#The Nurse
cryinglittlepeople · 1 year
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Women’s RIGHTS and women’s WRONGS!!! After the survivors lineup, here’s the killers too! 
These were a completely different challenge to stylize, from the survivors. The killers have a very specific silhouette established by their entire look, while survivors are...well, a lot of jeans and shirts in there, so it’s more about stylizing the hair and face!
It was also more of a challenge to get them to lineup nicely because there’s much bigger differences in height! Especially Plague...girl was a struggle.
But we got there in the end!!
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ask-the-dweets · 4 months
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Hatch, please, I beg of you!
Twitter meme [source]
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pyramid-heads-knife · 29 days
Ended up making more stamps. This time, they're Dead by Daylight ones! Feel free to use these, too!
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itsgrimeytime · 2 months
The Lover || Rick Grimes (TWD) x gn!reader
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker @zomb-1-egutzz
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The Sequel to The Nurse (my series masterlist)
Summary: A long time ago, you were Rick Grimes's nurse. Now, you loved him, and he loved you. Or at least that's where you left it off. With Judith safe in your arms and Rick distinctly not by your side, you could only hope his feelings stayed the same because they sure as hell did for you.
TWs: blood, inhumane rage (you're kinda crazy in this one ngl), threatening someone's life, vague mention of murder, blades, and all things TWD.
[[A/N: heyyy, it's finally here!!! it's going to be less of Rick in this one for obvious reasons. At least for now. Looked it up and it took 10 days to get to Alexandria for the main group, so I'm going to be writing those for these first few chapters. Thanks for reading!!!]]
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It had been two days since the prison -you could only count by the sun setting and the nightfall. You were running on autopilot, step after step; periodically feeding Judith because she wasn't crying anymore. You hadn't had any run-ins, not yet.
Your hand clenched against your side -tight on your axe. It was still the same fire-axe that you'd gotten at the hospital -blood ingrained in the blade and handle from your entire journey. You weren't sure it would wash off at this point.
It felt like a part of you now. Always there, familiar.
Like Rick had, or Carl, or Judith, or anyone at the prison-
You swallowed, they're alive. You know it.
You didn't, but it helped to think so.
If they get hurt, they've got Hershel, they'll survive, you assured, trying not to let the guilt bubble into your stomach.
Judith fussed a little then -the gentle pull of her eyebrows and squirming in her makeshift carrier. Your hand immediately came to soothe, smoothing against her head -gently whispering to shush her.
You were hidden away in a shack -somewhere along the road. It provided shelter, and that was enough for now. Pulling out a can of... something, you couldn't remember, you stabbed your knife through and opened it up. You'd been rationing, only eating when necessary; in the case that Judith's formula ran out, you wanted to keep her fed.
The first thing you'd noticed was the snap of a branch, just a single branch. It singled out in the night. Walkers would break more than one, you remembered.
Judith was asleep on your chest, you didn't dare move her; she was safer with you than without you. You knew that well.
Carefully, you put the can by your side, gently as if to not make any other sounds that would bring attention to you. You or Judith. All that you were running on was adrenaline, and just the urge to protect, protect, protect-
If whoever this was tried to lay a hand on Judith-
You carefully stood up, pulling your axe off the ground with you. Swinging it around in your hands, it was so familiar now. Attached to you. You weren't sure how to feel about it, but you couldn't really feel anything now -your mind was focused. Shelter, food, water, and Judith.
There was nothing else in this world for you. Not now.
With a breath, you slammed the door open -axe at the ready. You didn't catch on anyone at first, but then you heard it again and spun on your feet. You eyes settled on someone.
Their hands were shaking, but they held a gun to you -metal tip pointing and glinting in the sun. Your jaw tightened, as you gnawed on your lip, hands solid on your axe.
"Drop it," they spoke, but their voice was shaky. You could physically see their hands shake, something in your stomach steeled, "-or I'll-"
"I wouldn't," you remarked, bitterly -not an ounce of anything but anger melding along your words.
They pressed their lips together, seeming to gain a little more confidence, "I have a gun, I will shoot-"
You spoke again, tone sharp -something flashing behind your eyes.
"I wouldn't."
Protect, protect, protect-
They stared at you, something smoothing through their eyes. Something flashing, their lip trembling ever so slightly. You didn't flinch.
"What, all you have is an axe-"
"Did you know-" you hummed carefully stepping toward them, voice measured and careful, "-there are 1.5 gallons of blood in the human body?"
They snapped their lips shut, as you roamed closer, pressing the blade into their space. Tantalizingly close to their neck.
"And it only takes one little slice to lose it all?"
They froze for a moment, just one second. And you reacted instinctively, elbowing the gun out of their hands. It flew off into the bushes (snaps of branches telling you it did), but you kept your eyes solely on them. Lips pressed into a thin line.
"Look," they retracted, something pleading in their eyes, "-all I want is some food. I just- I haven't eaten in days."
You stared at them, axe still close to their neck -the vein that would do the job. You knew that, you'd read it in textbooks, seen bloody hands try to apply pressure, but it was too quick. Too fast.
"You threatened to kill my baby," you tsked, jutting the axe forward a little more. It was just a hair away and something in you was angry, so angry. Just an inch, just an inch, just an inch-
Protect, protect, protect-
"I wasn't going to! Not really, I just-" their eyes sunk to the blade, teary now, "-Please, I... I don't want to die like this-"
Protect, protect, protect-
You took a heavy breath in, eyes squeezing shut, hand clenching your axe so tight your knuckles were white. Something in you recentering, coming back to earth.
You pulled back the axe, but didn't let up your stare, growling, "If you ever try and hurt her again, I'll snap your spine myself."
They swallowed, blearily.
Motioning to the shack, you spoke -sharply, "There's some leftovers in there, take them."
They scrambled then, for the can, but you took pause a second. Carefully putting your axe back in place, you asked, "Have you seen a man and a kid? The kid, he... he wears a sheriff's hat."
The person seemed confused, maybe from so blatant of a switch, with the can gathered up in their hands. Still, they pressed their lips together, and answered, "I haven't."
Your heart stung, and you swallowed, nodding. With a breath, you set off to start walking again, it was morning -you needed to be productive in the daylight. But they stopped you.
"For your good, and the kid's," they warned, "-don't go to Terminus."
"Terminus?" You questioned.
"You're heading that way," they continued, eyes portraying a seriousness, "-they say it's a safe place. It's not. Don't go there."
"And," you breathed out, "-where should I go?"
They seemed to pause, scanning you over, "I don't know for sure, but I hear there's a place called Alexandria. It's good there, safe. Safe enough for a baby."
Your eyes darted down to Judith, still sleeping soundly against your chest. Your hand came up to rub against her hair -smoothing it down in place. She was your whole world now. If it was safe for her, it's where you'll go.
"Why aren't you there?" You questioned, "-If it's safe?"
"Looking for someone," they answered -briskly.
"Me too," you took a shaky breath in, your hands were shaking by your sides, "-I'm sorry about-"
They shook their head, cutting off your words, "It's your kid, I'd do the same."
You nodded once solidly, "Thanks."
They didn't say a word, and you decidedly moved forward. Keep moving.
They're alive, they're alive, they're alive-
You ended up near a few stores -walkers roaming around the strip.
You'd been keeping your eye out for signs, you saw them a lot. Different places offering safe havens, you hadn't seen one for Alexandria yet though. Had seen one for Terminus, and you had the brief thought that maybe Rick had been there. Were they okay? Did they come back from it?
You swallowed, not wasting time thinking about it. You couldn't, not anymore. You had Judith, you'd focus on Judith.
Inhaling, you roamed along the strip, pulling your axe into your hand again at the few walkers who roamed nearby. There wasn't enough that it was concerning, but you still didn't like them being anywhere near you. Especially with Judith held to your chest.
Quickly disposing of the one right by the door (lodging the blade through its head), you slowly made your way inside. It had a glass exterior, but all of it was smashed; it cracked under your feet, as you kept a hand on the back of Judith's head -just in case. The store, what looked to be some sort of convenience store, was raided pretty heavily only a few cans of what looked like alphabet soup on the food shelf.
Without hesitation, you took off your pack and shoved the cans into it. You didn't have much space, not with all of Jude's stuff, but you worked with what you had. Only finding two water bottles, you stashed one away for bottles and the other brought to your lips, before shoving it away.
You went through a few shops like that, some novelty shops with little trinkets and toys (you took just one for Judith), some snack shops where the aisles were completely cleaned out. And then, you stumbled upon a clothing store.
You stared at it, a little dumbfounded.
It was relatively untouched, sans the broken glass along the front. You figured that clothes were that important in the grand scheme of the apocalypse, so maybe it had just never been raided. Wanting to, one, get out of these clothes and, two, get some extra fabric for bandages, you neatly stepped inside.
You ended up finding an assortment of clothes, and for once you actually got to pick. Grabbing a bag off the floor that could hang across your chest, you filled it with fabric (including little onesies you'd found). And right then and there, you stripped down, slipping both new clothes on you and Judith.
It was refreshing, not really like a shower would be at this point but... close enough.
Slowly exiting, you took out two more walkers and continued out of the street -generally in the same direction the stranger had provided you with. You were just going by roads and by paths. Assumedly, if this place was safe, it would be some kind of substantial building.
Like the prison was, your mind chimed. You bit back the bile in your throat.
It went on that until night fell, there was no shelter nearby, so you continued on foot. Not that you'd sleep anyway, especially with Judith. You couldn't chance a wink.
It was the early morning then, and you felt the heaviness in your eyes. But you'd experienced much, much worse. You were kind of running a little on the adrenaline of everything. That being said, you had slept a little.
You'd found a house, boarded up. For safety reasons, you walked all the way up the stairs to the furthest bedroom and locked the door. You woke up to Judith crying and hadn't slept since.
What you hadn't expected, was to see two men walking along the road -crisply dressed and oddly clean. You hid behind a tree, peeking out at the two of them -they were talking about something.
"I think we'll give it another few days."
"How many?"
"Maybe two," one of the men spoke, "-we have to get back to Alexandria at some point-"
You stilled, hands brushing up against the bark of the tree. It scraped your fingers a moment.
You tailed them for a bit, watching what weapons they had (if they did) and figuring out what they were doing in general. They seemed to be limited to this area, like they were expecting something or maybe watching something, you didn't really know. They didn't say much.
You waited for them to completely let their guard down. Realistically, you could've taken them, probably. But you didn't chance anything, not with Judith; if you died, she would have nobody. Or at least, right now she would.
It was later in the day, lunch maybe based on the fact that they were eating. One's back to you, you realize this to be the perfect moment. You could take a hostage and demand answers.
Gently kissing Judith's head, you took a deep breath.
And you acted instinctively, pulling out your axe, and jumping behind him. With one fluid move, you pulled your axe in front of his neck. The vein, the vein, the vein-
The other man jumped, "Shit-"
"Don't move," you warned, and the man stalled in place -hands gently raised in the air.
He looked so unaffected from the world, how was he even-
"What do you want from us?" He nearly pleaded, and something in your resolve faltered but you stayed firm, "-Food? Weapons? We- Shit, take it all-"
You pressed your lips into a thin line, trying to control your emotion. Judith, Judith, Judith-
"Where is Alexandria?"
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lil-bitch-0312 · 1 year
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And yes, most importantly, they’re all hot
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pixelpayaso · 3 months
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Obsessed with her
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dbdcrackships · 2 months
maybe deathslinger x nurse ??
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Crack-ship request: The Deathslinger x The Nurse
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madamplague · 4 months
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I was going to use the guide and WoF for this little funny, but realized the clothier was perfect.
[Original Image Below]
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funnydbdnames · 5 months
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reikiwie-art · 1 year
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added my dead by daylight charms to my shop !!  ♡♡♡
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Hi !!, I have been very lucky to find your DBD content and although it is for now the only thing I have read, I can surely say that I love it! and wanted to place an order.
Headcanons of the Assassins with an S / o that is a little sunny with them at all times but your companions hate you and make fun of you so you run to the Assassin camp to feel better with your loved ones.
You can put the characters that you think are best suited to this, I give you freedom to choose.
I understand if you can't do it but anyway, thank you so much for everything you bring us! 💖
(My English is not good and I am very sorry for that.).
Hey there~! Your English is fine, I got the gist of what you wanted to say! I know you’re probably asking for longer HCs for some of the Killers, and separately, but I had a bit of a different idea on how to approach this, so I hope you like this! <3
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It wasn’t your fault that you were trying your hardest to be positive, or that you weren’t necessarily being affected by the darkening or fear that most of the survivors were going through.
Why should you bother wasting every second of your life - Or whatever there was that remained of it - Thinking up a shit tone of strategies to counter killers, get better at fixing generators and finding the hatch, when you could chat about your passions, hobbies, friends, families and other cool stuff?
Like how Kate loves to play the guitar! Or... How many of them have pets! Or Yui’s racing and motorbike passion! Claudette’s interest in botany. Everyone was so unique in their own way, why not take pride in that!
Unfortunately, your fellow Survivors weren’t leaning your way, so you often found yourself wandering around the foggy forest on your own - You were never afraid of getting lost, after all, you never needed food or water, and somehow, you always ended up back at the Survivor camp, even if you only walked straight ahead.
This time, though, things went different - Instead of arriving back at your designated camp - The Killer Camp was painted out before your very eyes.
You couldn’t help but stand there, rooted to the spot, with eyes wide open and mouth slightly agape from the shock - How did this happen? Did the Entity make a mistake?
Looking like a deer in the headlights, you just stood there, staring blankly, while all the Killers turned around to stare back at you uncomfortably.
Thankfully, the Entity made it so that no altercation can happen in between trials, so at least you were safe.
“Yo, toots, watcha standin’ there for? Come over. We were just gossipin’ ‘bout ya normies!” Ghostie was the first to let out a dark cackle and wave his hand, calling you over, where he was standing in between Michael Myers and The Legion.
You were more than happy to oblige, and with a wide grin, you immediately scuttered over and sat on the log next to him.
Susie was the first one to greet you properly, and started playing and braiding your head, while Ghostface started talking about horror movies and whatever crimes he committed in the real life.
Myers, though silent, didn’t bother budging from his spot, but it was kinda obvious he was getting annoyed with the young ones’ obnoxiousness.
Freddy was letting out low, menacing evil-laughs, but they went completely unnoticed, especially after he earned a hit to the back of his head from Trickster’s bat, before the K-pop singer scooted over and plopped down on a log opposite of them, smirking and shifting the conversation towards music and how beautiful the screams of his victims’ agony were, especially synthetized into his songs.
The rest of the Legion members joined in the conversation, behaving like normal young adults do, and gossiping here and there about random shit from their neighbourhood and all the drama they went through.
Adiris was keeping her distance, not wanting to disturb anyone with her rotting, pusing stench, but at least the censer smell was offering a soothing aroma for everyone. 
Hillbilly and Bubba were shying away from the crown, and Charlotte, Sally and Amanda were desperately fighting against the Doctor and the Clown so they wouldn’t dare try to harm a Survivor outside of a trial.
Which made Anna come over and bring you into a bone-crushing hug, protectively swinging you in her arms and humming a sweet lullaby, showing that she was taking care of you now.
 Rin finally got the courage to come over, and though she wasn’t able to speak much, she appreciated having her hair played with, and if her ancestor, the fierce Kazan, dared approach you, she’d hiss at him and get in a fighting stance, katana out and ready to fight - Thankfully, he seemed to get the idea and he’d back off, happy to let his young descendant do her thing.
Pyramid Head would take out his sword and plant it as a shield in front of you, realising your innocence and how you didn’t deserve to be Executed, as you’ve never committed any sins worth of punishing, so whenever the Cenobite was attempting to steal you away, he’d get destroyed immediately.
Carmina, timidly, would come over and let out soft craw-like sounds, blushing sweetly as you’d pet her head and smile at her so nicely, calling her beautiful and what not.
Sadako would play tricks on you and try to cause some minor harm like tugging on your hair or pushing you around, but Wesker would stop her, as he was far too interested in flirting with you - After all, there weren’t many people to flirt with, in the Killer Camp, after all.
Nemesis was trying desperately to infect you, while Caleb would use his slingshot to counter him, and Talbot would continue fighting himself against even thinking about using you as a Blight Test Subject, considering how wrong all the other subjects went.
In the end, Lisa and Evan were the ones to walk you back to your Camp, and Philip would pat your head and offer a small smile as a farewell wish.
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bubbleteapenguin · 1 year
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year
The Nurse (Part Five) || Rick Grimes (TWD)
Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Taglist: @strnqer @1985bitch @curlycarley @imaginemyfavoritefics @t-uroboros @crazytxgradstudent @addisonnie @whos6claire @taylvvrr @quicksilversg1rl @catt-leya @1tsk1tty @pascalshearts @hopefulatrocity @xoyouronlyamorrxo @fuseburner @idkseraphine @all-for-kpop @carlgrimeskisser @emo-potato-virgil @timotheesrealgf
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Summary: Before all this, you were a nurse. A nurse who had patients, one of which was a man in a coma. A sheriff, you think, it was all kinda fuzzy now. When it all went sideways, you set up what you could for the man - but had to leave. You'd always wondered where he'd ended up; until in your search of shelter, you run into a familiar face.
TWS: Blood, gore, mentions of death, gun violence (just violence in general), swearing, angst, angsty!Rick, hallucinations, and all things typical of TWD.
[[A/N: Much happier vibes this time around, but I figured a story like this one should be a little bittersweet. This one has got the good stuff. (Farmer Rick, patching up his wounds, TENSION, etc.) Also sorry if you're good at juggling, this is no longer realistic for you lol. Thank you for reading. ]]
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"Alright," you hummed, bandaging up the hand, "-just try and keep the bandage clean, we're really only worried about infection."
Glenn nodded, simply just listening to you, "Right."
"Oh," you remembered, grabbing up just two bandages and antiseptic, "-and here's some replacements, just in case you get into something that can't wait."
"Got it," Glenn spoke, standing and kind of roaming towards the door, "-and how often should I check in with you?"
"Once a week," you answered, "-just to make sure the inflammation has gone down."
With confirmation and a smile that only Glenn could produce on prison grounds, your space was empty. You'd had a makeshift area down in one of the front offices of the prison because, well, the medbay was currently... off limits, so to speak. Your most important supplies, though, stayed on your person -certain medicine types and a few medical instruments in a fanny pack often hanging over your shoulder (unless you needed your hands).
You sighed, wiping your hands off with a spare rag, pushing your fingers into your temples for a bit of headache relief. It wasn't hurting in that moment, but you could feel the pressure building, keeping an eye on yourself was hard enough as is.
It was really not the time.
Muttering, you rifled through a few of your drawers -trying to keep track of the supplies was key to this working out in the long run. So, you were running through what you'd given out and what you still had. Eager to make lists for runners later on in the week.
Hershel still helped sometimes, so you couldn't always get the amount used down to a science, but you could get close enough. It worked.
"Hello?" a voice spoke, the drawl ever so familiar to you, "-Anybody in here?"
You, who were currently ducked behind a cabinet rifling through supplies, didn't even think about the fact you weren't visible, calling out, "Just a minute!"
"Alright," Rick hummed in response, seeming to trail off in his speech -looking at something else you assumed.
"Okay," you scribbled down some more numbers, before coming to eye level with Rick -focused and a touch playful, "-So, what can I do for you today, Mr. Grimes?"
Rick smiled, light and airy, "Mr. Grimes, huh? 'Been a long time since I heard that one."
You looked at him, donned in a plaid shirt and sweat dripping down his face -hands dusted in dirt, and pants even worse. But still, his blue eyes twinkled. Ever since he'd started to work on the farm, you'd seen that haze clear. He seemed to find it calming, easier to manage. You were happy for him.
"Too professional for you?" You hummed, trailing your fingers along some of the bandages -keeping count in your head.
Rick smiled before muttering off -tone soft and reminiscent, "Just feels like a different time."
The lull in conversation brought you back to the issue at hand, Rick was one to work as long as he could. Doing only a few checkups throughout the day, he'd found himself busy often. Or you guessed, you found him busy often; that was very much on purpose, though.
"Alright, enough of that, what do you need from me?" You questioned, fully focused on him now; the man had a tendency to under sell his injuries, so you'd need to see it.
"Hershel told me to come see you," he spoke, drawl slow and sure, "-I fell on one of the runs recently. Got a scratch on my chest. He patched it up a little, but-"
"He wanted me to take a look?"
"Yeah," Rick confirmed as you motioned to a chair -dousing your hands with some antibacterial.
He was sitting on a stool, one someone probably found in an old bar, the leather was worn, and the metal squeaked loud any time you so much as breathed. It would work.
You took your place beside him, pulling out some extra bandages, "Which side? And what exactly did Hershel do?"
"My right," he answered, and you moved to that side, "-and just cleaned it and bandaged it up tight."
"Okay," you noted, grabbing a few extra things (most likely looking like a chicken with your head cut off) before spinning around. Where he was sitting as still as a statue, "-Rick? You okay?"
He blinked, eyes cleared of the daze he'd apparent found himself in, "Oh, yeah, sorry. It's just... nice."
"Nice?" You questioned, furrowing your eyebrows together, and pulling up your own stool close to him.
"You," he paused, before stuttering through the rest -hand going to rub at the back of his neck, "-bein' in your element, I mean."
"Oh," you responded, softly -ignoring the soft blush rising to your ears, "-well, thank you."
He smiled at you, and the silent buzz was nice, warm even. You really couldn't dwell on it, though, not sitting this close to him.
"Alright, cowboy," you spoke, "-let's see."
Rolling his eyes at 'cowboy', you assumed anyway, his hands made quick work of the edge of the shirt, pulling it up in a swift movement. Just an edge.
You held your breath, watching as unblemished skin matched your eyes, and suddenly, you realized that it was much higher than you'd anticipated. So, that wasn't going to work.
"Rick, I'm not pressuring you into anything, but-" you spoke, kind and soft, this was a personal boundary, you'd treat it as such, "-I think the shirt's going to have to come off."
There was a moment there, where he just stared at you in silence -eyes focused and intent- and you were truly worried you'd just crossed a boundary.
"If you're not comfortable with that-"
"No, no," he shook the motion off, clearing his throat to himself -to clear the air maybe, "-it's alright. Just been a while."
You laughed, tilting your head a bit in curiousity, "Since what, exactly? Since you took your shirt off? Rick, you did that yesterday-"
"Oh?" he hummed, a smirk peeking at his lips, "-Didn't know I had an audience."
"Ha, ha-" you rolled your eyes, ignoring the buzz of warmth that hit your cheeks -he could not see that, "-you're just stalling."
Rick raised his hands in defeat, smiling at you in a way that you wish you could keep for yourself for later. His smiles had always been so bright, you supposed that was why you could notice when it was absent for a while.
Digging through your bag, you saw movement out of the corner of your eye, the fluid motion quick -so quick you'd hardly noticed it, really. He'd done it enough, you assumed.
Not the time, you chastised yourself, not letting your mind linger on that fact. Not now, you were professional.
"Okay," you pulled out some of the materials you may need, "Let's see what you've-"
Your eyes flew up to see his chest, which was bandaged, wrapped tightly around his sternum. They had gone over his right shoulder and under his left arm, the blood stain just a bit under his collar bone and down from there. It didn't seem too long, based solely on the pattern.
You were completely focused now, eyes drawn across the bandage and fingers dancing along the stain, "Did Hershel tell you how deep it was?"
"No," Rick answered, and it took you a bit out of you to hear him so close -drawl low and gravely, "-we didn't have much time. Needed to stop the blood, I'd guess."
Fingertips fluttering over the torn edges of the bandages, you could feel the heat of his skin a breath away. You pursed your lips, these bandages were quite worn, "And when was this?"
"About a week ago," Rick answered.
"I know, I hear you," he started, explaining himself, "-it was the last run, ran over a bit. Had to camp out, remember?"
You hummed in confirmation -relaxing in the slightest, before continuing, "Did you have somebody check it then?"
"Couldn't chance it," he explained, tone soft and earnest, "-any fresh blood woulda been dangerous."
"Okay," you exhaled, "-okay. I understand, Rick, you shouldn't have to explain yourself to me."
Rick interrupted tone solid and unwavering, "I want to. You should- No, I want you to know."
"Okay," you whispered, softly, a bit speechless at the admitance, "-thank you."
There was a fizzling there, as you sat a breath away from him -fingers laid gently on his chest and barely a bandage between your fingertips and his skin. You could even feel the heat there, gentle gusts against your fingertips.
You took the biggest breath you could take without startling the man, deep and focused. Not the time to let your mind wonder.
"Okay, I just need-" you pulled back, the fizzle dissipating and began searching for one of your sharp edges... particularly one you could wipe down ahead of time, "-here it is."
Within seconds, you'd doused the instrument in whatever you could nearby, wiping it solidly with a cloth that has been safely sealed ahead of time.
"You're fast," Rick spoke up, eyes apparently watching you as your roamed around the room -gathering a few extra things in case of worst case scenario.
"You'll get used to it," you smiled, chuckling and making your way back to the chair -where he sat, his own little smile on his face, "-Alright, so, first order of business, Rick."
He blinked, and sat up a bit straighter in your gaze.
"If anything hurts, you tell me," you asserted, eyes connected to his directly, "-this will go as comfortably as it can."
"'Course," he answered, serious and eyes unwavering, before cracking a smile, "-plus, can't disobey doctor's orders, can I?"
You snorted, scooting in closer and trying to find a comfortable place to start, "Whatever you say, Grimes."
He laughed, small but still felt nice against your ears and on instinct, you smiled brightly. He was contagious. To you, anyway.
With a steady hand on the tool and the other gently holding his shoulder, you gently pressed it along the bandage. The threads unweaving themselves with the movement, almost like a seam breaking, it seemed quite fluid.
Gently peeling back the bandages, which were solidly tightened around his skin, your fingers drifted across the newly exposed skin. Even for just a second and your heart would jump out of your chest. You held the hitch in your breath without thought -you really needed to be focused right now.
And there it was.
The cut wasn't too much to look at. It was thin -the edges were a bit dirty from the worn bandage you assumed. No telltale symptoms of infection, you let out a hum of relief.
"Good," you spoke, mostly to yourself, leaning back from his space -sorting through your supplies.
Rick spoke, questioning, "Everything alright?"
"All good," you answered, hands preoccupied, "-just needs a bit of cleaning up. You're lucky, though. It's healing on its own."
"Lucky?" he hummed, watching you move across the space -eyes trailing behind you.
"Would've needed stitches, otherwise," you answered, dousing the cloth in your hands, "-although, I'm sure a scar would fit you well, cowboy."
Rick chuckled, motioning towards his other shoulder, "Already got one."
You paused, looking towards the shoulder; there it was. The wound you knew him from. It reminded you of so long ago, your coworkers, your friends, your boss-
"Right," you hummed, settling down back into your chair, "-I remember."
He shook his head, a little in disbelief, "Right, you were there."
"I was," with a distant hum, you pushed forward -warning before you started, "This might sting a bit. Feel free to keep talking if it helps. I'm told I'm a good listener."
"Oh, really?" his tone quirked in interest, and you could feel the familiar playfulness seep into his tone.
"What? You don't think so?" you questioned, gently dabbing at the cut -soft and gentle.
"No," he began, voice smooth and gravelly, "-just wonderin' what you aren't good at."
"Well, I could tell you that, cowboy," you smirked -the peek of a smile on your lips, "-if that's what you want."
He chuckled, slightly wincing as you cleaned the skin around the cut, "I'm all ears."
"Hmm, let's see," you hummed, pulling back and unraveling some bandages, "-I've never been good at juggling."
Rick laughed, his body leaning forward, his shoulder bumping into yours. There was a buzz there, between your skin and his - and your nose filled with the familiar smell of just... musk, strong wood tones, and a bit of dirt.
You blinked, bringing yourself back down from your head, where Rick was looking at you with a smile -the crinkling by his eyes sending warmth through your skin, "What?"
"Juggling?" He questioned, "That's all you got?"
"No," you laughed, pulling out the bandage and holding your hand in the beginning place of the wrap, "-you didn't let me finish."
"Go right ahead," he spoke, his tone lilting to a tease -you knew it well.
"Don't try me, Grimes," you tsked, before rearranging your hands, to hold the bandage in place, "-here, hold this."
Unflinchingly, he moved his hand where yours was -his fingertips (calloused) brushing against yours with a spark. You try to school your facial expression, cursing at the rising pink on your cheeks. Just because he was pretty and the low drawl of his voice was insanely attractive-
"Okay," you threaded the bandage around his shoulder, leveling to his eyes but not looking there -preoccupied with the placement, "-now. Something I'm not good at... You know, I used to think I wasn't good with kids."
"Really?" Rick asked, disbelieving, and you could feel his breath on your face -puffs of breath across the bridge of your nose.
"Yeah," you answered, humming as your hands completed the motion, "-why? You don't believe it?"
"I don't," He answered, simply and honestly, "-just... You with Judith and Carl... I'm surprised you ever thought you were bad at it."
"Well," you hummed, feeling oddly flattered, "-thank you."
"No, actually-" he began, tone a bit unresolved, "-I never... I never thanked you for taking care 'em. When I was..."
"Rick..." you interrupted, looking into his eyes -attentive and gentle, "-you don't have to."
"No, no, I do," his voice was thick with earnestness, "-I wasn't. I couldn't even think straight... And you- And everybody took care of 'em for me. You deserve a thanks."
You faltered, blue eyes so open and honest -it was so familiar, the same stare burned in your head so long ago. The one you couldn't shake as you watched over him when the world was falling apart, still stuck to your brain as you ran through the woods scared of every step you heard.
It would never leave, not now.
There was a cut along his cheekbone, thin, maybe from a tree branch snapping in his face. Your hand almost naturally went to it, to trace it with your fingertips. You held it back, fingers tightening on the bandage slightly.
"Rick," you hummed, holding your hand where it was -despite your instincts being elsewhere, "-it's really nothing. I'd do anything for them. For you, even. You needed your time, I'm not- You're a great father, you just couldn't be one then. So I helped, really."
He stared at you, eyes bright and warm -he looked like he was just analyzing you. Eyes skimming across your face in rapid succession, like he was trying to understand you, dissect you.
"Okay," he sighed, a hand laying on top of yours -soft, gentle, it sent a shiver down your spine, "-okay."
You exhaled, shaky and your head filled with a fuzz of intimacy, affection, that you hadn't felt in so... long. You felt safe, here with him. Seen amidst the darkest things you'd ever laid eyed on was Rick, and his open vulnerability that you could never shake.
Slow breathing, you had a thought. Just one thought and your eyes almost dipped to his lips. It felt so natural then, just lean a bit forward and-
Clearing your throat, you shook your head before scooting back just a touch -you couldn't think, not with him so close. The buzz under your skin was so strong, and you sat a breath away, it was easy to fall into it.
"Let's uh-" you stammered slightly, "Let's get you patched up, okay?"
Rick swallowed (you watched his Adam's apple bob for a second before dragging your eyes away), eyes darted to yours for a split second, and he nodded.
Without much more thought, you tightened the bandage around his chest -enough to allow it to heal without exposure. As the bandage ran thin, you carefully lifted his hand, which was heavily calloused from the days work against your own, and sorted out the ends.
Just like you'd done it often, rhythmically.
"Keep an eye on that," you spoke, pulling back and sorting through your supplies, "-if anything, and I mean anything feels wrong, come to me."
Rick hummed, eyes hazily focused on you -it kind of made you giddy, "'Course."
"You sure you listening?" You asked, smirking to yourself, "Everything alright?"
"Just... you too," he spoke, tone cautious and honest.
"What?" You tilted your head, turning around to view him in your curious.
"The headache," he hummed, not standing up yet -as he slipped on his flannel, hands working on the buttons.
"How-" you began, pursing your lips, "How did you-"
"Saw ya on the way in, with the temples," he added, fingers working their way up the shirt, nimble and practiced, "-high time you took a break, you know."
"I have," you spoke, stuttering a bit, "-I am."
Rick smirked, bright and boisterous, "Is that when you're lookin' at me shirtless?"
"Yeah, yeah," you hushed him, waving him off with a passive smile and a blush buzzing up your cheeks, "-get your laughs out now, cowboy."
He laughed, trailing towards the door but not stepping out of it -feet stayed solidly in your space, like he didn't really want to leave. It made you bite back a smile.
"But, seriously-" Rick continued, smile fading slightly and eyes leveling to yours as he put his hand on your shoulder, and leaned forward to brush his lips across your forehead -his words exhaling along your skin.
"There's people who care about you, ya know?"
"Okay," you whispered, placing your hand over his on your shoulder, "-okay."
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