fleur-a-whump · 7 hours
Prompt #1,191
"I never said I loved you,"
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fleur-a-whump · 2 days
Blood is warm. if blood is cold, you're really fucking feverish or the person is dead. it's only sticky after it coagulates.
It smells! like iron, obv, but very metallic. heavy blood loss has a really potent smell, someone will notice.
Unless in a state of shock or fight-flight mode, a character will know they're bleeding. stop with the 'i didn't even feel it' yeah you did. drowsiness, confusion, pale complexion, nausea, clumsiness, and memory loss are symptoms to include.
blood flow ebbs. sometimes it's really gushin', other times it's a trickle. could be the same wound at different points.
it's slow. use this to your advantage! more sad writer times hehehe.
Stab wounds:
I have been mildly impaled with rebar on an occasion, so let me explain from experience. being stabbed is bizarre af. your body is soft. you can squish it, feel it jiggle when you move. whatever just stabbed you? not jiggly. it feels stiff and numb after the pain fades. often, stab wounds lead to nerve damage. hands, arms, feet, neck, all have more motor nerve clusters than the torso. fingers may go numb or useless if a tendon is nicked.
also, bleeding takes FOREVER to stop, as mentioned above.
if the wound has an exit wound, like a bullet clean through or a spear through the whole limb, DONT REMOVE THE OBJECT. character will die. leave it, bandage around it. could be a good opportunity for some touchy touchy :)
whump writers - good opportunity for caretaker angst and fluff w/ trying to manhandle whumpee into a good position to access both sites
despite the amnesia and confusion, people ain't that articulate. even if they're mumbling about how much they love (person) - if that's ur trope - or a secret, it's gonna make no sense. garbled nonsense, no full sentences, just a coupla words here and there.
if the concussion is mild, they're gonna feel fine. until....bam! out like a light. kinda funny to witness, but also a good time for some caretaking fluff.
you die at 106F (40.5C). no 'oh no his fever is 107F!! ahhh!" no his fever is 0F because he's fucking dead. you lose consciousness around 103, sometimes less if it's a child. brain damage occurs at over 104.
inability to speak clearly
feeling chilly/shivering
symptoms increase as fever rises. slow build that secret sickness! feverish people can be irritable, maybe a bit of sass followed by some hurt/comfort. never hurt anybody.
fevers are a big deal! bad shit can happen! milk that till its dry (chill out) and get some good hurt/comfort whumpee shit.
keep writing u sadistic nerds xox love you
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fleur-a-whump · 4 days
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fleur-a-whump · 5 days
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fleur-a-whump · 6 days
hey!! yes, you, whump enjoyer!
i see your shame! i see your worry that maybe you shouldn't like this genre! i am here to tell you:
there is nothing wrong with you.
you're okay. i promise you're okay. you don't need to feel guilty. you're engaging in fiction--something that, when tagged properly, does no harm to anyone in real life. you're not hurting anyone by liking it; you're not sick for enjoying it; you're okay.
take a breath and remember how joyful you feel when you're engaging with our community. hold onto that.
i love you. now go beat the shit out of your blorbo.
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fleur-a-whump · 6 days
some random redemption arcs that aren’t just ‘zuko, but a little to the left’
I’m evil but all my evil friends betrayed me and I’ve decided that the best revenge is to ruin their evil plans. Yes, this means I’m a “good guy” or whatever. No, I don’t like it any more than you do.
I was evil but all my evil friends betrayed me and now I’m going to latch onto the first person who shows me kindness. If that happens to be the protagonist, I am totally fine with realigning my morality to match theirs.
I never wanted to do what I did, and now the biggest obstacle to me switching sides is convincing me that I’m not a living weapon.
Well as long as you’re imprisoning me in this magic amulet I might as well give you pointers on your technique. I mean come on if you all die I might be stuck here for millennia! It’s not because I like you and don’t want you to die. Nuh uh.
Look, I legit thought that being evil was going to be my best option to get this important thing done, but, uh, that didn’t pan out. Help?
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fleur-a-whump · 6 days
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better res images from last post hehe :)
this is my 200 followers celebration btw! thank you for 200 followers lol what a trip
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fleur-a-whump · 6 days
Top-Tier Villain Motivations
They will be safe. It doesn't matter who else or what else burns as long as They will be safe.
I will be safe. The hunger and the cold will never touch me again.
Fuck any bitch who's prettier(/cooler/better-liked/better at making dumplings) than me.
Yes, Master
Love me. Love me. Love me. Love me. LOVE ME!
I know the terrible things these so-called "heroes" will do if I don't stop them (<- is absolutely wrong)
I don't want a better future, I want a better past!
No other way to get performance art funded these days
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fleur-a-whump · 6 days
Carewhumper who convertly drugs whumpee with delirants
Maybe it's a small amount (or begins with) to get whumpee disoriented but not completely delirious
Whumpee starts experiencing mild (but frightening) hallucinations, pounding heart, dry mouth, nightmares, and anxiety
Carewhumper acts concerned and brings them to a doctor. Since delirants aren't drug tested for, whumpee is diagnosed them with schizophrenia
Carewhumper convinces whumpee that they are very ill, the doctor said so
Whumpee needs carewhumper to take care of them
Maybe whumpee realizes something is wrong and tries to escape...and experiences terrible withdrawal symptoms
Whumpee, of course, can't really escape
if this goes on long enough, whumpee would definitely develop health issues, including psychosis
Nothing to say about the physical symptoms
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fleur-a-whump · 6 days
A whumpee with glasses who's been in captivity for years, finally seeing the free world again with a new clear, crisp prescription through lenses that aren't scratched and cracked and filthy
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fleur-a-whump · 7 days
Got another prompt for you- Whumpee turning into a Whumper against their Caretaker, and Caretaker taking it for whatever reason.
Ooh, you could get some good dynamics out of this!
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fleur-a-whump · 7 days
character running their hand through the other character’s hair is such an underrated prompt that is just so, so precious to me because it can be applied to both scenarios, whether it be “caretaker gently running their hand through whumpee’s hair with love and affection” or “whumper gently running their hand through whumpee’s hair to dominate whumpee and to remind whumpee that they are whumper’s pet and are utterly at whumper’s mercy”
like I get whumperflies every. single. time.
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fleur-a-whump · 7 days
SHIT I fucking LOVE your description!!!!
Top 8 favorite tumblr whump stories!
Content warnings are not exhaustive, just there to give you a general idea of what's in the story from my perspective.
Fyi, these are MY descriptions of the stories and don't reflect the authors' opinions on their stories.
Also I worked really hard on this ok
Destroyer by @paingoes
Completed (but I love the random updates)
A powerful psychic was trained from a young age to be a weapon of war, but as time goes on, it seems he can't stand to hurt people anymore.
Content: living weapon, beatings, war, child abuse (usually off-screen)
Overloaded by @fleur-a-whump
A new program is being rolled out to reform villains. Jasper, an electrokinetic and the first "guinea pig" of the system, earnestly tries to regain the heroes' trust while in a sort of probation, but with constant surveillance, cruelty and a shock collar, things are only getting worse for him in his new position.
Content: superpowers, electrocution
Crossed Out by @whumblr
A defense attorney ends up in prison and attempts to keep his integrity in the face of ever-increasing brutality.
Content: captivity, beatings, prison
Poster Child by @darkthingshappen
Ongoing (I think?)
The son of political activists is imprisoned by their enemies--the WRU. They plan to condition him into being a pet, and he is determined not to let them.
Content: BBU, rape, captivity, sensory deprivation
Brother's Keeper by @darkthingshappen
A man is abducted from his home under cruel conditions and flown to russia, finding out that he is being held prisoner until his brother can pay his debt--and in the meantime, Ben is being tortured and filmed.
Content: cruel whumper, beatings, electrocutions, rape, caning, burning
Secrecy by @doomeddestination
An amateur spy is caught by an enemy and interrogated using increasingly cruel torture methods. Eventually he is left the choice of spilling the information, or death.
Content: captivity, rape, violence, manipulation
Home is Where the Hurt Is by @whumblr !
Completed (I think)
A journalist is blackmailed into allowing an old enemy to abuse him relentlessly after work every day, but when he uncovers more details about his attacker, he realizes his own life is at stake.
Content: hiding marks of abuse, beatings, violence, sadistic whumper
Weeks by @scarletfish8eta
A young man is kidnapped and held for ransom by a violent woman coping with grief in some very unhealthy ways. As his boyfriend and the police work to find him, an old friend of his kidnapper shows up. Their conflict threatens his safety in a whole new direction.
Content: kidnapping, beatings, phobia, sexual assault
These are all really beautiful. I have read a lot of tumblr whump stories lately, and these are the ones I would definitely read again.
Here's a link to my previous list of faves for more great stories.
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fleur-a-whump · 11 days
I love the thought of a Hero being an accidental Whumper to their sidekick. Their constant pressure on Sidekick Whumpee, pushing them way past their limits and punishments going way too far until sidekick finally breaks down, whether it be mentally or physically and Hero having to deal with the consequences and results of their actions on Sidekick.
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fleur-a-whump · 11 days
i don't usually make posts like this, but this is a truly upsetting topic to me as a lifelong cat owner, so i feel i have a duty to share my knowledge with others.
there is a type of automatic litterbox for cats being sold that is EXTREMELY dangerous and has killed numerous cats through blunt force trauma, suffocation, etc. this litterbox is being sold under different brand names and logos, so i will include the picture of the model and two links to informational videos with more evidence and eloquence than i am able to provide.
please consider not having this type of litterbox in your home for your furry friends. me and my 16 year old tortie, puddy, want the best for all your kitty friends
image of litterbox below:
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here are my two video links that provide proof and testimonials of this harmful product:
This Scam is Killing Cats by penguinz0
The DEADLY self-cleaning litter boxes that have flooded the market by One Man Five Cats
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fleur-a-whump · 13 days
Forest setting: whump in the woods
(army/scout, fantasy vibes)
Content: mild violence, restraints
Whumpee wakes up to a sword at their throat-- they close their eyes to just imagine this isn't happening for one more second
Getting dragged by the feet over sticks and stones, making gashes up whumpee's back and arms as they squirm and cry out
Whumpee getting tied to a tree and having to stay standing because there's thorns or obstacles at the bottom.
Trying to maintain their dignity by lifting their chin as they rest their head against the tree they're tied to
When that pose forces the bob of their throat as they swallow to be very visible (bonus: looking side to side to keep from crying)
A torch sparking and flickering as it's held a little too close to whumpee's face, whumpee pulling back as far as they can and squinting to protect their eyes
Tied up and bargaining "you look like you're having a little trouble with that fire. Sure would be nice if there was someone around that knew how to do that. Too bad the only ranger here is tied up."
Brigands. Whumpee gets caught, beaten up, manhandled, groped all over for valuables, left stripped and bloody in the woods
Army stuff--scouting and getting CAPTURED BY THE ENEMY (honestly this was my childhood favorite). That sinking feeling as whumpee's face mashes into pine needles under the knee of a soldier
Being up a tree hunting or hiding out, and whumpee's enemy camps below and instead of coming up after them, they start to chop the tree down. Cue a yelling match of "get down!" "Only if you promise my safety!" "Nope!" Chop.
Falling out of a tree and hitting the ground on their back, knocking the wind out of them (especially if then, they open their eyes to see they're surrounded by grinning enemies and just groan)
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fleur-a-whump · 14 days
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