fleckatek · 2 years
Rest in peace, Technoblade i'm not very good with words, or emotions - plus i'm still just trying to process this all, so all i'm going to say is we loved you, and i'm praying for you still. Hope you are now in a much, much happier place - knowing how much good you did for the entire world i'm sure there's a special place for you in not just our hearts but Heaven as well <3 Goodbye, farewell, and amen, dear Techno - we'll miss you so much. Namarie, and "we'll see you in another life, brother." <3
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fleckatek · 2 years
awww i love Rowlf!
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and i think to myself, what a wonderful world (+og image i used as a ref)
(please reblog my art so other people can see it!)
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fleckatek · 2 years
whyyy am i laughing at dad jokes lol
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fleckatek · 2 years
Places To Post Original Fiction
1.)  Commaful – a friendly and supportive writing community, smaller but denser than Wattpad, and far more active and engaging.
2.)  FictionPress – original fiction’s answer to FanFiction.net.  If you’re familiar with that format, you’ll be familiar with this.  
3.)  Smashwords – an ebook publishing platform that also welcomes short stories, and collections thereof.
4.)  WritersCafe – old-school but solid, with an active community and plenty of contests/challenges to get the creative juices pumping.
5.)  Medium – a place where you can post, essentially, anything and everything.  Articles and non-fiction are its biggest market, but fiction is welcome as well.
6.)  Booksie – less community-based, with fewer interactions and comments.  However, it still attracts great talent, and can be great for authors who are shy and don’t want to get bombarded with interaction.
7.)  RoyalRoad – a rich community, with a strong emphasis on mutual support between authors.  Focuses on web novels, fanfiction, and original stories.
8.)  FanStory – an oldie but a goody.  Don’t be fooled by the name – it seems to be predominantly original fiction, and offers contests with cash prizes. 
9.)  Young Writers Society – as the name suggests, oriented towards writers in their teens and twenties, but is by no means exclusive to authors of this age bracket. 
10.)  Wattpad – Wattpad provides users with the opportunity to post original fiction and gain a loyal following.  It’s not for everyone, but some people swear by it.  
On that note, you can also post original fiction to AO3 and FanFiction, but as they are predominantly for fan works, I decided not to include them on this list.  What’s your favorite way to post original fiction?
Happy writing, everybody!
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fleckatek · 2 years
*purrs protectively over pile of unfinished wips* you may look but no touchhhhh
Showing people our writing makes me feel like a cat presenting someone a dead mouse.
“Yes, it’s a bit horrifying but I am very proud of it”
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fleckatek · 2 years
this was definitely one of my favourite episodes XD
I'm seeing the word morb an awful lot on my dashboard lately.
Morb this, morbing that.
Let it be known that the only morb I recognize on this blog is Morbus, an alien prisoner trapped in a hell dimension for trying to overthrow the government on his planet.
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He pretends to be the devil to roast Dr. Smith, macks on Judy to surprising effect and makes Don West look like a punk in a fight.
He's great.
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fleckatek · 2 years
Not gonna lie, i ain't got no beef with this post- it certainly isn't false!
Hermitcraft has ruined me. No one can say "I have no impulse control" around me. No one can threateningly ask me "do you want to tango?" They can't say I'm "spouting a bunch of mumbo jumbo." "Wanna know how I got this scar?" I can only assume it was a good time.
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fleckatek · 2 years
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fleckatek · 2 years
Everybody goes "You millennials should watch MASH! It's so funny you'll enjoy it!"
And you should watch MASH. It is funny and you will enjoy it. But you know what show never gets mentioned? Hogan's Heroes. I loved that show growing up. It's about a group of POWs led by Colonel Hogan who are stuck in Stalag 13, so they work behind enemy lines to gather intelligence and disrupt the Nazi war effort. The show manages to be hilarious while brilliantly satirizing the Nazis without cheapenig the horror of real life concentration camps.
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Watch it if you can. I cannot recommend this show highly enough. If you enjoy Blazing Saddles or Airplane! then you'll love Hogan's Heroes.
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fleckatek · 2 years
The trick to leaving amazing comments on fanfic (if you’re nervous to comment/have nothing to say)
Sometimes, I see people who want to comment on fics, but are shy, nervous, or just don’t think they have anything to say. So, here’s the trick to low-effort but amazing comments:
- copy-paste your favourite line from the fic into your comment.
- add an emoji showing how it made you feel, or write what it made you think.
- That’s it. That’s the entire comment.
“But that’s so low-effort, won’t that disappoint the author?” Firstly: no, authors in general love any positive feedback. English teachers aren’t grading your comments. Authors will love that you bothered to say anything no matter what you say, so long as it isn’t mean. There’s no situation where this is a concern.
Secondly: authors love this kind of comment. It’s my favourite. It demonstrates that you engaged with the text, which s always super flattering, and additionally provides extremely useful data. We want to know what lines stood out to you the most, to be worth commenting on! We want to know what they made you feel or think! Again, this isn’t an English essay; pasting your favourite joke and attaching a laughing emoji is enough! This kind of data helps us improve as writers and demonstrates that our work made somebody think or feel something. It’s great.
So there’s the tip. If you want to comment, but have nothing to say, copy-paste your favourite line and add a reaction. Works every time.
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fleckatek · 2 years
Flower of Life by yukikawae
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fleckatek · 2 years
ohhh gosh i thought i was the only one <3
fucking hate it when the stuff everybody says "actually works" does actually work.
hate exercising and realizing i've let go of a lot of anxiety and anger because i've overturned my fight-or-flight response.
hate eating right and eating enough and eating 3 times a day and realizing i'm less anxious and i have more energy
hate journaling in my stupid notebook with my stupid bic ballpoint and realizing that i've actually started healing about something once i'm able to externalize it
hate forgiving myself hate complimenting myself more often hate treating myself with kindness hate taking a gratitude inventory hate having patience hate talking to myself gently
hate turning my little face up to the sun and taking deep breaths and looking at nature and grounding myself and realizing that i feel less burdened and more hopeful, more actually-here, that i am able to see the good sides of myself more clearly, that i am able to see not only how far i have to grow - but also how much growth i have already done & how much of my life i truly fill with light and laughter and love
horrible horrible horrible. hate it but i'm gonna do it tho
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fleckatek · 2 years
name a more iconic duo than hurt/comfort & angst ;)
okay okay okay writers! writers, my loves! what are your GENRES? what genres do you write? what are your TOP TWO?
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fleckatek · 2 years
why at first glance did i think it was a row of chickens
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OiI on canvas
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fleckatek · 2 years
i absolutely love hot showers but i hate them at the same time. Like, it's all well and good until you get in there but then damn, there's no big, oversized, comfy hoodie to separate yourself from reality now.
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fleckatek · 2 years
I’ve read all kinds of posts both from writers and readers lamenting about comments on fic. Authors are upset when they don’t get any, readers don’t know what kinds of comments to leave, etc. And it finally clicked in my brain why I think a lot of people don’t bother writing comments. 
And this is what it boils down to:
Writers do not want praise.  We just want to talk about our story. 
I can’t speak for everyone obviously - but I think the majority of writers don’t care so much for the “omg you’re a brilliant writer!!” comments as much as we just want to hear your thoughts on the story. Even if it’s just your thoughts as you’re reading of “oooh x happened! I can’t believe y said this! What’s going to happen now that z has happened?!” We literally just want to talk about what we’ve written like you would with a friend about a tv show. We’re not out here demanding praise like some entitled narcissist. 
While praising our writing skills or writing style is appreciated, it doesn’t need to be said on every fic and every chapter that you read. If you regularly comment on someone’s work that’s telling enough that you like our technique. Readers shouldn’t feel pressured to have to praise a writer’s abilities every time they want to comment. 
In the grand scheme of things, talking about the fic/chapter is actually more helpful to us writers instead of spewing praise. It’s the same with artwork. As nice as it is that people tell me “wow your art is so pretty!” it’s a LOT more useful to me to get comments like “I love their expressions!” or “the lighting on this is gorgeous!” because then I know WHAT people are liking about it. If no one ever comments on my backgrounds, I now know what to improve. If most people comment on liking the expressions, I now know the strong points of my art and can use it to my advantage to make even better art in the future. 
The same goes for fic. If multiple people tell me they liked a certain part of the story I now know that things similar to that are a hit. It’s feedback I can use to improve the story and give my readers more of what they want. Without that I have no idea what they like about the fic.
Talking with a writer about their story also gives them inspiration!! Nothing gets us more in the mood to work on a fic than to have people wanting to talk about it. A lot of times just talking about one of my fics with someone will give me that push to continue working on it. Getting a comment that just says “great chapter” or “you’re a great writer” doesn’t do much to motivate us to continue that particular fic. But if you talk about the story and the characters it gives us motivation to continue working on it, may even give us ideas for future chapters. I would hope that those of you with “comment anxiety” find this approach so much easier than trying to praise the writer every time you read.
So that fic the author hasn’t updated in forever that you’re dying to read? Talk to them about the fic and the elements of the story! It will make the writer want to talk to you about it and will get their mind thinking about it, hopefully inspiring them to continue where they left off. Fics that are left in silence are more likely to be abandoned or even deleted because nothing feels worse than putting your heart into a story to have no one say anything about it. 
TLDR; Writers do not want praise, we just want to talk with our readers about the story itself, and these are the kinds of comments that inspire us to keep writing more. 
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fleckatek · 2 years
Fans will be like “he’s my comfort character, I love him :3” and then run him through a taffy stretcher and light his hair on fire.
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