foolorn-blog · 6 years
Last night I stood in the center of an empty street
and begged for the sky to take me back
I am so disconnected from my mother star
and through tears I wondered why she has forsaken me
fastened me to this wretched construct 
of bones and blood and hair
and watched me bleed 
through countless moments of sadness
eventually those moments just
add up
and the bill has to have come due
on the day when we meet
I will be angry
and happy
and sad
and maybe on acid
and I will have so many stories
to tell you
about the people I met
and the stars they came from
and that curious skin
that you trapped me in
won’t feel so tight any more
I will have stretched it out
thin like rice paper
thin enough to tear through
like a gift
this gift you gave to me
is strange
and confusing
and painful
and beautiful
how will I tell you when I get there?
How will I thank you
for all of the things you let me experience
for all of the things that broke my heart
before I got to be whole.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
Do you remember
when you promised this wouldn’t happen?
Did you say that to pacify me,
or to pacify yourself?
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
I was tired of being torn apart by strangers
disguised as lovers
so I stopped
“hand me the blade”
and I’ll show you
exactly how to butcher a girl.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
there is no mercy in the auger of your words did you know we would be moon dogs on the shoulders of Selene the iron of my blood poisoned with tenderness even when we shone gold as halos a dim echo of stars I knew we would burn down the sky
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
I've had my heart broken before and felt the aftershock
And it's strange
You don't feel the same
When I bump into old lovers it's electric with anxiety, my body runs cold
But you...
You feel like raw ache. You feel like a bruise. Like bleeding.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
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This bee wanted to go home with me, he wouldn’t leave my bouquet
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
10 steps in self-destruction, or, alternately; How I let this shit fucking happen. Again.
When I met you, you neglected to tell me that you had the power to summon earthquakes
your words 
the fissure that ruptured beneath my feet and sent me down to dance with gravity
“I need to be alone”
That death sentence waited at the bottom of a ravine composed of all of the words I couldn’t say
Because none of them would soften the impact
I wanted to scream
“Do you have any idea what you’re throwing away?”
But instead I hit the earth just hard enough to send the futility six feet deep
and the question little more than a voiceless tombstone
I’ve always treated heartbreak like a best friend
because we are always bumping into each other
hands interlocked in the ten steps it takes to dive over an edge
I’m familiar with edges
I thought I would recognize the one you used to get under my skin
I have thick skin
but it bleeds like blotter paper
I read somewhere once
that at one time people used bloodletting to cure themselves from diseases
but you’ve been spilling out of me for days now 
and I can’t
lose anymore
How many times do I have to flay myself before someone takes
the scalpel out of my hand
How many veins do I have to knot around my neck
before you realize that my heart is a noose that won’t allow me to breathe
When I was a little girl
I used to tell myself that the flowers I couldn’t plant at home
I could deposit in gardens I shared with other people
My parents never told me I could raise those flowers within myself
Please look at me
Pull away my petals and I am the last one you hope to reach
“she loves me”
you may have never brought me flowers
but that’s okay because not all graves get to see bouquets
my love for you died before i knew what it was
and I don’t think I could stand on that freshly turned earth
without baptizing it all
with the ocean you’re tearing out of me
I’ve taken
six baths
since you stopped talking to me
And I’ve realized I’m never going to be clean
I look at my skin and all I can see is a flesh-bound mausoleum
Every man who touches me finds ghosts in the crypts of my pores 
and not one of them has had the courage to love a girl who is haunted
My breast is a godless cathedral that howls with the disconnected
phantoms of every ‘I love you’ that has ever stepped inside
I lit candles in my body to try to make myself glow
but I’ve only burned myself to the ground
Tell me how to resurrect the dead with the ashes
Why is it that people are so careless with their words?
I’ve spent the entirety of my life 
struggling to choose them carefully
because some syllables are like syrup
but others are like strychnine
Tell me which one you had under your tongue when you kissed me
I don’t want to believe that I’m rotting
but my insides have spoiled
and I can’t differentiate between a stomach sick on poisons
or sweets
now when I open my mouth the only thing I can taste is my own
I can’t get the goodbye off of my lips
but you walked away with the best part of me between your teeth
Who got the best part of you?
How many girls did it take to break you to the point where
the only way you know to survive is to replace the pieces
with the ones you take from other people
I don’t regret giving myself to you
But the problem with allowing people to take what they need
is that sometimes it’s everything
and everything isn’t always enough
I want to be
You never understood what I meant but maybe that was because broken bodies don’t take transplants
and there’s no such thing
as a person who can love with only half a heart
I had a friend tell me that my softness had volatility to it
That on my head I wore horns of blue velvet
and I want nothing more
than to embody what that compliment was
So that maybe the next time someone steps into my life
they might know that they won’t
hurt me and walk away unscathed
My love
has the power to move mountains
But now I only want to see them fall
How many centuries did it take to raise the Appalachians
Because they are nothing in comparison to the alps you’ve put up between us
I still don’t know which part of what you said was the lie
My friends tell me that I am so good
at agonizing over things that I can’t change
And the one thing I have always wanted to change was myself
why did you tell me I was special if I was so easy to throw away?
Which limb did you have to lop off to free yourself from the vice that kept you with me?
Because I’m still trying to identify which of my wrists is still fastened in the snares of what you said
I could free myself if I had the courage to kill the part of me that still cares about you
how many of us are still walking around baring the scars of too many close escapes
how many of your wounds could I count if you lay yourself bare
I’m sorry that I backed you into a corner
I should have known better having already felt the bite of an injured animal
They say every demon wants it’s share of flesh
but I have given pound after pound
and filled the bellies of my devils with everything I have to offer
And they’ve never gotten off my back
My spine is perpetually bent carrying the weight of gorged failures
that have never once given me what I wanted
but once you sell your soul for love
there isn’t ever any turning back
I always hoped my path would intertwine with someone like you
but now our roads are diverging and I don’t want to be misery’s company
I am a slave to my sins
and hell isn’t a place it’s mindset
Do I really have to let you go for you to see that?
If you have to go
Please be well
Please promise me 
that if this small
beautiful thing had to die before it could ever begin
it might somehow act as a catalyst for your happiness to grow where once you had thought the fields were barren
I have always felt more like a lily pad than a woman
something men jump to and from before they reach what is it that they really want
I wanted you
More than I have ever wanted anyone in my entire life
and if I can’t have you
I hope that you can at least have happiness
because maybe then I can believe I will eventually have it too.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
All my life I've been putting out brush fires in my heart
And I keep inviting match sticks inside.  // i.c.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
You don’t just get to hurt me and walk away
You don’t get the benefit of an easy way out 
when you leave a trail of bloody footprints in your wake 
I’m going to fucking follow you
I’m going to hunt you down 
the way jackals track wounded animals
I’m going to find you
and I’m going to take a lump of flesh
sizable enough to replace what you fucking gouged from me.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
…Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final…
Rainer Maria Rilke, Go to the Limits of Your Longing (via conceptvals)
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
It’s been very rare to have known you, very strange and wonderful.
F. Scott Fitzgerald; The Beautiful and Damned (via sunsetquotes)
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
You haven't witnessed
Black magicks
Until the woman you wound
Pulls her spoiled heart from her chest
And leaves it in your hands
When it can do her no further service
You will hold it like tar between your fingers
And watch as her body fills the hole
With shadow
And she grows so ferociously
Taking up space
A sullen nightshade twining vines around your wrists
And her tongue is all poison
And her body
Once soft now sunken and cold
An echo of her anger flourishing in shades of gray and red
Her beauty marred with deceit
Her mouth a cage of teeth biting words she can't articulate
Because there is no language
That can sufficiently express
The pestilence in her blood
Shrieking your name through the cavern of every vein
You don't know magicks
But you will
When her face hardens at the sound of your voice
And where once she had been a song
Now a spell
A curse
A pox
Less like sunshine and more like thunderstorms
And she will call for the rain to wash you away.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
“how old were you
when you cracked down on the hardwood
and spilled yourself into the foyer
just another mistake to be stepped over,
no one is going to clean you up
the money has run dry and you
are seeping into the supposed wealth-
if we keep the hardwood shiny, uncracked
maybe the neighbors won’t know
what happened last spring when our minds
all thawed out back,
the aging became apparent,
and everyone reminded you that a girl
isnt worth a thing broken open, open”
-southern tradition laid bare || O.L.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
I sit in the heart of a flower to weep
soothe be my tears to root, to sleep;
cast off all blues to the changing wind
or carried away on a butterfly’s wing;
so soon pray I emerge as a yellow bird
to fly away without a fleeting word.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
Please don't go.
I promised myself I wouldn't do this to myself again.
Don't destroy me. Don't let me destroy myself.
Please please don't be one of them. Don't be one of them.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
How can one half of me be so uncertain and afraid
one half of me would rather die
because she is so in love with the world
and that same world is inconceivably large
and it’s crushing her
it’s squeezing the blood from her bones
the way people try to pull water from rocks
and the other half
is angry
steel and fire and reasoning
knowing that the world is inconceivably large
and wanting to crush instead of being crushed
one half wants to hold love like butterfly
the other wants to bury it in a lye-filled hole
somewhere far away
where it can’t hurt either of the halves
because as much as the romantic in me embraces it
the logician and the cynic can see 
that the romantic can’t handle it when it goes bad
and it almost always goes bad
so to save the whole
she wants to destroy the threat to the weaker half
but she can’t either
because she’s already equally infected
and her strengths are only external
and the romantics strengths
although internal
were never built to dismantle love
only to nurture
so maybe this is where one of the halves needs to die.
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foolorn-blog · 7 years
You are my restless voice at 3 am
Crying over things I can’t control
the feeble punchline of a joke attraction
My heart is a carved clean engine
with a lot of empty rooms
I want nothing more than to grow gardens there
but each chamber is lightless and cold
because I keep emptying it out
at 3 am.
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