florezcarolina · 4 years
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1 easy tip to discern whether something is coming from your human or your soul: Are you attaching a time to your creations? I will do this for the new year, When I graduate, When I get a raise, When I reach 5 figures, After this launch... The thing is, the soul doesn’t know time. The soul is Infinite, so major growth is what it takes to get massively closer to the soul, to listen to the soul, to be guided by the soul. Putting time, a beginning and an end to something are conditions that our human likes to hold onto. They can be useful only if we use them to SUPPORT our soul desires. If you place your human conditions first and your soul expansion second, you will stay stuck in your comfort zone and your comfort zone is the antithesis to massive growth and true fulfillment. You’ve been able to create a level of success that is providing you a comfortable life and you’re wanting more. That “more” is the massive growth and true fulfillment that no self-development book or spirituality video can bring you. It’s about coming home to yourself. Saying yes to your purpose. We start by identifying your life purpose. Then, we create a strategy to monetize that. Your current business might simply need some adjustments or you might be ready to transition to an entirely new one. Whatever wants to happen in your business and life is going to be a reflection of your growth and commitment and is naturally going to support your soul-inspired dreams. Because this process supports your soul desires first, you naturally start creating from a place of infinite potential. And the limits that you previously placed on your creations disappear, which is the most exciting place to create from. Suddenly, life becomes a realm of possibility for manifestation while you are finally clear, focused and aligned to your truth, which is the most powerful place to create from. #soulbizcoach #soulalignment #creative #gogetter #soulfirsthumansecond #lovewins (at San Juan Teotihuacán, Mexico, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGetP3HBIs/?igshid=1rttvlv3z8fc2
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florezcarolina · 4 years
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The trap anywhere and everywhere lies in the ego. Don’t get me wrong, the ego has a place. The mind has a place. We have to make sure they stay in their place. So we make sure that we leave a place (the bigger, the better) for the mystery (because it’s infinite), the unknown. And to live our lives as an offering to the greater good. (As crazy or messy as they might seem and as much as we may judge ourselves for what we do and live). For me, these days, it looks like remembering God in every moment as much as I can. You can describe it differently for you and that doesn’t matter. You KNOW what that is for you. As much as we can live with empathy and look beyond the illusion of separation, the better. The great trap there is that of the ego. — La trampa que puede aparecer en cualquier lado está en el ego. El ego tiene su lugar. La mente tiene su lugar. Tenemos que asegurarnos que se quedan en su lugar. Nos aseguramos que dejamos un lugar (entre mas grande, mejor) para el misterio (porque es infinito), lo que no sabemos. Y que vivamos nuestras vidas como una ofrenda para el mayor bien. (Irreverente de que tan loca o desordenada pueden parecer nuestras vidas y que tanto nos juzgamos por lo que hacemos y vivimos). Por estos días, para mí, eso se ve en recordar a Dios en cada momento lo que más puedo. Lo puedes describir diferentemente para ti y eso no importa. Tú SABES lo que es para ti. Entre más podemos vivir con empatía y mirar más allá de la ilusión de separación, mejor. La gran trampa que hay es la del ego. #ego #surrender #knowing #god #dios #humildade (at Kirkland, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-ydJvHzV5/?igshid=5cktu2e3fkm
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florezcarolina · 5 years
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I was inspired by @chooseclarity.io today and decided to post this photo of myself meditating in the mornings. . My meditation practice has brought me more clarity, more patience, more ease and more coming home to myself. . I started off by working to get to 10 minutes, and once 10 minutes felt doable, I increased it to 20. Some days I’ll do a 20 minute session in the morning and 10 minutes at another time or two more times. That’s not much time at all. Taking 5 or 10 minutes to meditate at any point of the day is not any time at all and yet it does WONDERS. . And the majority of the work is in just being able to let go of the doing to be-ing. . Then bring more be-ing to the do-ing and everything just shifts. It might just be the best hack out there. 🙂 . Do you have a meditation practice? I’d love to hear about it. . #meditation #meditationspace #thebesthackever #morningroutine #livewithpurpose (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nWbgEnam5/?igshid=hu1gjv1zmbtc
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florezcarolina · 5 years
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Whether it’s comfortable is debatable. But it IS familiar. . It’s a place in which we know what to expect and that is easy to control. . We want to move out of this state of control and more into a mindset of curiosity. . What can I do differently? What adjustments can I make? . Original photo @alliecoffeeandpassport . #designingalifestyle #notacomfortzone #curiositymindset #livingyourtruth #livingyourbestlife #littleadjustments https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fYfAQHQCj/?igshid=1p1bgyc4wxy04
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florezcarolina · 5 years
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Remember that your intuition is like a muscle. The more you practice, the more it grows. . 📸 @carriemoon666 #intuition #stayconnected #intuitivelyguided #followyourintuition #trustyourintuition #intuitionismysuperpower (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HuH_RnhFM/?igshid=1eeqtybc62mv4
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florezcarolina · 5 years
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Welcome to Libra season! Libra season to me is like self-care month. It asks us to create a life of balance. How can we move the puzzle pieces of our life around in a way that supports us and feels sustainable? I find self-care to be referred to and seen as something extra. But this life is happening through you. So add what you need and remove what you don’t so you can really do you. #libraseason #sacredbalance #wedontburnout #selfcareisessential #selfcareisntoptional #balance #balanceiseverything⚖️ (at Otter Cliffs - Acadia National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2znuOTHtJA/?igshid=zhv5maltkskh
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florezcarolina · 5 years
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We’re in the last days of Virgo season. As we end Virgo and begin Libra with the Equinox, the days slow down to allow us to reach a point of balance. Use this time to let go of what no longer serves you to make space for what actually does. #virgoseason #libraseason #equinox #higherself #detox #letscreatesacredspace https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mhdXlnfvP/?igshid=dbutnt2zl0lw
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florezcarolina · 5 years
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Please stop making things “wrong”. Or “right”, for that matter. This notion of “i finally figured it out!” The mind is constantly trying to figure things out: sidereal astrology vs sun sign astrology. Human design vs. astrology Paleo vs keto Celery vs. kale There will always be something that could make all of the past things wrong. If you are constantly looking for the new or next right thing, you will ALWAYS be looking. And that’s how we’re trained to think because that’s consumption at its finest. There is nothing to look for. There is no right or wrong. On some level, everything is truth. And if that is your truth right now, beautiful. And if that truth changes and you evolve, as is normal, you will have new needs, desires and curiosities. Let your thoughts and beliefs change. Or let them stay the same. You are you. You don’t have to be wrong or right. I do invite you to TRULY listen to that soul of yours. That deep, inner self. It will reveal what you need to know. . . . #knowing #humandesign #astrology #diet #trends #spiritualawakening https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTT4G-Ho7N/?igshid=1sco79l91v6at
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florezcarolina · 6 years
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The lion energy is on fire.  It's all about being your powerful self now.  One amazing way to leverage this energy is by practicing discipline.  I'm all about intuitive discipline.  Keeping it flexible and fluid.  But working toward something.  Because if we want to keep the channel clear, we have to let go of old habits that keep us in a lower vibration that we've outgrown. So this is a good time to start something new that will get you in that direction.  No matter how small, the energy is just ideal right now for you start. #discipline #newmoon #leoseason
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florezcarolina · 6 years
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Would it be funny if our car’s GPS would yell at us or criticize us when we missed a turn and would have to reroute? Honestly, I laugh thinking up this scenario, but it isn’t funny at all when we do it to ourselves. I actually take as an example how quickly these apps find solutions and are quick to figure out a new route, even if they’re sometimes wrong. No berating, no criticizing, just re-routing whenever necessary. 👏🏼 #thejourney
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florezcarolina · 6 years
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We’ve been called to strip down to truth. Because only from this space can we simply be in the awareness of this moment. We let go of illusions in order to create from place of groundedness. Of what’s real. You know and Spirit knows, but it’s accessible only when you recognize truth. And you speak with the truth. No more illusions, no more people pleasing. Just you in your power. #listening. Photo by @douglasfur365
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florezcarolina · 6 years
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Go slow Create space in your life To feel into yourself Space to love you on a new level You don’t quite know what that looks like, so you create space for it. Knowing that the possibilities are infinite. Faith that the love of your life is you. Openness to take you to to your next level. ✨ #selflove #listentoyourheart #inlove (at Renton, Washington)
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florezcarolina · 7 years
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Upgrading my #superpowers
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florezcarolina · 7 years
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What a powerful week we have ahead! Connection with spirit : major insight. Be sure to ground the energy to potentialize all that comes through. We are finishing the Magician cycle in the Galactic Dreamspell. So the focus is on further developing our magic during these last 6 days of the cycle. Would you like to receive weekly updates? Sign up for the free email (link in bio). #sacredgeometry #geminiseason #spiritualguide
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florezcarolina · 7 years
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A wild end of last week with the Grand Fire Trine and we are settling into our emotions with Mars in Cancer and now the moon in Scorpio. Today is also the last day in the Galactic Dreamspell, so today is about LETTING GO and PRESENCE. Tomorrow starts a new 13 day cycle of magician! Wow I just realized this would be my cycle! Which means my birth kin/galactic signature is coming up (Kin26) to end the cycle. Tomorrow will be extra vibrant with plenty of energy of beginnings. Venus will change into Taurus, which will ask us to bask in earthly pleasures and truly connect with our values. Then, Mercury will change into Gemini, so both these planets will be in signs that allow them to thrive! Our inner feminine will delight in the more grounded, sensual energy, while our communication has the potential to be more direct. Meanwhile, the full moon is building and Jupiter will turn direct the direct by the end of the week, so everything lies in our positive thinking. What DO we want to create? There is infinite possibity.. #astrology #spiritualguide #cancer♋ #taurus #geminiseason #jupiter #blessings
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florezcarolina · 7 years
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Several planetary changes this month! Mars changes to Cancer on the 4th of June (probably 5th in NZ). This will allow us to be guided by the divine with more ease. Intuition prevails and we want to be more connected to ourselves. Nourishment is important. Keep ourselves nourished and we will naturally nourish others. I will keep you posted on the planetary changes coming up 🙂 In the meantime, breathe & connect ✨✨ #spiritualguide #astrology #heartist #authenticlife #cancer♋
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florezcarolina · 7 years
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Every day is an opportunity for more growth. What gets you excited every morning? #lightworker #spiritualguide (at Redmond, Washington)
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