fire-angel · 4 years
Firebender x ???
Hey guys, just anted to say that if you want, you can request one shots. Also dm me if you want to be tagged to be updated with this series.
Also the parts are somewhat long because I try to fit a whole episode in each part.
Prologue       Part 1
A few days ago we left the Northern Air Temple, so much happened in the little time we stayed there. I was starting to get along with everyone, except for Sokka that is, we always seem to argue and maybe it's because he hates me??? Because I was Fire Nation, but that's my past. Anyways, the people living in the air temple gifted me a new set of clothes and even warm coats for my journey to the North. I am so thankful for them.
We are now headed towards the North Pole so Aang and Katara can find a water bending master.
"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher?" Sokka says indeed complaining.
Appa does seem tired, we're getting lower and lower to the ocean.
"I have an idea-" Aang says looking back "-why don't we all get on your back and you can fly us to the North Pole?"
"I'd love to! Climb on everyone-" he wiggles his butt at everyone "-Sokka's ready for takeoff!"
Momo jumps up on Sokka in response to his invitation.
"Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight." I tell them and Katara agrees.
"And for what?" Sokka exclaims "We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe. There's nothing up here."
Suddenly a noise is heard up ahead. Ice is moving rapidly towards Appa. We all scream and Aang pulls Appa's reigns and avoids the ice, but almost tips us all off the saddle. Appa then moves as another jet of ice erupts out of the waves, but this one slams into Appa's underside, who drops in an uncontrolled spin into the water. Out of the icebergs several ornate wooden skiffs come to surround us.
"They're waterbenders! We found the Water Tribe! " She shouts with excitement.
Aang gets up " There it is! "
"The Northern Water Tribe..." Katara continues
"We're finally here..." i whisper in awe.
The water benders leads us into their village and through the canals.
The city is loaded with beautiful streams, waterfalls and fountains. They pass another boat with a waterbender and a beautiful young Water Tribe woman with white hair, Sokka focuses on her, blushes and tried to follow her by running down Appa's tail.
"This place is beautiful." Katara says
"Yeah, she is." Sokka replied while looking dreamily at the girl from the boat.
I roll my eyes and look away. From what Katara told me, it seemed to me like he was friendly with a girl from Kyoshi Island a few weeks ago. I start to chuckle.
Sokka turns to me with a serious face "What's your deal?"
"Oh nothing nothing" I wave him off.
Later on we were invited to see the Chief because he wanted to celebrate the Avatars arrival. Katara and I finished getting ready and met up with the boys outside as we started to head out towards their palace.
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We arrive and we take our seats at the table, Katara to my right and Sokka to my left.
I'm admiring everything around us until i hear Sokka whisper.
"You should probably keep to yourself that you're a fire bender-"Wow is he trying to look out for me- " we don't want you scaring people off and ruining the mood if everything"
Ouch. How can he say that? I feel my skin starting to get hot as I was starting to turn that sadness into anger and noticed I was starting to melt a hole on the table and I quickly took my hands away.
"And what's the deal with you literally burning up like some-" Sokka was gonna continue but the Chief was about to speak.
"Tonight, we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the Southern Tribe, and they have brought with them someone very special, someone whom many of us believed disappeared from the world until now. The Avatar! We also celebrate my daughter's 16th birthday. Princess Yue is now of marrying age.
Princess Yue is walking towards us.
Sokka looks at her with wide eyes.
"Thank you, father. May the great Ocean and Moon Spirits watch over us during these troubled times."
"Now, Master Pakku and his students will perform! " the Chief indicates.
As the waterbending show continues, a figure walks behind us and sits down next to Sokka. It’s Princess Yue.
"Hi, there. Sokka, Southern Water Tribe. " He says trying to act all cool.
Princess Yue smiles and bows slightly "Very nice to meet you."
"So... uh... you're a Princess!” She nods and smiles “You know, back in my tribe, I'm kinda like a Prince myself!" He says
I just couldn't hold it in " Ha! Prince of what? "
Now an angry Sokka looking back at me "A lot of things! Uh, do you mind? I'm trying to have a conversation here!"
With a smirk on my face I mock a bow "My apologies, Prince Sokka."
Sokka turns to Yue and attempts to flirt by asking her to do an "activity" or something. What the spirits
Very smooth.
It's the morning and I'm left alone to wander around the town. Aang and Katara are getting trained, Sokka went to find the princess and I am currently walking up a mountain of ice so I can be high enough to feel the Sun and do some meditation.
I come back to our place at nightfall to see everyone except Sokka is back.
"What did you do today Y/N? Practice your fire bending?" asked Aang.
"No, I was told to not even try that while I'm here, so I just did some meditating"
"What? Who told you that?" Aang asked me seriously concerned "Momo I told you to be nice"
"Don't worry” I laughed  “it wasn't Momo and I understand"
Sokka walks in all mopey.
"How's warrior training going?" Katara asked.
In response Sokka kicks a bag on the floor in anger, falls to his knees, and then flops on the bag, using it as a pillow.
"That bad?" Aang asks him.
"No, it's Princess Yue. I don't get it. One minute she wants to go out with me and the next she's telling me to get lost! So how's waterbending training?"
I sit up excited to hear about how it went, but Katara flops onto her sleeping bag, depressed.
“Master Poophead won't teach her because she's a girl." Aang replied.
"Why don't you just teach her, Aang? " I suggest.
Katara raises her head with a smile "Why didn't I think of that? At night, you can teach whatever moves you learned from Master Pakku. That way you have someone to practice with and I get to learn waterbending. Everyone's happy!"
"I'm not happy." Sokka cuts in
"But you're never happy. Come on, Aang."
They go off.
"Hey Y/N, I’ve been thinking about it and I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. It isn’t fair to you. It's just, we've never had a good experience with fire benders. Katara and I personally, we lost our mother because of the Fire Nation..."
I just listen to his story without saying a word until he finished. He tells me about how his mother died and how they are being constantly chased by the Fire Nation because of Aang.
"Look Sokka, I understand the fear and the hate, I really do. I know how dangerous and destructive fire bending and the Fire Nation can be. When I was young, my parents died giving their life for the Fire Nation and so I was raised by my grandfather Jeong Jeong. Growing up I had many try to train me fire bending but they all quit on me because my fire bending was ‘too different’ and at times ‘out of control’. They thought of it as a weakness for the Nation and their pride.....You've seen it first hand, my emotions is like some kind of fuel to it. I burn up every time my feelings get strong and sometimes lose control over it."
"Yeah, like what happened back with Master Jeong Jeong after Aang burned Katara" Sokka recalls.
"Yeah, I end up hurting the people I care about" I look down and take a deep breath before I continue "With time my grandfather realized how wrong the Nation was and their beliefs and decided to escape with me. We barely made it out alive. My grandfather later trained me to have some control over my bending through meditation. He says I'm more powerful than I realize, and that that's why the Nation didn't want me, because they were afraid or something...but now he's gone too."
"Hey, you have us now. We'll be your family and we can help you." He reassures.
"Thanks Sokka. You did have a point though, I should try to keep myself under cover because if the Fire Nation finds out who I am, then we'll be an even bigger target."
"Yeah, we'll protect you Y/N. I promise" he smiles.
Suddenly Aang and Katara comes in with a face with mixed emotions. They sit down and tell us what happened when they tried to train and how Master Pakku caught them and kicked Aang out from his training. We decided to go the next morning to talk to the chief and try to negotiate.
"What do you want me to do?" says Chief Arnook "Force Master Pakku to take Aang back as his student?"
"Yes – please!" I try to reason for them.
"I suspect he might change his mind if you (looking at Katara) swallow your pride and apologize to him." He says.
"Fine." Katara says clearly unhappy.
"I'm waiting, little girl." Master Pakku smugly says.
"No! No way am I apologizing to a sour old man like you!" As Katara speaks, cracks open in the floor beneath her. She ends up by pointing directly at Master Pakku, her finger almost in his face.
"Uh, Katara..." Aang begins to say
Katara has a look of challenge on her face "I'll be outside – if you're man enough to fight me!"
You can hear a group of gasps
"I'm sure she didn't mean that." I try to say.
"Yeh, I think she did." Sokka replies.
We start to go after Katara this is halfway down the steps of the palace.
"Are you crazy, Katara? You're not gonna win this fight!" Sokka tries to knock some sense into her.
Katara takes off her coat and throws it at Sokka, hitting him in the face "I know! I don't care!"
"You don't have to do this for me. I can find another teacher." Aang tries to reason
"I'm not doing it for you! Someone needs to slap some sense into that guy!" She tels them.
The boys look at me for some help.
"Guys She has a point, I mean if I had a chance to show my old teachers that I was worth bejng taught, I think I would have"
As we reach the bottom of the steps, Master Pakku appears.
"So, you decided to show up?" Katara starts to say but He walks past her "Aren't you gonna fight??
"Go back to the healing huts with the other women where you belong." He says without even glancing her way.
3rd POV
Insanely angry, Katara draws a water whip out of the ground and whips Pakku on the back on the neck. He stops
Master Pakku finally faces her " Fine. You want to learn to fight so bad, study closely! "
He begins to bend and Katara runs towards him but he flings her backwards.
Master Pakku mockingly says "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you!"
Pakku creates a whirlpool and it begins to constrict, but before Katara is knocked back down she swings her arm, almost as if she were swinging a baseball bat, deflecting the wall of water off on a different trajectory. Cut to a shot of the spectators, including Aang and Sokka. The errant wall of water hits Sokka
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Katara runs at him with a water whip. He raises a ramp of ice in front of her which she slides up and then back flips off, landing neatly on the guardrail of the citadel steps behind him. Pakku liquefies the ramp and throws it at her while catching her feet in ice. The wave breaks around Katara, however, as she bends it out of the way.
"You can't knock me down!" She says
The crowd formed starts to cheer
"Go Katara!" Aang shouts.
"You got this Katara!" Y/N encourages.
The fight goes on and Master Pakku is still decided on not teaching Katara.
Katara now standing in front of Pakku, but Master pakku sends shards of ice towards her, the shards land closely all around her. She is trapped. She struggles in vain against her prison of ice, her hands and arms unable to move.
Master Pakku walks towards her "This fight is over."
"Come back here! I'm not finished yet!" Katara yells.
"Yes, you are." he replied. He stops in surprise, picking up the necklace that fell from Katara's neck during the fight.
"This is my necklace!" He says with wonder.
"No it's not, it's mine! Give it back!" She tells him."
"I made this sixty years ago – for the love of my life." He continued saying.
Katara's ice prison liquefies behind him, freeing her "For Kana."
"My Gran-Gran was supposed to marry you?" Katara says in awe.
Master Pakku still holding the necklace, sadly says "I carved this necklace for your grandmother when we got engaged. I thought we would have a long, happy life together. I loved her."
"But she didn't love you, did she? It was an arranged marriage." Katara says.
The Princess' eyes water.
Katara walks up to Pakku "Gran-Gran wouldn't let your tribe's stupid customs run her life. That's why she left. It must have taken a lot of courage."
Proncess Yue begins to cry openly and runs away.
"Go get her." Y/N tells Sokka and nod to her direction.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please like and reblog. Also follow me if you are a big fan of ATLa because I want to follow back others with the same interests.
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fire-angel · 4 years
Hey guys, so the prologue is in my profile, below this part 1. (I'm still learning how to add the link and stuff so bear with me please haha)
Part 1
We're now sitting around a camp fire while we rest for a bit.
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"I'm a deciple of a man. More than a man really, he's a myth to others, but he's real, a living legend, Jeong Jeong, Jeong Jeong the Deserter is what they call him. He was a Fire Nation general, or wait, was he an admiral?"
"He was very highly ranked, we get it." Sokka cuts in.
"Yeah! Way up there! But he couldn't take the madness any more. He's the first person ever to leave the army - and live. Jeong Jeong's a firebending genius. Some say he's mad - but he's not! He's enlightened" i say (while doing the hand motion of "imagination" from sponge bob)
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"You mean there's a firebender out here who's not with the Fire Lord?" Aang says standing up "We've gotta go see him! He can train me! " says with a hopeful look in his eyes.
"We're not gonna go find some crazy firebender! " said Sokka
Crazy? I stand up "He's not crazy! He's a genius! And he's the perfect person to train the Avatar! That's why I helped you escape at the festival. "
Sokka stands up "Look, thanks for the help, but we're leaving for the north pole in the morning. "
"Sokka, this could be my only chance to meet a firebending master who would actually be willing to teach me." replied the boy.
Katara standing up as well "It can't hurt just to talk to him.
"That's what you said about going to the festival! Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me!? "
As Sokka turns to walk away from the group, he almost runs right into a spear. In a flash, we are surrounded by men wearing straw hats and armor and wielding spears.
"Don't move!" says one of the men.
"Y/N Jeong Jeong told you not to go to that festival" says Lin Yi.
Sokka looks at us all confused "Hold on, you know these guys!? "
"Oh yeah! Lin Yi's like an uncle! Right Lin Yi?
Lin Yi lowers his spear "Quiet. Keep moving."
I just roll my eyes and follow.
We continue walking, Down the hill, we spot the little hut.
"Go on. He sees you only. " Lin Yi pushes me towards the shack.
I try to hold my ground "Oh that's okay, we can chat later."
"Is that where Jeong Jeong is? I need to talk to him right away. " Aang asks.
Aang begins to move forward, but it stopped by a spear shaft across his path.
"No! You wait" Lin says as he keeps me in "Go now! "
"Okay okay! Don't worry! Everything'll be fine. He's a great man, great man!" I assure them.
I walk into the tent getting ready for the wrath of Master Jeong Jeong.
"Oh hey there Master, hows it going?"
"You disobey my orders and run off into town and for what!?" the flames from his candles gain more flames.
"I just wanted to see what it was like...-"
"And now you bring the Avatar, you know I never wanted anything to do with the boy, he's not ready. He should leave immediately"
"but Master he was in trouble and I knew he would have been safer with us. He's just a boy. Can't you at least see him? He really needs to talk to you. He really thinks you can teach him firebending and so do I"
Jeong Jeong just huffs and turns away.
I head out if the shack to be faced with Aangs hopeful eyes.
"What happened? Can I see Jeong Jeong now? "
I sit down and shake my head. "He won't see you. He's very angry that I brought you here. He wants you to leave immediately. "
"Finally! Let's hit the road." Sokka says as he stretches out his back.
"Why won't he see me? "
"He says you're not ready. Says you haven't mastered waterbending and earthbending yet" I explain.
"Wait, how does he know that?" Aang replied with a surprised look.
"He saw the way you walked into camp. He can tell."
"I'm going in anyway!" Aand starts to walk away towards the shack
I try to reach out "Wait maybe you sho- and he's gone. Hey Sokka, Katara, follow me. I'll take you to your shack. You can rest here for tonight."
The next morning I go out and I see master Jeong Jeong training Aang. I guess he decided to train him after all.
"Widen your stance. Wider! Bend your knees. Now, concentrate." Jeong Jeong demands. (Aang takes on an expression of concentration) "Good, good! "
Wait! What do I do now? asks the boy.
"Silence! Talking is not concentrating! Look at your friend, is she talking?" (Then, pointing to Sokka) "Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he's doing!"
Sokka from a far shouts a " Hey! "
"But what am I concentrating on?" Aang asks in confusion.
As I'm watching from the side, I decide to chip in. "Feel the heat of the sun. It is the greatest source of fire. Yet, it is in complete balance with nature."
Aang looks at the sun then turning back to Jeong Jeong, a large smile on his face "So when do I get to make some fire?"
"Concentrate!" Master shouts.
I can't help but giggle. That's Jeong Jeong for you.
Later in the day Jeong Jeong calls me to his hut. I enter and sit down.
"Y/N I'm afraid our time together will be cut short." He says still facing away.
"What? Why? Suddenly?"
"I knew this day would come. For you to join the Avatar and his friends on his travels to restore order to the world. That is why I resisted to meet the boy. I did not want to let you go"
"Master, I'm not ready to leave you. There is so much I have to learn........Have you given up? Just like my teachers when I was young. I know my bending is a bit different and I still need to learn how to control-"
"No of course I haven't given up on you. My child you are more powerful than you think. For this is the reason I have to let you go with them. With time you will see the wonders of your power, not only through bending but through your spirit as well"
I start to tear up when suddenly Aang enters the hut.
"What are you doing here!? I did not tell you to stop!" said Jeong Jeong
"I've been breathing for hours. " Aang replied.
"You want to stop breathing? " Said Jeong
Honestly i kinda wanted to laugh at the moment but Aang seemed so serious that I held it in.
Angrily throwing his hands wide in a gesture of frustration "I want you to stop wasting my time! I already know how to squat and breathe and feel the sun.I want to know how to shoot fire out of my fingertips! "
Jeong Jeong lowering his head "Ughhhh. I had a pupil once who had no interest in learning discipline."
I put my head down as I remember of the stories he told me about this pupil.
"-He was only concerned with the power of fire ,how he could use it to destroy his opponents and wipe out the obstacles in his path., but fire is a horrible burden to bear. Its nature is to consume and without control it destroys everything around it. Learn restraint, or risk destroying yourself and everything you love"
Aang then leaves the tent and I follow him out.
"Look Aang, Master can be hard on you but he has his reasons for teaching you this way. He really believes in you and just wants to make sure you know what's at stake when you fire bend." I put a hand on his shoulder and give him a small smile "I'm going to go find some wood and fruit for later, see ya"
Walking along the river side I see some Fire Nation ships aproaching. This is bad news. I let go of whatever was in my hands and darted towards the huts, I find Master with Aang.
"Master! There is trouble. " I say almost out of breath
"What's going on?" Aang asks with a worried look.
"Concentrate on your leaf. Y/N stay here and watch him" says Jeong Jeong as he leaves.
"This is the worst firebending instruction ever. All he does is leave me alone for hours to concentrate or breathe." Aang tells Katara who is on the river's edge near us.
"I'm sure there's a good reason." She reassured.
"But I'm ready to do so much more." Aang continued.
Suddenly Aang's face lights up. He widens his stance and he begins to breathe. He still holds the leaf, which begins to smoke. Suddenly, the leaf bursts into flame and disintegrates. Aang is now holding a fireball in his hand.
"I did it! I made fire!" He exclaimed.
Katara coming closer " Aang, that's great, but you should take it slow."
Aang's expression gets annoyed at this comment, and the flame instantly gets bigger. He and Katara are surprised
"You should be careful!" I tell the boy.
Aang retains control and reduces the flame to its former size, but not before almost falling into the river
"Now that's firebending! " he says with a smile.
Aang then shoots a whip of flame and then begins to juggle his ball of flame happily
"Aang, you'll hurt yourself! You're still new at this" I try to explain.
Aang continuing to play "Wonder how that juggler did it?"
Aang loops the ball around him. It begins a complete circle around him and he pushes it outward. I was able to extinguish the fire headed towards me. Before I knew it the rest of Aangs flame engulfs Katara and burns her hands which she has raised to protect her face. She cries out in pain. Katara crumples to her knees.
"Katara! " Aang shouts. He hops over to her as she cries "I'm so sorry!"
I head over to Katara and Sokka appears by my side.
"Katara, what's wrong!?" He asks. Now looking at Aang angrily "What did you do? "
"iiiit was an accident! I was... Katara, I'm so - " He says as his voice starts to shake.
Sokka cuts him off as he grabs Aang and tackles him to the ground just as Aang tried to put a hand on Katara's shoulder
"I told you we shouldn't mess around with this! Look what you did! You burned my sister!"
Katara gets up and runs away. Aang who looks on, stunned, as she exits.
I wake up from my state of being in shock and grab Sokka from his collar to lift him off Aang. "Listen here Sokka, we get it that it was his fault but it was his first try" I look at Aang sadly. "I know what it's like to not have control over your power and believe me, he feels very sorry for what happened"
Jeong Jeong comes back right on time but Sokka turns to him and blames him for what happened. Did he just ignore me!? I start to feel my skin getting hot but Jeong Jeong appears and gently grabs my arm, wincing a bit as he does. Sokka takes notice. I try to do my breathing technique to calm down and count to 3 in my head.
"I'm sorry, I didn't...-" Sokka walks away "-I'm sorry!"
Jeong Jeong walks away to find Katara.
Moments later Katara comes back
"Katara! Are you all right? " Sokka and I ask.
"I'm fine, we've got to get out of here. Where's Aang?"
Sokka thumbs in the direction of the hut. Katara runs down the hill path to Jeong Jeong's hut to talk to Aang
Aang and I head out to find Jeong Jeong and we see him with someone from the Fire Nation.
"Look at you. You were once so great. I can't believe my former master has become nothing more than a simple savage."
How dare he!
"It is you who have embraced savagery, Zhao." replied JeongJeong
Zhao!? He's that pupil Jeong Jeong always talked about.
"It's Admiral Zhao, now. "
more like Admiral of Side Burns
"That title will not help you against the Avatar. Do not try to fight him! You are no match!"
Zhao starts to laugh "I think I can handle a child."
"I have never seen such raw power. " He replies
"Jeong Jeong! " Aang shouts and I aproach
"We'll see. Men! Take the deserter! "
Jeong Jeong gets surrounded by five of Jeong Jeong's spearmen. Aang tops short in horror as they close in. Jeong Jeong smiles at me and wraps himself in a massive ball of flame. When it dissipates, he is gone.
Zhao angrily shouts "It's a trick! He's run off into the woods. Find him!" Turning to Us . "Let's find out what my old master has taught you kids"
"YOU were Jeong Jeong's student?" Aang says with a surprise
"Until I got bored." Zhao says with a smug.
He launches a fireball at Aang, who dodges that and another and sends some towards me and I quickly make it disappear
"I see he taught you how to duck and run like a coward. But I doubt he showed you what a firebender is truly capable of!"
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"Aang, remember what Jeong Jeong said, he has no restraint, lets use that to our advantage, follow my lead" I whisper
He launches another fireball at Aang. It flies over Aang's head as the Avatar produces a flat, spinning whirlwind of air underneath him and balances himself on top of it with one finger.
He fires several more which Aang either dodges or breaks with airbending. Zhao's blasts have torched much of the surrounding forest and the sky fills with smoke.
"Stand and fight!" Zhao demands.
"Oh, were we fighting? I thought you were just getting warmed up." I say with a smirk.
"I was!" He says. He fires many more all of which miss.
Is that all you got? Man, they'll make anyone an admiral these days! " Aang taunts
"Yeah totally, I've seen kids do better"
Zhao launches another errant fire blast with a dreadful noise of frustration. I use my firebending to launch myself up to one of the ships and Aang airbends himself up.
After several failed attempts at attacking us and lots of damage to our surroundings.
"You've lost this battle. " Aang says
"Are you crazy? You haven't thrown a single blow! "
Motioning to my left "No, but you have. " I smile.
Zhao looks to his left and grimaces. Three ships on fire. The first is now sinking fast into the river.
"Jeong Jeong said you had no restraint. " I tell him.
We get off the ship
"Have a nice walk home! " says Aang.
"Aang, come on! " Sokka calls over. Him and Katara on Appa's back.
We run over and hop on.
"Wait! Where's Jeong Jeong?" Aang asked
"He disappeared. They all did. " Sokka replied
"Aang, you're burned. " Katara tells Aang.
He looks down in wonder to see that she is right. His sleeves are torn open and there are burn marks.
"Let me help you. " She says.
She opens her water bottle and wraps some water around her hand. It glows white again. She places it over the burned area , breathes and concentrates. When she lets go the wound is healed. Wow, I've heard stories but never seen a water bender heal up close.
" Wow! That's good water." Aang says amused
"When did you learn how to do that? "
Katara shrugged "I guess I always knew. "
"Oh... well then thanks for all the first aid over the years. Like when I fell into the grease briar bramble and that time I had two fish hooks in my thumb! "
Appa keeps flying us through the late afternoon sky. Sokka continues.
"-Oh, and the time that big snake bit me! Thanks for healing that up. That was great. Really helpful. "
I sit quietly looking back and whisper
" I hope I get to see you again....
Sorry if this was kind of long, but I hope you enjoyed it.
Oh!! And if you guys want any one shot blurbs for ATLA, feel free to dm. Hope you all have a good day (or night)
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fire-angel · 4 years
Firebender x ???
Hey guys, this is my first Atla Fanfic/ mini series so I hope you enjoy. I'll be posting part one soon. I'm going to try to do some fanart for each part of the Y/N character so please stay tuned.
It's the Fire Days Festival. A day filled with Fire Nation cultural exhibits...jugglers, benders, magicians.
I decided that I had seen enough and would head back to my hut when I see a crowd full of people watching what seems to be a boy with blue arrow tattoos dancing??
"Hey! That kid's the Avatar!" Someone shouts.
The Avatar!?
I watch as three Fire Nation guards from the other side turn around and start to head towards the crowd.
My body had a mind of its own and I quickly head past the crowd and behind the stage, luckily finding an opening.
"I think it's time to go." said ponytail
"Pssst follow me! I can get you outta here!" I call out to the boy and his friends.
"There they are!!" The guards shout as the run after us.
I let the three of them pass as i quickly create some smoke by blowing out hot air.
More guards seem to come after us and the Avatar announces he'll call an 'Appa' and proceeds to blow on a whistle which seems to be broken.
"I hope he can really hear that bison whistle!" says ponytail.
Turning into an alley "This way!" I tell them. It's a dead end. "Okay! Maybe not this way!" We turn around but guards were closing in. I quickly create some smoke again and we were able to run past but sadly we ended up in yet another dead end with high fence blocking us.
"Appa down here" shouts the Avatar and suddenly this huge creature lands between us and the guards. 'So this is Appa' Appa flaps his tail on the ground and the wind created blows the guards out of the alley to land some distance away. We quickly get on him. As the guards run back into the alley, Appa already takes off.
I send a little wip of fire towards the firework supplies and and it blows up in an awesome display of colors and sounds. I remove my hood as we watch the town and the fireworks from afar.
"Nice touch setting off the fireworks. I'm Aang, he's Sokka and his sister Katara"
Ponytail turns to me surprised "You're a girl!!?"
"Sokka I thought we went over all this" says the girl with hair loopies as she rolls her eyes.
"Yeah yeah Katara" turns back to me with a serious face "But you're Fire Nation"
"Was. My name's Y/N"
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