fluttbydream · 14 days
They’re lucky they’re so pretty 😂
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sorry kunsel i'm afraid this one's a little outside of their brain cell budget
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fluttbydream · 6 months
Bold of you to think LWJ would allow WWX more than five steps from him.
someone give LWJ a tracking device because I just realized he's the only MXTX top who doesn't have one
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fluttbydream · 7 months
This would make my year!
Modern Warfare IV mission titled Alone Pt.II from Ghost’s pov.
He’s been noticeably absent until now. The whole game has been focused on the 141 and allies locating the objective as their #1 priority. Player assumes Makarov is the objective until it’s realised Ghost went rogue to hunt him down himself. Finding Ghost. That’s what the player has spent half the game doing.
Alone pt.II plays out similarly to the first. Ghost is bleeding out trying to escape a Konni base. It’s very obvious that he needs immediate medical attention—screen blurs if you move too fast, he keeps falling over, and suddenly:
Soap’s voice over comms. Muffled by Ghost’s loud heartbeat. Player assumes Ghost is hearing things as he nears death. The mission goes on in a role reversal from Alone. Soap helping Ghost escape. Player gets to choose dialogue options that are a direct callback to that first duo defining mission.
“Still fixin’ each other’s problems are we, Johnny?”
“Always, Lt.”
“Never did convince me to keep the mask off though.”
“Oh there’s time for that yet. Let’s just worry about keepin’ your blood in for now.”
Eventually Ghost makes it to the location Soap was directing him to, where he finds the 141 waiting. Including Soap. Who was actually on comms with him the whole time. This is how the player finds out Soap is alive. *Cue dramatic cutscene*
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fluttbydream · 7 months
Too cute🖤👻🧼
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Borders 🚧
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fluttbydream · 10 months
Cobra Chickens are not to be trifled with.
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fluttbydream · 10 months
Opposable thumbs was not worth this 
One of the things I resent most about being Animal Brain Apex Predator trapped in Maximum Productivity Society is that I have to work when the weather is gross, instead of following my natural instinct to burrow myself into something dry and soft and sleep until Optimal Foraging Conditions
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fluttbydream · 1 year
This is probably the most accurate character relationship analysis I’ve read about these two men ❤️❤️❤️
🕯️(from Daryl)
What Rick thinks about Daryl.
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Surprisingly enough, i think it didn't change much along the seasons. Rick knows Daryl is a good person. Full of problems and isolated, he is aware, but still a good person, and most of the times, he managed to have Daryl contribute to the team and stay on their side. Because Daryl is a lot driven by emotions, Rick did a great job at manipulating him in so many situations. Overall, I would say Rick was an asshole to Daryl so many times, mostly indirectly, by locking his brother on the roof and have Daryl go with him but use the trip to mostly recover the bag with the weapons instead of searching for Merle, let Daryl go search for Sophia on his own so many times despite being so dangerous ( he didn't offer to help all the times but also didn't stand against it). And when he decided to kick Carol from the group, it was pure injustice against Daryl, as well in Woodbury, when Rick tried to have Daryl abandon his brother (again) to escape with them instead. Later on, behind Daryl's back, Rick tried to use Merle to take Michonne to the Governor for a peace deal, but ultimately regrets it. That choice though leads to Merle's death.
Rick knows Daryl has a strong sense of justice, therefore, uses many moral arguments to convince the hunter to help him out. He also knows Daryl is alone and does what he can so he feels part of the group, giving him space when he needs but always being around to include him in tasks and such. Daryl probably is aware of all that, but he doesn't care, because he agrees with Rick's approach on decisions most of the time. It was inevitable though, how Rick became emotionally bound to Daryl, because well, he knows Daryl is aware how Rick himself can be selfish, manipulative and coldly use people; Daryl even so was always there for him, despite Rick's flaws. The huge trust and leadership support Rick gets from Daryl in the worst moments, probably the sheriff would never be able to explain it with words.
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Rick and Daryl's bond gets deeper and they become each other's moderator of morals. Sometimes Rick is breaking the boundaries and starting to act too cruel, like on season 4-5, Daryl will try to hold him back. Daryl starts acting too cruel, Rick holds him back, and so on.
And it's in that dynamic that Beth ends up dead, and Daryl in a way blames himself for it- Rick had decided for a direct assault, where they would kill the main officers and rescue Carol and Beth, while Daryl and others from the group voted against it and chose to negotiate, which lead to Beth losing her life. Rick knows he feels guilty, but says nothing, he also feels guilty as the leader.
After that event, Daryl begun having a colder approach to decisions. Next time it happens the other way around. Daryll wants to explode the Sanctuary and Rick doesn't want to, they end up fighting and despite overcoming Rick, the sheriff manages to get rid of the explosives. It's interesting how Rick uses his manipulative sequence to try and convince Daryl. First he appeals to the moral sentimental idea, that workers who are innocent could get hurt. Daryl ignores that part. So Rick appeals to the battle strategy, that the workers could be potential allies. Daryl ignores it. So Rick resorts to fear, saying the workers could turn against them if Daryl did that. But Daryl ignores, so Rick tries with force, and despite being beaten down by Daryl quite quickly, he manages to ruin the explosives.
Then Daryl got taken by Negan, humiliated and tortured, and Rick, as failed leader, felt extreme guilt. Without Daryl (and Carol, Glenn and Abraham) he felt weak, lost, insecure and completely vulnerable. Negan took from Rick precisely the people who would rebel the most and give Rick enough impulse to fight back, and it worked for quite some time. Next time Rick managed to fight Negan and have a chance was exactly when he got Daryl and Carol back to fight with him. And it wasn't just a firepower situation, it was mainly an emotional situation. When Carl died and Rick lost his ground, Daryl was the one who lead the others to safety, including his daughter Judith. Daryl did everything and more for Rick.
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The next time their conflict happened was with Negan's defeat. Rick chose to let Negan live, and again put many manipulative layers so people agreed with him. First the moral one, to not take a life (very hypocrite of Rick but that's just an excuse anyway), then for the fact he wanted to give the community an example and make sure Negan got behind bars (another excuse in a way because keeping Negan alive was always a risk so the Saviors could try and break in to rescue him), then the excuse he's trying to bring law and order back to a community where people can live together in peace (that's a good excuse, but Rick again, didn't need to keep Negan alive for it)- and the potential true reasons he spared Negan, because Carl asked him and maybe because he wanted to see Negan suffer in prison for a long time, and indeed kill the old, strong Negan as he rots behind bars and gets depression. Daryl doesn't swallow that though, as well as Maggie. That leads to Daryl betraying Rick, by taking him away from the destination he was supposed to, so Maggie got the chance to kill Negan, however, that leads to Rick's "death" on the bridge incident, what makes Daryl feel guilty and spend more than 7 years looking for his friend, while he also made sure his daughter was safe.
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I believe Daryl's betrayal was really a huge surprise for Rick, who knows he also has been lying to himself and making excuses because he still just couldn't deal with Carl's death. But even knowing he was right, Daryl knows it was a bad decision and ironically, Negan ends up saving him and Judith in later seasons- all making Daryl rethink so much and isolate himself again.
I think Rick is aware of how much he pushed Daryl along their journey, and Daryl is aware of how much he let Rick push and use him, but both somehow are okay with that, Daryl is a much better person than Rick showed to be, on the moral and loyal spectrum, and maybe that's why at the bridge, Rick isn't revolted at Daryl- quite the opposite- he just looks proud and thankful towards his brother right before he vanishes in the explosion.
There were many issues that needed solving in the communities, such as living with the Saviors and the conflicts and grudges that still were present. Rick wasn't fully focused on that anymore though, he needed a break. He needed a break but also couldn't give the leadership up. Rick's awful when talking about his personal and emotional issues, and I guess Daryl couldn't see Rick needed a break, that he still hadn't headed from Carl's death. While Rick was trying to heal and build hopes for the future, Maggie and Daryl still were stuck in the hate of the past, and to not blame them, they would deal with the consequences every day, Daryl with the community problems and Maggie with raising her son alone, missing Glenn every day.
Maybe if Rick had a bit more of an emotional intelligence to open up and expose his wounds a bit more and show his emotional limitations, Daryl and Maggie would have understood him earlier, but Rick always kept showing he was alright and justifying his actions with morals or goals, while he was mostly focused on the development of the communities rather than the conflicts. He wanted peace and he wanted a future and indeed, if Rick hadn't vanished, the communities probably wouldn't have had so much problem with the wild winter, Eugene's projects would have received more attention and the Whispirers wouldn't have been such a big problem, since Rick could have negotiated with Alpha, formulated war strategies to deal with them (the Whispirers were very low on firepower) and even guided Alpha's horde away, since the sheriff already had experience with that beforehand.
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This was a long one, tell me if you liked it. Feel free to comment / reblog 💗
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fluttbydream · 1 year
I have to say terrible cooks feeding their SOs and having said SO eat it and ask for more is one of my favorite tropes.
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Spoiler alert: No, he hasn’t.
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Now, he has. 
And being his masochistic self, Tantai Jin accepts not only seconds but makes Xiwu his personal chef. Are we sure he doesn’t still want to off himself, this time through her cooking? Devil Baby, there are easier and less torturous ways to commit suicide other than starvation and slow food poisoning, but he’s always been a sucker for punishment, hasn’t he?
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Perhaps his new diet is the problem.
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Joking aside, he’s been guarded around her for so long and so much that his trust issues made him previously refuse the food she offered him because he knew about her aphrodisiac scheme. However, in a complete reversal, he literally demands to eat her food even though she warns him it might taste terrible. He stomachs it and asks her to continue cook for him because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings! and because he desperately jumps at having the excuse to spend time with her without losing his pride. Lucky for him, his standards for for decent food are extremely low with swivel and rats being the highlights of his past diets but still Xiwu’s cooking skills make even him gag.
It shows that even though he questions her behaviour and loyalty, he trusts her not to physically hurt him or take advantage of him and for a person like him who’s been continuously abused and betrayed his whole, that’s immense.
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Yeah, he’s got a death wish, alright,
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But not a cook, unfortunately for you and your stomach.
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Poor man, he clearly expected more time to prepare himself and his digestive tract.
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No, she already has his heart that’s why he allows her to abuse his stomach and taste buds because love has muddled his brain and self-preservation instinct.  Also, the fact that she wants to literally pierce said heart by nine spikes makes this seemingly cute and sweet scene into something profoundly dark and twisted.
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fluttbydream · 2 years
Well said!
Emma D'Arcy's words about Daemyra and Daemon :
"Daemon is a deeply problematic character. Seeing Rhaenyra being seduced and manipulated as a child by her uncle confirms this, and prevents the public from blinding the public to the problematic nature of their relationship." - Emma D'arcy .
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So Emma… I love you as an actor but a few things to point out.
Daemon is a gray character. People need to stop trying to turn him into a villain, or at least amplify his dark side. I'm not saying Daemon isn't a problematic character. There are aspects of it, yes. Obviously, since he's a gray character. But generally the members of the series tend to associate these problematic aspects with things that don't have to be. As does (as Emma D'arcy said so well) that apparently Daemon seduced/groom a child Rhaenyra.
So, you should know that large age differences are common in feudal times and in the world of ASOIAF. Literally, Daemyra is no exception in this. In fact, it even seems to me that they are among the couples with the least age difference in Martin's universe. In the book, when Rhaenyra is a child, Daemon seems to love her in a classic family mode. Nothing indicates anything to move in their relationship. When she is 7/8 years old Daemon is exiled by Viserys and he does not return to Kings Landing until Rhaenyra is 14 years old, without having had any contact with her before or in recent years. Here, by Westeros standards, Rhaenyra is actually a marriage-ready adult, likely already being courted by men far older than Daemon. So that Daemyra had an affair in the 6 months following Daemon's return is nothing shocking or fundamentally problematic. Unless you trust Mushroom's version of course. But, it's well known, trusting Mushroom is universal bullshit. The age difference in this universe inspired by feudal times, not to mention the fact of getting married young, is literally the norm. If you accuse Daemon of being problematic in attempting to seduce/woo/marry a 14 year old Rhaenyra, or worse, being a pedophile (what is particularly ridiculous), well know that you are accusing almost all the men and women of this universe and time of being, when in the end it's just about different mores. In this scenario, Daemon is not an attacker. He is simply one of the men trying to woo Rhaenyra. Not to mention the fact that he didn't see her grow up at all due to her exile, which makes the whole thing even less problematic than it might seem to a modern audience. Yes, Daemon knew Rhaenyra as a child, but he didn't see her grow up, that's the nuance. George made sure this didn't happen. He did not see her go from a child to a young woman, because yes, I remind you, adolescence in this context does not exist, there is only childhood and adulthood.
On the other hand, if you're looking for a man who actually saw Rhaenyra grow up in the book, who was extremely and actively close to her throughout this evolution, and finally tried his luck with her once she was older, like 16 years old, and who is suspected (as Alicent did for example, when she hated Rhaenyra) of having had harmful intentions towards her, especially from the age of 13… Which obviously sounds like something particularly creepy… Well you have Ser Criston Cole, knight and protector of Rhaenyra ! So placed in a position of trust in relation to her when she was 7/8 years old. Not to mention that Rhaenyra was apparently under the spell of Criston Cole from that age and that's why she wanted him as her personal knight. Obviously, this aspect of the character of Criston Cole has been completely evacuated in the series with the changes of age. But if you're looking for a man in the book who might fit into the “grooming” category or at least come close to it in his relationship with Rhaenyra, well it's actually Criston Cole. Not Daemon.
And even if Daemon would have seen Rhaenyra grow up, as is ultimately the case in the series, remember that the two are part of an incestuous family. Thus, that they end up getting married does not necessarily mean that Daemon would have tried to seduce Rhaenyra as a child. This idea is based on literally nothing. Moreover, absolutely nothing indicates in the series, contrary to what Emma D'arcy says, that Daemon tried to seduce and manipulate Rhaenyra when she was a child / that he had harmful intentions towards her in this time there. At most, he just seems to have unconscious feelings for her in the first episode when she is apparently 14 years old according to Rhaenyra's words in episode 10… Except that in episode 2, 6 months older late after episode 1, Viserys says that Rhaenyra is 16 years old… Yeah the directors and writers weren't very well done chronologically I think. Anyway, officially Rhaenyra is 19 years old in episode 4 ! You know, the age at which Daemon tries to seduce her in the series…
Tell me Emma, I didn't know that 19 was still being a child, you're teaching me a great thing there ! You too have messed up on the level of the sea chronology…
Rhaenyra was an adult at the time, whether by the laws of Westeros, or ours. She also consciously wanted to fuck with her uncle in this episode, no doubt, and has done so probably even since episode 1. However, Daemon didn't do anything in particular to seduce her until this episode 4. Mysaria was literally his mistress in the first 2 episodes. And no, Daemon offering Rhaenyra a necklace is not evidence of grooming. According to the book, Daemon has been showering Rhaenyra with gifts since she was little, it's just a habit he's picked up with her. And no, it wasn't creepy or sexual ! In the first episode, as I said, Daemon seemed to harbor unconscious or repressed feelings towards Rhaenyra without actually engaging in any type of seduction with her. Then he seems to realize his interest in her in episode 2 when she challenges him, and he has feelings for her in episode 4. It's as simple as that.
Also, we can't be certain that Daemon was actively shoved into Rhaenyra's paws during her youth/childhood either in the series. At the start of episode 1, Rhaenyra tells Daemon that it's literally been an eternity since he's been seen in court, and from what has been shown of Daemon's character, that he doesn't really seem to fit in with the nobles and his opinion that the court just happens to be deadly boring, well that would ultimately indicate that he spends very little time there, and therefore Rhaenyra wouldn't have not the pleasure of his company that often. I mean, he's not called, "Prince of the City" for nothing. Without forgetting the 3 years when Daemon goes to war in the Stepstones. A little crappy for someone trying to groom Rhaenyra…
Not to mention no, the situation between Daemyra in episode 4 is not grooming. It's a form of seduction and manipulation to some degree, yes, but not grooming. Already, because it's an event that happens over the course of an evening, and grooming is a fairly precise process that generally takes time, but also and above all, because Rhaenyra is not a child, not even a teenager, she is an adult, whether again by Westeros standards or ours. In addition, besides the fact that Daemon does not manage to go to the end negatively speaking with Rhaenyra, due to obvious guilt and realization of feelings, well he is not doing a fundamentally bad act in itself, he is to nuanced, as the actions of a gray character should be instead of demonized. In this episode, thanks to Daemon, Rhaenyra learns and sees what sexual pleasure can be, that she can find joy and independence in it. Not simply to be cloistered in the “duty” that is marriage, and that despite that she can always take what she really wants. So something positive in itself, and who served her.
You really need to stop with all that Daemon bullshit trying to seduce/groom a child Rhaenyra, because it's literally based on nothing. Actors and directors should really shut up when they talk about the show. Especially since once again, they seem to forget that the age difference is a common thing in this universe. For exemple, Rhaenys and Corlys in the show are promoted as a good couple as Rhaenys was 16 and Corlys 37 when they got married according to the book. Strangely, here the age difference has never challenged or disturbed anyone. It's hypocrisy to point out the age difference specifically between Daemyra as problematic (worse, not to quote, to see outright voluntarily erase the other age differences between couples judged/shown as "good", while the difference is worse than Daemyra for precisely putting a negative emphasis especially on them for x reasons) when in the book and Martin's universe in general, well, they don't particularly stand out for that, and that there are even worse than them. And no one seems to see these relationships as problematic because of these age differences, which shows the obvious bias of some against Daemyra… Not to mention that I love how much the directors and actors (except Matt Smith , because he has a working brain) love to recall the problematic aspects around Daemyra, to the point of forgetting that they are telling a story in a feudal fantasy universe, but besides never touching on Alicent's deeply toxic relationship and Rhaenyra, talking only about the tragedy that separates them and the love they still seem to have despite all the crap (which I won't name, because others have done it much better than I can't do it, and I'm too lazy) that Alicent put Rhaenyra through. But I guess that's it when the show is partly written by idiots…?
That's all I had to say on the subject. Please feel free to share your opinion respectfully. Cheers !
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fluttbydream · 2 years
You gotta love a supportive father
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When your dad is the biggest troll.🤣🤣🤣
From Georgia Tennant's Twitter
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fluttbydream · 2 years
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Look what I found in a small town comic book store…
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fluttbydream · 2 years
When you are a classical musician and the public asks you to play Queen …
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fluttbydream · 2 years
the human body is an engineering marvel. I sneeze in bright light. if I dont get enough sunlight on my skin I get tired and sad and have to drink a lot of milk to fix it. standing too much hurts, but sitting too much also hurts. if I get a virus, my body will increase its temperature in an attempt to cook it, which also cooks my brain cells. toenails exist. I have to turn the radio down to see better when I drive. there are 17 genes dictating what my hair texture is, but it completely changes when the air is too humid. yawning is contagious. there are more species of bacteria living in my body than there are species of birds in the entire world. every few months I grievously injure my neck by "sleeping on it weird." it took seven million years of human evolution to form me, and now I'm afraid of phone calls.
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fluttbydream · 3 years
It’s now October!!
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fluttbydream · 3 years
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Guardian Fan Comic, only it’s that scene from Wotakoi; love is Hard for an Otaku :D 
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6G9H4zcKLk
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fluttbydream · 3 years
That could actually work
combine your first real fandom with your current one to create a terrible, terrible au
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fluttbydream · 3 years
Word of Honor is really good.
does anyone have any (not necessarily) BL chinese dramas recommendations? I've seen Guardian and The Untamed already
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