fluffy-sunshines · 1 year
i'll be honest i am considering returning to this blog but who knows honestly. to the one person who sent a request in like . january. i am so sorry!
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
thinking about this account
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
I’ve been drawing on the wrong layer for 2 hours lmao
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
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if you hit them over the head with a spanner it'd make a neat sound
rbs >>>>> likes!!! thanke,,,
(ID: a digital drawing of an alternate Moondrop design. they are leaning back in an odd position, supporting themself with one elbow with their knees draw towards them. They sport a mischevious grin, and have a theme of half indigo+gold and half white+pale blue. One hand has two fingers extended in a peace symbol and is pointing to the left.)
clean version below!!
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anyways... guess whos brain decided to amp up the menthol illinois and give us a sly and cunning lunar robot as a headmate
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
i’ve just learned that some people have literally never undergone a school lockdown drill so for science pls reply with 1) your country of residence 2) if you know/ have ever undergone a school lockdown drill
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
The Daycare Attendant didn't burn up in the fire they escaped and became a city cryptid its fine they're fine
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(Reblogs really really help me out! :D)
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
lonely :( 2
moondropxreader part 1 sun and moon have separate bodies
Clean up, clean up!
Of course, you didn’t stop trying to talk to him. You were cleaning the daycare after a busy day during winter break, Sun was undergoing routine maintenance, and spotted Moon watching from the room above the ballpit: him and Sun’s room. Your reaction was to drop the wipe and wave dramatically to him. “HI!” you shouted. You probably didn’t need to shout, but who cares. You watched him emerge from the shadows and wave back. “Come down here, I can’t clean the Daycare by myself!” you said, picking up the broom that you were using 10 minutes ago and sweeping the floor around you. Again, for effect.
Moon sighed, loud enough enough for you to hear him, then jumped off the balcony. Rather than landing in the ballpit like Sun, however, he glided down gracefully on the cable thing that let him reach high places, landing softly in front of you. “You wanted me to help?” he prompted, voice just expressive enough to not be considered monotone. You nodded, handing him the package of wet wipes. “Could you wipe down the tables and chairs, please? I’ll handle sweeping!” you reply, swiftly picking up the broom and gathering the construction paper bits into piles on the floor. 
You and Moon chat of course, but you notice that he tends not to talk about himself. At all. He asks what you’ve been doing lately, favorite colors, what Sun has been talking about lately, but whenever you try to ask him about what he likes, he pauses, answers the question, and changes the topic.
This got you wondering. Was there a reason behind his disinterested small talk? His unwillingness to talk to anyone, let alone you? Your silence lead to his silence, and it was quiet for a while. He went from washing tables to putting away the scattered toys. He seemed to keep his distance, you notice. 
Eventually you get tired of the quiet. “It’s okay to talk, you know.” you blurt. Moon stops what he’s doing and does a 180 to face you. “Huh?” Clearly you interrupted his thoughts. “It’s okay to talk. About yourself, I mean,” you repeated. You were a good 13 feet away from him and you swore you could hear fans whirring, which you knew was from internal heat. 
“I.. uh..” he stammered. He didn’t know what to say. You’d caught him! Right in the act! You smirk. “I’d like to talk to you too, you know. It’s not fair when you get to make all the small talk.” You set down the broom, crossing your arms. Moon stares at you. “I.. know,” he says, pausing. You’re 90% sure he’s lying, and thats a pretty big number. 
“I just, didn’t want to, I guess?” You can hear the unsureness in his voice. Damn, he’s cute. “Whatever you say, Moony. Just keep that in mind. I wanna hear what you like, too.”
Moon continues staring for a moment, then goes back to rearranging the toys to how they should be. Damn, you’re cute. 
*idea from @kamuucab*
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
lonely :(
moondropxreader inspo: kamuucab sun and moon have separate bodies
Y/N was helping Sun manage the daycare today. Cleaning up the messes he couldn’t get to, getting the kiddos out of tight spaces, etc. What they didn’t know was that somebody was watching them. 
Moon sat in the rafters, observing what was going on. The kids playing with Sun, giving him gifts and drawings. He just wished that he could get some affection too, not that he was deserving. Everybody seemed to hate him, for one reason or another. His face, his personality, it scared people. Not just the children, but adults as well. 
He wouldn’t admit it, but he was terribly lonely, having restricted himself to coming out only during naptime and when required. He couldn’t understand why he wasn’t happy. Everybody else was, even Sunny. More people had been coming to the daycare since Moon stepped back, and if anybody had noticed, it was him. 
When you first came to the daycare, to make up for his absence (No matter how hard tech tried they couldn’t get Moon ‘fixed’), Sun warmed up to you immediately. He introduced you to Moon, and he was nice, but couldn’t bring himself to actually.. talk to you. Like a normal person would. Like Sunny did. Because he wasn’t normal.
As he watched you from the shadows he slowly became more and more attached to you. But could still never approach you. He always convinced himself he didn’t deserve it. Even when you openly expressed wanting to see him. 
It’s not like he ignored you, either. If you waved to him, he would wave back. He would talk to you, but never tried to advance in any way. He was simultaneously  convincing himself he didn’t deserve love, and talking himself out of the possibility that you actually liked him in the same way he did to you. Just as he secretly loved you, you must secretly hate him. It was always that way. Maybe you’ll eventually stop talking to him. Like everyone else always did.
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
i wanna ruin our fanficcc
lets make a comic insteadd
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
You sneaky little snake lmao
Either way, you pretty cool
aww thanks!
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
evil laughter HAHAHA I WAS @i-have-a-crush-on-a-bear ALL ALONG 
get to know me tag
thanks to @zoya-writes for the tag!
Rules: Tag the people you want to get to know better or catch up with.
Favorite color: blue!
Last song: Mercy, by KING MALA
Currently reading: The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
Last movie: Turning Red
Sweet, savory, or spicy: i don’t like flavour </3 but uhhh spicy i guess?
Currently working on: finishing the Rose Librarians draft! (only a few chapters left…..)
tagging. uhhh @redpeng, @thepotatowriter, @quixotic-ethics, @crystallaer, @peepolove! no pressure :D
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
Imagine, after a rough day, you come home to your f/o, who can obviously tell you’re upset. They tell you to go take a bath or shower to relax yourself. You do just that.
Once you get out, there’s a nest of blankets on the bed, your favorite drink on the bedstand and your favorite movie on the TV, all that’s needed is to press play.
Your f/o comes in a few seconds later, bowl of popcorn in their hand, ready to give you a good night to make up for the day before.
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
sundropxreader (I made this for myself and fellow sun selfshippers XD) credit to saltwater-selfships for the idea (Though this is a reblog so this should be obvious XD)
When you got home you practically kicked open the door, throwing the things you were carrying on the ground. Removed your shoes in the loudest, most frustrated way possible, because you were just. so. upset. All day, you had been holding it in. It seemed that everybody had made a point to be mean to you, or inconvenience you in some way. Of course, this wasn’t true, but you didn’t give a crap.
After less than a minute of your commotion, Sun walked into the room, a concerned look on his face. As soon as he saw you, he could tell you were upset. “..Bad day?” they ask, as quiet as they can (which is still a whisper-shout). You nod, the animatronic’s presence grounding you. You sigh, and look down, and the next thing you know Sun has lifted you up off the ground and is carrying you to the couch. Sets you down on his lap. Wraps his arms around your waist.
You sit in silence for a while, but despite Sunny’s presence you still find it hard to dismiss your thoughts. Realizing that just sitting in silence isn’t doing anything helpful, you speak up.
“Hey, Sunny? I’m sorry.. but just sitting here isn’t helping..” You mentally kick yourself at your harsh tone, but the robot takes no offense. Instead he pushes you lightly off his lap. “Maybe you should take a shower? Or a bath? They help calm you down, right?”  You smile a little at his uncertainty. You haven’t been living in the same house for very long, and understandably some things were confusing. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Thanks, Sun.” As you walk out of your living room, you brush your hand against his.
The bath was very nice. It definitely helped you calm down. Feeling clean and dressed in comfortable clothes, you made a beeline for your bedroom, only to see something you weren’t expecting. A nest of blankets is on the bed, all of your plushies neatly arranged. Your favorite drink is on the bedside table, and the TV is paused at the beginning of your favorite show/movie. 
You don’t realize you’ve been standing in the doorway for 30 seconds until Sun sneaks up behind you. You turn around, seeing that you startled him as well. He’s holding a large bowl of popcorn. That’s why you could hear the microwave going. “O-oh! I didn’t realize you were already out! Do you like the fort I made? I was hoping we could watch the movie toge-” You cut him off, bringing him into a tight hug. Of course it’s slightly awkward because of the height difference, but neither of you mind. All you care about is that he thought of you like this. 
“Sunny, I love it. Thank you,” you whisper, before dive-bombing into the blankets, Sun following close behind. 
Imagine, after a rough day, you come home to your f/o, who can obviously tell you're upset. They tell you to go take a bath or shower to relax yourself. You do just that.
Once you get out, there's a nest of blankets on the bed, your favorite drink on the bedstand and your favorite movie on the TV, all that's needed is to press play.
Your f/o comes in a few seconds later, bowl of popcorn in their hand, ready to give you a good night to make up for the day before.
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
draw peepaw willy acting like a funny old man
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"Get off my lawn." "We are underground, peepaw." This was fun XD
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fluffy-sunshines · 2 years
Writing fight scenes
masterlist. main navigation.
@bluebxlle_writer on Instagram
1. Pacing
A fight scene should be fast-paced and intense. Unless it's a final battle with numerous parties, a fight scene that's too long tends to take away suspense. To speed up your pacing, use active voice to describe movement and don't overdescribe your characters' thoughts. Excessive inner monologue will be unrealistic, as people usually have no room to think during intense combats.
2. Character mannerisms
Here's a point that people often overlook, but is actually super important. Through fight scenes, you should be able to reveal your characters' contrasting mannerisms and personality. A cunning character would play dirty - fighting less and making use of their opponent's weakness more. A violent character would aim to kill. A softer one would only target to disarm their enemies, using weakened attacks. A short-minded character would only rely on force and attack without thinking. This will help readers understand your characters more and decide who to root for.
3. Making use of surroundings
Not only the characters, you also need to consider the setting of your fight scene and use it to your advantage. Is it suitable for fighting, or are there dangerous slopes that make it risky? Are there scattered items that can help your characters fight (e.g. nails, shards of glass, ropes, wooden boards, or cutlery)? Is it a public place where people can easily spot the fight and call the authorities, or is it a private spot where they can fight to the death?
4. Description
The main things that you need to describe in a fight scene are :
• Characters involved in the fight
• How they initiate and dodge attacks
• Fighting styles and any weapons used
• The injuries caused
Be careful to not drag out the description for too long, because it slows down the pace.
5. Raise the stakes
By raising the stakes of the fight, your readers will be more invested in it. Just when they think it's over, introduce another worse conflict that will keep the scene going. Think of your characters' goals and motivations as well. Maybe if the MC didn't win, the world would end! Or maybe, one person in the fight is going all-out, while the other is going easy because they used to be close :"D
6. Injuries
Fights are bound to be dirty and resulting in injuries, so don't let your character walk away unscathed - show the effect of their injuries. For example, someone who had been punched in the jaw has a good chance of passing out, and someone who had been stabbed won't just remove the knife and walk away without any problem. To portray realistic injuries, research well.
7. Drive the plot forward
You don't write fight scenes only to make your characters look cool - every fight needs to have a purpose and drive the plot forward. Maybe they have to fight to improve their fighting skills or escape from somewhere alive. Maybe they need to defeat the enemy in order to obtain an object or retrieve someone who had been kidnapped. The point is, every single fight scene should bring the characters one step closer (or further :D) to the climax.
8. Words to use
• Hand to hand combat :
Crush, smash, lunge, beat, punch, leap, slap, scratch, batter, pummel, whack, slam, dodge, clobber, box, shove, bruise, knock, flick, push, choke, charge, impact
• With weapon :
Swing, slice, brandish, stab, shoot, whip, parry, cut, bump, poke, drive, shock, strap, pelt, plunge, impale, lash, bleed, sting, penetrate
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fluffy-sunshines · 3 years
To be clear this is me I drew this 
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he’s looking to the right :)
moontaur is the best idea yet /gen
so happy i get to tag the cool people EEE @rainy-nomad @paper-bones​ I copied the latters style for this one and I am SO GLAD :D :D :D 
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fluffy-sunshines · 3 years
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They Arrived! Batchest
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