fishwanderingforest · 11 days
It has finally happened, I've been referred to as a transformer in real life
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fishwanderingforest · 12 days
when i forget to log into ao3 and i have to click proceed to see an adult fic, i actually get a kick out of it. like i am an old timey queen and my bard is apologetic: “gentle lady, dicks doth touch in this next ballad. would you prefer another?” and i give him a gesture of command like, “nay, you may proceed, minstrel. bring forth the tale of dicks”
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fishwanderingforest · 12 days
Rip out ur guts and kneel down in front of them as u pick them apart and dare to explain every single aspect of what is wrong with you and where it stems from just for them to ridicule you and point at your bloody hands (this is about trauma and undiagnosed adhd)
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fishwanderingforest · 20 days
A small update on Mohammed Alwadiya's campaign
The vetting status of Mohammed Alwadiya (@mohammed2alwadiya / @ahmedharara / @wadyahmoh) was previously uncertain since I and a few other users accidentally claimed Mohammed was related to Fadi Ayyad (@/aymanayyad82) [if you can, donate to his GoFundMe too).
Please do not repeat the claim that he is related to Fadi. The Ayyads have stated they do not know him and have no connection to Mohammed. Please respect their wishes.
I'm trying to help Mohammed get official verification by having him reach out to the appropriate Palestinians on Tumblr to verify him or to contact one of the community vetting collectives (like ButterflyEffect Project or Pali Pals) on Instagram.
However, in the mean time, I've tried to see if he has a digital presence on social media or other sites. I've found a teaching profile of his for Kvdemy. It lines up with his biography he's written in his GoFundMe description. He is indeed a mathematics teacher for middle and high school students and who earned a degree from Al-Azhar University in Gaza.
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But please remember I am still not a qualified vetter nor am I Palestinian. Please do not use me as a substitute for individuals like @/90-ghost and the folks at @/gaza-evacuation-funds. This is just in the mean time until Mohammed does get proper vetting. If there is anyone who can accelerate or aid in this process, my DMs and askbox are open.
$1,455/$35,000 goal
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fishwanderingforest · 20 days
🌍💧 Facing a Water Crisis in Gaza 💧🌍
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Getting clean water in Gaza has become an overwhelming challenge for me and many others. The ongoing conflict has wrecked infrastructure, forcing us to rely on unsafe sources. 🚰💔
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This daily hardship impacts our health and well-being. With your donation, we might not only secure the clean water we desperately need but also gain a chance to escape the harsh realities of war. 🌟💙
If you can't donate, please share this post to help spread the word and bring more support. Every bit of help counts in making a difference. 🙏💪
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fishwanderingforest · 20 days
🚨 Urgent Appeal: Do Not Scroll Past This! 🚨
🚨 This GoFundMe is VETTED here
We've been able to raise only 120$ so far
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Dear Tumblr Friends,
I’m begging you—please, do not scroll past this post. Mohammed, his family, and his young niece are in a desperate situation, and they need our help urgently.
The airstrike that shattered their lives has claimed the lives of everyone in his niece's family—leaving her completely alone. They have lost everything: their loved ones, their home, and their sense of security. 😢💔
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Now, they are living in a tent, struggling daily with no fresh water and barely any food. To make matters worse, Mohammed’s brother is still missing. Their situation is critical and time is running out. 🚨
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Mohammed is trying to escape to safety in Egypt, but the cost is staggering: $5,000 per person. Without these funds, their chance to flee their nightmare is slipping away. 😔💔
Here’s how you can make a REAL difference:
Donate: Every dollar counts. Your contribution can help cover the crossing fees and offer Mohammed and his family a glimmer of hope for a safer future. 🌟💪
Share: Spread their story. The more people who hear this, the closer we get to our goal. Your voice matters! 📢💬
Offer Support: If you have any resources, connections, or ideas to help, don’t hesitate to reach out. Every bit of assistance can change their lives. 🤝💖
Please, don't let this opportunity to help slip away. Their lives depend on our collective action. Your support can mean everything to them in this critical time.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and support. Together, we can make a life-saving difference. 🙏✨
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fishwanderingforest · 20 days
My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450
Thank you so much for you agreeing to support me ...... kindly every little dollar matters a lot.
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
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Today we took our little son to the hospital because he suffers from a chest infection that affects his breathing and causes him pain. I hope that every living conscience will help us save our young son’s life and donate any amount you can.
Unfortunately, there is no treatment in the hospital for my young son. Help us before it is too late.
@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @gaza-evacuation-funds @schoolhater @commissions4aid-international @sar-soor @fairuzfan @flower-tea-fairies @schoolhater @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @sayruq @appsa @omiteo777 @malcriada @ilyabrums @beside-myself-with-glory
@just-browsing1222 @bat-luun @kaneverse @nightowlssleep @staretes @violetlyra @ashbakche @friendshapedplant @oglach-uisce @communistchilchuck @vakarians-babe @babygoatsandfriends @self-hating-zionist @neptunerings @mangocheesecakes @malcriada
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
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What is the fault of my little son that he was born in this war? He has no right to live as a child like other children. Please help my little son 😭🙏🙏
@el-shab-hussein @sar-soor @90-ghost @fairuzfan @communistchilchuck @nabulsi @just-browsing1222 @bat-luun @kaneverse @nightowlssleep @staretes @violetlyra @ashbakche @friendshapedplant @oglach-uisce @buildabears
Hello my friend
I hope everyone see this post help us by donate and spread my link as many people as possible
Thanks 🙏
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
‼️Please help by donating, sharing, and praying for a fast recovery! We just got some news that might make us be hospitals a few weeks longer than expected!‼️
Dont skip, please help, fundraiser is Vetted and verified: save life in Gaza (palestine) Organized by Maxwell-0.🚨🚨🚨
Hello, my name is Maxwell-0 from Gaza. When I was only 20 years old, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (cancer in the blood and bone marrow). I would like to share with you a little of my life struggle and ask you to give me a little of your time.
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My illness came as a shock to me when we were living in the Gaza strip (deir-al-balaa) with my family, After my 20th birthday in a week the illness started to show small symptoms but which were evaluated very quickly. At that time when I found out about this disease my hope was zero, but now with the help of God and people with big hearts I know that I will be able to overcome this disease.
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But I cannot win this fight alone. I need your help for expensive treatment, it will include chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. I am aware that this road to recovery is not easy at all, but I will never give up on my dreams and I hope to beat this disease. I am determined to win this battle and continue my life with new strength.
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I don't have all the time in the world, I want to believe that there is still a chance in life and to cross in peace with all my parents safe, And with the possibility of creating a good future for myself, so I need your help so that I can stop war and genocide, and went to Egypt for further treatment. I am very grateful and I thank the people who are with me and can contribute their little in such a difficult situation. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference to me and my family.
《 Here is the link to donate 》
⚠️ 👇👇👇 ⚠️
GOAL: $620/25,000
Please help me and share my story with people. with big heart and soul. I really need help in this fierce battle for Life! Thank you for every kind gesture and thought of yours.🍉🍉🍉
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
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for a few days now i've been chatting with @hazempalestine, and i'd like to help boost this incredibly kind person's fundraiser in any way i can. he hasn't been able to see his family in 6 years, and his campaign has been progressing very slowly; as of posting, it's only at €6,661 out of a needed €50,000.
please donate, and share if you can't afford to donate! send in a receipt of your donation through my submissions or dms and you can request an anagram.
[link to el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's list of verified fundraisers]
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
if yall have only drawn the line at kids being brutally martyred-- but have accepted the apartheid, mass starvation, targeted bombings of hospitals-- then your issue is not that palestinians are dying, it is that they are not dying in a way that's palatable to you
i won't dive into specifics because @siraj2024 deserves his right to privacy, but know his family is exhausted. they are ill. so much so that siraj was unable to write another daily update to share himself
what they want is a true place to call home. they will spend the time painstakingly lifting chunks of rubble- sweeping the floors covered in debris- and rebuild. because they have chosen to stay. and they deserve a chance to rebuild.
siraj is trying reach 30K ASAP. he has $25,635 CAD so far-- spread his campaign wherever possible + donate if you have the means to do so
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
Stop Torturing our Children💔‼‼
Gaza is experiencing a catastrophic spread of skin diseases due to harsh living conditions. Overcrowding in tents, high temperatures, water shortages, and the lack of essential nutritious food contribute to the worsening situation. The press photos reflect the suffering of residents from skin diseases caused by environmental pollution and poor sanitation, which exacerbates their hardship and further endangers their health and daily lives. 😥
وتشهد غزة انتشاراً كارثياً للأمراض الجلدية نتيجة الظروف المعيشية القاسية، حيث تساهم الاكتظاظ في الخيام وارتفاع درجات الحرارة ونقص المياه ونقص الأغذية المغذية الأساسية في تفاقم الوضع. وتعكس الصور الصحفية معاناة السكان من الأمراض الجلدية الناجمة عن التلوث البيئي وسوء الصرف الصحي، مما يفاقم معاناتهم ويعرض صحتهم وحياتهم اليومية للخطر
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Save our children from this war. Link for donation 👇🔗🍉
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
Tahseen Starving Children Call for Your Support Amid Crises
Hello Dear
My name is Tahseen Alkhazendar from Gaza City - Tal-Alhawa Area . As you are reading my message, my wife, 3 little children, and I are sitting in the north of Gaza City, starving with no food, water, or money. Every morning, my wife and I feel heart broken and disabled, when our children wake up asking us for food which we don't have and unable to provide to them at this time in Gaza.
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Before October 7th, I was a successful business man who owned a driving school and graduated from the business management school. I worked hard to secure a decent and happy life to my family, and did my best to raise my children with dignity, pride, and respect. However, once the aggression started on Gaza, we were forced to evacuate our house and left everything behind. I struggle every single day to secure 1 single meal for my children. Specially my older son, Ibrahim, who suffers from the Celiac disease and needs a special food which I am unable to find in Gaza at this current time.
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Unfortunately everything I owned is completely lost after my house and business got bombed and destroyed. We are currently suffering slow death in Gaza, sharing a small apartment with other families and living a devastating life.
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It would mean so much if you could take a look at my GoFundMe and donate for my family🙏. By sharing and donating, you are helping me, my wife, and 3 children to survive the ravages of famine and genocide. You will give us hope to rebuild our home, and reclaim some of the life which was stolen from us.
Please donate and share/replog with others 🙏 🥺🙏.
Please be certain that any contribution, no matter how small, will make a difference in our lives 🥺. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support and may God bless you and your family 🙏.🙏.
Sincerely, Tahseen
Vetted by @olagaza, @90-ghost, & @northgazaupdates.
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
Hello my friends I am Hanan from Gaza, a mother of three children. We used to live in a quiet, reassured house, but our lives were turned upside down: fear, bombing, terror, and destruction. My children and I were subjected to repeated displacement, and we were forced to live inside a tent that swayed in the wind and was full of insects. Meanwhile, my warm house was completely destroyed, and nothing remained. All of it is rubble, stones and memories. I ask you to help me save my children’s lives from danger. I hope you will donate even a little. https://www.gofundme.com/f/q37qd5-please-help-my-family-in-gaza?attribution_id=sl:a7c90392-5bd1-45ca-a58b-c3a57b462cff&utm_campaign=
I'm afraid I cant afford to donate, but hopefully you guys can. He does look legit, so please help his family.
Here's the link again for those who need it
Even if you can't afford to donate, everyone can reblog and raise awareness
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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fishwanderingforest · 21 days
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truly at a loss for words. nesma @nesmamomen has been fundraising on this website since fucking march and is so tantalizingly close to her goal yet shes only bringing in $5-$10 every couple of hours or so. please take this burden off her shoulders after she has already lost everything
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fishwanderingforest · 22 days
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@danashehab has been fundraising since may and is just over €15,000 away from their goal l. as stated in the screenshot people are starting to believe the rafah crossing will open so it’s important to make sure everyone has the funds in case they are allowed to evacuate.
thee shehab family consists of dana (13), sahar (14), mona (9), malak (5), yehya (1.5), fahed, (38), reem (32), and grandmother mona (60). they have been shadowbanned and deleted a few times. you can also find this family at @monashehab
The family has had to raise their goal to cover their extended family’s evacuation fees since they are unable to make a new GFM.
The new goal is €85,000.
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