foodespoint04 · 3 years
What a magical time of the year, ah, Valentine's Day. Everything is pink and bloated and full of wonder and blah. This is not my thing. Sure, I'll celebrate, but it's more at home, make a good meal. It doesn't have to go out, a big splash is a fancy deal.
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
It is difficult to know what to think about recommendations for Liquor consumption when the story around it changes like the wind.
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
Some days (most days?) The Health Benefits Of Coffee is the glue that holds it together. It changes you from zombie to human in the morning, picks you up in the middle of the afternoon and keeps you moving all those hours in between. But - deep breath - is it good for you?
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
However, many people also suffer from the opposite problem of being too thin.
This is a worry in light of the fact that being underweight can be similarly as awful for your wellbeing as being fat.
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
10 Situations to Gain Weight
Combining high-calorie intake with heavy Strength Training is the two most important factors.
That being said, there are many other strategies for Gaining Weight even faster.
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
Whenever someone follows my pantry they inevitably marvel at our patronage and pre-made food and say: "How do you find the time?" Truth be told, I feel that this action saves me a ton of time and pays a ton of cash. Here I will share some tips to help make this activity more efficient and efficient.
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
Many say that breakfast is your most important meal. And this is probably true because you need a good start after sleeping all night. Breakfast helps you go for the day.
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle should not be difficult if you are willing to make the right adjustments, especially when you feed your body. Hereditary modification in food has always been an agonistic subject. Hereditary designing in food works by eliminating qualities from the DNA of a living being.
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
Energy Drinks are known to promote you to remain active, alert, awake, and energetic during the most important times, but they are not the healthiest thirst quenchers. However, there is already such a thing as coconut water energy drink when you want to revive yourself with a healthier alternative to traditional energy-boosting beverages.
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
3 Methods (Almond Kulfi, Malai Kulfi and Mango Kulfi)
Expert the specialty of making Kulfi at home with my straightforward formula! Here's how to make three exciting Kulfi flavors so that you never get bored! And my top tips on how to get the mixture of milk and khoya properly, how to taste kulfis and how to serve them!
Let us tell you all, Kulfi is OG Indian ice cream. It was all the rage before any western ice cream came into the country. This is something my mom and grandma used to make every summer, and that's why I'm so excited to share a recipe from my childhood.
How Is Kulfi Made in almost all Indian homes to beat the heat, especially during the summer days. Saffron, cream, cardamom, and rose-flavored kulfi are traditional dishes, while new flavors like chocolate, strawberries, oranges have made a difference!
In this recipe of Kulfi, I have added two more variations - Malai Kulfi which is made of cream, and Mango Kulfi which is perfect for celebrating the mango season!
What is Kulfi?
It is a creamy, frozen dairy dessert made with pantry staple ingredients like milk, heavy cream, and spices. Kulfis are denser and creamier in texture than regular ice cream.
Ingredients for ice cream
Kulfi is made from materials that you will easily find in your pantry.
1. The main ingredients in Kulfi ice cream are full-fat milk, and khova, which is essentially milk thickened by heating.
2. Condensed milk and milk powder add that creamy texture that is so typical of kulfi and also adds sweetness.
3. Saffron or saffron gives royal color and flavor to this dish.
4. A pinch of cardamom powder complements dairy products.
5. We have used chopped almonds in Kulfi. You can use any other nuts like pistachios and cashews - lots of crunches and nutty flavors!
How to make Kulfi at Home
- Step by step guide
1. Heat the full-fat milk and boil it until it thickens.
2. Dug in reduced milk
3. Next, add condensed milk
4. Add flavoring agent - cardamom and saffron
5. Freeze them for 10-12 hours in a How To Make Kulfi With Milkmaid mold.
6. Garnish with chopped nuts and serve!
Malai Kulfi
We have used the Saffron Kulfi recipe as the base recipe in this post. Malai Kulfi is made with heavy cream or heavy whipping cream. We used the cream for an extra creamy texture that contains 30% milk fat.
Mango Kulfi
Apart from the original kulfi ingredients, we also added mango puree to make delicious mango-flavored Kulfi Ice Cream. For mango kulfi, add mango puree directly into the kulfi mixture. We have used Alphonso mangoes in this puree. It tastes very good, as well as it is less fibrous than other varieties of mangoes.
Kulfi Molds
After the Kulfi Ice combination is prepared, the consistency is to such an extent that it tends to be effortlessly filled a tin holder or cooler amicable compartment. If you are using Kulfi Molds (which are available in department stores) to freeze them. If you do not have a kulfi mold, you can use an aluminum mold or a plastic mold. If you don't have either, just use paper cups and remember to put wooden ice cream sticks in them before they freeze - homemade kulfi popsicles!
Matka Kulfi: A mixture of this Kulfi can also be stored in an earthen pot or pot - to make delicious Matka Kulfi! Matka Kulfi has an extra layer of earthy flavor from pottery - if you can get your hands on some matka try it!
Or you can skip the traditions and cut the frozen kulfi mix into slabs or scoop it up and serve as ice cream!
Demolishing icecream
Like popsicles or Panna catechu, Milkmaid Kulfi if not broken properly. The easiest way to get the How to Make Kulfi Ice Cream out of the mold completely is to let the mold run under tap water for a few minutes. You can use your palms to heat the mold. This is just to loosen the edges of the ice cream, so it does not stick to the mold. Do not skip this step!
Things to keep in mind while making Kulfi
1. Use a heavy-bottomed saucepan to boil the milk
2. Stir the milk frequently so that it can avoid burning or scorching from below.
3. Dug should be completely dissolved in milk before adding other ingredients.
4. Cool the room temperature before pouring the kulfi mixture into the mold and freezing.
Note: It takes 10-12 hours for the kulfis to freeze. So make a kulfi plan according to yourself. If you have used fresh ingredients, then the Kulfi should be good for about 15 days. However, make sure they stay frozen at a constant temperature the entire time!
Be it children or grown-ups, everyone is crazy about Kulfi! So feel free to make this mid year treat today!
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foodespoint04 · 3 years
This Is Your Quick and Easy Healthy Dinner
Paneer Kathi Rolls - Chinese Style
These Chinese Style Paneer Kathi rolls are very Quick Easy Meals to make! Here's how to make your working lunch better, with tips on how to make the perfect cheese filling and how to assemble the rolls!
In My Food Story, our days are often packed. Whether it is our Seswan Fried Rice made with leftover rice or the instant dal fry to go with the rotis, we are always looking for exciting but Quick and Easy Dinner-to-serve lunches. Here is a great choice that we all love - Paneer Kathi Rolls!
These paneer saddle rolls or paneer frankies won't eat in your work hours, so go ahead and schedule a meeting that afternoon. You can prepare the components in the morning and keep it together when you are ready to eat. Also they are very easy to make! Filling is Quick Dinner Ideas and the roll takes less than 5 minutes to assemble.
Chinese Chili Cheese Filling
Filling the paneer for this saddle roll is very simple. I'm talking ready in 15 minutes Quick Dinner Recipes. Need more reassurance? This filling has all the exemplary Indo Chinese fixings - minced ginger and garlic, green chillies, onions and capsicum, soy sauce and vinegar, and obviously - cheddar. We have used the pan to fry the ingredients together. The vegetables are crunchy, the stuffing is spicy and spicy, and the cheese is soft and takes on all those flavors. For good flavor, make this stir-fry in a pan.
Flaky parathas
As it is a functioning lunch, I normally prefer to purchase frozen Malabar parathas, heat them on a container with spread and use them for these rolls. You can also make simple roti for rolls which is a more Quick Healthy Meals, Quick Healthy Dinner option. The softer the loaves are, the better. But I always choose Malabar parathas over anything. Those firm layers function admirably with the paneer filling and give these rolls a true Calcutta style saddle move feel!
Crispy Noodles Topping
In the true spirit of Indo Chinese grub, we put crispy noodles inside the rolls for that crunch factor. We used cooked noodles and fry them lightly in oil. The noodles should turn nice golden brown - be careful not to burn them! The noodles will crisp well and add texture to the rolls Quick Meals. You can watch the video to perceive how it is finished.
If you are making a big batch then I also have a tutorial for making your own crunchy fried noodles at home
Saddle roll assembling
When you have every one of the components prepared, you can collect the move in 5 simple advances:
1. Put baked roti / Malabar paratha on your workstation Add
2. 2 tablespoons of pickled onions and spread it well
3. Then add 2 servings of paneer filling
4. Sprinkle crispy noodles over filling
5. Start from one side and press the filling inside the roti while rolling towards the other end. Cut it into 2 or 3 pieces - easy to eat!
You can also add some spicy ketchup or hot and sweet chutney over the filling for extra heat. And all! No more hunger during work days!
Serve the rolls with tomato ketchup or chili sauce, and wash them off completely with a glass of juice! This is one of the easiest to serve lunches to prepare on a busy day, and if you have some cheese left, you can eat it later as breakfast! Have more ideas for working at lunch? Let me know in the comments below!
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