flamediel · 8 months
Coming back just to say being cheated on by someone who wanted u first WITH THE GIRL THEY REJECTED FOR YOU is the craziest feeling. And finding out from an anonymous post on a uni confession blog? WILD
Do not recommend at all babes xx
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flamediel · 2 years
Hate that this is the reason I reopen this app but @cashcartiii taking SOMEONE ELSES STORY and changing the boy in it is plagiarism. This fandom is too small for ppl to keep thinking they can get away with this so pls apologise to tav and delete it
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flamediel · 3 years
for everyone that doesn't know i'm part of a girl group and out first single called tears it's coming out february 11, if you guys could pleaseee make the pre save, it's super fast and it helps us so so much 🖤
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flamediel · 3 years
Someone tell me whats been going on lately I have not kept up lmao
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flamediel · 3 years
Lmao anyone still here?
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flamediel · 3 years
Im not sure how active they are rn but @cncopromoteam takes translation requests. As does @txgxxn!
Is there anyone who can translate any of the recent interviews or the latest Tik Tok on our CNCO men.
I can give you a very loose translation! (If I get it wrong, pls don’t come at me my Spanish is like caveman-elementary school level lmao)
Erick’s “dare” or whatever was asking him who were the last five people he texted and what were the texts (I didn’t really catch what he was saying when he was explaining the texts tho)
Chris’ dare was to let the boys send a random dm to someone and they sent a dm to Tini
Richard’s dare was to remove four items of clothing
And Zabdiel’s dare was to show his orgasm face 👀
Anyone else wanna jump in and give a more exact translation????
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flamediel · 3 years
Cncos team has a special place in hell and the more they aggravate me the more inclined I am to help them reach their final destination
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flamediel · 3 years
camila cabello, jesy nelson and joel pimentel give off the same energy
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flamediel · 3 years
Wait excuse my ignorance lol but how tf did you find out that Richard had a speeding ticket like can you actually look these things up??
oh yeah, those records are public in the US! they're hard to find since most public record databases where u can just put in the name and DOB to get all the info are behind a paywall, but if you know where it happened and you dig through court records you can find it. just takes a while (esp if you spend an hour looking through the Miami County courthouse documents only to realize that miami county is in ohio and you're an idiot).
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flamediel · 3 years
Yellow black and claret. So glad you back <3
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated
Janelle Monae always! and not just dirty computer her other stuff too!
black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?
answered here x
claret: do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any?
I'm actually starting to learn guitar rn and I really love it even though my fingers hurt like hell. definitely want to get good at it!
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flamediel · 3 years
For color asks, black please 🖤🖤
black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?
I actually did try to go vegan when I was fifteen or so. I was getting stomach sick a lot and did it to hopefully help with that, but honestly I became so focused on cutting stuff out of my diet I wasn't focused on what I was actually eating, and it was NOT healthy.
I wouldn't really go vegan for environmental reasons either since I think it's much more helpful to have a locally sourced diet than a plant-based one, but that's just my personal belief and people will have different approaches.
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flamediel · 3 years
Hi Scarlet and mauve
scarlet: favorite holiday
Eid el adha! we go to the beach and do big family barbeques and it's always a great time
mauve: any unpopular opinions?
OOF so MANY. cnco fandom wise, i think a lot of people can be hypocritical in the way they judge the boys' girlfriends. like they'll all do the same thing but you'll only blame the ones you're jealous of. just generally people here are very picky when it comes to who they choose to hold accountable and it's definitely shitty. I'm not saying you need to be negative all the time but like. keep the energy consistent, make a point of it, and move on.
in terms of like, life, I think the current trends going around calling out pick me girls or basic girls or whatever it is at this point is just plain mysoginy. Esp the tiktokers who make a million videos about the girl obsessed with guys but the guys don't like the back and like the ~cool~ ~normal~ girl? why is it everywhere?? idk i just don't think it's necessary.
also I think the vegan movement is fake woke and incredibly ineffective lol.
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flamediel · 3 years
emerald and honey! and hope you're doing well :))
hi love! hope you're well too, and thank you xx
Emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one?
I mean, I'm moving to the UK in September soooooo yes lol. That said I have no idea where I want to love my life if that makes sense. I want to do a LOT of travelling and moving around (sags are quirky like that) and honestly, as long as I end up somewhere with a nice beach and pretty dive spots I will be MORE than happy.
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
definitely. not to sound like a weirdo but looking at life like it's full of magic is gonna improve your day to day by 100000%. the energy that exists in your life is fully up to you so why not make it positive.
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flamediel · 3 years
Toa la noche is actually really good?? I like it a lot its the right amount of sensual and shows off their vocals. It doesn't hurt that they sound GREAT.
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flamediel · 3 years
Ok I started watching that performance video at previous juventud but the outfits literally blinded me and now im going to Spotify to just listen to it while washing my eyes out with bleach
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flamediel · 3 years
You're losing interest in them aren't you? (Can't blame you I'm the same)
Tbh its less that and more i don't have time? Like this summer has been so busy I went on three road trips learned kitesurfing and dyed my hair red. Not to mention family time before i leave for uni and the sudden urge I have to learn guitar and yoga and dance and scuba diving and crochet. I still love them i just don't necessarily have time to be as active. And I def don't love them as much as everything I've filled my time with yk? To be fair tho I need to quarantine in a hotel room for ten days mid September so I'll probably be REALLY active then lmao
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flamediel · 3 years
This is so late but thanks love ❤❤
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