foreversnightmare · 4 months
"Are you that self-absorbed?" Freyja asked, folding her arms, expecting a good reason for this prompt.
She knew nothing about him.. besides his name and what seems to be a poor ability to count. She felt as if she was wasting a bit of her time but she had already signed up to this.
"Whatever--" Freyja decided not to wait for Shez's response "--My name is Freyja, as for my age...." She didn't remember what fake age she placed in- they were all wrong regardless.
" do you... always act that way?"
me, myself and i // love hypothesis round [2]!
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foreversnightmare · 4 months
She closed her eyes as she played the tune. It broughtr back memories deep inside her-- from her time that she once stood side by side with her brother. Freyja remembered how children would pull her along in whatever game they had come up, after all.. the dream realm was always made for the children.
Freyja seemed slighly calmer once her eyes opened again, she relaxed even.
"Perhaps I shall, maybe. Im not one who leaves my office for any reason other than work" She meant that-- The goddess wanted to be on her own, and being underground in her own space is exactlty what she wanted.
She looks down at her partner for a second, trying to hold her laughter as she clears her throat. "Remember Freyja-- stay serious, will you?" The goddess would remind herself. "So, you're the one i have to speak to these next 2 days? Very well-- let's start and get to the point. How do you prefer to pass the time?"
Nils had been sitting on the slightly too large chair, swinging his legs back and forth. (Remember, no matter who you meet, give them a smile. You got an easy topic! You can do this!)
This was going to be Nils’ attempt at connecting more with other people. While he’s friendly enough to classmates, he’s still mostly kept to himself besides the people he already knew. “Hello! It’s nice to.. meet you.” Although he smiled, for a moment he stopped mid sentence when he felt an unpleasant chill run down his spine.
It seems like God still hates Nils, because the first person put in front of him was a frankly terrifying woman that not only towered over him but also exuded a deep malevolence. If the horns were not enough of a cue, that alone told Nils that this woman was not human. However, he noted, she did she carry the essence typical of dragons either.
“Er. Um…” He stumbled over his words, his nerves causing his throat to feel like it tightened up. He ended up taking a deep breath before attempting to speak again. “I’m.. actually a bard, you see?” He started with a forced smile. “So most of my free time is dedicated to maintaining my flute or practicing a new song.”
Okay, he wasn’t dead yet, that’s a good thing right? If it wasn’t the woman herself he felt like his heart might give out. He spent his entire life listening to his 6th sense, using it to protect Ninian and himself from danger. Ignoring it like this, and purposefully engaging with the danger his power actively tries to protect him from certainly is.. stressful.
“So.. how about you? How do you spend your free time, Milady?”
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foreversnightmare · 4 months
"Spend my free time? Ha." Freyja looks away, she's heard it all before. Wont hurt to try and entertain him until their time together is up. "I never have free time, not here or back home. But i guess in the rare times I did, I was always taking care of the plant life of my castle."
Those flowers once had a purpose long ago, but after everything that had happened-- If she ever returns, she'd pluck each and every flower she saw.
"I doubt those flower havent taken over everything since my time away from home, and sadly I cannot grow them here in Fodlan" It may or may not have to do with the fact that said flowers are not even real. Freyja narrowed her eyes slightly at the boy, something about him was off.
Could he sense her? that she may be a god from a distant land? Or was it just her appearance that made him tremble in place like a dog. "you play? than could you show me?"
She looks down at her partner for a second, trying to hold her laughter as she clears her throat. "Remember Freyja-- stay serious, will you?" The goddess would remind herself. "So, you're the one i have to speak to these next 2 days? Very well-- let's start and get to the point. How do you prefer to pass the time?"
Nils had been sitting on the slightly too large chair, swinging his legs back and forth. (Remember, no matter who you meet, give them a smile. You got an easy topic! You can do this!)
This was going to be Nils’ attempt at connecting more with other people. While he’s friendly enough to classmates, he’s still mostly kept to himself besides the people he already knew. “Hello! It’s nice to.. meet you.” Although he smiled, for a moment he stopped mid sentence when he felt an unpleasant chill run down his spine.
It seems like God still hates Nils, because the first person put in front of him was a frankly terrifying woman that not only towered over him but also exuded a deep malevolence. If the horns were not enough of a cue, that alone told Nils that this woman was not human. However, he noted, she did she carry the essence typical of dragons either.
“Er. Um…” He stumbled over his words, his nerves causing his throat to feel like it tightened up. He ended up taking a deep breath before attempting to speak again. “I’m.. actually a bard, you see?” He started with a forced smile. “So most of my free time is dedicated to maintaining my flute or practicing a new song.”
Okay, he wasn’t dead yet, that’s a good thing right? If it wasn’t the woman herself he felt like his heart might give out. He spent his entire life listening to his 6th sense, using it to protect Ninian and himself from danger. Ignoring it like this, and purposefully engaging with the danger his power actively tries to protect him from certainly is.. stressful.
“So.. how about you? How do you spend your free time, Milady?”
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foreversnightmare · 4 months
Inside the small wooden hut, the goddess huffs in annoyance. She was hiding already before she watched someone else walk in. Freyja narrowed her eyes, ready to strike them the moment she could. However, seeing that they seemed a little confused, the person introduced themself rather than fighting her.
"Oh-- Youre not the enemy-- Wait, Watch out!" Freyja yelled, luckily the archer missed and she watched the other hide as well.
"Its nice to meet you too, in the worse situation however. Despite being a game they are surely taking it seriously" Freyja huffs in annoyance, all she had was a tome in her hand and eerie silence that echoed in her ears. " I had an idea but, it didnt quite work out" She eyed over at a broken box "Making a shield was much harder than i originally believed."
Immortal combat
Seminars are encouraged at the monastery. They help others learn from their peers while strengthening friendship at the same time. Well… most seminars. This seminar, on the other hand, is on… the basis of keeping one’s composure? That’s what the paper says, after all. “Learn how to withstand interrogations that may test your emotional and physical strength.” What wasn’t included in the description was that the instructor would attack you the moment you arrived at the meeting place! By their words, they’ll chase you and your partner through a booby-trapped forest to raise the tension, but if you’re caught… Well, they only smile at you and count down. [Grants Sword +1]
“It enhances the atmosphere” was the only explanation of why this seminar was being held in an abandoned shack in the middle of the woods, but Yune wasn’t complaining. While it would be faster to fly, the walk gave her the chance to appreciate the beauty of nature, the grass beneath her feet, the beams of the setting sun through the trees, the… random pieces of rope on the ground?
“Hello?” She called, as she entered the wooden hut. Inside, no one, and very little besides a couple of rotting chairs, some crates, and a selection of weaponry. Yune picked up a dagger, and admired it. It was nothing special, but the metallic glint reminded her of Micaiah’s shadow. 
Her musings were interrupted by another person’s arrival, a silver-haired lady with… horns? How curious. The other strange thing was her aura, which Yune didn’t understand yet. Yune smiled at her. “Hello, are you the instructor? I’m Yune, nice to-”
Her greeting was cut short when an arrow hit the wall beside her, narrowly missing them both. 
She quickly ducked behind a crate, and heard a call from outside. “Don’t think I’ll go easy on you cause you’re a child. Your first challenge is to get out of that shack, my next arrow won’t miss.”
Yune’s eyes found the horned lady’s. “Nice to meet you.” She finished her thought. “Any ideas?”
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foreversnightmare · 4 months
Ever Had Relationship Issues? Need unwanted, straight to the point, and cold-hearted advice? Then youve arrived at the right place!
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The newest faculty member has arrived with her office door open! (please ignore that it is currently located under the monastary) Claiming to know all about human emotions! What's better than all that? Its 100% free! (to all current students and faculty members)
So what are you waiting for! Book an appointment today, and lets hear the secrets of the human mind together!
(our offices are NOT responsible for whatever fire this may ignite!!)
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : Chaste Kisses a set of generic kiss prompts, tailored for fluff & softness ! all sfw ! ** these prompts were written to be a sfw version of the typical kiss prompt ! please keep them that way & do not use them for n.sfw !
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please specify if sender or receiver is doing the action, when sending in the prompt !
* a kiss on the cheek, in passing * a tender kiss to each cheek, then to their nose * a kiss on the forehead * a kiss on the top of the head, cupping their face gently * a kiss on the top of the head, after leaning against them * a kiss on the back of their hand, formal yet intimate * a kiss to the back of their hand, before beginning to formally dance ( ex. waltzing ) * a kiss on their palm, then holding their hand against their own face * a kiss on top of a band-aid, to make it feel better * a kiss on top of a bandage, to comfort and apologize * a sweet little kiss to the back of their neck, after doing their hair or fastening a necklace, before letting the hair fall properly into place * a kiss on the corner of their lips * a kiss to their lips, smiling * a kiss to their lips, then breaking away, then returning into the kiss with a happy laugh * throwing themself into an embrace, kissing them with a smile * spinning them around, then kissing them as they set them down * a kiss in the rain after a heartfelt conversation, happy tears that blend with the light sprinkles of rain * a kiss to comfort, kissing each cheek after tenderly wiping tears away * a kiss to the back of their head, as they cuddle * peppering their face with butterfly kisses as they laugh * a kiss to say goodbye, before they leave on a trip * a kiss to their cheek, laughing after leaving a lipstick mark * a quick kiss to their lips, then commenting on their choice of lipgloss/chapstick/etc * a kiss to the forehead, to say goodnight
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
As Freyja takes a seat, she looks over at the dragon woman with slight confusion "That dish must be incredibly important... don't take this the wrong way but, it reminds me of the children I would-.." Freyja hesitated on weither or not tell Zephia the truth of her origin "-..The children I would take care off. I was a... temporary mother for most of them" Was that even more suspicious than what she was originally planning on saying?
She decides not to take it back as she stares at the ingredients being placed out on the counter. Freyja stands and walks over, pointing at the "stove". She sighs "That thing sparks from time to time, I suggest lighting it from a far to reduce the chances of being burned. I could do it if you like" Freyja's hand hovered over the opening. She closed her eyes as small wisps of magic travel towards the center until a small flame appears.
The childern who were there still applaud at such a feat!
Welcome to Food Network, We Are Going to Kill You
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
Freyja was already behind Zephia as she left with her goods. The goddess raised an eyebrow at the woman once she caught up to her "I am surprised you let someone like that slide by Lady Zephia" Freyja admits, a bit curious if cinnamon was really worth all this. However, she wasnt one to talk about taking certain situations to the extreme for something she really needs.
The two make their way back to the ''kitchen'' Freyja was stationed at, some children still sat on a nearby stack of crates. At this point, her stomach reminded her of the original issue she had... she was hungry. "You can use this..." She pointed at the sad display of a kitchen, a small frown on her face. "I need to sit down for a moment.. If you have any questions I'll be happy to help." Freyja stated as she moved towards the nearest seat to rest.
Welcome to Food Network, We Are Going to Kill You
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
"pshh, back off will you?! " the merchant stretches as they stand, clearly annoyed at their presence. "fine, fine. lets get this over with- I don't want to deal with this or you any longer" he motions to the goods in front of them "what do you want? and make it snappy, I dont got all day."
Freyja on the other hand was rather surpised the someone like Zephia would try to step in like this. She was lost in thought before coming to her senses "...Right. My friend here wants to purchase cinnamon, I know you sell some and i was hoping you could do us the honor" 'friend' is such a weird word for her to say. She was someone who didnt have anyone, not even parents. So to say the word ' friend ' so naturally felt… wrong to her.
"Cinnamon? You came here to pester me over such a simple ingredient? i should charge you extra for making such a fuss but-" the man mumbled off to the side, as if hiding something. "-Ill… make the damn exception" he takes two small containers and pushes it closer to zephia "together, thats at least 150 gold. Take it or find someone else, but I doubt you'll find cheaper." Freyja did not say anything, just casting her gaze towards Zephia. It was her desicion after all.
Welcome to Food Network, We Are Going to Kill You
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
Activity Check - Nov 2023
Wow, the end of the year already. I wanted to write a little thank you to all of you TOAsters who I've had the delight to meet! From the bottom of my heart I hope our journey together continues 💜🖤
Activity - Passed! ✔️ = +1
Arena participation = +1
Threads -> unfinished
[ adding them here when I get on to PC so take this gif instead ]
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
"I'll handle this one."
Freyja needs to, it would make her evening much, much better. Her mighty steed seemed to be enjoying this way too much. It was also ready to charge toward the bishop to finally end this madness. "I've had enough of you- save the pathetic whines for the afterlife." with a slight push forward, the horse charges forward. Freyja lifts her axe once again to deal these final blows.
Freyja 10/10HP misses and hits Dark Bishop 9/10HP with Brave Axe ROLL: Rolls: 2 (+4), -0, 12 (+4), -2.5, Dark Bishop 6.5/10HP
While she again misses her first attack, Freyja quickly rebounds and strikes her enemy from behind. Sadly, the enemy could strike back "I may be the only one left standing, but I shall avenge my fallen brethren." they'd yell, as magic builds around their fingers.
Dark Bishop 6.5/10HP counters with Apocalypse (Resonance activates!) ROLL: Roll: 2 (+4), -0.5 (Lifetaker activates!), Freyja 9.5/10HP, Dark Bishop 5.5/10HP Sesshoseki activates! Dark Bishop 3.5/10HP
Dark Bishop 4.5/10HP follows up and counters with Apocalypse (Resonance activates!) ROLL: Roll: 12 (+4), -0.5 (Lifetaker activates!), Freyja 9/10HP, Dark Bishop 2.5/10HP Sesshoseki activates! Dark Bishop 0.5/10HP Poison Strike activates! Freyja 8/10HP
The two stand there for a moment in awkward silence. For someone who was boasting not even a few minutes ago, this must feel incredibly embarrassing. Freyja smiles at the irony of it all "Well, Now that the show is over, let me show you some real power."
Galeforce activates! Freyja receives an additional turn. Freyja is restored by Bond! Freyja 9/10HP Freyja 9/10HP crits Dark Bishop 0.5/10HP with Brave Axe ROLL: Roll: 20 (+4), -5, Dark Bishop 0/10HP Dark Bishop has been defeated!
"Drift into darkness." In one clean swing, she could have sworn that I sent a shiver of satisfaction down her spine. The bishop's lifeless body falls next to the rest of them and Freyja smiles at the sight of it all. "See, it was easy to deal with- now let's get out of here before--" bonk! a small stone hits the top of her head as she gently rubs the area.
The critical hit damages the cavern! Cavern 5/10HP. Freyja, Forsyth, Julia, and Caeldori take damage from the collapsing cavern! [Freyja 8/10HP, Forsyth 9/10HP, Julia 7.5/10HP, Caeldori 8/10HP]
"Ah... This is the second time this has happened to me now..." Freyja turns to the way they came from "Let us get out of here, before were buried under all these rocks... I don't want to have to carry any other gravely injured humans"
 sainthood, weeping. | team 15∶gold
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
While the rest of her team seemed to be handing Leto well enough, Freyja sighed. "I never understood how humans could take a dragon to be a God. They're nowhere near immortality despite their long life span and can die oh so easily." As she spoke, she heard as the creature let out its final cry. Her worshipper wailed the loss of their "god" and before she knew it- they were already at the offensive. Freyja knew what she has to do.
The dark bishop barks out a laugh. "What was that? You call that an attack?" Despite being unable to even strike her back, the high of it all must've gotten to their head. Freyja stayed silent before charging at them again, this time with a clearer focus.
Freyja barely hits Dark Bishop 8.5/10
(-1.5 HP) Dark Bishop 7/10
As someone who was completely lost in her own thoughts up until now, she was present to watch her ally fall. "Cowardance.." She snarled, using her axe to point at the dark bishop. "You attack the one person here who had no way strike you back," but it seems the thrill of the kill was all the "man" had in mind. Freyja had to remind herself to keep calm "it's fine. One loss cannot stop us, do not be disheartened." She aimed this more for herself than to the rest of the group .
 sainthood, weeping. | team 15∶gold
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
Riding a horse was certainly a very different feeling than just transforming and walking on in... but the last time she transformed in a cavern it didnt really go well. Her horse seemed normal enough even if it hesitated to go any deeper in the cave, all it took was a gentle push forward to get him moving again.
"Do not worry, I am behind you" Freyja responded to Julia as they drew closer to their mysterious foes. The goddess frowned at them, however she highly doubts that these things could feel anything at all. "It's in human nature to worship anything they see hmm..? Very well-" Taking Julia instructions, Freyja turned towards the bishop with a sinster aura, axe in her hand. "Do not fret, death is nothing but eternal sleep" she said coldly as she rushes the weakened enemy.
Freyja 10/10HP attacks Bishop 0.5/10HP! Roll 1: 11(+4) = -2.5HP Miracle Acctivates!!
The fact that they still stand impressed Freyja for only a brief moment as she quickly circled back to give the finishing blow.
Roll 2: 13(+4) = -2.5HP Bishop has been defeated!
It's body hits the cavern ground as Freyja looks at her axe for a moment, even her horse seemed quite pleased with itself. "Easy, Lets move on to the next one shall we?"
 sainthood, weeping. | team 15∶gold
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
It seems so ridicous to have such petty argument's in a battle, but who is she to judge how a human reacts? Miss "Wouldve ended the world for her brother" certainly cant. Freyja had used her shield as a way to balance herself while the earth was shaking, She ws wondering if it was even worth attack such a creature until she felt the chilling blast of ice magic breeze past her.
"Lady Freyja, I've provided you an opening. I trust you to take full advantage of it."
Freyja looked back at where Julia was and gave her a small smile before quickly turning to give her attention to the monster, her hands squeezed the throat of the axe-handle
Freyja 10/10HP misses and critically hits a Alligatorid Husk 44/50 HP with Brave Axe Roll: 9(-4), 16(-4) = 3 damage!
Despite feeling the axe strike against the enemy.. she notices it did really do much against it, perhaps its armor is just to much for her to be able to break through normally, the frozen creature trembles beneath her hit as it slowly thaws out "You are truly putting in the work Julia, I doubt we would be able to hit this thing without you."
you, me and our trusty friend the light rune (team 15 silver round)
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foreversnightmare · 6 months
their last battle couldnt have been more chaotic if it wanted too- but that is in the past now, as they face their new foe. She narrows her eyes as she realizes that where they are at now, this thing could easily strike her down if given the chance.
Freyja raises her axe to lay over her shoulder thinking of what she could do before the soft voice called her name. "Julia..." to see her standing after last round... at least she knows now if something goes terribly wrong, their "death" is not perminate. Seeing what Julia offers, she gives the girl a small smile and a brisk nod "I apprecate it, take a step back.. Let me see what how much I can actually do."
Freyja 10/10HP attack Titanus twice! with Brave Axe (Axebreaker activates!) Rolls: 13 (-4) (17 + 2: Pavise activates!) = 1 Rolls: 19 (-4) (11 + 2: Pavise activates!) = 1.5
It doesnt help this THING is so... large that it almost imtimidating to someone like her.. she finds it underving
Titanus 12.5/15 HP counters with Runesword (Axebreaker activates!) Roll: 5 (+4) Freyja is protected by Light Rune! Sesshoseki activates! [Titanus 10.5/15 HP HP] Titanus 10.5/15 HP follows up and counters with Runesword (Axebreaker activates!) Roll: 15 (+4) Freyja is protected by Light Rune! -0, Freyja 10/10HP] Sesshoseki activates! [Titanus 8.5/15 HP HP]
She hasnt done much actual damage... at least not the type of damage that she wishes she had done "Thank you Julia, that protection saved my life" the goddess gave the girl a small bow.
you, me and our trusty friend the light rune (team 15 silver round)
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foreversnightmare · 7 months
After that..... rather terrible moment Freyja shook her head to try to concitrate again. Despite feeling rather weak after tanking all thoughs attacks- she still had a mission in her head.
Freyja 1/10HP is restores 1hp by Ochain Shield! Current HP - 2/10HP Freyja 2/10HP is afflicted with Burned! -1! 1/10HP
"okay, lets actually get you out of here" Freyja states as a more confident smirk appears on her face "make sure you step back" she warns before swing the sword against the cage.
Freyja 1/10HP crits Cage 2/5HP with SWORDREAVER [Roll: 20, -7, Cage is broken!]
The cage's bars snap as her axe strikes against its bars, freeing their imprisioned companion "much better, i hope youre eagared to fight-- because we need as many hands as possible." She looks at their enemies, her eyes narrowing "as long as I'm healed, I should be able to tank most hits.. should be a breeze, maybe."
Gofannon 8/10HP counters with Serrated Beak Roll: 16, 10, -0, -0, Freyja 1/10HP
Easy, just as she believed originally "I shall tank this monster's counter as much as I can."
◜  ₊  —  𝓡  ˚  ₊ 𝐍𝐎 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒; team 15, bronze round.
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foreversnightmare · 7 months
Following behind Julia, Freyja was for sure that everything could go well-
How wrong she was because as soon as she stepped foot into the area of action everything was out of control. The flames made it hard to see where everyone was-- enemy or friend. Gods, what the hell even happen here?
As she narrowly avoided the flames, Freyja found herself face to face with the cage and her esteemed coworker "well well well, someones in a bind arent you?" She knows that she should probably be more serious than this, however-- she cant help herself. "let me help you out of this bind"
Freyja 10/10HP uses SWORDREAVER on the CAGE ROLL: 1d20 = 6 MISS!
Well now she just looks..... stupid letting out the most awkward laugh "well...... uhm, anyways-" Freyja looks away, just to avoid this total fail of an attack. She steps to the side a bit to far, allowing the flames to touch the cloth she wore. Quickly attempting to put the fire out a sudden bright flash of light hits the corner of her eyes
Julia 6.5/10HP counters with SERAPHIM ROLL: 10 (+8) = -3 Freyja 7/10HP Freyja is inflicted with Burned!
"GAHH-- JULIA-!" Freyja snaps at the girl "Are you not--!?" she stops herself before saying anything else. It might not be her fault anyways... Freyja tries her best to relax before pressing any further.
◜  ₊  —  𝓡  ˚  ₊ 𝐍𝐎 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒; team 15, bronze round.
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