flowerypudding · 6 years
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“Ya’know I never expected to be the one to handle things. Handling Fallen Angels? Easy. Handling a handful of customers at the restaurant? Easy enough. But handling Jiuniang? I can’t. She’s someone I need to protect, and holding a sword with just one hand while the other is doing so, is kinda hard to do.”
“Maybe I’ll get a backpack.”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
hi school has been kicking my ass;;;;; i’ll try to be here soon
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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blog  /  individual credits : x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x
‘ when I was five, I burned my hand on the stove my mother never warned me not to touch ‘ ‘ your soul seeks the warmth ’ ‘ tell me again how our ashes were too holy for this universe to taste ’ ‘ you have bitten your tongue so many times it no longer remembers how to bleed ’ ‘ you have an army of words hidden behind your teeth ’ ‘ what a modern fucking tragedy you turned out to be ’ ‘ what do you think the stars wish for then ? ’ ‘ maybe i could have loved you if i’d prayed another way ’ ‘ maybe i could have loved you in any life but ours , now ’ ‘ i found a catalyst for disaster in you ’ ‘ i don’t know if it’s true but i’d like to believe it ’ ‘ i’d like to believe that we exist living a thousand lives , side by side ’ ‘ you would consume me ’ ‘ my organs are tied in knots ’ ‘ my bones are headstones ’ ‘ tell me we’re not still hollow ’ ‘ tell me we’re forgiven ’ ‘ smile with your teeth , darling ’ ‘ do not be afraid to show the world that you would eat it whole ’ ‘ you are the brightest goddamn sun i have ever seen ’ ‘ mention our ghosts , our knotted spines ’ ‘ we are graveyards , reaching , with haunted bones ’ ‘ we endure ’ ‘ this heaviness in my chest , i wanted to give this ache a name ’ ‘ there are no pain receptors in the lungs ’ ‘ with every breath i swallow , i drown ’ ‘ you are in my bones , wherever i go , know — i take you with me ’ ‘ you matter ’ ‘ but for right now , in this very moment , you exist ’ ‘ you don’t have to be , you already are ’ ‘ soulmates aren’t rare , they aren’t ’  ‘ you’ll meet a thousand soulmates , just as you’ll live a thousand lives ’ ‘ knowing them is like being found without ever knowing you were lost ’ ‘ you can’t give your storms to someone else ’ ‘ nothing lasts forever , not even the rain ’ ‘ to be is terrifying and it’s okay to fear ’ ‘ there will be hollow spaces beneath your heart and in your ribs ’ ‘ don’t claw out your throat while waiting for someone else to scream ’ ‘ blood beneath your fingertips isn’t easy to clean ’ ‘ where death becomes , red lips are stained ’ ‘ doomed are we to seek an absolution we will never touch ’ ‘ in some other universe you’re asleep ’ ‘ everyone leaves ’ ‘ the important ones come back ’ ‘ you’re not a ghost , you can’t haunt those that forget you ’ ‘ don’t count your breaths as you cross the street ’ ‘ every moment passes into another until it doesn’t ’ ‘ everything ends and it’s okay ’ ‘ behind every constellation , there is a pathway to another you and i ’ ‘ every star is another story , every night a different sky ’ ‘ we end , to begin again ’ ‘ beyond every somewhere , we still exist ’ ‘ there are a thousand theories , we are only one ’ 
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flowerypudding · 6 years
⊰ 🐤 ⊱
                     Contributing to an already existing mess didn’t shift the blame for things being out of place off his duckling at all. Peking sighed; the duckling was safe and healthy, which was really all that mattered in the end, but really… Was he so lacking in his parenting? Did he not provide his children with enough to keep them occupied and happily entertained throughout the day? He’d hoped that the bowl of mixed peas and corn he’d left them with would have held their attention for longer than it had, but if they were off in the kitchen getting into a mess, literal or otherwise…
                    “Thank you… Sincerely. I can’t imagine what might have happened if you had not come across her sooner. The kitchen is filled with so many dangerous things and sharp objects…”
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                    "I really must repay you somehow… I’ll go clean the kitchen. Is there anything I could do for you at all??”
“It’s not... not that big of a problem. It would be ne-glectful to not have done anything, and it would’ve been bad if they got h-hurt or gotten in the ingredients without anyone noticing...” Peking seems grateful, which is really all the thanks that she needs.
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There’s a panicked gesture with her hands, seemingly distraught ( well, arguably her default expression seems to be one of distress, but— ). “Ah! I couldn’t have you do that.... it’s just going to get messy again before the day is over.... and besides, w-will the ducklings not get into more trouble if you’re not keeping an eye on them?”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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    — Stirring about in his basket that he had as he heard his name called upon by another food soul, he turned his gaze to the other, Jiuniang ? Salad knew she was shy (just like him) so he admired her courage to approach him in his little corner ! Though tea… ? Well … He supposed he could enjoy some tea with her ! 
     —— ❝ Well… Okay, What kind of tea ? U-Um, can I stay in my basket ? ❞
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“Oh— uhm, we got some n-new yellow tea in a recent delivery… but if you have a preference, w-we could have that instead...!” She beams softly at the response she receives ( not that she would’ve held it against him had he said no, of course, it is just nice that he is willing to spend time with her ). “O-Of course you can, if, if that’s easier for you. Would...Would it be be-better if I brought everything over here, then?”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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Koicha nods and turns back to the till, secured by a key. Lamps, till, tables and chairs…everything seemed to be in its proper place. Her steps echoed through the empty kitchens as she cast a careful eye over the drying pots and pans. No reports of rats, thank the gods.
“Just about to lock up for the night. The cooks and I have an early start tomorrow–we are expecting a party of twelve to be having dinner, and they had requested we serve huangjiu. We have a good deal for a few bottles, but I’d like to make sure they are delivered here on time.”
Without thinking, Koicha reaches to adjust the fastenings of Jiuniang’s coat. It was an action of years of familiarity–a younger Koicha would absentmindedly brush the food soul’s hair, or cook her favorite sweets, or take her to festivals and outings. Jiuniang would indulge in her habits and be a sweet and helpful presence, despite her struggles with shyness.
Koicha feels a strange twinge in her chest. Even with the weight of a decade-old contract between them, the little girl beside her hasn’t aged a day.
Fingers absentmindedly drift across the surface of a table, smooth and freshly cleaned, the way things were supposed to be. She keeps quiet while her master speaks, a small nod of acknowledgement ( no orders, though, nothing that might require a vocal response, though one often followed nonetheless ). “It w-will be busy tomorrow, so... master better take care.” It will make things busy for her too, of course, but a soul does not tire nearly as humans do, so it goes without saying that she sees no need to express concern for herself.
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It is the kind of gesture that brings comfort, however old that it may be— familiarity, that is what lets her relax after a long day. She smiles up at the other as she complies with letting her do so, patiently waiting for her to finish. “Is there anything else we ha-have to do?”
@flowerypudding started following you
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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       ‘ yeah, best friends!‘  he parrots her back with a hint of laughter and gently pats her shoulder twice for reassurance; she had to have known what a best friend was, or at least - he HOPES she does. the satisfied expression on his face as he lifts each rat with should have explained things enough otherwise, as the strength of feeling and familiar JOY from simply having them around was never something he could properly compact into words.  
       ‘ there’s lots of animals in the forest, but these guys are MINE! this one’s big ah, and this one’s little ah - ‘  aptly named for their differing sizes, their heads moving to curiously gaze up at their tamer as he twists and turns to display them.  ‘ don’t worry, they won’t hurt ya… you can pet ‘em if ya want, too! that way, they can be your friends too! ‘  and then, they’d ALL be friends, and that would have just been awesome.
She flinches back a little when he lifts them up, but she leans in after a moment ( she has yet to get used to them, so, she’s just a little scared still ). His happiness is infectious, though, she cannot begrudge him that; and it makes her feel a little more safe around his ‘friends’.
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She cowers a little at the reminder that the forest is full of unknowns, things that are probably not nearly as docile as the two rats he is currently carrying, so she offers the two a small wave ( which is about as much as her bravery can currently muster ). There’s a brief flash of fear in her expression, but really— she’s come this far, she can push herself a little further, so one shaky hand reaches out to pat one on the head. “L-Like this…?”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
Eyes soften- as if they weren’t soft before- and head tilts, beaming gently at the shy little thing, while a small, kind laugh escapes the smiling lips. She can’t help but be reminded of herself- a long time ago, or perhaps not so long, it is so difficult to tell. 
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“Why, thank you.. you flatter me, I’m sure.” A wing goes to her mouth delicately, but the smile widens, visible between the snowy white feathers. “What is your name, little one? If you don’t mind me asking.”
She hides into herself a little at the attention ( it is a wonderful thing, but she does not completely know how to respond to such ). Eyes dart around for a moment before settling back on her, hesitantly offering a small smile in response.
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“Oh... no, I-I don’t think it’s like that, really...” Though she does not think she is sure of much at the moment, truthfully. “M-Me? Oh, uhm... they call me Jiunjiang.”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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“Y-yes I’ll be fine!” She insisted, taking a step back, wanting to hurry and catch up with the others. Her face reflected the terror in her heart and she shook her head furious. She had to be vehement in her objections. Even if she didn’t want to go back. “I-I-I can’t I’m so-orry…if I s-stay I’ll…I’ll g-g-get in tro-ouble…please…p-please understand…”
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In a way, she doesn’t understand— she has seen some awful things, but in the end, she is a child, to a degree ( and sometimes, perhaps it is best to not understand ). She knows that there is nothing she can really do to stop her, so there’s just a slight nod of her head. “I-If you’re sure...”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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eiji  rushes  to  reassure  the  girl  immediately  ;  she  needn ‘ t  apologize  for  an  honest  mistake  .    ❝    no  ,  it ‘ s  fine  !    you  didn’t  mean  to  ,  so  no  harm ’ s  been  done  .    and  i ‘ m  fine  .  .  .  but  are  you  alright  ?    ❞
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She is hesitant to believe him, he does not seem to hold any ill will ( but she cannot help but be wary nonetheless ). “Huh…? Ah— yes, yes, I-I’m fine, thank you…” There’s a moment of silence before she speaks up again. “You— You’re really okay? There isn’t any way I ca-can make it up to you?”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
Your Tarot Card
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You got: The Empress
You are a nurturer — and *probably* find yourself as the mom friend of your group. Generous and genuine, you are someone whom other people can always rely on to make them feel better. You can be empathetic to a fault, though, so be careful that you’re not putting other people’s needs before your own.
tagged by: @prcttyinpinklcmonadc  thank you!! tagging: if you haven’t done this yet, then steal it from me!
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flowerypudding · 6 years
hey! i realize i haven’t really made any sort of update / official post about this, but i’m back in school now, which means i have a lot less time to be here since i need to prioritize that. my activity will probably be more likely fri - mon, though scarce in general while i juggle around other accounts. you’re welcome to poke me for replies if i get really bad at remembering to do things here, otherwise please try to bear with me a bit. if you need me, you can always catch me on discord @ irl magical dweb #5347. thank you for understanding!!
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flowerypudding · 6 years
⊰ 🐤 ⊱
                    “Oh — oh, dear!! Are you alright??!!”
                    It was uncharacteristic of Peking Duck to ever raise his voice for much of anything, but seeing the lump of doughy flour in Jiuniang’s hands and realising that it was actually one of his dear ducklings roused the man enough to urge his easygoing lilting droll into something infused with a slight bit more panic. He was up and off his spot seated cross-legged on the floor in an instant, immediately scooping the duckling up into the cupping in his long sleeves where his palms laid to set himself to work attempting to smear some of the white powder off his child’s bill. She shook her head out and let out a great and terrible sneeze ( which was really more of a tiny peep, all things considered, but to a duckling it was certainly something ), ruffling her downy feathers and blinking up expectantly at her father as though she hadn’t done a thing in the world and had no idea why she’d been so rudely removed from her time playing in the kitchen and getting into mischief.
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                    "Good grief… How terribly bothersome. She’ll be fine. Thank you for bringing her to me before she could seriously hurt herself… She didn’t cause too much of a mess, did she?? I’m afraid she’s been going through something of a rebellious streak as of late…”
She jumps at the sudden raise in his voice ( it is good that he takes the duckling from her soon afterwards, lest she have to worry that she will be startled into dropping it ). Though it is slightly frightening to see him so animated— compared to how relaxed he’d been moments prior— Jiuniang cant help but find the sight endearing too, in a sense. Certainly though, she can relax a little knowing that he ( probably ) had a good handle on things; at least, more than she would’ve known how to help, and everything seems like it’ll be alright now.
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“Of cour-rse… I was worried I might’ve been too late.” She wants to ask him to keep a closer eye on them in the future, but knowing how many little ducks Peking has around means knowing she might be asking too much of him. She hesitates when he addresses her, peering up at him tentatively before shaking her head. “No… w-well, the kitchen is already messy anyways, so I don’t think it really made a noticeable difference.” Save for the feathers that’d been left behind as evidence, she thinks it could probably pass for just another regular mess in the kitchen.
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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A low hum had left him, the elder briefly lost in contemplation. No doubt she had the capability to defend herself, but she was still a child nonetheless. At least, she had the body of one. “Alright,” He started slowly, the softness in his smile never fading, “My companion owns a coffee house just nearby… If you would like somewhere to rest you are free to follow me.” Fortunately, Chocolate did not believe in being inconvenienced – only having a desire to help and be kind.
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She should— she needs to wait for them, as she has always done ( because she will wait, if she waits, they will come for her, she knows that much will remain true ). But then... she’ll be alone, won’t she? That’s a little scary too, even if she’s been waiting on her own all this time... he’s a food soul too, so she can probably trust him, right? It might even be quicker for her to be reunited with her companions if she waits with him, perhaps. With that much decided, a tentative hand reaches out to grab onto his cloak. “Is...is your friend nice t-too?”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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The offer is kind. A gesture that she wishes she could take the other up on. However, she shakes her head slowly, nervously toying with her hair. The others know the rules, and so does she. Even if they’ve already started back. She knows she’ll be alone. She knows there will be trouble if she doesn’t get back soon. “I-I…appreciate it but I…M-Master Atten-tendant would be very upset with me…I’d get in t-trouble…”
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“It won’t be to-o tiring of a trip back...?” But she does not want to go home, does she? That much she thinks she can put together, a small frown— she is not in a position to do anything ( no, rather, she would not be allowed to do anything ). “Then... can you wait a few minutes? I-I’d like to send you home with something, m-maybe your master won’t be so upset.”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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       ‘ oh? ‘  he doesn’t even REALIZE what she’s referring to at first, and quickly bends over with a hand set shadowing his eyes to search off in the distance - but there’s nothing there, and he nearly says so before a few squeaks and chitters beg for attention. ‘ - oh! you mean THEM? those are my best friends! ‘ 
       he’s all smiles and proud introduction, torso turning in his hands-on-his-hips pose to try to get a good read of her expression: the company of his constant companions was so natural for him, he NEVER would’ve guessed that they could ever scare anybody.  ‘ they’re not being too NOISY for ya, are they? i can tell ‘em to quiet down… they’re just happy to meet another food soul, hehe! ‘
“Best friends…?” She repeats softly— it is not that the concept is unfamiliar to her, just that she does not expect that ( if she is to be honest, she thought they were some new kind of fallen angel at first ), eyes darting down at the two creatures before returning her gaze to her current company. She doesn’t quite know what to say to that, so she simply just nods to herself.
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Even out here, it seems, that it is easy for Jiuniang to feel overwhelmed; though it is different from the liveliness of villages, she tries not to mind the two little beings and musters up her best smile ( she should try to be at least a little brave, she is a food soul, after all ). “N-No, it’s okay... I just have not really seen many like them before.” Which is, fair, maybe— there are many odd things that can be seen, unfamiliar ones just tend to unsettle her more. She is ever so hesitant when she speaks up again, fingers still pointing. “They… they are your fr-friends, so... do they have names too?”
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flowerypudding · 6 years
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It had been a busy day at The Emerald Garden again, but satisfying. And again, Koicha couldn’t imagine running her restaurant without her trusted food souls.
Her smile slips on easily when she spots a childlike food soul approach her. Her first contract, and the beginning of The Emerald Garden were all thanks to this sweet girl.
“Jiuniang! Thank you for all your hard work today. Have you rested well?”
It is a small, rare smile that graces her lips when she is greeted by her master attendant— she is pleasant ( which is enough to make her a little less nervous ) and even if it is ‘hard’ work, for a food soul, it is easy; or so she will say when she is asked.
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“Y-Yes, I am okay...” If she is weary from the day’s work, it does not show, as she looks to her master. “Are we done for the day?”
@flowerypudding started following you
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