fizzycrip · 2 years
this might be me swinging a bat at a hornets nest, but i think we need to address the fact that the abled NDs issue is also inherently a white issue. every time i see ableds saying some stupid shit on a disabled person's post, they're almost always white. i think white people are generally just more comfortable not recognizing their privilege and weaponizing their existing marginalizations to hurt people, and it has got to stop. we have to recognize how white privilege and white supremacy contribute to ableism and it starts here.
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fizzycrip · 2 years
Even among disabled people, I very seldom see acknowledgement about how much different using a power chair is to using manual chair.
Being a full-time chunky power chair user is totally different from being full-time lightweight manual chair user and, for me at least, the transition from manual chair to big power chair was harder than the transition from walking to full-time manual chair user – both in terms of how I get treated, and where I can physically access.
Often there is a single (literal or metaphorical) box labelled "wheelchair user" and people assume that the experiences of manual wheelchair users (and maybe lightweight powerchair users) are taken as universal.
IDK, this isn't a full thought. I just wish more people realised that "wheelchair user" is about as broad a spectrum as "mobility aid user", and sometimes it helps to be more specific.
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fizzycrip · 2 years
the idea that "there's no base threshold of suffering we need to clear to have our issues taken seriously" and "there are people with differing levels of disability, some of which will be more disabled than yourself " not only can co-exist. they must co-exist. the existence of more disabled people does not invalidate other disabled people and that should not be the take-away we have from their existence. neither should that be the take-away when we acknowledge that there are some things we can do that other disabled people cannot do. ableds will not take us any more seriously if we erase the existence of people worse off than us.
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fizzycrip · 2 years
You're not fucking cripple punk if you are are gonna be ableist towards severely disabled people. Take those stickers off your cane if you can’t treat powerchair users with speech issues and carers like we’re fucking human beings.
In fact in general if you’re going to treat severely disabled people and people with intellectual disabilities or higher support needs like shit then stay the fuck away from disability "activism" or "advocacy".
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fizzycrip · 2 years
really fucking annoying that all the "resources" for people with EDS cant help/dont apply to anyone affected by EDS beyond being double-jointed. i cant relate to most people with EDS on here because they can still hold full time jobs, go to school, fucking walk. i dont want to resent it but i do. all the "advice" is shit i tried almost a decade ago. all of the positivity posts consist of "you are so vaild even if your disability is invisible and doesnt affect you for weeks at a time" and thats fuckinf great!! and all! for you guys but im losing mobility in my dominant hand. it just. doesnt fucking work anymore. ive had to give up more hobbies/passions than most people have in their lifetimes. my bum leg is starting to lose feeling. i dont know what the fuck to do, and i cant find anyone that has useful advice about how to cope with this. anyway if you have EDS and its ruined your life follow me <3
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fizzycrip · 2 years
Reblog to deal irreversible psychic damage to an ableist :3c
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fizzycrip · 2 years
Tumblr media
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fizzycrip · 2 years
Some of y’all won’t like this, but truly and honestly if you’re mentally ill and you find a post (specifically about physically disabled people) and you add on “This applies to mental illness as well!” Just . . . don’t?
We deserve our own community and our own space, and this isn’t saying “Mental illness aren’t disabling.” They are, and that’s just how it is. But physically disabled people want our community, even if it does cross over into mental illness at times, we want our own posts and we don’t always want it to be changed to the subject of mental illness when we post specifically about physically disabled people.
I’ve had people get angry at me because they think that I don’t think it’s disabling to have a mental illness. As someone who has multiple mental illness and physical disabilities (literally like 10), I get how bad it can be. I deal with this shit every day, and it fucking sucks.
And there are times when you need to listen to (physically) disabled people about our own problems and not try to drown our own advocacy concerns and issues with stating our problems also apply to your mental illnesses.
Don’t talk over us and switch our problems into what you’re dealing with as well. Just reblog/like the post, share it, whatever. But to be a good ally to other disabled people, you need to not change our problems into yours.
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fizzycrip · 2 years
btw transautistic, transabled, transrace, endos, and anything similar to that are fucking delusional. dni rn ur all sick <3 also go outside while youre at it.  - a transgender autistic psychotic system
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fizzycrip · 2 years
I am just so tired. It's so exhausting to have to deal with doctors and basically fighting for accomodations and ableism and inaccessible places and then come home and see people saying that my physical disability makes me more privileged than able bodied nd people
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fizzycrip · 2 years
do nondisabled people realize how petrifying it is to know that you will walk into an event and most likely be the only visibly disabled person there?
the only one with a mobility aid, communication device, service/guide dog, physical deformity/difference, etc.... you dont even step foot in the door and you already stick out. EVERYBODY stares at you, even the nice, accepting people. are you an attention seeker or someone they should pity? you dont get to make that decision; they already decided the moment they saw you. are you going to be respected, babied, or insulted? or will they completely ignore you because talking to the cripple is too awkward? if youre there with somebody else, are people going to talk to them and ignore you, like youre not capable of interacting with them? is the venue even accessible, or do you get left behind as people move elsewhere? does anyone hang back to walk beside you, keep you company, or are you left to trail along behind them, alone? are you even included in what's going on? what is even the point of being there?
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fizzycrip · 2 years
When the fuck did the social model of disability go from "the way society is structured makes disabled people's lives harder than they have to be" to "the only thing wrong with you is capitalism"?????
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fizzycrip · 2 years
spell to curse nd abled people who talk over physically disabled people. like to charge rb to cast
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fizzycrip · 2 years
A brief guide on when it's okay to touch someone's mobility aid:
"When am I allowed to touch someone's mobility aid?" -> you are allowed if you have the owner's full consent, i.e. if they need it and it's far from reach or cannot grab it themselves and ask you specifically to grab it for them
"Can I take someone's mobility aid for a brief joke?" -> no, you can't
"Can I hide someone's mobility aid as a prank?" -> you absolutely cannot
"Even of they're my best friend/partner/coworker/relative?" -> yeah im (not) sorry you still need consent
"I did it before and my friend/partner/relative/coworker didn't say anything!" -> probably because they're so used to this kind of microaggressions they rather spend their energy on something else, this kind of reaction does not make your action okay. Silence does not replace consent.
(This includes ableds using disabled parking spaces and bathrooms and ableds petting service dogs when they shouldn't)
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fizzycrip · 2 years
i simply need everyone to understand that i am tired all of the time. literally at all moments. if i ever go somewhere and do something, it is not because i am somehow full of energy, but instead that i have carefully stored up all of my little bits of energy like a dragon collecting jewels, and am now vaporizing them all at once
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fizzycrip · 2 years
imagine making a post about loving phys disabled people and ur only response is “well what about me!” fuck you and die, that’s what!
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fizzycrip · 2 years
I love you physically disabled people. I love you spoonies. I love you cripples. Iove you zebras. I love you wheelchair users. I love you cane users. I love you crutch users. I love you people with prosthetics. I love you service dog teams. I love you other mobility aid users. I love you chronically ill people. I love you terminally ill people. I love you people with skin differences. I love you people with limb differences. I love you people with facial differences. I love you people with autoimmune conditions. I love you people with gastrointestinal conditions. I love you people with heart conditions. I love you people with chronic pain. I love you people with chronic fatigue. I love you people who faint. I love you people who have seizures. I love you people with mental health problems on top of or because of your physical disability. I love you people with disabilities I don't know about or didn't mention.
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