flylittlerobin-dbd · 2 years
I recently redesigned Robin.  I’ve realized that we now have perks that take care of the ones I gave her, now I have to think up new ones lmao
It’s been a long time since I touched on this blog.  Maybe I’ll come back to it finally
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 4 years
Any tattoos?
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“I do!  Just one.  It’s the sign of the Leo that sort of looks like a snake.  My birthday is along the tail in Roman Numerals.  It’s on the back of my right shoulder.”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 4 years
What are five ways to win your heart?
“W-win mine??  Why would you-  Well, um...  I suppose being supportive is one way.  I like cuddling, too.  Taking walks in the woods, g-gentle touches, and eye contact.  That’s five things, right?”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 4 years
Do you ever want to get married?
“I think getting married...would be pretty good.”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 4 years
Are relationships ever worth it?
“I...I suppose I can’t speak for everyone, but...  If you find someone who makes you feel like the world is bright, no matter what you’re going through, then yes, they are truly worth it.  Whether it’s friendship, love, family...  If someone makes life worth living, then yes.”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 4 years
vaguely nsfw asks
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person?
8. Describe your crush
9. Describe your perfect mate
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
11. Do you ever want to get married?
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
13. Do you get jealous easily?
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
15. Do you have any piercings?
16. Do you have any tattoos?
17. Do you like kissing in public?
20. Do you shower every day?
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
43. How long was your longest relationship?
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you?
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
55. Share a relationship story.
56. State 8 facts about your body
57. Things you want to say to an ex
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
64. What is your definition of cheating?
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
68. What is your sexual orientation?
69. What turns you off?
70. What turns you on?
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
83. Who was your first kiss with?
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 4 years
Robin just ordered a fucking hit on Freddy what a fucking legend
"Maybe next time he'll think before he puts me to sleep like that!"
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
One nightmare sent to hell coming up *drags in Freddy screaming and then proceeds to bitch slap him over and over and over again*
“Thank you!  This is wonderful customer service!  5/5 stars!”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
Hi welcome to mcslappies, you have a target we slap them so hard on their ass they’re sent over the garden wall, may I take your order?
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“Hello!  May I please have a large order of The Nightmare sent straight to hell?”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
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Some of you have already been in the first round–but to make it brief:  this account is a semi-automated question generator that asks random blogs random questions about their muses!
The point is:  reblog this post to get yourself added onto the list, to show me that you’re ok with receiving questions, and to get even more people aware of the process.  I’ll still seek out blogs on my own, but you can do this to expedite the process!
Multimuses, in the tags, you can list the muses you want questions directed to in the following format:  (muse1-muse2-muse3) and so on and so forth.  If not, it just won’t be directed to anyone!
Thanks and happy developing!
(In which I realize you can’t put commas in tags.)
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
{{ Please reblog this if you’re a mun who’s open for angst plotting. Death, pain, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, illness, misery, fighting, screaming, tears, hate, disgust, trauma, graphic gore, etc; I’m in need of threads. Thank you. }}
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
Yeah here * gives you a purple medkit* sorry bout that. Be careful, sleep while he’s around is dangerous.
“T-thank you...  Where did he come from?  I don’t know about anyone else but...that man...he is not my Freddy...”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
Cracks knuckles* sorry gal, hate to do this * slaps robin and wakes her up* I’ll give you a purple Merlot after!
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“...o-ow...  T-thank you, so much...!  I...I don’t know who that Freddy was...but he wasn’t the one I know.  ...do you...happen to have a medkit for this...?  It hurts...”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
Robin, robin, robin, wake up! You fell asleep at the campfire!
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“Aww, come on now...”
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“You won’t take her from me yet, will you?”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
So robin, what are your thoughts on the killers?
“…again I hope no one can see these…  I-it’s safe to say they’re all scary…”
“The Trapper is actually one of the scariest killers…  Nevermind his appearance, he’s really good at finding the most unsuspecting places to put his traps, but they always find their mark.  He tends to go after Jake the most…  Aside from that, Evan is surprisingly well-mannered.”
“The Wraith…doesn’t belong here…  See…Philip can jumpscare better than most being able to turn invisible, but the way he was brought here…  He didn’t deserve this.  He’s not a monster.  He’s not a killer, no matter how often he says he is.  He’s kinda like a cat, though, and he squints his eyes when he’s happy.  He’s one of the killers most likely to let you go in a trial, but that doesn’t erase that he’s frightening.”
“Max- I don’t like to call him The Hillbilly- is another one that shouldn’t be here.  He’s a sweet guy, but that chainsaw sprint is one of the scariest things a killer can do.  One second you’re alone, next you hear a chainsaw, and then you’re down and hooked before you can determine if it’s Max or Bubba…”
“The Nurse is a sweet woman.  Her blinking power is very cool, but it really does take a lot out of her.  Despite this, she’s incredibly precise.  Sally likes to sing too!  And she tends to pick flowers she sees, however few she sees.”
“The Shape… *shiver*  I can understand why Laurie is afraid of him.  She knows the most about him, but…  Michael is a brick wall, both emotionally and physically, yet he’s the most silent out of all the killers.  You won’t even know he’s there until he drags you off of a gen, or, if you’re lucky, you’ll spot him in the distance.  Good luck on the Macmillan Estate, though; he blends in really well.  I’m not proud to admit that whenever I see him in a trial, my mind freezes, and I sometimes get chased because I can’t help but scream when he pops up out of nowhere.”
“The Hag…these titles are so mean sometimes…  Lisa may look terrifying, but she’s not all that bad.  Her traps are a problem.  Having to crouch so much slows down trial progress, and we always have to time unhooking someone just right.  I suppose Nea is good against her, what with her fast crouching and fascination with flashlights.”
“The Doctor gives me mixed feelings.  I know he’s a killer, but he’s also a psychiatrist; enthralled by the mind.  He was lead astray in his studies by the people who manipulated him, but he doesn’t seem to mind it.  Herman’s actually quite happy with his ability to release electricity from his hands.  One thing though…  Don’t ever call him Doctor Carter.  I don’t know why he hates it so much, but he’s attacked other killers over it.  He and Phillip almost killed each other when Sally called him that…  She was just being professional, I know.  She seems to get the short end a lot; especially when Michael first showed up…”
“The Huntress is to the killers like Jane is to the survivors.  Anna likes being a mom, and she took to Susie really well.  Her English is a little broken, and she needs to ask how to express something sometimes, but she’s getting better.  She taught me how to throw a hatchet once!  …uh…I wasn’t, um…good at it…forget that.  It wasn’t important.”
“Bubba really lives up to the title The Cannibal.  He can be hard to understand sometimes, but he’s like a little brother!  He can be really protective or really aggressive.  There isn’t an in between with him…  He can get frustrated easily too, but it always makes me happy to see him in a trial!  He always lets me go, but I wish he wouldn’t sometimes.  He deserves to get a four kill.  He’s a good kid.”
“The Nightmare is nothing short of really messed up.  He’s a sadist and is more than happy to hurt people, especially Quentin.  Even so…he’s funny.  Freddy’s jokes and out there personality never fail to make me laugh.  Did you know that when he’s relaxed and in a good mood, he purrs like a cat?”
“The Pig…is one of the more brutal of the killers.  It still frustrates Jake that he can’t sabotage her traps.  I feel very fearful having Amanda in a trial…her traps scare me a lot.  It doesn’t help that she keeps well hidden when crouching, even though she’s wearing bright red.”
“The Clown isn’t one of my favorites to go against.  He’s already super fast when he moves, which is confusing, but his bottles slow you down when they intoxicate you…  He’s almost impossible to get away from…  But at the same time, it’s really cool to sit on his shoulders and have him run you around!  I still don’t know whether I’m supposed to call him Jeffery or Kenneth, but he seems to respond to Kenneth the most.”
“I feel for Rin…I really do.  She went through something horrible, and those feelings of fear, sadness, betrayal…they followed her through her transition to being The Spirit.  It always angers me that the Entity used this to its advantage…  When she’s feeling up to it, Rin will take your hand and phase walk with you.  It’s really strange and kinda makes me nauseous, but she enjoys being able to share that ability.”
“The Legion…well, I should break them up into individual opinions.  I was really surprised to learn that ‘one’ killer was actually four!  Frank is the clear leader.  He’s strong-willed and keeps the others in check.  Joey is quiet and isn’t afraid to challenge Frank’s decisions, but he’s always respectful about it.  He and Frank are clearly very close, but they’re all very close.  Julie will mess you up and she’ll laugh about it afterwards.  The three of them come together to protect Susie, but don’t be fooled.  Sue can handle her own just fine, and it’s scary when she does.  You’d never expect it from her.  As a group, they’re unstoppable, and they like to chat about trials when they get back to Ormond.  They made me my own…bracelet…  Moving on-”
“Adiris keeps to herself both in and out of trials.  She doesn’t leave her temple during down time, but she’s more than happy to have company sometimes.  She hates being called The Plague…  It’s the once part of her she truly hates.  She’s really interested in Freddy and Rin, how they’re undead.  Much like Sally, she likes to sing.  She still tries to convert everyone to her religion, but most people don’t really care about it.  I’ll still sit and listen to her though.”
“Then, there’s Ghostface.  He is, by all means, a complete dork…  He’s scary in trials, watching from afar and figuring out exactly where to hit to take you down in one go.  He blends in really well, but…  It’s hard to take Jed seriously sometimes!  He’s such a goof!  Even so, he’s good at his job, and he enjoys it.  That makes him dangerous.”
“The Demogorgon is truly a beast…  I’m not sure if it has cognitive function the same way the other killers do or if it’s just a creature looking for food.  Does it even know it’s in another dimension?  Does it miss home like the rest of us?  …well, Demo does like head scritches, so there’s that!”
“Kazan is a brute by all means of the word, but he is honorable.  He should be, being a samurai, right?  He hates being called The Oni, so I never refer to him as that.  Rin was so intrigued to find that he was her grandfather, and he, in turn, is very protective of her, especially when he found out the dishonor her father put on the family…  He’s a creature of wrath, that’s for sure, and you don’t want to be on the receiving end of his kanabo when he’s angry…  It’s strange to think that the same sword exists in two different forms in this realm, but I suppose that’s not the strangest thing in the world, huh?”
“The Deathslinger is by far one of the strangest killers to have ever appeared in this place...  He seems so upset about his past life still, and doesn’t want to accept what happened to him.  Caleb likes to tell stories about his family, and he reminisces about what happened to him.  His leg brace gives some clues to his life, but he gets a little...violent if someone asks about it...  He keeps closed off mostly, even from the other killers.  His gun is a game changer for the killers, though; Nea and Meg really hate that it draws them in.  It scares Quentin, being harpooned in the chest...”
“Ah…I suppose I should do my killer too…  Um…T-The Demon…well, he’s my killer.  There’s isn’t much more to say…  Sebastian keeps to himself.  Even though he’s my killer…and I have a history with him…I don’t actually, um, know that much ab-about him…  Let’s…leave it at that.”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
What is your opinion on all the survivors?
“Goodness, well…  I hope no one can see this…”
“Dwight is a good kid.  He’s trying his best, but he’s still bordering on…  Coward seems like such a harsh word…  He hides a lot, but in that regard, I suppose that makes him one of the smartest of us.  He really is a natural born leader, so I wonder why hardly anyone actually follows what he says…”
“Meg is…arrogant?  Confident?  She really puts her athletics to the test, but…um…I really do wish she’d use those skills to be a little more altruistic than just running the killers around…  It’s good for gen rushing, sure!  But…if there are only two survivors left, and-and one’s hooked, she’s going to waste as much time running around rather than saving them…”
“I actually very much enjoy Jake’s company!  He and I have a mutual love of both tinkering and animals!  The crows that fly around seem to really like him.  He’s a lot quieter than the others, but he knows how to make himself dangerous with the way he handles hooks.  …unfortunately that’s not good when the killers catch on that he’s in trials…”
“Claudette is another one I love being around.  She’s so gentle and caring…  She’s…what I always assumed a good mother is like.  She’s always willing to help, even if it would put her in danger.”
“…I don’t…get along…with, um, Nea.  She’s…shockingly mean.  She’s good at juking and angering the killers.  Outside of trials, we don’t speak at all.  In trials…she’ll sometimes try to shove the killer off on me.  I don’t know what I did to upset her, but whatever it was…I wish she’d let it go…”
“Truth be told, I adore Laurie.  She’s so strong, both mentally and physically.  She’s one of the only survivors in the Fog that has a deep connection with their killer, and she’s still very much terrified of The Shape.  I look up to her, and she treats me like a little sister!  She’s protected me more than once, and to have both her and Claudette in the same trial really is a problem for the killers, one protecting and the other healing.”
“I, um, tolerate Ace.  He can be a little strange sometimes, and he’s not afraid to leave survivors in the trial if it means he gets out.  I guess I can understand; it’s what most people would do, probably.  He…gambled a lot, so it makes sense that he sees it like a big game to win, and the only way to win is to live.”
“Bill scares me.  There’s no other way to go about it…  I don’t know what kind of situation he came from, and he’s never too keen to talk about it, but wherever it was, it’s given him a strong sense of survival.  I’ve seen him punch killers before…”
“I don’t mind Feng.  She hangs around Nea a bit too much for me to really get close to her, but she seems cool.  She has an incredibly high pain tolerance, having to deal with The Doctor as often as she does…but, um, her confidence can sometimes get her into trouble.”
“David is okay.  Actually, he makes me feel safe a lot.  Early on in the trials, when the killer would find me, he’d shield me from blows, even if it meant he got caught.  I…I’m afraid for him sometimes…  He’s got the same levels of altruism as Claudette, but while she’s passive about it, he is very, very active…”
“I love Quentin.  He’s like family to me, and I feel secure around him.  He, Laurie, and I are like a little siblinghood.  Laurie’s the middle sister, ready to fight, Quentin’s the oldest brother who, despite being constantly tired, will protect people he cares about, and I’m the little sister.  I…don’t really contribute and feel like a burden when the two of them are with me in trials, but they keep an eye out for me while I work on gens or hunt down totems.  You…you shouldn’t make him, um, mad though…  I saw him punch The Nightmare once…”
“Detective Tapp is kind of like a dad to everyone.  A very strict dad…  He still holds firm to the laws of our worlds and tries to make sure we don’t get into legal trouble…if that were possible here…  He wasn’t really happy to learn about Nea’s criminal record.  Or David’s juvenile records for that matter.”
“I’m not kidding when I say that Kate is a glowing light in this dismal Fog.  Despite not having her guitar, she’s always ready to sing for us, and she sometimes even gets others in on it!  David is her designated percussionist!”
“Adam- uh, I mean, Mr. Francis, is like another dad to the group.  He and the detective sometimes team up on us when someone’s doing something bad.  Hehe!  I remember once when he disciplined Jake the first time he saw him break one of The Trappers bear traps!  He has a good heart, and he wants what’s best for us.”
“Jeff used to scare me a lot.  He looked like he’d be ready to get into a fight with someone in a heartbeat, namely David, but after just a few days with him around, I warmed up to him.  We share a passion for art, but it was quite a surprise to discover his music taste!  He’s a bold man; breaking hooks after getting down from them.”
“If the detective and Mr. Francis are the dads of the group, Jane is definitely the mom.  She’s protective and a good listener.  She worries about Dwight and me the most, seeing as how I’m not too good with pressure and Dwight gets caught a lot.  Sometimes…I’ll have a panic attack, and she’ll take me away from the campfire and just sit with me.  Sometimes we talk it out, and sometimes I can’t speak about it, so she’ll hug me…”
“Ash is a wild card!  You never really know what he’s going to do next, whether it’s tell a weird story or start throwing threats to the killers.  He talks about a boom stick a lot- it’s embarrassing to admit the amount of time it took for me to understand he meant a gun…  I remember asking him about his hand and hearing the story of the chainsaw arm.  I understand why the Entity didn’t let him have that…”
“Steve is funny.  I would call him arrogant, but I’m not sure that’s the truth.  Now that I think about it…he’s actually a lot like Meg in that way, except he’s really, really bad at running from the killers…horribly bad…  Even so, he’s really good at distracting them, even if that just means throwing names at them.  He needs to be saved almost more than Dwight…  He’ll do anything for Nancy though.”
“As for Nancy, she’s very helpful in gen rushing.  I’m not sure how she does it, but she always seems to find other survivors while working on a generator, and it helps us get them done so much faster!  Unfortunately, this does make her a target a lot of the time.  I notice that Quentin either stays very close or very far from her during trials; there really is no in between.  I wonder if she reminds him of his Nancy back home…”
“Yui is just as wild as Ash.  She finds herself in trouble a lot, even when she doesn’t mean to.  I guess it’s her brightly colored clothes?  I was actually really thrown off when she showed up.  I didn’t expect anyone to have an antagonistic reaction to the killers, but she was fully prepared.  She’s so powerful!  The pallets are really heavy, even for David, but she lifts them up like they’re nothing to slam back down.  I…admire her, but I don’t talk to her much…”
“It seems Zarina still doesn’t quite understand her situation, but she seems to be at least more accepting of it than I was.  I’m not sure if she’ll ever truly understand that we’re probably not going to ever get out of here, but she’s optimistic about the whole thing, which is better than most of us.  She brings a different energy to the group, and it’s motivating us more than ever.”
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flylittlerobin-dbd · 5 years
Hey robin what’s it like for you in the trials?
“Well...  I would say it’s much like everyone else but...”
“I don’t want to be a liar.”
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