florawrites-blog · 12 hours
I seriously need a life
Chapter 1: The Call
Y/N lay sprawled upside down on the couch in Moon's living room, her phone held precariously above her head as she scrolled through LinkedIn. The endless list of job applications blurred together, each rejection stinging more than the last. The summer break was looming, and Y/N needed a part-time job to afford her own place. While Moon didn’t mind Y/N crashing at her apartment, Y/N felt guilty and increasingly weary of third-wheeling Moon and her boyfriend, Donald.
Y/N's family, though middle-class and supportive, had always emphasized the importance of independence. She’d believed university would be her ticket to freedom, but reality had other plans. As she drifted into her thoughts, her phone slipped from her grasp, smacking her square on the nose.
"Donald, this is beautiful!" Moon’s shrill screech echoed through the apartment, jolting Y/N out of her reverie and causing her phone to fall harder on her face. She winced, rubbing her nose, hoping it wasn’t broken.
"Y/N, look at this ring! Isn’t it the prettiest?" Moon gushed, shoving her hand in Y/N's face.
"Ahh, yes, Moon. I would say it's pretty, but I think I broke my nose. Oh no, Moon! I can’t breathe—"
"Stop being dramatic," Moon interrupted, pulling Y/N up to a sitting position. "This is about me right now. Your nose will be fine, but first, look at my ring! Isn’t it the prettiest?"
"Moon, I'd love to say it's pretty, but I kinda don't feel like it, so no, Moon, no, it isn’t."
"Fine! I hope you end up with a crooked nose, you witch!"
"Whoa, a witch? That’s such a low blow, Moon."
"Babe, I told you not to show her. She’s just so jealo—"
"Shut up, Donald! Gah, does no one care about my nose?" Y/N shouted, her voice echoing off the walls. But as she was mid-rant, a notification dinged from her phone. Her heart skipped a beat. It was LinkedIn.
Y/N quickly opened the app, her hands trembling. Her eyes widened as she read the message:
Subject: Offer of Temporary Manager Position for ENHYPEN
Dear Y/N,
We are pleased to inform you that after careful consideration, we have selected you for the temporary role of Manager for ENHYPEN. This decision comes as a result of your impressive qualifications and dedication to the team, as well as the mandatory leave of our current manager.
Your role will be critical in ensuring the smooth operation and management of ENHYPEN's activities. We believe your skills and experience make you the perfect candidate for this position, and we are excited to welcome you to the team.
Position Details:
Role: Temporary Manager for ENHYPEN
Location: 42, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Start Date: As soon as you receive this letter
Key Responsibilities:
Overseeing daily schedules and activities of ENHYPEN members
Coordinating with various departments to manage promotions, events, and appearances
Ensuring effective communication between the band members and management
Handling logistical arrangements for travel, rehearsals, and performances
Providing support and guidance to ENHYPEN members as needed
We are confident that your expertise and enthusiasm will greatly contribute to the ongoing success of ENHYPEN during this period. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer by [insert confirmation deadline] so we can proceed with the necessary arrangements.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to welcoming you to the BELIFT LAB family and working closely with you to support ENHYPEN.
[Your Name] [Your Title] BELIFT LAB
"Holy fucking shit," Y/N gasped, the phone slipping from her hands as she fainted, collapsing back onto the couch.
"Y/N, you good?" Moon's voice cut through the haze.
"Shit, so her nose really did need help," Donald muttered, concerned.
As Y/N slowly came to, clutching her phone, the realization of what just happened hit her like a tidal wave. She had landed the job of her dreams, and her life was about to change in ways she never imagined.
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florawrites-blog · 13 hours
Becoming an idol
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SYNOPSIS; Y/N, a die-hard Kpop fan and a university student, dreams of affording her own apartment. after spending her days with her best friend Moon and Moon's boyfriend which only amplifies her desire for independence. After countless interviews, Y/N lands a job she would've never imagined she'd get. A manager at Belift Entertainment, working with none other than the ENHYPEN. Overwhelmed and ecstatic, she embarks finding herself on a thrilling journey, juggling the demands of her new role while trying to keep her fangirling in check which is mission impossible. But non theless she navigates her duties as a manager yet somehow Y/N's life takes an unexpected turn when she catches the public eye, thrusting her into a whirlwind of attention and newer muh bigger challenges. Can she manage her professional responsibilities and newfound fame without losing herself?
GENRE + WARNINGS= Idol au, manager au, Fluff , Slice of life, Maybe romance still thinking about it, tinsy bits of angsty , Y/n is lowkey dramatic , cussing , dark humor , mentions of anixety and stress.
CHARACTERS; Enhypen , Y/N, le sserafim members, some people i made up like ,( Um kirsten - koyoka mai - woo yuri) whom are managers (kang moon - donald wu - Rami) Y/N's friend
01. I seriously need a life
02. Holy shit
03. finally a life
04. I love my enha-life
05, Urm WTF!
06. In your dreams maybe
09. welp thats that
10. I meannnnnn
this idea been on my mind for a while so i hope you enjoy reading this.
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florawrites-blog · 5 days
pamper day
After a grueling week of end-of-term exams, you finally collapse on the couch, exhaustion seeping through every bone. The door creaks open, and Sunoo steps in, a flashing smile lighting up his face. In his hands, he carries a wicker basket filled with an assortment of colorful face masks and two sets of cozy, plush pajamas.
"Surprise!" he exclaims, setting the basket on the coffee table. "I thought you might need some pampering after all that hard work."
You sit up, a smile breaking through your fatigue. "You always know exactly what I need."
Sunoo grins, pulling out a lavender-scented face mask. "How about we start with this one? And then we can get into these," he says, holding up the pajamas, "and have a movie night."
You nod, feeling a wave of warmth and gratitude. With Sunoo by your side, the stress of the past week seems to melt away.
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florawrites-blog · 5 days
take a break
You're sitting at your desk, textbooks and notes spread out around you, your head buried in your hands. The stress of upcoming exams is weighing heavily on your shoulders. Jake, your golden retriever boyfriend, notices the tension in your posture as he walks into the room. His fluffy hair catches the afternoon sunlight, giving him an almost ethereal glow.
He pads over to you silently and places a gentle hand on your shoulder, the warmth of his touch immediately soothing. Without a word, he leans down and plants a soft kiss on the side of your neck, just below your ear. His lips linger for a moment, the sensation sending a wave of calm through your body.
"Hey," he murmurs, his voice soft and comforting in a whisper still having his face near your ears. "You're going to do great baby . Take a break, okay?"
You turn to look at him, meeting his warm, eyes filled with affection and reassurance. The stress begins to melt away, replaced by the comforting presence of the one who believes in you most.
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florawrites-blog · 12 days
Texts with bf!niki
first time doing this hehe enjoy
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florawrites-blog · 12 days
Texts with bf!niki
first time doing this hehe enjoy
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florawrites-blog · 12 days
Here with you
The day had been rough, with waves of pain from period cramps and the heavy fog of hormonal depression making every moment feel like a struggle. You curled up on the couch, clutching a hot water bottle to your stomach, trying to find some relief.
Heeseung entered the room quietly, concern etched on his face. "Hey," he said softly, sitting down beside you. "How are you feeling?"
You managed a weak smile, though it didn't reach your eyes. "Not great," you admitted, the pain and sadness evident in your voice.
Without a word, Heeseung gently took the hot water bottle from you and replaced it with his warm hand, his touch comforting. "I brought you some tea," he said, handing you a steaming cup. "It's supposed to help with cramps."
You took a sip, grateful for his thoughtfulness. The warmth of the tea spread through you, providing a small measure of comfort. Heeseung then began to massage your lower back, his fingers working gently yet effectively to ease some of the tension.
As he continued, he started talking softly, distracting you from the pain with stories and jokes. His voice was soothing, a balm to your troubled mind. "Remember that time we got caught in the rain and ended up dancing like idiots?" he said with a chuckle, a fond smile on his lips.
You couldn't help but laugh, the memory bringing a brief respite from the discomfort. "Yeah, we looked ridiculous," you replied, feeling a little lighter.
Heeseung's hand moved to your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You're going to get through this," he said, his eyes meeting yours with unwavering support. "And I'm here with you, every step of the way."
Tears welled up in your eyes, not from the pain but from the overwhelming gratitude you felt for his kindness. "Thank you, Heeseung," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "I don't know what I would do without you."
Heeseung leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "You don't have to thank me," he murmured. "I'm always here for you."
You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the steady beat of his heart. In that moment, the pain and sadness seemed to recede, replaced by the comforting presence of someone who truly cared. And as you rested your head against his chest, you knew that with Heeseung by your side, you could face anything.
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florawrites-blog · 12 days
I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him I need him
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📟 Jungwon [weverse​ 20240601]
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florawrites-blog · 12 days
After a long, exhausting day out, Sunghoon and you finally made it back home. The night air was cool and comforting as you stepped inside. He let out a relieved sigh, his shoulders visibly relaxing.
You moved through your nightly routine, brushing your teeth side by side in the bathroom, the silence between you comfortable and familiar. Sunghoon, who usually shied away from public displays of affection, seemed softer in the privacy of your home. His eyes met yours in the mirror, a small, tender smile playing on his lips.
In the bedroom, he pulled back the covers and you slipped into bed. As you settled, he hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you close. His breath was warm against your ear as he whispered, "Today was tiring, but I'm glad I spent it with you."
You nestled into his embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your back. "Me too," you replied softly.
Sunghoon tightened his hold just a bit, his lips brushing your temple in a rare, gentle kiss. "Goodnight," he murmured, his voice laced with a tenderness reserved only for these quiet moments.
"Goodnight, Sunghoon," you whispered back, feeling a wave of warmth and contentment wash over you. In his arms, the world outside faded away, and all that mattered was the unspoken love between you.
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florawrites-blog · 15 days
he đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
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florawrites-blog · 15 days
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florawrites-blog · 16 days
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florawrites-blog · 19 days
"Right where you left me"
The quaint little cafĂ© at the edge of town was a place frozen in time. Its worn wooden tables and mismatched chairs, the soft hum of chatter, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee created a comforting, familiar atmosphere. It was where you and Heeseung had spent countless afternoons, lost in conversation and each other. It was also where he left you. The memory of that day was as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the floor as Heeseung sat across from you, his eyes avoiding yours. There was a heaviness in the air, a sense of impending doom that you couldn't shake. "We need to talk," he had said, his voice barely above a whisper. You had known Heeseung since high school. You had grown from awkward teenagers into adults together, your lives intertwining in ways that felt destined. You shared dreams, secrets, and a bond that you thought was unbreakable. But sitting there, across from him, you felt something shatter inside you. He spoke of his career, the opportunities that awaited him far from your small town, and the need to find himself. "I need to do this alone," he said, his eyes finally meeting yours, filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. You had pleaded, argued, and cried, but nothing you said could change his mind. "You'll move on," he had said, his hand squeezing yours one last time. "You'll be okay." And then he was gone, leaving you sitting alone in that cafĂ©, surrounded by the echoes of your past. The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, but you remained right where he left you. You threw yourself into your work, hoping to numb the pain with busyness. But every time you walked past the cafĂ©, you couldn't help but glance inside, half-expecting to see Heeseung sitting at your usual table, waiting for you. The cafĂ© became a shrine to your memories, a place where you could still feel connected to him, even if it was just an illusion. Friends and family urged you to move on, to let go of the past and embrace the future. But how could you, when every corner of this town held a piece of him? The park where you had your first kiss, the bookstore where you spent lazy Sundays browsing for new reads, the bench by the river where you talked about your dreams—all of it was a constant reminder of what you had lost. One rainy afternoon, a year after Heeseung had left, you found yourself back at the cafĂ©. The same waitress who had served you so many times smiled warmly as she handed you a cup of coffee. "He's not coming back, you know," she said gently, her eyes filled with sympathy. You nodded, unable to find the words to respond. You knew she was right. Heeseung had moved on, and it was time for you to do the same. But how do you let go of someone who was a part of your very soul? As you sat there, staring at the empty seat across from you, you realized that moving on didn't mean forgetting. It meant finding a way to live with the memories, to carry them with you as you forged a new path. You took a deep breath, feeling a sense of resolve wash over you. You stood up, leaving the past behind, and walked out of the cafĂ© into the pouring rain. It was time to write a new chapter, one where you were the protagonist of your own story, not just a character in someone else's. But no matter where life took you, a part of you would always be right where he left you, in that little cafĂ© at the edge of town, holding on to the echoes of a love that once was.
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florawrites-blog · 19 days
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Pt 2.
From the moment you and Chenle acknowledged your feelings, everything seemed to change. The relationship that had started as professional and then turned personal was now something precious you both were willing to fight for. However, the road ahead was anything but smooth. Balancing your demanding careers with your burgeoning relationship proved challenging. There were times when the pressures of Chenle's rigorous training schedule and your hectic reporting assignments kept you apart for days, sometimes weeks. You both learned to cherish the moments you could steal away, even if they were brief. One evening, after an especially exhausting day for both of you, Chenle called you. "I miss you," he said, his voice tired but filled with affection. "I miss you too," you replied, feeling the weight of the distance between you. "But we'll get through this. We always do." Despite the challenges, your bond only grew stronger. You found solace in each other's unwavering support and understanding. Chenle became your rock, always there to lift you up when the pressures of your job seemed overwhelming. In return, you were his anchor, grounding him when the fame and expectations threatened to sweep him away. The public eventually caught on to your relationship. Speculation and rumors spread like wildfire, but you and Chenle faced it together, refusing to let the scrutiny tear you apart. You remained professional at work, never allowing your personal life to interfere, but outside the public eye, you reveled in the love you had found. One evening, after another victorious game, Chenle took your hand as you walked together under the stadium lights. “I know this isn’t easy, with our careers and everything,” he said softly. “But I care about you more than I’ve cared about anyone in a long time.” You looked into his eyes, your heart swelling with emotion. “I feel the same way, Chenle. We’ll figure it out together.” As the championship season came to a close, Chenle’s team made it to the finals. The atmosphere was electric, and the stakes had never been higher. You covered the game with bated breath, watching as Chenle led his team with the skill and determination that had captivated you from the start. When the final buzzer sounded and Chenle’s team emerged victorious, you felt a surge of pride and joy. Amid the celebrations, Chenle found you, pulling you into his arms. “We did it,” he whispered, his eyes shining with happiness. “We did,” you replied, tears of joy streaming down your face. From that moment on, you and Chenle became inseparable. Despite the challenges of balancing your demanding careers, you made time for each other, finding solace in your shared dreams and the love that had grown between you. Years later, as you stood on the court after yet another championship win, Chenle pulled you into his arms. “We made it,” he whispered, his eyes shining with happiness. You smiled, feeling the truth of his words. “We did. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” In the end, it wasn’t just the game that made the headlines—it was the love story that had unfolded between a basketball star and a news reporter, proving that sometimes, the greatest victories happen off the court.
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florawrites-blog · 19 days
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Imagine zhong chenle as a basketball player and you as a news interviewer.....
Part 1.
The stadium buzzed with anticipation as the final game of the championship season was about to begin. You were there, not just as a fan, but in your professional capacity as a news reporter. Your task was to cover the game and the players, and one player in particular had everyone’s attention: Chenle, the star basketball player whose skills on the court were matched only by his charm off it. You had seen him play numerous times, and his talent never ceased to amaze you. But it was your job to remain impartial, to observe and report without letting personal feelings interfere. Still, it was hard not to be captivated by his charisma and the way he carried himself both on and off the court. The game was intense, each point bringing the crowd to the edge of their seats. Chenle moved with a grace and confidence that made it clear why he was the team’s star player. As the final buzzer sounded, the stadium erupted in cheers. Chenle’s team had won, and he was the hero of the night. You moved quickly, weaving through the throngs of fans and fellow reporters to get your interview. You finally caught up with him as he was exiting the locker room, a towel draped around his neck and a wide smile on his face. “Chenle, do you have a moment for an interview?” you asked, holding up your microphone. He turned to you, his eyes lighting up with recognition. “Of course, anything for the press,” he said, flashing his trademark smile. You asked him about the game, his thoughts on the season, and his plans for the future. He answered with the ease and confidence of someone used to the spotlight, but there was something in his eyes as he looked at you that made your heart skip a beat. “Thank you, Chenle,” you said as you wrapped up the interview. “Congratulations on the win.” “Thank you,” he replied, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary. “I hope to see you at the next game.” You smiled, feeling a flutter in your chest. “I’m sure you will.” Over the next few weeks, you found yourself covering more of Chenle’s games. Each time, he seemed to seek you out after the game, and your conversations grew longer and more personal. You talked about more than just basketball—he told you about his dreams, his fears, and the pressure of living up to everyone’s expectations. In turn, you shared your own struggles and aspirations. One evening, after a particularly thrilling game, Chenle asked if you would join him for a late dinner. “I’d love to hear more about your work,” he said, his eyes twinkling with genuine interest. You agreed, and that night turned into one of the most memorable of your life. You talked for hours, the conversation flowing effortlessly. You discovered that behind the confident athlete was a thoughtful, kind, and funny man who cared deeply about the people around him. As the weeks turned into months, your professional relationship blossomed into something deeper. You were both careful, knowing the potential complications of dating someone in the public eye, but your connection was undeniable. 
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florawrites-blog · 25 days
Additional dividers i use & credits!
Max is 10 photos unfortunately :( If you want more, just give me a message and I'll make a part 2!
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Labeled banners @/cafekitsune
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Below is all from Pinterest
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florawrites-blog · 25 days
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"I would rather die of passion then boredom"- Van Gogh
lee heeseung
unresolved tension
Right where you left me
park jongseong
park jongseong!bf
sim jaeyun
sim jaeyun!bf
park sunghoon
park sunghoon!bf
forbidden love
kim sunoo
yang jungwon
i love yang jungwon
Nishimura Riki
lay your head on my chest stranger
all members
enha as movie tropes
Nct dream
lee minhyung
the coworker
huang renjun
the collaboration
lee jeno
my healer
lee donghyuck
lost bet
im not a addict
jaemin na
Na jaemin!bf
zhong chenle
chenle as a basketball player
park jisung
all members
reasons of you and dreamies broke up
Osaki Shotaro
Song Eunseok
Jung Sungchan
wake me up
Park Wonbin
Hong Seunghan 
Lee Sohee 
Lee Chanyoung
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☆enjoy rose's☆
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