fishaccordingtosteve · 4 months
A really cheap 45 gallon tank...
For those of us that need a save in the dollar region for our hobby, here is a great tip! You will have to be okay with some cons, but the pros also present well in my opinion. Glass aquariums are very expensive as is everything else these days. A simple solution is to go with some other type of water container suitable to house fish without harming them. I am always on the lookout for…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 7 months
Aquarium Life hacks...
Over the 35+ years I have been in this hobby, I have taken pride in finding real-world hacks for our hobby.   By that, I mean repurposing an item for your aquarium or not following the normal use of an aquarium product. This blog will focus on a few of my favorite 😍 Aquarium Life Hacks from around the world! My favorite filters to use are the Aquaclear hang on the back filters.  For so many…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 8 months
A selection of recent pics...
Hey everyone, thanks for checking in and for the continued support of fishaccordingtosteve.net. I appreciate the support from the aquarium community! Today, I am sharing a few pics taken from my current setup of a Lake Tanganyika aquarium.   These are some of my favorite fish. I love the colors and the interactions they have moment to moment. Here is a fish I acquired over 10 years ago.  A slow…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 8 months
Money saving Tip...(Decor Addition)
You know when you go to a fish store or pet store, and want to buy some sort of fish decor? It is over priced. There are some cool looking fixtures out there, but I have a suggestion for you. First of all, if you are looking for driftwood, don’t go to the fish store or pet store. There are so many natural woods around you if you just take the time! The key is to look for wood that is super dry…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 8 months
Lake Tanganyika Biotope upgrade...
I love the fish that come from Lake Tanganyika! It’s kind of like if you are a sports fan, you probably have some kind of personal connection with your favorite team. Maybe it was a team you watched or saw live when you were young. Maybe you have some family member playing or associated with that team. Whatever the reason is you might be a fan…. For those that have followed along through the…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 9 months
Aquarium Life Hack....tank version!
Hey there all my fans and subs. Today I want to share with you a favorite hack of mine to go to when breeding fish! In an earlier article I detailed how you can buy a very cheap plastic container and float it in your aquarium to house new fry. This has worked well for me and today I want to give you another step as the fry grow! Ok here is a pic of the floating breeding box… As you can see it…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 10 months
Keeping Herbivore fish with Carnivore fish...can it be DONE?
This hobby of ours is always changing and evolving. Every year we find new inventions and gadgets to help make our hobby easier, and less scary. I recently had a conversation with a New Hobbyist, and the topic of discussion was about his Cichlids. The topic today is about the title. Are we able, or even should we attempt, to keep fish that are Herbivores with fish that are fully carnivore? Lets…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 10 months
A New Way To Support Fishaccordingtosteve!
Hello my great Subscribers. I really appreciate the support you have shown over the years. Another big hello to the new visitors to my Blog! I want to welcome you both and let you know about a new update to the page. This new update will allow you to show more support to me and the amount of time and effort I have put into this blog! You will find the update on the bottom of the Blog page. It…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 10 months
The Biggest Mistake You Have Ever Made...
What is the Biggest mistake you have made in this hobby? I recently had a catastrophic error occur, and even though I searched and searched for another to take the blame…it all fell on me after 35+ years in the hobby. I will not have a lot of pics in this blog, as it was very traumatic for me, and to be honest I was just in recovery mode trying to save the tank. I will show the aftermath later…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 10 months
Aquarium Life Hack....Fry holding box.
Hi everyone, and so glad to be back. Today I would like to provide some hack knowledge regarding the breeding boxes that you can have at the top of your aquarium to hold newly hatched or released fry. These boxes come in a variety of sizes and shapes and also material. Some are made of mesh. To hold your fry in a mesh box you must be absolutely certain that there are no fish in your tank that…
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fishaccordingtosteve · 10 months
Hey all my fishaccordingtosteve fans…I ran into some bad luck and in the end I lost my old domain name. Well here is just a short introduction to you all. If you have been following me you will still get access to my site normally I am sure, but if you are searching for me you will need to search for the following… fishaccordingtosteve.net Note the only change is from .com to .NET I look…
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Test Post...
My account went down for a bit and now I am testing to see if it is back up.
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Watch "@fishaccordingtosteve1452" on YouTube
Hello all, This is a longer video but one worth the time. Think of it as a relaxing view of an inside the tank pov. This video is of a Lake Tanganyikan biotope. There is a little feeding halfway through. This is so relaxing to watch, and basically the reason why we keep fish! I love the new capabilities afforded by my new GoPro 😍!! That was a still shot that I was able to easily pull from the…
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Zaire Frontosa...a NEW perspective
I am having fun with the new GoPro and I feel you will really like this video! These are mostly ZAIRE Frontosa and about three of Burundi. This is right after a 90% water change so there is a lot of micro bubbles present. Enjoy… According To Steve, https://gopro.com/v/57mEbwypbzLyy
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New Go Pro footage....Frontosa Moba!
This is a short clip of my Tanganyikan tank. These 5 Zaire Frontosa are now the smallest in the group of 9. For those following along…these are the Frontosa in the blog called follow my fry..https://www.fishaccordingtosteve.com/2022/08/14/follow-my-fry-10/ They are showing nice color and putting on some weight here before being moved to the 150 gallon pond. The video is really a practice run…
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Growing up in Tanzania, East Africa was a little different! I am known for the understatement by the way. Rules in Tanzania were not BLACK AND WHITE! Let us, for the case of argument, call them a slight shade of GREY. Let’s say you want to get an official to approve a building permit. That paperwork would get lost in the system for months, but if a guy were to offer a little sugar (insert bribe…
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Depression is rampant in societies these days. With so much going on in one’s life, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and uncapable of meeting your day head-on. Life can just get you down. Let’s be honest here, we all can and do feel a little sad from time to time, but I am talking about the deep darkness that one can’t see a way out of. It slides over the light in your life and slowly engulfs it…
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