flareonyx-official · 2 years
Here's A Thought!
Ok, so I've been thinking about this LONG and HARD, but I think I'm finally ready to go through with it~! Since I'm back in my artsy phase again, and I wanna contribute a bit more...
So, whenever I have a ship, I usually come up with children designs. Because, I dunno, it's fun to make and I love the idea of family life. What I'm getting at, is I actually have planned child designs for the Ayakoi boys! Of course, the designs I have are more like the Ayakoi boys in appearence than their other parent since the other parent is MC and MC is supposed to be YOU (or an Oc if you do that too). It is a different story if I designed them with Futaba in mind and their appearences may alter.
I'm planning to maybe post those designs if anyone would like to see! For my main designs, they will have the opposite sex too. Some even have names! (Would I say they're my characters? Mmmmm.....They're more just designs, but I guess if I named them and such? I dunno!)
If this goes well, if anyone is interested, I could take lil requests and make a child design for your character and your preferred Ayakoi boy. Of course for that, later down the line, I would ask for refrences for such so I could get an idea. But if you'd like anything specific, albeit hair, eyes, markings, clothing (Could be traditional or modern), then I'd like that put down! The designs I have made (and for requests (later down the line), will be between the ages 4 - 12 . So lil' kiddos!
So, whaddya think? Thank you and have a nice day!
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flareonyx-official · 2 years
As Long As You Don't....
This was a lil joke between me and a friend, and I thought- Oh I just HAD to draw it. Context: She doesn't play Ayakashi Romance Reborn, but I talk about it with her. Alot. And because of it, she knows of all the bois and routes thus far. She really liked Nachi. Then when Nachi's route came out, and I freaked the Hell out to her on certain parts, she felt crushed! I get it. Feeling betrayed and all. I absolutely loved his route! But she feels like she can't trust him anymore. Though we have this lil joke. And I drew it with Futaba. I've worked on this for a couple of hours! Hope you like it~!
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And lil chibi Akiyasu in the bottom there, sipping his tea as he watches this mess! Hope you all have a great day/night!
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flareonyx-official · 2 years
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I am just on a ROLL. I've been very motivated drawing todayand I am very happy~! I just completed a Yura drawing, now I did Aoi~! Flusted boi, let's gooooooooo~! Wonder what's got him all red in the face~!
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I've come pretty far drawing Aoi! I remember posting a drawing of him for the very fist time.
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This was about almost a year ago now. Man. It's really been a bit! Alright that's all from me for now! Have a great day!
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flareonyx-official · 2 years
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So here is another piece I just finished today! IDK why, but I was just so inspired to draw Yura- And hetre we are! I gave him the Shizuki treatment! Because I usually draw Shizuki with longer and colored eyelashes. I think it suits him better that his lashes are like this than what I did with Nachi. But here he is~! Lil flute man~!
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😭I was ORIGINALLY going to have a lil squirrel on his shoulder, but I scrapped that....I guess to laziness and I'm not that confident in my ability of drawing animals yet.
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And that's all from me~! I'm thinking of drawing someone else soon~! IDK who yet, but someone! Have a great day, everyone!
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flareonyx-official · 2 years
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SO! To begin with, I read Nachi's route and I am INLOVE. I felt so many emotions that I legit freaked the absolute Hell out coming across the plot twist (You know the one). So, after reading and just feeling so many things! I finally was inspired to draw again. And I just HAD to draw Nachi. And I'm very proud of this! Due to my full time job, I just haven't had the motivation to draw much anymore. So I'm glad I got to make this~! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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BONUS~ Flare's Process:
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That is all from me! Thank you very much~! -FlareOnyx
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
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Shizuki Drawing (From some time ago) & an Update
Though this is a few months old, without seeing the light of day, I've FINALLY come back to post~! I was going through an experimental phase with this, and like------I also fell inlove with going with the idea that his hair was transitioning from his dark blue to ice blue. Also experimenting with eyelashes! I used to do the hard black likes for lashes, but I think I like doing it this way better! I've only really drawn Kagemaru, Shizuki (Twice), Aoi, and Kuya....Hmmmm....Well, I'll change that eventually! Try and get all the boys! ^-^ Hope you guys like~! Now that I think about it, I need some Toichiro in my life....I need all of them in my life, man 💕
UPDATE: Hey, it's been a while, huh? Well, long story short, life got in the way and I've lost alot of motivation for some time. But I've gotten better and regained some desire to draw again too! At that, Ayakashi continues to take over my life! Anyway! It's nice to see the community still lively as ever too! I'll take part here and there! Hope you all have a wonderful day! -FlareOnyx
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
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Sketch-like drawing of Kagemaru~! It was my first time drawing him too! I think I could of done a BIT better, but I’ll settle with this, I think it’s good enough for now! Lowkey VERY proud of his chest exposure, I’m not the best at man pecks, but this was a good one! ~Fl@reOnyx
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
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“Sleeping under the shade” Characters: Haruhi (Belongs to me) Flare Plushie (Belongs to me) -Fl@reOnyx
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
As The Leaves Turn Gold Shizuki
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So, I fell out of drawing for a good moment of time- then I’m like, I gotta get back into it, what am I DOING? Soooo, in spirits of the “As The Leaves Turn Gold” Event, I drew Shizuki! It’s gonna take me some time, but I’m slowly getting into it again! >w< I’m proud of this one~! A bit messy, but over all, I’m proud! I might make Kagemaru too! Soon though! Maybe..... I THINK I WILL---- Hope you like! I hope everyone has a nice day! ~Fl@reOnyx
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
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Before I decided to keep track- I had ATLEAST 300 diamonds going in! 😭 And guess what that means? I have-
But I am REALLY into this event, I can't deny it. 😔 I'm not even close enough to get to Toichiro's story. Im sure I'll get there! Eventually!
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
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Chibi Tengu Child~ 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 So, I drew the lazy Tengu digitally because, I’ve been out of the loop on any digital art lately, so I took this opportunity~✨I’m in a pretty chibi mood too~! I do plan to do the others too! If you have any suggestion on who to do next, I’ll be more than happy to do so! This was my first attempt at his clothes and it was a NIGHTMARE! Hopefully when I draw him again I’ll do a better job!  I hope you like it~! And I hope everyone has a wonderful day! -FlareOnyx
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
Drew my precious Tsun Aoi~! 💕 To be honest, this was my first attempt to draw him and I'm pretty proud! Man, I would of loved to color him, but I don't have my colored pencils on hand! But either or, I'm happy with it! I'm planning to draw more of the boys soon~🎵
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This game has taken over my life for the past 3 weeks and I regret NOTHING! I'm too invested in these characters and this story! 💕
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
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Marshmallow Kenzo~💕 -FlareOnyx
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
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First posted art is gonna be a very happy Scout~! This is pretty recent since most of my posts for now are gonna be older art. So have a happy Scout! This is one of the rare instances he isn’t a chaotic asshole! -FlareOnyx
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flareonyx-official · 3 years
Heyo, I’m FlareOnyx, but you can just call me Flare! I actually used to have a Tumblr in the past, but I lost access to it a long time ago, so, I’m starting over fresh!  So, to start, I’m a 21 year old armature artist as well as a dreaming animator (though...I have reached a point where I do not animate as much as I used to...). Characters I usually draw and will post are my own. Though I may post some anime characters I like here and there and what-not!  Most of the art I will be posting here are older, because I actually don’t have new content. But I hope they’ll be enjoyed none-the-less! I do traditional as well as digital! Well, this is my first post and a bit about myself! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!  -FlareOnyx
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