flo-and-rob · 10 years
Your posts are absolutely amazing, Whats ur frankly.me username. I want more of you.
Thank you :) I don't have frankly.me account, if you've got any questions you can ask them here and I'll answer privately if you like :)
Take xare xxx
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flo-and-rob · 10 years
what does ww mean...
I posted it by mistake and edited the post. You'll find the links there.
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flo-and-rob · 10 years
Hey can you link the whole bands twitters and instagrams? Thanks!
Florence - Twitter X 
Chris - Twitter X 
Rob - Twitter X
Isa - Twitter X 
Tom - Twitter X
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flo-and-rob · 10 years
Have anybody tried to contact the members of the band? She if Florence and the band is working on something new?
I think it's impossible to contact the members of the band and they don't give us any information about it on their twitter or facebook so we can only guess. To be honest I was expecting a new album before summer this year but nothing... So you just have to wait.
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
Have you seen it before? Super cute :)
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
I just realised It's been a year since I have this blog and I really want to thank you lovely people who followed me! :) It's beed an amazing year! I hope FATM will come back soon with new stuff and new Flobert moments! ♥
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
When are you going to write new fics? I miss them! x
Hi, sorry for replaying so late but your ask got lost in my other messages. 
I'm not planning to write anything right now and I don't think I'll write anything in the future. I decided to take a little rest from FATM for some time... It wasn't a voluntary decision though, it's more like my brain says "calm down with fangirling and get into other bands". I have so cold breakdown with FATM.
There are other Flobert fanfic out there. If you want you can check them out here:
Marion's Fanfci (x)
Georgia Fanfic (x)
Lisette Fanfic (x)
Nothing is really happening in Flobert ship so this blog is practically dead for now. If anything worth posting will happen then I'll reactivate it :) If you want you can Submit me things.
Happy New Year! xxx
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
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Made by a girl from our Flobert Group on Facebook. Hilarious!
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
your guide to flo ships is amazing but does anyone ship florence and daisy lowe? am I the only one? do I have to write my own fanfiction? should I call it flowe or flowerence? man ships are hard to sail
At the time when I was making this guide I had no idea that people ship Florence with Daisy, people have let me know after I posted it. I don't think you're the only one, I'm not really into shipping Flo with girls so I don't know if many people ship her with Daisy, sorry. Same with fanfics and a ship name, I have no idea. But good luck with searching :) 
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
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We've just found long lost picture of Florence and Rob playing basketball. We thought it was lost forever and it took ages to find but now it's finally here!
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
I don’t just ship it.
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
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"Maid Marian is the love interest of the legendary outlaw Robin Hood"
Rob is Robin Hood. I don't think we need any other proof. Everyone go home ♥
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
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Rob is hanging out with Florence in LA! We love that!
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
So exited about this New fic!!!!! The whole idea is great, and them first met chapter was actually my dream!!!!! THANK YOU
I'm really glad you like it! I like the idea too, I really wanted to put as many real events there as it was possible.
And no, thank YOU! ♥
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
that fatm ships powerpoint was awesome but you forget to add este+flo and daisy+flo because they're a real thing now . other than that it was fuCKING AWESOME
Tell me what's the name of their ship and I'll add them. Also some pictures would be nice becaouse to be honest I haven't seen many of Flo with them ;) 
You can submit them HERE 
Cheers! XXXX
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flo-and-rob · 11 years
Prologue (Slow Tune) - Flobert Fanfiction
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Dark haired man walked down the street, aiming towards the Oxford Street where he was supposed to meet with the person who could get him a job he always wanted. Now he just had to make the man like him and the success was guaranteed. It would be easier if he wasn't already late twenty minutes though... That man’s name was John and they agreed to meet at the club called The Metro; the place where young artists  seek for the attention and hoped to get famous one day. He was probably going to hear some horrible sounding bands that are trying to be extremely alternative while playing covers of The Beatles or U2. But if that could get him the job, then he didn't mind even the worst guitar solos. And if the meeting will go as planned he will probably become one of those 'alternative' bands for a while. Against himself; he couldn't wait. He opened the doors of a crowded club hoping that John didn’t left.  Rob looked around searching for the familiar face. When he saw the man he rushed quickly in his direction thanking god that John didn't give up on him and waited patiently. "I was held up at work, sorry to be late" he apologized like a school boy.
"That's okay" the man didn't look bothered by his lateness. When Rob could breath normally again after a wild run and stopped being nervous they started chatting about music. It was a nice conversation, John obviously knew what he was doing. Rob was trying to look as professional as he could, even though the biggest audience he ever played for was his cat and some neighbours who didn't seem to be pleased with all that noise. He was a bedroom player so far, but was thinking about making a real deal of it and it was his chance! "So, tell me something about your experience, could you?" 
"Uhm..." Rob had only a few seconds to decide if he should lie about it or tell the truth and possibly lose his chance. " I don't really have one." He admitted finally.
"You don't?" John looked not really shocked or mad... He had one of the best poker faces Rob has ever seen. "Surely, you must have just a little experience... Little gigs, performances in some obscure pubs...?" Rob shook his head "nothing?"
"I'm sorry I've wasted your time, Sir... I don't know what I was thinking" Rob was obviously mad at himself for really thinking that he will have any chances to play a guitar in a real band, with real musicians who will take things seriously... Maybe he was the one who should take things more serious and try to get some experience before jumping into the ocean. Stupid little fish.
"That's alright... I think I can talk to someone about you... Put a good word for you. I have connections and there's a possibility that a few of my friends are looking for an amateur guitar player." John smiled at Rob for the first time during their whole meeting.  He was an older man with grey hair and wrinkles all over his face, he was wearing a nice suit and looked like a real gentlemen... More like a lawyer than a music manager. John liked Rob and had a feeling that this boy will become someone one day, not just someone; a good guitar player. If not great even! He took a last sip of his tea, put on a coat and said goodbye to Rob with words: "I'll let you know if something pops out for you."  Rob had no idea if he should be satisfied or just give up on the idea of being a guitarist. He could always become a movie director. This was the thing he could do. Although he was still working at the office, but the promotion would come sooner or later. Surely.
He ordered a tea and while waiting all alone he finally looked over at a little stage a few meters away and saw a girl standing there with a drumstick in her hand. She was rambling something about dead birds, chicken and one eyed girl... She was an amusing view.  Her brown hair was a total mess, just as her clothes that looked like she ripped them off a homeless man from the 80's. It was surely an original stage outfit. "So now... I'm going to sing. My name is Florence by the way." she ended her long monologue. A few people clapped their hands to encourage her and then she hit the drum. At first he was very doubtful about her. She looked slightly mad and crazy but when she opened her mouth and made a quite but strangely loud and powerful noise he paid her his full attention. Because she deserved it. With every other sound she was making his mouth was dropping lower. How form this kind of limp body could anything like that coming out? Where was the source of this heavenly sound?  He had no idea how many songs the girl sang or how much time has passed before he woke up from something that seemed like a dream. One thing he know for sure, this girl had a talent and if she won't make it as a singer then he will doubt in the sanity of a music industry. She didn't say anything after the last song she performed, just ran off the stage.  There was nothing else keeping him in The Metro. He drank all his tea god knows when and it was already half past six. It was time to go home and wait. Wait for a call from John. How stupid of him that he still believed that someone will call, he thought. *** Rob loved Mondays, despite everyone who hated it, he quite liked it. He was very bored during the weekends and coming back to work was always something more interesting than watching sport Chanel or BBC News all day.  Also today was the only day in a whole week (except weekends of course) when he could wake up late, about eleven o'clock and then with no rush go to work and enjoy the day. He loved his work schedule at Mondays. It wasn’t boring but it wasn’t stressful. He was still thinking about his conversation with John and after few days he lost his last bits of hope and was more than sure that John 'lost' his number somewhere. Maybe he will try to get some experience during this summer, maybe then his chances will grow.  When his brain was still trying to deal with everything, the phone rang.  He immediately stood up from his bed. It might have been someone from work wanting him to come earlier, or bring some Chinese food to the office. He looked at the number. Unknown. In a second he thought about John. He had number of every employ that worked with him, that was part of his job actually, so it couldn’t be anyone from there.  He quickly pressed the green button and waited to hear John's voice. But he never did. Instead he heard a female voice introducing herself. He didn't caught her name because of the disappointment that rushed into his head and made a little explosion there, he was mad that he let himself think that it could have been John. "I've got your number from John..." Did he hear right? "He said I can call anytime, I hope I'm not disturbing you" "Oh no!" He assured her "what was your name again?" He felt like a last idiot to ask that, he hoped she won't find him rude. "Mairead Nash" she repeated "I know you don't have any experience as a guitarist but I'm looking for someone fresh to my new project, sort of speaking." "I'm up for anything" he only hoped that he just didn't agree to join some fancy boysband...  "Great! I need some new talents to help me with recording an album. Are you available this Wednesday?"  "Of course! Whose album?"  "Maybe you've heard of her; Florence Welch. She has a voice but we still need a few musicians" she explained. "I've seen her on Oxford Street. In The Metro. She's amazing." "Great then!"  She gave him the address of the studio, said goodbye and hung up.  He was sitting still for the next ten minutes having no idea if it really happened or was it just part of his dream... In a few minutes he pulled himself together and like always left his flat and went to work. Today was different though, he could feel that something new is starting and soon his life will change. This was an exciting thought. * Rob had never in his life seen a real recording studio. It wasn't even close to these you can see in movies. This one was small and seemed private. There was one huge sofa in the back of the room. He sat on it while waiting for Mairead and this Florence girl to come. The man who worked in the studio told him to wait there, so he did. Rob took a day off work to be there. He was excited and couldn't stop thinking about how great experience it is going to be.  After about twenty minutes of sitting there and looking around Rob got bored and inpatient. He was told not to bring his own guitar because they had plenty of these in the studio so he couldn't even entertain himself with some music.  Suddenly Rob heard two voices coming through the closed doors. He talked with Mairead too short to be able to recognise her voice, but he was sure it was her, though. He was excited to meet her in person. And Florence too. He didn’t think about that brown haired girl much. But now when he was about to get to know her he started wondering what is she like... She seemed like one huge mess on that stage, let’s hope she's more responsible in a daily life... The door opened quickly and Mairead stepped in, she was a brown haired, short woman with a beautiful smile and generally looked like a nice person. Then just after her the dark haired girl joined into the room and all his attention went to her.  She looked differently than when he saw her for the first time. But her hair was still messy. She wore flowery dress this time and looked more like a fairy than a homeless man from the 80's. Still there was something saying "I don't care how I look" in her presence.  Rob wasn't really into fashion but his female friends from work were reading all those magazines and sometimes he had a glare on it. Florence didn't look even a bit like the cover models, she wasn't wearing the right clothes, but despite this fact, thanks to her heavenly long legs she could easily become a supermodel.  Miaread shook his hand and said how glad she was that he agreed to help. Rob wanted to burst of laughing and say that he's the one who should thank her. But he kept his mouth shot. He knew how important the first impression is. "The boys will be here any minute" Mairead informed them and went to the other corner of the room looking for something in an old closet.  Rob wanted to ask what boys did she mean, but again he decided to be quiet and just wait for everything to solve itself. He felt so stupid! He sat on the sofa again, Florence joined him a second later. They were silent still and he had this feeling you get first day of school when you don't know other kids but you know you have to make friends with them. Somehow he didn't know what to talk about, normally he was good at talking... But he was scared that if he will say something wrong they will tell him to piss off.  "I've seen you once." He started finally... She didn't look like a posh girl so maybe she won't be mad that he's trying to talk to her. Florence glanced at him with a smile. "In The Metro, couple of day ago. You were great!" He let of his excitement.  "Good, because I was so hangover that I really had no idea what I was singing about" she laughed. Rob wasn't expecting her to say that, but because of that he immediately felt they're going to be good friends some time soon. She was an interesting creature. "Alright girls! Let’s make some fancy music, shall we?" Two man walked into the room. They quickly realised that girls were not actually alone.  "Hey man!" One of them smiled at Rob.  They shook hands and exchanged names. The thing that was worrying Rob was that one of them held a guitar. Wasn't he the one who supposed to play the guitar?  "If you're ready, maybe we could start?" Said Mairead and gave Rob ukulele "Could you play this please?" She asked politely clearly hoping that he won't take offense and agree to play. So this was the thing she was looking for in a closet then.  "Sure" he agreed and took this little version of a guitar. He played it once or twice before, so he wasn't a beginner with ukulele but he still preferred guitar. "They are here just this once" Mairead whispered to him when the boys and Florence went to check up the drums in a recording room. "I'm sorry to put you in this position." She apologised. "That's alright. You've already done so much more for me than I expected. I really owe you a lot" he finally expressed his gratefulness. "Show them how you rock that ukulele, Rob" they both laughed and joined to the others.  It was the first day of new life. First day of huge things coming his way. There wasn't a lot of Florence at the beginning of this journey, but quickly she became more relevant to him than he could ever imagine. She became a reason for him to do his best.  Florence also became someone more than just a colleague. Meeting her changed his life and the way he saw things.  Maybe she couldn't see it but he was aware that deep down in his heart and mind there is an dangerous feeling that could led to something that seemed wrong. But he was trying to keep it small and hidden, sometimes when he was only looking at her this feeling was growing... Maybe one day it'll become big enough to take the control over his sanity. But for now he knew he could not fall in love with Florence Welch. Or at least make it visible, because truthfully he already fell in love with her, over the years when he spent time with her, in her darkest and brightest hours. He saw her happy and sad. All the mental breakdowns. He saw the true face of her. How could you not fall in love with someone with whom you spent the best and worst moments of your life? But she could never find out about it...  
Let me know what you think: ASK BOX
You've waited pretty long time for this, haven't you? But it's finally here and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do while writing it. 
This Prologue shows how they met, how Rob got into the band etc. But the 1st chapter will be about the present times (the story begins few months before their performance at Coke Live Music Festival to be specific). The idea of this fanfic is to put as much true facts and real events into it so it looked more real. This prologue is based on an interview, Rob was talking there about how he met Flo etc.
This Fanfic has nothing to do with Hardest Of Hearts (the previous fanfic I wrote), it is NOT a continuation or anything like that.
I'm not going to do drawings as a covers of the chapters anymore because I realised the most of them were shit and I really had to think what to draw and it wasn't easy so I decided to just put a graphic and that's it. 
Every chapter will have a title though. It'll be a title of a song that is related to the chapter somehow. This time it's Slow Tune by Ashok (Flo's old band) and there is a quote in a graphic that is related to the Prologue, as you can see. This is how it's going to work from now on. Also the songs won't be always by Florence, let's say I'll show you my music taste here ;) 
Anyway, the title of this whole fanfiction will be probably (not 100% sure yet) "Ladder To The Sun" which is a title of an amazing Coldplay song (sadly never released nor professionally recorded, damn it). The lyrics kind of fits to my idea of this fanfiction so will see. If I won't find anything better it'll stay Ladder To The Sun (which is a fucking great title anyway). Here's the lyrics if you want to check it out CLICK 
And that's it.
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