finewhatevervirgo · 1 year
Mercury ~ a little Goddess told me
Mercury in Aries: The girl who falls asleep with a headache mercury in aries is a refreshing, young, inquisitive and desiring energy. they have a childlike intrigue in just about anything and imagine themselves as different characters in different stories. the reflex to provocation can be rapid fire defence and critically wounding verbal delivery. there is a short attention span, but they learn quickly - largely too because they are not afraid to ask questions and follow the detour of distraction, and look for answers in every opportunity that promises an explanation.  here is considerable raw energy combusting inside this active, restless, and animated mind. mercury in aries knows how to get conversation started, and better yet - they know how to keep people amused and engaged. they can be under performers in school, and not due to lack of intelligence but rather lack of stimulation, distraction, and resistance to teachers
Mercury in Taurus: The girl whose mind grows a garden when comfortable, mercury in taurus people can become very pressured to tap into a never ending supply of energy for conversation. but sometimes they can feel too awkward around new environments, mentally lazy, lethargic, tired, or uninspired by the discussion. these people share most of their greatest and most beautiful thoughts in their private diary, songbook, or blog. it’s like they have to be away from the dense energy of other people so they can feel free to wonder and whip words like buttermilk cream. to onlookers the mental process can seem slow, but the mind has a rich, active, and continuous activity that co-ordinations information through creative and rational dynamics to extract useful resource, skills, and intellectual capital. this mind is habitual by nature and they can find a sort of quiet delight or satisfaction in the solitary practice and rehearsal of their natural talents. the appetite and desire for food and culinary gratification can be strongly influenced by psychological balance and wellbeing, nerves, and loneliness.
Mercury in Gemini: The girl that was talking to Hermes when she was three minutes old mercury in gemini people have quick comebacks and love to playfully tease and weave complex webs with words. their forgetfulness can be a form of freedom and inconvenience. there is a constant intake of information and automatic disintegration of short term and emotional memory, personal and monotonous details - basically anything that consumes the brain space where facts and knowledge should be. this process clears and provides another bookshelf for new information. it can create the intriguing combination of someone with  composite and clever intelligence who faces significant challenges in basic principles like punctuality, remembering to eat, day to day planning, attention to detail, focus, and applicable common sense. they can be devouring information about a new intellectual fascination and completely unaware that the sun is rising. there is little concept of time when there is so much domination of mind. mercury in gemini people can command the conversation, but this is very much to everyone’s delight. they can blend comedy, conspiracies, and current affairs into one amusing interplay  
Mercury in Cancer: The girl who went to school on the moon the emotional state will be evident in the tone of voice. the cancer qualities of reticence, side-stepping, and withdrawing are not really encouraged to develop by mercury. it can make for quite a comical and slanted perspective and portrayal, a rapid fast verbal defence to threat or antagonism, and the ability to direct emotion into the opponent’s weak spots with critically wounding words. they can love to learn from picture books. as adults, these people can enjoy biographies, human stories, and keeping a journal of memories. mercury in cancer can make a great teacher. the cancer mother can see students as children and nurture through educating a new generation, the inner child present in the moon that rules cancer finds creative and inspiring ways to relate and deliver the message. these people are more receptive of body language than what is actually being said. they will quickly establish if someone in the conversation is uncomfortable. unexpressed emotion becomes mental contamination  
Mercury in Leo: The girl with a lion on the loose through her mind there is never a dull moment inside this mind. but they have a very day and night experience. thoughts can roar like a valiant lion in the day, radiating supreme pride in thoughts, intellectual creativity and talent, and personal convictions. but by night the sun is gone and so has this part of the mind, the crown has fallen, the protective lion is asleep, and the baby cubs become trapped in the cage of replaying moments of shame, self-consciousness, and regressive need to have troubles responded to and soothed through conversation. they identify closely withe mind, so there can be an uplifting and lifelong elevation of confidence when validated by a teacher, certificate, degree, or academic. they can feel ravenously devoured by psychological darkness, and their hope and resilience is a burning light of redemption. mercury in leo honours the mind through learning and achieving personal best results, imaginative writing, creative verbal demonstration, and experimenting with different mental characters
Mercury in Virgo: The girl who was born to think mercury in virgo is always operating from part of the mind, it has an orderly style of automatic consistency. it refuses to stop operating regardless of circumstance, it can be difficult for the person to fall asleep, push thoughts aside, and remain focused in their environment with relentless chatting and discourse, order, disorder, and constant intellectual arranging taking place in the background. even though mercury is the ruler of virgo, there can be so much mental activity and brilliance that there can be black outs and catastrophic breakdown like a tangle in the wiring that can make them stumble over their words, become overcome with nerves or paralysis in public speaking or answering a question, or say something different to what they were thinking. they may not like to study, but the feeling of being unprepared and failing is worse
Mercury in Libra: The girl that could read your mind mercury in libra people are active and charming conversationalists. they are intelligent and they can discuss just about anything with ease - except themselves. these people are very skilled at personal observation and reading body language. this is largely because they have spent a lot of time being so mentally overwhelmed and so paralysed by their environment that they are unsure what they should do. so they watch the people around them and try to replicate their actions. maybe they even laugh or just because other people are laughing, or take on a different accent or vocabulary. they may have practiced this at school with classmates when they were distracted by daydream and missed the teacher’s instruction. mercury in libras can spend a lot of time confined inside the mind self-reflecting, wondering whose inside, and analysing their thoughts, questions, and behaviour. they constantly practice psychoanalysis on themselves and delve the responses they generate from people 
Mercury in Scorpio: The girl that can hypnotise with her eyes scorpio is always secretive by nature, but these people are not afraid to unleash when conversation is deceiving, simple-minded, ignorant, or misinforming. mercury in scorpio focus is unmatched, and they make continual transformations in how they think about. and perceive the world. thought patterns and convictions can be completely different from the person they were a year or two ago. there is an appetite to supply the mind with abundant resource of information, and knowledge is their power. mercury in scorpio does not think, learn, or interact with the world like anybody else. they are instructed in the lesson plan from unseen forces, and they seem to make contact with the right people, sources, and conversations that provide clues to their questions. there are 3 processes taking place with the intake of information. one is the process that we can see take place, a mesmerising calculation and truthful excision see in the eyes, a hesitance to trust, and contemplative listening. the 2nd is flames of personal honour and perspective. the 3rd is saturated in emotional water and throttled through the psychic beam that x-rays and executes delusion and reveals revelation
Mercury in Sagittarius: The girl who asks for answers from the world mercury in sagittarius can have a conflicted mental experience. they can see everything through 2 different eyes. there is one view from the top that compresses the whole spectacle, where they feel grand and important in the world. the other view is from a sight that feels small in a big world, surrounded and ravished by inflating details and a deceiving path seen and unseen. mercury in sagittarius people are highly responsive to environmental intellectual stimulus, winning the debate, and taking any opportunity to grow the mind. there can be a significant nervous experience with mercury in sagittarius, worries and concerns can blow enormously out of proportion and crush with an intense intellectual weight and bended prophecy. a thought can quickly inflate to unease, angst, then into fear, nerves, or panic. they have a wide-ranging sense of opportunity that makes everything seem possible. it also means that there is always the glimmer of hope that burns inside the mind 
Mercury in Capricorn: The girl that hid her mind in the closet this mind is very private and guarded, and they would often rather think something than say it out loud. they are simultaneously stimulated and threatened by information that can fragment their view of reality. they are absorbed and internally preoccupied by the constant automatic process of cataloguing and examining thoughts, information, and objectives. these people can seem difficult to trigger a response from, but you can tell if something has aroused their mind through the widened eyes and attentive focus. they like to learn through private repetition and it can be challenging to relax because they are ultra conscious of time wasting. mercury in capricorns like to finish what they start, even if they don’t really enjoy a book they will commit to reading it. these people are not as conservative as it seems. mental patterns and psychological coping mechanisms easily become habits and ritualistic attachment. it’s possible for them to adopt, maintain, and remain secretive about self-destructive practices that help them deal with the mind
Mercury in Aquarius - The girl that read upside down mercury in aquarius people will like to hear and digest information from multiple ranges of perspective and insight. they will often ask endless questions and ways for someone to explain their point of view. mercury in aquarius has great ideals and experiment with various mediums to get their point across. they identify strongly with the mind, so it can be difficult to compromise personal ideologies and convictions. they are not afraid to change their mind, but they will not subject themselves to adopt an opinion or outlook that lacks objective and subjective evidence, personal scrutiny, and a vast spectrum questions and answers. they don’t like to judge, but they can ridicule ignorance, indoctrination, and lack of substance. there is no shortage of intelligence in mercury in aquarius, but it may not have been compatible in early schooling and consequently deeply eroded confidence in themselves. it’s important for these people to find a work, social, and domestic environment that invites and celebrates their unique mind and stellar ideas
Mercury in Pisces - The girl with books filled with spilling words and ink blots from watery tear drops conversation and intellectual stimulation can be very moving and suggestive for mercury in pisces. they can be very swayed based on their subjective emotional response and their ideals, they can almost be too sensitive to the other person’s opinion. these people can be natural teachers because they have an inspiring and creative way of delivering information and they are very patient with people learning and understanding. truth is flexible based on their point of reference. they interact with their environment through the eyes of the higher mind, so immaterial, unseen, cosmic activity expands and dominates the perspective. this viewpoint appears to make the material and concrete constructs vague and obsolete by comparison. the meander of dream, daydream, and thought can seem to be more real than the lived experience. this is also one of their blessings, as it taps the person into stream of telepathy that sources intuitive information and the muse of the mind
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
MARS THROUGH THE HOUSES :::sexual energy:::    by @queenlianna
mars in the 1st house :: you ooze sex appeal. your body is lusted after. you look like you hit the gym daily with little effort. UNFAIR! very dominant energy.
mars in the 2nd house :: you are a sensual goddess. you feel like home. you attract money and abundance into your life effortlessly. working turns you on.
mars in the 3rd house :: you have a feisty personality. dry dry dry humor and on point comedic timing. you are born with it. sexy personality. sassy motherfucker!
mars in the 4th house :: you are a moody fucker. sensitive lover. sex is an emotional release. mommy/daddy kink fosho. creating a family is your dream.
mars in the 5th house :: you are a player!! you get around. expert dater. high energy lover. sexual energy is creative energy, use it wisely. channel it into something worthwhile.
mars in the 6th house :: you have the heart of a romantic. you write the best love letters. weak for dirty talk. pleasure yourself daily for best health.
mars in the 7th house :: you are a warrior. you attract aggression. you aren’t afraid to start a fight, or end one. freedom fighter. HUGE heart. misunderstood.
mars in the 8th house :: you live on the edge. highly erotic. deep soul diver. shallow sex will make you sick. you are polarizing. built to handle crisis and still rise from the ashes.
mars in the 9th house :: you are an explorer. vacation sexxxx. the forever student. you get bored so easily in relationships. find someone you can play with for life.
mars in the 10th house :: you’re a powerful bitch! so much energy here. you can make your dreams come true. climb the highest mountains. fiery presence.
mars in the 11th house :: you are a part time lover + a full time friend. this is your appeal. it is in the little things. you need down time, but never alone. big heart, funny soul.
mars in the 12th house :: your body is a wonderland. dreamy + romantic, but you have a dark side. sexual chameleon. paradoxical lover. you are the real loner.
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
The Mask of the Moon The internal child playing dress-ups
Moon in Aries: The girl who breathes fire when she is angry self starting and solo active with a need for quiet recognition and oversight. it doesn’t feel real and substantial unless somebody is there watching on. friendly rivalry quickly blows out of proportion, and they will do anything not to lose. they get so angry and frustrated at everybody and including themselves that they just give up and stop moving 
Moon in Taurus: The girl who buys good feelings. moon in taurus comfort cooks, comfort cleans, and comfort eats. they have an innate sense of maturity and competence when providing for other people. these people can automatically assume a parenting-like, or guardian role with children, dependants, and animals without prior experience or exposure. they have a natural mother’s touch  
Moon in Gemini: The girl who never gets boring a mood change is a personality change. stressors are managed on an hourly basis, the person cannot predict their mood or response to events. they know stress management techniques, but in true gemini style, this know-how can be purely intellect. they can have absolutely no idea how to use or apply this knowledge to their own emotional and subjective self and experience, it’s very hard for Gemini when they have to feel it and not think it. 
Moon in Cancer: The girl who can speak to wolves can experience quite extreme energetic highs and lows throughout the day, the baseline is rarely still. they can become almost hyper active and suddenly collapse into a listless and hopeless state. these people take a long time to wake up in the morning, the sunlight is off frequency so they can wake up full of allergies, bloated, or hungry
Moon in Leo: The girl who is searching for the divine mother figure she craves there are multiple cracks in this facade and the dramatic outburst can be a noisy and chaotic distraction from what is really going on inside this person. these people are not as fond of fame as sun leos. but they need to shine beneath the spotlight of a lover’s eyes, an intimate show. they just want to be special to somebody, royalty in someone’s eyes. they don’t belong on the stage they belong in someone’s heart  
Moon in Virgo: The girl who keeps too many secrets just as there is a perfect environment and product, there is a perfectly sculpted emotional demonstration. these people have a hard time crying in front of others, they can be self-contemptuous and tell themselves they are ugly and unwanted when they cry. there can be a slow response to emotional stimulus because the individual has trained themselves to prepare the correct response. it can certainly stifle their natural joy and creativity, and people miss hearing their laughter 
Moon in Libra: The girl whose emotions turn her into Alice these people can be private binge eaters, secretly consuming sugary and sweet products. they have erratic fluid levels so bloating and bladder problems are common. single life can generate mass identification with flaws and complexes, like the only traits they can see in themselves are the personal faults that caused them to be alone. libra is tricky in the moon, because both of these energies are never as they seem
Moon in Scorpio: The girl who feels more at home in hell there is no other option but to get what they want. these people will go through extreme conditions to have their emotional needs met. this is because their will, desire, and emotional potency is so commanding and devouring that it can almost feel like they are going to die if this emotional need is not met 
Moon in Sagittarius: The girl that travels far and wide so she can leave suitcases of her emotions behind these people detest drama, hysteria, and demanding partners. but on a good day, they can throw fuel into the conflict flame and re-generate the chaos that is so frustrating for them. in the heat of the moment, they can shoot burning arrows straight from the tongue. they can say a lot of things that they regret, and they can also be convinced that hearing their truth will help you
Moon in Capricorn: The girl that never let herself cry hard work begins at the moment of first breath for lunar capricorn. developing emotional intelligence and maturity is equally as vital to the greater ambition as education, profession, and family. these people do a lot of internal-work in privately. they often have journals and artistic hobbies they never told you about. following a tough working day, they get home and pretend everything is fine and normal. then they disappear and hide in their office or bed, put their weary head inside their big hands and wonder just how they are going to manage this time  
Moon in Aquarius: The girl who doesn’t believe her own feelings emotions have a mini fireworks display with moon in aquarius. that means they can experience the sudden cacophony of loud noise, chaos, excitement, fear, awe, and beauty followed by an eerie, empty silence that blows through them. in these moments they wonder if they are defected and abnormal 
Moon in Pisces: The girl that felt too much there is rarely a rhyme or reason for mood changes and uncontrollable sobs, sleepiness, and intense frustration toward people around her. you may catch a glimpse of how much you are annoying them but they are too polite to say anything. a lunar pisces ‘mood’ is better described as a powerful consolidation of around 5 or 6 emotional states that have become caught in the pisces feeling currant 
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
~ Virgos are cautious operators to keep it all from falling apart. Small troubles often cause too much distress to let linger, and they can usually spot trouble coming before anybody else. For this reason, they are meticulous about their particulars, and do not like to stray from the personal routine they have established. Being measured is a comfort measure
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
~ Mars conjunct Jupiter, Mars square Jupiter, Mars trine Jupiter, Mars sextile Jupiter, Mars opposite Jupiter~ People born with aspects between Mars and Jupiter in the birth chart demonstrate a fiery, enlivening, impassioned valour for life and the opportunities that come their way. These individuals are fortuitous in the sense of knowing how to strike when the iron is hot and betting on their own successes against all odds. Mars-Jupiter combinations will express a strong desire to win, or at least be recognised in some form such as by displaying the rarest talent or coming from behind to take the win. They have fight in them. Its stand and conquer rather than flight. It's 'i've seen this all before and I did it then and I can do it again', it's 'well nobody else is going to do it so looks like it's going to be me'
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
Challenges given to Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
Frequent experiences with people who are antagonistic and disrespectful, consistent threats and intrusions to personal space, and circumstances where they are forced into defending and asserting themselves. They can feel restricted or unable to truly demonstrate their softer and more sentimental points and often sense that people therefore don’t recognise these qualities in them
Restrictions others have enforced and the standards they are measured by that belong to limitation 
The re-experiencing of betrayal, heartbreak, deceit, and vilification that generates the anger that rests on their natural baseline. This is the rage and the heat they are called to tame and rise from (creatively, self-actualising, sexually) rather than internalise or squander in a single explosion 
Challenges given to Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Sudden implosions to personal security in the form of abrupt location change, break up, or employment that dually threaten their internal structures and the constants they rely upon 
Being enclosed by others and trying to build upon and make do in a small space, negotiating frequent intrusion and over-reliance by other people who may begin to use the individual as a resource. This is when they have the opportunity to self-reflect on their own needs and the knowledge that their single-minded pursuits are ultimately beneficial for everybody
Constant and repetitive inconveniences, mix ups, breakdowns, surprise expenses, injuries that impair proficiency rarely caused by the individual
Being forced to work alongside or with incompetency and playing the improvised supervisor, instructor, and problem solver 
Challenges given to Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Frequent earth bound problems reoccurring to test and exercise their logic and judgement, often caused by their episodes of absent mindedness
Being enclosed by a regulated and confined education system that may have been to slow or under stimulating to engage in or demonstrate their intellect and there is an ongoing fight ever after to vindicate the mind
Lack of material stability, continuity, and frequent troubles with transport and mobility that re focuses the development of wealth and capital into relationships, knowledge, and learning
The loss of love and friendships that re-reveal the transparent emptiness
Challenges given to Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Being forced to adjust to their earth bound demands while adhering to deeper and more spiritual, emotional, and connective responsibilities
Frequent experiences with people who are invalidating, emotionally immature, or mirrors of the past that provoke their own extreme emotional state to develop internal regulation, emotional clarity, self-awareness, and empathy
Regular intervals of social exclusion that provide the opportunity to self-reflect and acknowledge the emotions, sensations, and thoughts that belong to them and not other people
Having their altruism, favours, or good deeds for other people depended upon, exploited, or manipulated where they are then forced to contemplate if their best option is to absolve these qualities and stop caring, but therein they also lose a part of themselves 
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
“The volcano is often located wherever Pluto is found in the horoscope. The untamed creature which bursts forth is full of vindictive spite over wounds we did not know we had.” -
Liz Greene, The Astrology of Fate p.42
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
Moon in Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: Restrict the display of perceived weaknesses
Moon in Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: Display stoicism, often refuse outside intervention or minimise
Moon in Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: Display observably erratic behaviours;such as rapid swings between talkativeness and silence
Moon in Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: Require a solitary immaterial emotional release, such as dream or art
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
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[VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sep. 22) disappointing]
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
she is probably well aware of her weaknesses because it’s how she defines herself. She is not what she is and what she has done, she sees everything lacking, inadequate, and empty in her reflection.
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The Strange & Unusual Virgos … 
written by #astrolocherry
Virgos can be kind and kooky, elusive and eccentric, perfectly imperfect. The high state of tension and mental agility creates the impression that she is seclusively contained in her own world. She has an unusual and unique way of doing everything. And it must be magic, because she mends what is broken and stitches wounds as if it never happened. Virgos carry out private rituals and secret habits, like preferring to be alone, or to read a book rather than engage in your boring conversation. The problem is that she orchestrates a grand mystery and conceals her subtilise, but shadows her wild light and dandelion mind at the same time, she shields the worst of her, but then she eclipses the best. She may give the impression of great discipline and inner order, but the truth is that she struggles with moderation. Her over restriction and need for control is completely undisciplined, but she is probably well aware of her weaknesses because it’s how she defines herself. She is not what she is and what she has done, she sees everything lacking, inadequate, and empty in her reflection.
  Yet she tries her best at everything, there is no problem that she wouldn’t attempt to solve nor a puzzle she wouldn’t investigate. And people come to grow overly comfortable with her presence in their life. She is someone they can call upon for instruction or guidance, something is missing or malfunctioning, or when they are unwell, lost, or emotionally distressed. She can offer many helping hands because she has empathy shaped of life experience. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and associates with learning and quality of mind. When we are referring to Mercury and Virgo, we are speaking of feminine and matriarchal intelligence. There is a line where reason and rationality stops and intuition begins in Virgo, if she manages to relinquish her need for intellectual control. Her character is built of hard knocks, humbleness, and the eventual taming of the ego’s final gasp at taking her power away. She is intriguing and strikingly sure of herself in a shaky way. Her free flowing conversation is fascinating and brimming with marvellous insights, observations, and fact. There is no one else quite like her, she is far too intricate and complex to be repeated. 
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
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Birthday Saturn in the 5th House - Heartbreak Parade
written by astrolocherry
The heart can feel locked in a cage with Saturn in the 5th. Under the glare of blinding lights, the individual can feel like she has been written into a repetitive and haunted performance. The vitality for life can be inhibited and the heart can feel heavy and always a little broken. Scalding self doubt hits the spirit like boiling water and burns away her natural talents, light, and inspiration. She is capable of creative mastery, conducting the creator’s spirit with the wands of Gods. Rejection and humiliation are fears she carries everywhere, and she is profoundly wounded by criticism, abandonment, and exclusion. She watches herself with condemning self consciousness, often chastising herself for saying the wrong thing or acting the wrong way. It can make her socially reserved and distant despite her powerful urge to connect. 
The inner child is the voice of wisdom with Saturn in the 5th. But her upbringing may have involved invalidation, premature exposure to adult issues, and constant critique. It generates a sense of unworthiness and self depreciation, like she will never truly be loved for who she is, and the inner child is severely damaged by this. This inner child is the solar light of pleasure, joy, and freedom with Saturn in the 5th. The further she distances herself from the child inside, the less she feels worthy or capable of happiness. She can remind herself constantly that ‘she must be an adult’, and keep maturity and self sufficiency on display. It’s like she could be on a permanent famine where she denies herself pleasure and indulgence, like she starves herself. won’t spend her money, or turns down romantic interests before she can get hurt. Of course the opposite can occur with Saturn, and the inner child can be high on the delights of the adult world once denied to her. She can flirt incessantly and seek romance after romance for the short term thrill and fear of abandonment. But even this core feels unlovable, and she may feel so disconnected from her body that she doesn’t care what happens to it. She needs to free herself from the grip of her ego’s hostage, she needs to liberate herself from herself. When she is inspired and confident in herself the paintbrush of God extends through her hand.  
Saturn in the 5th people are nourished by children. There may be difficulties with pregnancy, it may take a long time for the individual to fall pregnant or have a child. This is because a child is very much part of the higher lesson plan, the timing perfectly pre-planned in line with the individual’s personal development. She may not be a natural, but the child’s spirit is healing to her own. The individual can work on her self and self expression like a work of art, designing a masterpiece with discipline, constantly looking to repair cracks and flaws. It may take the individual many years to truly come into herself, she can be slow to blossom, but her life is very much about the difficulties growing through concrete, and eventually blooming in bedazzling heaven’s light once the hard work has been done. She must use her wisdom to recognise, validate, and channel the muse of the inner child, and the natural parent in her must learn to nurture her inner child in the ways it was denied. She can begin to realise her innocence, value, and that she is deserving of love. More than anything, Saturn in the 5th longs to be loved. 
Sensitivity sets the stage with Saturn in the 5th. Words can wound, self hatred can be rife, and the fear of failure can loom gloomily. Physical creativity is a healing octave, and she must alchemise the muse into the material. The individual can focus frustration and depreciation into creative expression and repair herself as she designs. She may sit down to write a story and become anxious and agitated with the blank screen flashing back at her, like the muse goes into hiding, and she must wrench it out with sheer will and patience. She can be a brilliant artist, but she will surely be a tortured one. Tweaking the personality becomes a lifelong art, she may need to lower her voice, stop being so intense, or believe in herself more. She has all the light of the sun fighting to radiate through her, and self appreciation can open up the closed off blinds. When she stands alone wielding her own light, standing on the peak of self belief and love, she creates her own world, her own performance, her own captivating cinematography, and the love begins pouring like 5th house melting rainbows.
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
~ With strong Moon-Neptune aspects, the mother’s mood is felt from the other room;
the individual is still experiencing her emotions like they did in utero. Women with a positive relationship with the mother tend to idealise and want to emulate her
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
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Mars in Aries or the 1st 
♂︎Greek Ares: Commanding, confident, and captivating self-expression that can be intimidating to others, vital and action-oriented with intense difficulty settling, crisis waits around the next corner, intuitive functions spark through impulse and adrenaline, ‘don’t know their own strength’  
♂︎Roman Mars: The conquest to find the life path that converges talent, passion, the spontaneous self-expression, and self-awareness, in the sense of ‘this is what I was made to do’, shines when radiating this cosmic flame of what expresses most naturally, lives in honour of a birth right
Mars in Taurus or the 2nd
♂︎Greek Ares: Physical energy requires a productive and timely outlet, desires are demanding and often require immediate and impulsive satiation, lacks patience to finish long term tasks, habits can be harmful to physical body, pleasure is a reward system
♂︎Roman Mars:Shines in the trance of the natural creative rhythm, glowing when they are putting their whole body, mind, and soul into the work, making money inspires confidence, a battle against low self-worth and strong self-judgement, the finished product is a reflection of the identity, ability to enjoy themselves in the moment is influenced by feelings of self-value
Mars in Gemini or the 3rd
♂︎Greek Ares: Energised through conversation, impassioned learner, good physical/dexterous skills, learns through physical activity, curiosity requires immediate satiation, will defend beliefs and opinions and debate until the opposition loses energy, can be verbally impulsive to detriment
♂︎Roman Mars:Shines in the interactive realm, delivers knowledge with passion and purpose, inspiring teacher that makes learning exciting, identifies with the response they get from others and the universe such as if a person is angry at them, they become angry at themselves-or when they are uplifted, they feel that the whole world accepts them
Mars in Cancer or the 4th
♂︎Greek Ares: The blood bank of home and family, the one who keeps everybody together during good times and bad , emotional needs demand immediate satiation, extremely protective of family and loved ones despite possible long-term disputes, can have a very energetic, high strung, wild personality at home that people wouldn’t expect
♂︎Roman Mars: The lifelong fight for “what is mine”, shines in the sanctum behind closed doors, the blood bank of home and family, energised from visiting the inner world of imagination, identifies strongly with the family heritage and culture, will also take on the feeling of being tarnished by any errors of their ancestors, still feels like a child, a good support network at home provides the confidence to put themselves out there in the world
Mars in Leo or the 5th
♂︎Greek Ares: Plays to win, strong romantic impulses, romance sparks action and adrenaline, may enjoy domination, being dominated, or role-play strong, energised by the love and support of the crowd or audience
♂︎Roman Mars: Shines while participating, enacting, or performing what they love, passion brings natural delight and limitless supplies of energetic inspiration, creativity is self-regenerative and a stamp of the identity, dignified adversary, strong desire for recognition, desire to find the talent or practice that represents who they are as a person
Mars in Virgo or the 6th
♂︎Greek Ares: Razor-sharp mental and physical focus on the working product, competitive with the limitations of their own abilities, inherent struggle with authority, strong need to be of service to others like their own life depends on it but can expect far too much from themselves in every realm of life from what they can do for others to how much exercise they can do
♂︎Roman Mars:Shines when practicing or performing their position or working role with competency, wants to love what they do and inspire everybody else along the way, radiant and agile intellect that learns quickly and finds efficient methods that make it easier for others, degrading self-value, identifies with failings, imperfections, and inadequacies, takes mistakes or criticism at work very personally
Mars in Libra or the 7th
♂︎Greek Ares: Love is a conquest and the energy is supplied for shared experiences and magnetising other people, relationships have a purpose for existing, may be approached as an object of desire or apple of many eye’s, strong desire to collaborate with others, feels a sense of pride and protection, will fight and hold onto the relationship, can struggle between over or under compromising and sometimes both at the same time,
♂︎Roman Mars:Shines in the presence of the lover, may project a sense of inadequacy and inequality onto the partner and feel they are being dominated as a result,  strong subconscious attraction to dominating or assertive types that provide the individual with an idea of their limitations,  strongly identifies with the responses they get from others
Mars in Scorpio or the 8th
♂︎Greek Ares: Longing to surrender to sexual union but will simultaneously fight it and resist the exposure and potential damage, strong desire to let go and move on from certain things but they meet an equally strong attachment and have to fight themselves more in the end, intense feelings of anger that demand retribution or vindication
♂︎Roman Mars:Shines in the presence of the one they are emotionally and spiritually intimate with, intimate desire lights a fire and boundaries shatter, a sexual magic that casts spells of closeness and soul reunions, strong need to move on from certain events but there is often difficulty when they find they’ve been identifying with this part of their lives and feeling that person’s betrayal to be part of who they are
Mars in Sagittarius or the 9th
♂︎Greek Ares: The mind is action oriented and feverish for answers, pushes the universe to prove or validate the belief, strong dose of wanderlust that sets challenges like seeing and experiencing as much of the world as possible  
♂︎Roman Mars:The higher mind shines through these eyes that catch spiritual stimulus before it disappears, the fire of the Godhead burning inside, the conquest is a pilgrimage, radiates in the faith or belief that provides answers and meaning, shines in the educational or teaching realm can apply their own philosophies and make complex subjects attractive and exciting
Mars in Capricorn or in the 10th
♂︎Greek Ares: The natural instinct to take charge of their own life, ambitions are grand personal challenges the natural instinct to take charge, ambitions are grand personal challenges and failure is not an option, a natural role-model whose love and passion for what they do inspires people to follow their ambition, energised by dreaming the possibilities of their life, struggles with stopping in that moment and relishing in their success
♂︎Roman Mars: Fighting for the life that belongs to them, achieving goals, attaining expertise, and finally a sense of acceptance in who they are, shines in the sphere of leadership that others look up to lead, success and recognition provides the confidence to take on further pursuits, makes a lot of comparisons against their own success and other people’s
Mars in Aquarius or the 11th
♂︎Greek Ares: Natural leader who takes charge in the group setting, enjoys friendships with a competitive edge such as from a team, there may be tense and impassioned conflicts with these friends but also a way of getting the best out of them
♂︎Roman Mars:Shines in the wider group, community, and friendship setting, energised by the contact of people coming together for a cause, to cheer for the team and celebrate the win with everyone, friends are their army against the darkness of life, very strong reaction to criticism as it points at possible rejection
Mars in Pisces and the 12th
♂︎Greek Ares: Sleep is the combat zone, they take unexpressed emotions, rage, and assertion to bed with them at night and stage a fight that interrupts, weakens, or denies sleep so that waking sense of tiredness remains again the next day
♂︎Roman Mars:Shines in the darkest times when weaker spirits would have fallen away, holds a secret candle that keeps burning through the darkest times, when it feels like they have nothing left, that tiny fire gives them the Heroine’s strength, and they probably won’t feel a thing – testament to how much they needed, identifies with being a victim, the persecuted, or permanently damaged 
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
✿ Astrology Notes ✿
Hello loves! I hope all is well, here is some astrology notes I’ve been writing throughout the month. This may or may not resonate with all placements. Feel free to comment your placements as well! Thank you and enjoy☕️💘
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❀ Pisces Moons love communicating their feelings through the creative arts. Whether it is Art, Music, Film, etc. I feel that the same can apply to Gemini and Aquarius moons as well. They may also make art of their own, but viewing a Pisces moon is like falling into a pool of galaxies.
❀ Virgo Moons have their moments, but are some of the most caring individuals you’ll ever meet. They may not necessarily be very emotional but they make up for it with their actions. These people will show you their love within their actions. They’ll check up on you always if you’re someone who is important to them.
❀ Moon in the 2nd house individuals tend to have unique living spaces. These are the kinds of people who live decorations within their home and may even be plant lovers🪴 this obviously doesn’t apply to every moon in the 2nd house though.
❀ Mercury in the 6th house individuals love learning and that is no lie. They seem like the kinds of people who are all about sharing their everyday life experiences. Like they could share their entire life’s experiences in the span of 10 minutes to random individuals or even strangers. I know that’s specific.
❀ Capricorn Sun, Venus and Mercury individuals are not too surface level or boring like some think so. They tend to be some of the most interesting individuals you’ll ever meet. They like to take things day by day. and I’ve noticed Capricorns don’t worry so much. At least as time goes on, they stop worrying so much. They’re all for dark humor and I mean dark humor. Sometimes controversial but who knows.
❀ May or may not be specific but 7th house Scorpio individuals would use magic,witchcraft or any sorts to move on from someone. Obviously this doesn’t apply to everyone but I’ve noticed they would do anything to forget or move on from an ex that was dear to them. Especially if you have Pluto, Chiron, Mars or Lilith. (Lilith Asteroid 1181)
❀ Moon in the 10th house natives tend to wear their emotions on their face. You can tell when someone with this placement is upset, it is so easy to tell. They usually think they don’t wear their emotions in their faces but in fact, they do. Especially if there are aspects from the Moon to the Ascendant. For example, Moon Conjunct the Ascendant or Moon Square/Opposite the Ascendant.
❀ Mars Conjunct Jupiter individuals tend to be so out of pocket, at least that’s how their energy feels. These people can have endless amounts of energy, but when they burn out, they burn tf out… Seems like they’re always on the go and doing something with their time.
❀ Mars in the 12th house natives may hold some creative talents whether it’s creative arts, singing, writing, etc. It feels as though they can take certain experiences and make it into an art of form of entertainment even. I love individuals who have this placement, they can be so understanding and tends to have beautiful perspectives towards life. Emotionally strong individuals. This can also apply to Moon in the 12th house.
❀ Capricorn Ascendant/Risings may look older than they appear. They tend to have a serious outlook on life, and this isn’t a bad thing. When they want/need something, they’ll build a foundation for that very same thing they crave or need. They’re not ones to play around.
❀ Those who have their Mars in the sign of Aquarius or Gemini are quite calculated and observant individuals. They are the kinds of people who will think before they speak most of the time because their own words and actions hold power. They’re not ones to get physical, but they’ll argue/fight with their words. They’ll do things differently than others and usually hold themselves to a high regard. May be the kinds of people who stick to themselves when things get difficult . They know how to get under one’s skin. Not literally though.
❀ Sagittarius ruling the 6th house can indicate one traveling for a living. Perhaps they may choose careers that require moving around a lot. These people are always on the go and moving, they don’t stop for anyone especially if there’s planets in the 6th house as well. For example, Pluto in the 6th house can indicate one having many rebirths and psychological transformations when they’re away from home.
Written with so much love!🌈🍒
- Emily💗
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finewhatevervirgo · 2 years
Where do the Virgos Go…
written by #astrolocherry 
People born with a good quality of Virgo in the birth chart appear pure of heart and mind. There is conditional assistance underpinned by unconditional self-sacrifice. As Venus falls in Virgo, there is an equally noticeable conscious separation, even bordering into social oblivion at times. The more interactive placements such as Mercury and Venus in Virgo tend to possess a self-conscious resonance motivated by high social perfectionism. This mind’s eye ideal image comes at the expense of the detailed view for imperfections. However, this so often connects them to their ability to see tremendous potential in others, and then to provide the ultimate personalised support and mentorship. As a Feminine sign, nocturnal Mercury rules Virgo and relates to the shadow and the servitude of Virgo, along with the mystical and maternal fertility of harvest. The archetypal ritual of Virgo involves detaching from the needs of the self, and submitting to their higher spiritual purpose. A giving of the best of themselves to something larger-than-self. In doing so, they are forced to release the unprocessed internal perfectionism projected onto the world.
Scenarios and circumstances break down, people have their flaws, and the greatest leaps they have made were on feet of clay. The sign’s influence expresses admirable qualities so forgotten as they disappear into Mercury’s nighttime invisibility, deeply uncovered, the Virgo’s underrated virtue of virtuosity
- Cherry
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