horsesarecreatures · 3 months
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Wild discus at Santarem Discus. As much as I love some of the domestic hybrids like Royal Flora and Galaxy Turquoise, none of them can compare to what nature creates.
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sunfish-exotics · 8 months
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Another batch! they ended up eating the first clutch a few hours after I made the post- maybe they'll do better this round!
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bufomancer · 1 month
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Cichlid is one of our available male mice! He is a cute, chunky little boy! He could stand to lose a tiny bit of weight but he likes to bury his saucer, so we’ve switched to an upright wheel and expect him to shed those extra grams quickly. He was born at the rescue 04/12/2024 after his mom was left behind when her owner moved out.
He is available through Tiny Whiskers Animal Rescue in Minnesota
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deathfeigning · 2 years
in his favorite shell
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artechoceneexplorer · 21 days
Fourth day of Spectember! This time, from the Indo-Pacific clamoral reefs, the Divine Seachlid (Guranmamare divinus).
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Seachlids is the name attributed to a variety of cichlid clades that have independently adapted for life in the ocean, and that have established themselves specially as key components of reefs and other tropical marine ecosystems. One of these groups Titanogynichthyinae, has evolved a particularly odd characteristic, with females being often much larger than males, and protecting swarms of its young alongside one or multiple of its mates. They are usually key in maintaining a reef's health, as they maintain shells near their nesting areas clean and protected from predators, allowing both bigger and smaller clamorals to survive.
But no species takes its dimorphism as far as the largest species of this group, the Divine Seachlid. The females of this species can achieve lengths of 180cm long and weigh up to 150kg, while the males are less than a third this size, reaching only up to 50cm long. They are monogamous, guarding their young and hunting in pairs, like other single mate species in this group. However, since the females often live much longer than males, one female will usually have multiple monogamous partners in one lifetime. Due to their size, they are a keystone species of the reefs they inhabit, feeding on large mollusks, echinoderms and even fish that could cause serious harm if they overpopulated.
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aquabasedesign · 10 months
German Blue Ram Cichlid / Mikrogeophagus ramirezi 🐟
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
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54 common fish of texas, part 22: Rio Grande cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
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fish-daily · 1 year
could you please do a mayan cichlid? they’re invasive and super common where i live
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fish 150 - mayan cichlid
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Can I request the mokele-mbembe bichir?
Today on CHUNK! FUNK! GUNK! We rate
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5/10 Chunk
6/10 Funk
6/10 Gunk
As a preface, I know nothing about this fish aside from my little google research. I couldn’t find anything on its bones, so I assume that it has the normal amount and is just a good chunky little guy. It is very very cute, but still a pretty regular looking fish, moderate funk. A lot of things talked about snails eating the slime off of them, so I assume that they are gunky little guys!
Overall: 8/10
Omg they’re so cute Omg I want one I want one I want one Omg omg omg LOOK AT IT
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Daily fish fact #534
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They have two sets of jaws, the other normal and the other pharyngeal jaws! The pharyngeal jaws help with crushing and tearing apart food.
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horsesarecreatures · 6 months
Petco was out of frozen spirulina and brine shrimp cubes, so I bought frozen spirulina and mysis shrimp cubes instead. This one let me know through hesitation and then violent spitting that it was not an acceptable alternative. 😂
Meanwhile the dogs are staring at me in an accusatory manner and wondering why they never get frozen food when they would actually appreciate it.
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sunfish-exotics · 7 months
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Batch number 4 for this pair of severums. The last round made it allllmost to hatch so they're definitely doing better with each attempt.
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armedbirds · 2 months
so I thought I knew what species this guy was but apparently I don't. he doesn't match any pictures of any jack dempsey nor any blue acara. in leaning toward dempsey bc acaras are a lot rounder in the face. fishblr please
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One of my other tanks: the 180l tank next to the kitchen.
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I've got it from a work college, who didn't want it anymore 2 years ago.
I gave some of the fish away and only kept 2 ancistrus and 3 Puntigrus.
Current stocking:
A pair of Hemichromis guttatus Super Blue (love them, had the for a few years in another tank, but they'll stay in this one)
10 Puntigrus tetrazona (added 7, 3 is to little a group for them)
3 Ancistrus sp. (added a white female)
And one dwarf channa (rescue)
Also some snails
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
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Ironic that the day after I say I might not make more Merman AU art I end up making Merman AU art.
@charliesfavxd bc you were the one to ask me for more art. Thanks for all the asks bud! 👍
Ugggghhhh…. I hate being sick… I’m going back to bed…. ✌️
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fishenjoyer1 · 3 months
Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the kribensis cichlid
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The kribensis cichlid, scientific name Pelvicachromis pulcher, is known in the aquarium trade as a popular freshwater fish. In the aquarium trade it is known by multiple names, krib, common krib, rainbow krib, rainbow cichlid, purple cichlid, etc. Outside of the aquarium trade, these fish are native along southern Nigeria, and coastal Cameroon, living in warm waters and semi acidic waters. There is also a non native population that has also been found within Hawaii, and is predicted to have been started by released pets. This species inhabits fast moving waters and lives only where there is dense vegetation, although they can survive in shallow and still waters, or even brackish conditions.  In the wild the kribensis has been observed creating small holes under plants, or living within underwater caves blocked by vegetation. 
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The diet of the kribensis cichlid consists of worms, crustaceans, and small insects, although in the wild a large part of their diet is made up of algae, and other surrounding plants. This diet allows them to get to sizes between 3-5 inches in length. Male kribensis grow about 12.5 cm (4.9 inches) and females, who are smaller, grow about 3 inches in length.  They are predated on by African Pike, tigerfish, and nile perch, which share significant overlap in the wild.
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Within the kribensis cichlid there is significant sexual dimorphism. Male fish are larger than female fish, alone with having a more rounded appearance, along with lacking the bright coloration. Breeding is done in holes that are produced under plants or in natural cave formations, so long as they are small and partially hidden. Eggs, when layed are adhesive, and form in rows along the upper surface of the cave, which are then brooded by the female for 20-30 days. After this, both male and female kribensis care for the fry, males acting as territorial guardians to drive away predators, and females feeding the young.
Have a wonderful Friday, everyone!
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