? 
How much power does an individual ruler have? 
Is there a veto process? 
If you have multiple countries, do they have different types of rulers?
Describe any large-scale alliances (i.e. countries, factions, etc.) that are present in your world. 
How did they come about and how are they maintained? 
Are they strained or peaceful? 
How does it affect the greater politics of your world?
Describe how wars are fought both internationally and nationally. 
Do methods of war differ between countries/races? 
What about philosophies about war?
If there is a military, what is its hierarchy structure?
How does the military recruit?
Is the military looked upon favourably in your society?
What weapons are used by each country/type of people during warfare, and how does that affect war strategies?
Describe the sentencing system of your world. 
Is your accused innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?
How are lawbreakers punished? 
If you have prisons, describe how they are organized and run, and who owns them. 
Does differing ownership change how the prisons operate?
What are the major ways in which laws between countries vary? 
Do laws between cities vary? If so, how and why?
How does citizenship work in your world? What rights and privileges do citizens have that others do not? 
Can certain classes or races not become citizens?
Are there certain taboo subjects or opinions that artist/authors/musicians are not allowed to depict (i.e. portraying the official religion in a negative light, explicit sexual material, etc.)? What does this say about your society?
How do people get around these censorship laws?
What is the official hierarchy of duty in your world? (i.e. is family the most important, or patriotism? What about clan?)
How many languages are there in your world, and how many languages share a common origin? 
How many people are multilingual? 
Which language is the most common?
How is multilingualism viewed?
How are different languages viewed? (i.e. is one language ugly/barbaric while another is romantic and sensual?)
Feel free to add your own questions in reblogs or in comments!
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finevintagefiction · 6 years
Title: FWOOSH Fandom: MCU Characters: The Ebony Maw, mentions of Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, Peter Parker Rating: Gen Warnings: Infinity War spoilers Word Count: 374 Tags: Infinity War spoilers, basically crack, no one will read this but it has nevertheless amused me terribly, character sketch, one shot Summary: “Squidward” goes for a ride.
Note Spoilers for Infinity War, read at own peril. Basically I think it's funny when aliens may not have the vocabulary to grasp a hero's witty repartee, and I genuinely adore the Ebony Maw, so here we are.
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finevintagefiction · 7 years
Title: Where Unicorns Go Fandom: The Last Unicorn Characters: The Unicorn (Amalthea), King Haggard, The Laughing Skull Rating: Gen Warnings: Canonical Character Death, Death Imagery Word Count: 2078 Tags: One shot, second chances Summary: The Unicorn returns to what's left of King Haggard's castle by the sea, and discovers something there she does not expect.
Excerpt “It’s you.” A half-shattered skull washed up on the shore. “Yes, you. There you are. I know you. Come without the magician this time, eh? No chance at a swallow of wine before I’m back out and out to sea?” It clacked its remaining teeth. “I suppose that’s as much as I deserve,” the skull burbled as a rush of water lapped over it, “but I don’t imagine you might take a moment to crush me, would you?” Seafoam bubbled white out of the skull’s empty eye socket, running down a crack in the cheekbone. The unicorn said nothing, but lowered her horn to trace along the edges where the crown of the skull had broken open. “Oh,” the skull whispered, and the empty socket turned dull, and darker still. The unicorn pressed on.
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finevintagefiction · 7 years
Title: A Hundred Miles from Yesterday Night Fandom: Overwatch Characters: Tekhartha Zenyatta, Tekhartha Mondatta, Shimada Genji Rating: Gen Warnings: Canonical Character Death Word Count: 1 300 Tags: A little hurt/comfort, platonic hand-holding Summary: Two departures. The night Zenyatta leaves the monastery, and the wake of Mondatta's assassination.
Excerpt Zenyatta knows as soon as he powers on that he will never forget this night. Of course, he cannot forget. Omnics can preserve their memories in perfect detail. Even lost, they can be found again within the Iris. Tonight, however, does not feel selected. Does not feel retrieved. He must remember it. It is just below 0°C in the Shambali monastery, and the village has seen its first snow. It will be some months before they see rhododendrons in bloom again. Zenyatta will see the vibrant pink flowers in his dreams much sooner, and for many months after. He will never fully decipher their significance. His feet do not touch the floor, and he drifts out of his room as if the wind is simply blowing him along. There is no such current; for once, the air is still in the mountains, and the course of fresh snowflakes from the atmosphere to the ground is undisturbed. If Zenyatta ever breathed, it would condense in these temperatures. Perhaps he might shiver. Having neither reflex, his journey to the shrine is as undisrupted as the snow. When he finds Mondatta awake, and waiting, he wonders if the Iris has summoned them both to look. Zenyatta lets his feet find the stone. “I am leaving,” he says.
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finevintagefiction · 7 years
Commission Form
Fill out this form and email it to [email protected] and we’ll get started. You can also copy/paste it into a Tumblr message, but email is the best way to make absolutely sure I receive your request. ♥
Type of Commission: Fanfic (please include type: AU, xReader, one-shot, multi-chapter), original fiction, et cetera Word-Count: (what it says on the tin) Person/Tense: (ex. First person present tense, third person past tense) Fandom: (if applicable) Characters: (the ship you want to see, any supporting characters you might be into) Prompt: (what you’d like to see happen in your fic) Headcanons: (if you have links to headcanon posts, this is a good place for them) Reference: Anything you want me to see. Plot outlines, faceclaims for characters, fancasts, works you want your commission to emulate, all of that goes here. Information about your OC, or OCs, lore if you’re commissioning original fiction. Additional Details: Anything else you think I ought to know before I get started.
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finevintagefiction · 7 years
Commission Info
All prices are in USD, and processed via Paypal. The commission form can be found here. If you have any further questions, you can reach me via my askbox, Tumblr messenger, or via email at [email protected]. Please do feel free to reach out! I’m not at all inclined to bite. I do not sell to users under the age of 19. Writing I’ll write most things. I specialize in fantasy/sci-fi, general, angst, hurt/comfort, fix-its, dialogue-heavy works, and stylized character studies, but strive to be a flexible and adaptable writer. I love your OCs. Yes, yours. I am LGBTQIA2 friendly. NSFW, poly ships, crossovers, x/Reader, and AUs are all a-okay. Violence, horror, and gore, also on the menu. For a list of the fandoms I’m familiar with, click here. When in doubt, feel free to ask! My inbox is a safe space, and while I reserve the right to decline a request, I will always do so in a polite and respectful manner. I reserve the right to decline any commission/editing request which contains the following:
RPF (historical RPF exempted)
Underage NSFW
Writing samples can be found on my AO3. NSFW samples can be supplied upon request. I am also available for hire as an editor. I have a bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature, and am a recent graduate of a post-graduate publishing program. I’m a trained copyeditor and proofreader with industry experience. I even fact-check, if that’s something you need. Fees
Writing $0.03 per word. I will never charge you if I write outside your specified word count of my own volition. ($15 for 500 words, $30 for 1000). Editing $0.05 per word. ($25 for 500 words, $50 for $1000) $2.50 for a second pass after you’ve made your changes, payable in advance. Multi-chapter I will only consider multi-chapter works under 25k words (ex. 5 chapters at 5000 words per chapter). Prices negotiable, as a commission of that length would be a large time commitment, and require a lot more work on my part. Additional Charges NSFW: +$3.00 (adult themes, no charge) Fandoms New to Me: +$3.50 Research Required (ex. You want an AU set in the Byzantine Empire, you want me to read that book you love): +$3.50 Discounts Favoured Fandoms (marked with an asterisk*): -$2.00 Rare-pairs/Obscure Fandoms (100 fics or less on AO3): -$2.00
You fill out the commission form and send it to me.
I accept the commission and we arrange payment.
I send a WIP within the first 24-72 hours after I'm paid, along with some info about the full turnaround time.
You approve the WIP and the timeline, and I get to work.
I send another WIP once the work is nearly complete to make everything’s fine and dandy.
I send the finished product (I can do .pdf, .doc, .epub, you name it). After you’ve seen it, I’ll make any final tweaks that you may request. With your permission (and only with your permission), I may choose to post the work on AO3. If you’d like to remain anonymous, I’ll not mention your name in my Author’s Note. With fiction, I’d like it if you credited me in the event that you repost it anywhere. In the case of editing work, it is, of course, all yours, but you’re welcome to link out to me.
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